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[FE8] Test Draft - A Balancing attempt.

Wen Yang

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1. This draft is for 4 players.

2. Eirika/Ephraim, Orson, Tethys, and Myrrh are free for all to use.

3. Seth is banned from all use.

4. The game will be played on Hard Mode.

5. The use of the Rescue function is banned.

6. Drafting will follow the usual snake pattern of 12344321.

Exception: The second round will have 2 picks for each player.


1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, rescue undrafted units and NPCs, trade, visit Shops and Armories and dig up items in the desert.

2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, building Supports, and opening Doors or Chests.

3. Map shopping is allowed.

4. Skirmishes/use of the Tower or Ruins is disallowed. Skirmishes that are blocking your path may be activated and immediately fled from.

5. Defend chapters count the last played Player Phase for turns if the timer is waited out.


1. Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty, per unit per chapter.

2. Seth has a special 8 turn penalty per chapter.


1. Vanessa may be used to Rescue Ross in Chapter 2.

2. Trainees may be trained in the tower up to level 10/1/0 with the aid of undrafted units. Undrafted units may only meatshield and heal during this process.

3. Thieves may be used to acquire necessary promotion items.


1. PKL - Franz, Kyle, Natasha, Syrene, Gilliam, Neimi, Ewan.

2. Bolting - Vanessa, Moulder, Cormag, Duessel, Joshua, Larachel, Dozla.

3. The Creeper - Garcia, Tana, Lute, Forde, Rennac, Innes, Marisa.

4. Kopfjager - Artur, Saleh, Colm, Ross, Gerik, Amelia, Knoll.

Edited by Kopfjager
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With Wen's permission, I am also using PKL's team.

Prologue: 2 turns


Eirika level was expected/10

Chapter 1: 5 turns

Much harder, but easier than ever due to Franz and Gilly. Eirika critblicked the boss. It was great.


Eirika 4.4317 HP 6 Strength 9 Skill 12 Speed 7 Luck, 5Defense 1 Resist
Franz 1.98 20 HP 7 Strength, 5 Skill, 7 Speed, 2 Luck, 6 Defense 1 Resist
Gilliam 4.90 25 HP 9 Strength 6 Skill 3 Spd 3 Luck 9 Defense 3 Resist

Edited by 13th
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Prologue - 2/2 turns.


Name    Class   	 Level   	 HP    Str/Mag    Skl    Spd    Lck    Def    Res
Eirika    Lord   	 2.45   	 16    5    8    10    6    3    1

Chapter 1 - 5/7 turns.

Same deal as usual.

Name    Class   	 Level   	 HP    Str/Mag    Skl    Spd    Lck    Def    Res
Eirika    Lord   	 4.79   	 18    7    10    12    7    3    3

Chapter 2 - 5/12 turns.

Blessed Eirika makes the impossible possible.

Name    Class   	 Level   	 HP    Str/Mag    Skl    Spd    Lck    Def    Res
Eirika    Lord   	 7.31   	 21    10    11    14    10    3    4
Ross    Journeyman    1.0   	 15    5    2    3    8    3    0

Chapter 3 - 7/19 turns.

Oh well, at least Eirika and Ross levelled well. :3:

Name    Class   	 Level   	 HP    Str/Mag    Skl    Spd    Lck    Def    Res
Eirika    Lord   	 9.72   	 22    11    13    15    11    3    5
Ross    Journeyman    2.63   	 15    6    2    4    9    4    0
Colm    Thief   	 2.96   	 18    4    4    10    8    3    1

Chapter 4 - 6/25 turns.

Woo Eirika going ORKO happy. Woo Ross getting kickass levels. Woo for finally getting Artur.

Name    Class   	 Level   	 HP    Str/Mag    Skl    Spd    Lck    Def    Res
Eirika    Lord   	 11.40   	 22    11    15    15    13    3    6
Ross    Journeyman    6.33   	 19    9    3    8    10    6    2
Colm    Thief   	 4.53   	 20    5    5    12    9    3    1
Artur    Monk   	 5.7   	 21    7    8    10    4    3    9

Edited by Kopfjager
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Prologue - 2 turns

Standard, down to the level up.

Chapter 1 - 5 turns

Easy enough.

Chapter 2 - 6 turns

Vanessa went right, Eirika down. Moulder got the villages and healed once or twice.

Chapter 3 - 7 turns

Broke down walls with a Steel Sword/Javelin combo. Colm was left to his own devices as an NPC. Moulder kept Vanessa from dying, while Eirika charged the boss.

Chapter 4 - 7 turns

I could've done better, but I would've needed an extra combatant. Maybe I should've took Gilliam.

Chapter 5 - 7 turrns

Archers can die in a hole. I could've 6 turned, but that would've meant that I couldn't recruit Joshua, who will probably be worth that 1 turn considering no rescue.

Chapter 5x - 10 turns

This is the minimum with no rescue I think. Ephraim only got two levels.

Edited by Bolting
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Chapter 5 - 6/31 turns.

Eirika charges Saar and kills anything in her way, Joshua included. Colm nabs stuff. Everyone else self-improves.

Name	Class		Level		HP	Str/Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Eirika	Lord		11.40		22	11	15	15	13	3	6
Ross	Journeyman	6.33		19	9	3	8	10	6	2
Colm	Thief		4.53		20	5	5	12	9	3	1
Artur	Monk		5.7		21	7	8	10	4	3	9

Chapter 5x - 10/41 turns.

Welcome to the Ephraim and Orson Show!

Artur receives a Dracoshield.

Ross receives a Secret Book.

Name	Class		Level		HP	Str/Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Eirika	Lord		14.71		25	13	15	16	16	4	6
Ephraim	Lord		5.18		24	9	10	12	8	8	2
Ross	Journeyman	8.86		20	10	5	9	10	7	2
Colm	Thief		4.53		20	5	5	12	9	3	1
Artur	Monk		6.18		21	8	8	10	4	6	10

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Prologue - 2/2

I DID THIS AWESOME STRAT AND THEN -- no, wait, I didn't. Standard fare.

Eirika   	2.66	17  05  09  10  05  03  01   E Swords                            	

C1 - 5/7

Again, nothing new.

Eirika   	4.65	19  06  10  11  07  05  02   D Swords	
Gilliam  	4.48	25  09  06  03  03  09  03   C Lances
Franz    	2.41	21  07  05  08  03  07  01   E Swords D Swords                          	

C2 - 5/12

Yay for Franz and blessed Eirika (oh yeah, and Gilliam for Red Gem and Elixir)! Tried to swing for a 4 turn clear, but it wouldn't work.

UNIT 		LEVEL	HP  ST  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS   WEP LEVEL       				
Eirika   	6.61	20  08  11  13  09  05  02   D Swords	
Gilliam  	4.48	25  09  06  03  03  09  03   C Lances
Franz    	3.55	22  07  06  09  04  07  01   E Swords D Swords                          	

C3 - 7/19

Why the hell was this so hard for me? This chapter is usually easy as balls. I think me having Franz actually made this HARDER by tempting me to provoke the archer/thief too soon. Neimii.gif...wub.gif

UNIT 		LEVEL	HP  ST  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS   WEP LEVEL           			
Eirika   	8.01	22  09  12  14  10  06  03   C Swords	
Gilliam  	4.59	25  09  06  03  03  09  03   C Lances
Franz    	4.97	23  08  07  10  05  07  01   D Swords D Swords
Neimi    	2.05	18  05  05  07  05  03  02   D Bows                   			

C4 - 5/24

Took me a few tries for RNG to break my way. I won't lie. On a plus side, Franz got like 5 good levels in a row. He's literally mini-Seth now.

UNIT     	LEVEL	HP  ST  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS   WEP LEVEL                   	
Eirika   	9.29	23  10  12  15  11  06  04   C Swords	
Gilliam  	5.46	26  09  07  03  04  10  03   C Lances
Franz    	9.00	27  11  09  14  09  11  01   D Swords D Swords
Neimi    	2.98	18  05  05  07  05  03  02   D Bows                           	

EDIT: "2. Trainees may be trained in the tower up to level 10 with the aid of undrafted units. Undrafted units may only meatshield and heal during this process." <--LOVE THIS RULE

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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Chapter 6 - 5/46 turns.

Amusingly, Artur of all people did the heavy lifting of tanking the crap out of the enemies on a fort. Artur kicks ass.

Name	Class		Level		HP	Str/Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Eirika	Lord		16.17		26	14	16	17	18	5	7
Ephraim	Lord		5.18		24	9	10	12	8	8	2
Ross	Fighter		1.0		24	14	8	9	11	7	3
Colm	Thief		5.45		21	6	5	13	10	3	1
Artur	Monk		8.89		22	9	9	12	4	6	12

Chapter 7 - 7/53 turns.

Eirika took the water route. Everyone else gets exp (and an energy ring courtesy of Colm).

Artur receives an Energy Ring.

Name	Class		Level		HP	Str/Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Eirika	Lord		17.59		26	14	16	17	18	6	7
Ephraim	Lord		5.18		24	9	10	12	8	8	2
Ross	Fighter		3.56		25	16	8	10	11	8	3
Colm	Thief		7.63		22	6	7	14	12	3	2
Artur	Monk		10.38		23	12	10	13	5	6	13

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Chapter 5 - 5/29

Franz moves max distance every turn, and he HAS to ORKO both fighters on turn 1 EP; Natasha heals Franz on turn 2 and Eirika blocks off the brigand's path so she won't get raped by them. Gilliam collects a free Dracoshield and Natasha collects an armorslayer on turn 5 (and I got Franz to D swords, so he can use it...hehehe). Franz kills Joshua on his way, reaches 2 spaces away from the boss on turn 4, does two rounds of javelin combat, and kills off the boss on turn 5.

Javelin had no crit chance against the boss, which pissed me off. Could've 4 turned it with perseverence.

@Kopf: I think you might want to do something with Franz. Even without rescue function, he's just owning shit with high MOV and saving turns that way (although I could do similar things with Vanessa).

UNIT     	LEVEL	HP  ST  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS   WEP LEVEL                   	
Eirika   	9.98	23  10  12  15  11  06  04   C Swords	
Gilliam  	5.46	26  09  07  03  04  10  03   C Lances
Franz    	12.37   29  13  12  17  09  11  02   D Swords C Lances
Neimi    	3.46	19  06  06  08  05  03  02   D Bows 
Natasha  	1.14	18  02  04  08  06  02  06   D Staves                           	

Chapter 5x - 10/39

The minimum for this chapter w/o rescue function. Since I had Kyle drafted (well, PKL did, but I'm sharing the units), I could (with a little luck) nab both treasures JUST IN TIME and get Kyle a couple levels as well. Basically jav raped everything.

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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Funky save crap happened. Resulting in the deletion of all my post C4 data...


Let me just post Prologue now.

2 turns.


Eirika 2.45 16 HP 5 Strength 8 Skill 10 Speed 6 Luck 3 Defense 1 Resist

Chapter 1: 5 turns

Easy easy easy. 2 Defense on Eirika, but no Strength. Hmm...

Eirika 2.45 16 HP 5 Strength 9 Skill 11 Speed 6 Luck 5 Defense 2 Resist
Franz 1.65 20 HP 7 Strength 5 Skill 7 Speed 2 Luck 6 Defense 1 Resist
Gilliam 4.10 9 Strength 6 Skill 3 Speed 3 Luck 9 Defense 3 Resist

Edited by 13th
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Damn it, I made the mistake of shuffling my Emulator folders a bit. Now my save is screwy.


Anywho, generic Prologue is Generic

Prologue: 2 turns

Chapter 1: 5 turns

Its not hard when your army consists of all but Seth.

Name Class Level.EXP HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Eirika Lord 4.43 17 6 9 12 7 5 1
Franz Cav 1.98 20 7 5 7 2 6 1
Gilly Armor 4.90 25 9 6 3 3 9 3

Chapter 2: 6 turns

Garcia has to not get to about 11 HP, or he will waste turns and heal.

Eirika Lord 6.42 18 HP 7 Str 11 Skill 13 Spd 8 Lck 5 Def 1 Res
Franz Cav 2.52 21 7 5 7 3 7 2 
Gilly Armor 5.38 26 10 6 3 3 10 3

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I've been secretly working on this forever lol

Pre Route Split

Prologue - 2 turns (2)


Chapter 1 - 5 turns (7)


Chapter 2 - 5 turns (12)

See a trend?

Chapter 3 - 7 turns (19)

Clever wall breaking timing was the key.

Chapter 4 - 6 turns (25)

Gah not enough units for a 5 turn

Chapter 5 - 6 turns (31)

Got all the villages, and hat who turned out practically useless in the end.

Chapter 5x - 10 turns (41)

No rescue damnit

Chapter 6 - 3 turns (44)

Vanessa is op and managed to dodge an Archer, and reached Novala in time. Cool.

Chapter 7 - 7 turns (51)

Eirika runs across a river. Yay.

Chapter 8 - 9 turns (60)

Eirika runs to the boss. Yay!


Chapter 9 - 18 turns (78)

Fuck this level

Chapter 10 - 10 turns (88)

Fuck a defense mission I couldn't beat but yay Duracell and Cormag

Chapter 11 - 8 turns (96)

Speedwing Duracell kills everything and Vanessa promotes

Chapter 12 - 4 turns (100)

Vanessa flies to the boss and kills him with the Axereaver

Chapter 13 - 8 turns (108)

Pirates cost me like 2 turns >.>

Chapter 14 - 7 turns (115)

Pretty much pray that only one staff hits per turn so I can keep on top of statuses. Spammed a lot of PWs and Duracell got Hammerine

Chapter 15 - 6 turns (121)

2 Fliers and Duracell kind of broke it

Late Game

Chapter 16 - 4 turns (125)

Boots to Ephraim Warp him and he charges Orson himself and kills him.

Chapter 17 - 2 turns (127)

Ephraim is warped and kills Lyon

Chapter 18 - 7 turns (134)

Moulder Warped everyone but Dozla at least once lol. L'Arachel spammed Hammerine

Chapter 19 - 1 turn (135)

Reiv is awful but Ephraim was moreso so I had to rely on a Killer Lance crit

Chapter 20 - 3 turns (138)

Everyone rushes, Moulder warps Ephraim to seize on turn 3 after Cormag killed Movra

Final Chapter - 2+1 turns (141)

Warped Duracell who cleared the way and Ephraim too. Ephraim somehow crits so I Latona with Moulder so Duracell has enough health to finish off Lyon

Part 2 was Moulder using the rest of his Warp on Duracell again and Ephraim, Duracell, Cormag and Joshua

gg Demon King

141 turns. Wonder what I could've pulled with rescue...

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