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charcters that might go in the new super smash bros


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I wouldn't be happy if they did this. Lucina could be a costume for Marth, that I'll agree with, but the others? The only thing Chrom has in common with Ike is Aether and design concept (tattered cape, single shoulder guard, heck, the tunic even lacks a sleeve, though Ike's was ripped instead of intentionally left out), otherwise, they are different characters that could have very different abilities. And Fox, Falco, and Wolf are all completely different from one another too. They have similar movesets, but I'm sure that could be fixed by changing them up a bit.

Daisy is already a Peach costume, but I'd prefer her to be a separate character. Unfortunately, that's not likely to happen... Dr. Mario is a good costume for Mario though.

Honestly, I especially think it would be stupid to reduce Ike to a mere costume after he was a default playable character and popular in Brawl.

that's the thing. they're not just trying to make different characters, they're trying to make all the characters balanced, so that we won't have another Metaknight. they've already said that they're not going to increase the number of characters in the roster, and are probably going to cut a few in order to make balancing easier. they'll probably be cutting all the characters who don't have a distinctive enough moveset to stand out. my suggestion is merely a way to satisfy the people who want varied characters available. it's not ideal, but it's good enough for what Super Smash Bros is supposed to be, a party game celebrating Nintendo's franchises.

and if they keep the same number of characters available, i would rather have two completely unique movesets than having essentially two clones of fox with minor differences filling up character spaces.

and no, there is only a Peach costume that has the same color palette as Daisy. not the same thing. and i don't see why Chrom can't replace Ike with a similar moveset. I don't think there's enough of a difference between them to say it can't happen.

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Well, I'm 100% sure Ike won't be going anywhere. Like I said, Ike is a default character, which have never been removed, and he had plenty more reasons for being in than Roy. And he still has reasons to stick around.

Also, where is it stated that the roster won't grow bigger? I do remember Sakurai saying that he was going to focus more on gameplay and stuff, but that doesn't mean he won't increase the number of characters at all.

EDIT: Oh, and thank you, Caladbolg. :)

Edited by Anacybele
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Well, I'm 100% sure Ike won't be going anywhere. Like I said, Ike is a default character, which have never been removed, and he had plenty more reasons for being in than Roy. And he still has reasons to stick around.

Also, where is it stated that the roster won't grow bigger? I do remember Sakurai saying that he was going to focus more on gameplay and stuff, but that doesn't mean he won't increase the number of characters at all.

EDIT: Oh, and thank you, Caladbolg. :)

Here's a link to the interview with Sakurai where he discusses limiting the character roster of the game

"It isn’t a matter of ‘if the next game has 50 characters, that’ll be enough.’ There is a certain charm to games that have huge casts of playable characters, but they tend to have issues with game balance and it becomes very difficult to fine-tune each character and have them all feel distinctive…. In terms of quantity, we’ve probably already reached the limit of what’s feasible. I think a change of direction may be what’s needed. "
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I don't see how that's saying Sakurai absolutely won't increase the number of characters at all. He's implying that he definitely won't add very many though. I don't even want many added myself for the same reasons as him. I just really want Chrom, Daisy, and Ghirahim to be added and Ike to stay.

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I could see Ike removed and replaced with Chrom though. I know Chrom is a quick fighter in FE:A, but so's Ike in his games. I could see Chrom become the new Ike like that.

Just my two cents.

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If Ike was unlockable, maybe. But he's default, so that automatically bumps up his chances of staying.

They could keep him as a secret character. Captain Falcon changed from secret to default, but then became secret again. My point is, don't base it off of him being default. As far as I'm concerned, they can easily remove him because he's not the most recent FE lord anymore.

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I don't see how that's saying Sakurai absolutely won't increase the number of characters at all. He's implying that he definitely won't add very many though. I don't even want many added myself for the same reasons as him. I just really want Chrom, Daisy, and Ghirahim to be added and Ike to stay.

he's saying that he believes that the game has reached the limit of characters that can be possibly balanced, then he said that it's not more characters what the game needs, but a change in direction (whatever that may mean)

unless you want him to spell it out, it can't really be much clearer.

and honestly, i sincerely doubt that Ike will be staying. on a business standpoint, they would probably select someone from a more recent game in order to promote the franchise, since the game is essentially a glorified commercial (a very fun one, but a commercial nonetheless) the franchise needs a lord that would attract new fans, and honestly it's easier to do this if their introduction to the series is through the most recent and relevant game/character rather than on a past game, from a previous game system that has already lived its life. and since i highly doubt we'll be getting any sort of new fire emblem in the near future, Chrom is the best candidate for this. As far as Fire Emblem goes, the only one guaranteed a spot is Marth, and that's only because he has seniority.

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They could keep him as a secret character. Captain Falcon changed from secret to default, but then became secret again. My point is, don't base it off of him being default. As far as I'm concerned, they can easily remove him because he's not the most recent FE lord anymore.

Only, Ike has never been a secret character. And default characters have NEVER BEEN REMOVED. Doesn't anyone here actually read what I'm saying?

Also, it's not just that Ike is a default character. He's way more popular than Roy, has more games than any other lord barring Marth, and a poll showed that Ike is one of the most wanted characters to return. I believe he beat out both Marth and Chrom on it as well. If not, then I know for sure that he beat one of them. Ike is also unique as a character. He's the only heavyweight sword user for instance and Chrom would likely be middleweight.

I still believe that Ike's chances of being removed are slim to none.

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And default characters have NEVER BEEN REMOVED.

By the same logic as that, Ike will get removed since we lose the FE Lord that isn't Marth, since Roy didn't get into Brawl. Also, Toon Link will be replaced by someone else, since the Younger Link got replaced in the last switch too.

We've had characters removed from one game change, so there are no trends that they follow in regards to character removal.

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Personally I would be ready to bet against Ike being in the next game. For any sum, really.

It's not that I believe Ike's chances of staying to be zero, but rather I find it more probable that he is removed versus not. However, I've already stated my opinion clearly in the other thread and have concluded that my opinion is not enough to falter the fanboyism - or rather, fangirlism - that Anacybele has towards Ike. Regardless of it being, from my perspective, in all ways against reasoning and therefore, from my perspective, it being completely without support and thus nearly void. That is all I have to say about the matter, since I hate to make speculations about a game which I don't even have any hype for.

Your dedication towards the matter is quite outstanding, however. Personally, I wouldn't bother going against almost everyone else's opinions just for the sake of argument, since all of the discussion done here probably won't change the final game in any way anyway.

The point of this post was that people are entitled to differing opinions and that Anacybele's is so strong that I would advice against trying to change it. That's kind of admirable though, I suppose. It just feels so futile to discuss about whether or not Ike will stay in Serenes'.

Edited by Piss Macho Macho Macho
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By the same logic as that, Ike will get removed since we lose the FE Lord that isn't Marth, since Roy didn't get into Brawl. Also, Toon Link will be replaced by someone else, since the Younger Link got replaced in the last switch too.

We've had characters removed from one game change, so there are no trends that they follow in regards to character removal.

Nope. Roy was added for different reasons than Ike and was not as popular. Plus, he was also unlockable. Ike is not. And just because they removed an FE character and a Zelda character ONE time doesn't mean their replacements will get cut too.

EDIT: Piss Macho Macho Macho: Oh, sorry, I didn't see your post at first. Yeah, it's pretty pointless to argue anymore from here on out, so I'll shut up.

EDIT2: Also, I just realized something. Brawl has 40 characters. If Sakurai thinks 50 is the limit, he's adding ten more.

Edited by Anacybele
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And just because they removed an FE character and a Zelda character ONE time doesn't mean their replacements will get cut too.

And just because they've never removed default characters in the one time they did so, doesn't meant they never will.

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And just because they've never removed default characters in the one time they did so, doesn't meant they never will.

Where did they ever remove a default character? If you're talking about Captain Falcon, I didn't know he was once default and then made unlockable, but he was still never removed completely.

Oh, also, we've had two Smash Bros. games since the first one, and no default characters have been removed entirely at all. Sakurai will more likely keep them all in than cut Brawl newcomers.

Edited by Anacybele
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Where did they ever remove a default character? If you're talking about Captain Falcon, I didn't know he was once default and then made unlockable, but he was still never removed completely.

Oh, also, we've had two Smash Bros. games since the first one, and no default characters have been removed entirely at all. Sakurai will more likely keep them all in than cut Brawl newcomers.

Perhaps a better choice of words from me would have been "And just because they've never removed default characters in the one time they removed characters, doesn't mean they never will".

Prior to Brawl, there was no precedent for removing characters, the Melee-Brawl change was the first time it happened. It's not impossible for them to remove default characters from Brawl in the Brawl-WiiU change without precedent either. The argument of "Ike was a default character in Brawl, and they've never removed default characters, so Ike'll stay" holds just as much weight as "The FE character who isn't Marth gets removed" since both happened/didn't happen for the first time when we went from Melee to Brawl.

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Nope. Roy was added for different reasons than Ike and was not as popular. Plus, he was also unlockable. Ike is not. And just because they removed an FE character and a Zelda character ONE time doesn't mean their replacements will get cut too.

EDIT: Piss Macho Macho Macho: Oh, sorry, I didn't see your post at first. Yeah, it's pretty pointless to argue anymore from here on out, so I'll shut up.

EDIT2: Also, I just realized something. Brawl has 40 characters. If Sakurai thinks 50 is the limit, he's adding ten more.

Sakurai never said 50 was the limit. He said that it would be nice to have 50 characters, but that balancing so many would be a pain in the ass. and that Brawl already had the limit of characters that could reasonably be balanced and still have unique movesets.

so you're looking at a roster of around 40, and that quite possibly they'll either be modifying some characters substantially so that they don't feel like copies of each other, or just plain remove and/or replace them. pick your poison.

Edited by Liz
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Ike has only been in one SSBB, there is only one SSBB so it's no big deal if Ike gets demoted to secret character or dlc.

I mean Roy was scrapped late in developement so maybe Ike will have the same. And I'd still buy the game because it's Smash Bros.

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I mean Roy was scrapped late in developement so maybe Ike will have the same. And I'd still buy the game because it's Smash Bros.

If Ike isn't in, I refuse to buy it. There is just no reason for him to be removed, and I think the team would be fools to do so. Even if he's made unlockable instead of default, I'd be fine with that. I just want to play as him again.

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But there IS a reason for him to be removed: The team might deem that the character slot is better used with another character, and I believe that the choices made by the team are good, when considering the bigger picture. After all, out of the games in the Smash Bros. series, all three have been excellent.

You would never play Melee because it has no Ike? Inversely, if you would play Melee, you also would play the next game in the line if it's a good one. And if you wouldn't try out a game which the majority thinks is good, just because it doesn't have a particular character, I would call that prejudice.

Actually, why buy any games without Ike at all? There are, after all, a grand total of three games featuring him!

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But there IS a reason for him to be removed: The team might deem that the character slot is better used with another character, and I believe that the choices made by the team are good, when considering the bigger picture. After all, out of the games in the Smash Bros. series, all three have been excellent.

I don't think there is at all. If Ike were removed, a lot of fans would be pissed since he's quite popular out west. That's not a good sign.

You would never play Melee because it has no Ike? Inversely, if you would play Melee, you also would play the next game in the line if it's a good one. And if you wouldn't try out a game which the majority thinks is good, just because it doesn't have a particular character, I would call that prejudice.

Actually, why buy any games without Ike at all? There are, after all, a grand total of three games featuring him!

Now you're just being ridiculous. Ike didn't exist when Melee came out. And we both know very well that Ike has no business in other games besides FE and Smash Bros and other games FE crosses over with. I just refuse to buy the next Smash Bros. if it lacks Ike because I believe Ike belongs in it.

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I don't think there is at all. If Ike were removed, a lot of fans would be pissed since he's quite popular out west. That's not a good sign.

Mewtwo was popular. Yet they kept fucking Jigglypuff?

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