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[FE9] Draft 69


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Continuing from last time, I was at Chp 19 Base

Wow, the Brave Bow sells for nearly 3k. I also sold Tornado and a Master Seal, and forged a Max Mt/Max Hit Silver Axe

Chp 19: 3/114

Rushed Mordecai and my Paladins, drawing Naesala out on turn 2. I talked to him with Ulki, then since Reyson can't talk to him, I tried something. I put Kieran in front of the boss with the Red Axe+, which would kill him on the EP counterattack. Then I ended to see if Naesala would talk to Reyson before the boss suicided into Kieran. It didn't work, so I missed the Knight Ring. Oh well

Chp 20: 4/118

Ulki took the Demi Band and took on all of the Wyvern Riders, taking only a few hits thanks to Vigilance. He gained a lot of Exp this way, which helped. Kieran and Titania rushed along the normal route while Gatrie went for the Smite scroll and Ike followed the Paladins, snagging the Rescue staff. Sothe was able to steal a Mend, and Mist spammed Ward and was able to reach B-rank Staff.

I forged another Silver Axe and gave Smite to Gatrie since he may sometimes be able to Smite Ulki or something.

Chp 21: 8/126

Demi Band Ulki grabbed Mist and followed Kieran and Titania as they rushed down the short path. On Turn 3, they used Pink Axes to clear away the Mage and Sage, allowing Ulki to drop Mist on the now-uninhabited corner. Mordecai rescued Ike, and on Turn 4, Mist used the Rescue staff on Mordecai. Kieran and Titania ran around the usual way while Ike and Mordecai started clearing out the enemies. Ike was able to recruit Tauroneo, and was then just barely able to reach the Seize point after Mordecai and Kieran defeated Ena. Gatrie took on the reinforcements from the northeast and gained some levels, and Ulki stayed asleep after dropping Mist off. I didn't get any treasure.

Chp 22: 2/128

Mordecai Smited while Kieran, Titania, and Ike rushed. Gatrie got two kills, and I got the Ashera staff. Not much to report.

Chp 23: 6/134

Everyone rushed, Gatrie stayed back to take care of the reinforcements near the start point, and Jill stayed near him until she was able to recruit Haar. Kieran ferried Ike part of the way and got the boss kill.

Chp 24: 4/138

Mordecai used Smite on Kieran every turn to get him there one turn early. Haar got some kills from the enemies near the start point as well as the northeast reinforcements, and Titania got the Savior scroll.

Chp 25: 7/145

This chapter sucked because Mordecai was my only unit who could approach the Ballista, yet he couldn't counter the boss when I wanted him to. I almost beat it in 6 turns, but Mordecai had to take care of the rock-launching Sniper on the right side (he had come up the left), but to do that, he had to waste a turn pushing a boulder.

Chp 26: 4/149

Rushed to the boss, with Haar using Savior to ferry Ike up. Geoffrey got plenty of nice level ups and the boss kill, which earned him an everything-but-Magic level.

Chp 27: 4+1/154

Everyone rushed, yada yada yada. Since I can't sell the Regal Sword, I had Ike use it up as much as he could on the initial enemies. Before Arriving, Sothe got me the Physic staff and Ulki snagged the Silver Lance.

Also, this was the first time I've ever fled from the Black Knight battle. I've always beaten him or, in one playthrough, I couldn't pull off an Aether at all and ran out of time.

Chp 28: 4/158

Haar Savior'd Ike and started moving straight for the tower while everyone else went the usual route. Ike was dropped on Turn 3 eight spaces away from the seize point. Luckily, Mordecai was able to just barely reach him to shove him the extra space needed, and Titania was able to ORKO the boss, allowing Ike to seize. Most of the laguz had died during the EP, so there wasn't much to clear out of the way.

Final Chapter: 7/165

By this line in your log...

Endgame - 10 turns

Lets see here, I BEXP a lot of dudes to at least level 15

I assume I'm allowed to shove the rest of my BEXP into my units in any way I please once I'm at the final chapter. So I did. I also gave Titania Sol, which was vital for my plan.

On Turn 1, I had Mist run around the fountain wall and use Rescue on Titania. This put her in range to attack Bryce with the Pink Axe, which cut him down by half. Everyone else rushed forward, either blocking the left/right passages or just moving forward. Haar Savior'd Ike and moved forward as far as he could. During that EP, Titania only managed to survive because she was able to pull off enough Sols to recover her lost health. She either weakened or killed most of the Paladins. Luckily, because all the enemies were badly beaten up, the central Bishop actually used Fortify instead of trying to Sleep someone. Turn 2, she teamed up with Kieran and Geoffrey to finish off all but one of the remaining Bow Paladins. This, combined with Haar's ability to OHKO the Bishop, allowed Haar to move forward his full movement without any fear. Turn 3, Haar dropped off Ike on Ashnard's platform. Mist used the last Rescue shot to pull Tibarn forward 9 spaces, and he flew around and killed the central Dragon. Mordecai used Smite afterwards, then again before Tibarn moved on Turn 4. This allowed him to attack Ashnard immediately. Ike had already cleared away all of the Paladins, so it just came down to seeing how quickly Ike/Tibarn could kill Ashnard. I accidentally got Mist killed when I tried to move her in range to Physic Ike, but I didn't restart. Eventually, I defeated Ashnard.

Total Turn Count: 164 Turns

The game says I took 8 turns on Chp 13, but I had put down 9. IIRC, it was because I was surprised when the chapter ended when the last raven retreated, and I hadn't looked to see what turn it was. So I guessed 9, and turned out to be one turn over. So yeah. EVALUATION TIME

Mist: Fallen in Final

At first she was such dead weight and I actually had to work to get hurt just so she could heal and gain some dang Exp. But her Rescue staff did help in Chp 21, although I'm sure I could've gotten the same amount of turns without doing such a tricky strategy. She was also extremely helpful with Rescue in the final chapter, as it allowed me to block off Bryce so that he had to attack Titania and get himself killed. She also Rescued Tibarn, which helped him get to Ashnard one turn earlier. Other than that, though, the only big contribution to the team was Restoring Mordecai when he got put to sleep in Chp 21. Everytime she used a staff to heal, it was unnecessary, as they either could've kept going without the heal, or could just use a Vulnerary/Elixir and kept moving.

Tibarn: 2 kills

He was my free last-chapter royal, so there isn't much to say that isn't obvious. I had him rush to Ashnard and go to town on him. His 2 kills were a dragon he attacked while flying to Ashnard and some other enemy he killed during the EP, I can't remember.

Sothe: 4 kills

Terrible in combat, which is to be expected, I only drafted him because at the time, the only units left were bad late-game prepromotes and Brom, I chose him because I figured he could help with the treasures, specifically on Chp 13. Thinking back, I think I had enough Chest keys to open most of them and leave the rest to the crows. Besides, most of what I got from the chests I sold, except for the obvious stuff like stat boosters and powerful weapons that I could use.

Ulki: 16 kills

He was the second key to my Chp 21 plan, but like I said before, I think I could've done that chapter in the same amount of turns by just running around the usual way at max speed. Also, he was constantly overshadowed by Mordecai, who, by the time Ulki arrived, was already much stronger than him, and he had been given the Boots, making untransformed Mordecai faster than transformed Ulki. Mordecai had also already proven to be totally capable even with the Demi Band reductions. He really didn't do much other than that Chp 21 thing.

Haar: 20 kills

This guy is the reason Chp 25 was slightly bearable. I gave him Savior so that he could rush Ike to the Seize spot in Chp 26 and 28, but I could've just as easily given it to a Paladin and they would've done the same thing but without a bow weakness. Of course, then Chp 28 would've taken an extra turn.

Geoffrey: 28 kills.

He turned out to be my toughest Paladin, but he didn't cap Str, and his Spd stayed low, preventing him from doubling some of the enemies in the final chapter, like the Dragons. He did come at a time when I was thinking how I really needed another Paladin, and he did level up incredibly fast. Not great, but not horrible.

Mordecai: 78 kills

This guy. This guy is awesome. Especially once I gave him the Boots and the Demi Band. There were times when he couldn't double some enemies that needed to be doubled, and he almost never double Myrmidons/Swordmasters. But he hit so hard even when he didn't double, plus his huuuuuge HP and decent Def helped him to take plenty of hits. This is the first time I've used any Laguz, so I was a little surprised when Mordecai's HP ended up at 70. I checked, and apparently it could go up to 75. Wow. Great unit, absolutely vital in the desert/cliff chapter since he didn't get the horrible movement penalties that my Paladins got. This guy combined earlygame utility (Smite + the Con to use it on either Paladin, even when untransformed) with powerful lategame combat and still more utility.

Gatrie: 83 kills

Never once did the thought "Oh, Gatrie's in danger, I should heal him" ever cross my mind. In fact, whereas I occasionally had to alter my plans because Ike/Kieran/whomever was too weak to survive thHe e enemy onslaught, that never happened to me with Gatrie. I left his Knight Ward with him because 1) Kieran and Titania didn't need it, and 2) thanks to it, he actually capped his Spd by the final chapter. I laughed so hard when he was able to double a feral cat in Chp 27. His only problem was his bad movement, but I'm willing to forgive that since he made my earlygame significantly easier. He also saved me a penalty in Chp 8, which is always nice.

Ike: 92 kills

I've never played Fixed Mode before now, so I didn't know what to expect. When Ike didn't cap Str at Lv20 Ranger, even with an Energy Drop, I was a little surprised. But still, he was strong earlygame, although his Str lagged for so long, he couldn't use Steel Swords without a Spd loss until Chp 10 or so.

Kieran: 123 kills

He came with great bases at a time when I really needed a reliable combat unit, as Ike was still relying on the power of Blue Swords, Mordecai never wanted to transform, and lolMist. At first he only helped to clear the way for Titania, but after the Chp 12, when he gained a bunch of Exp killing those ravens, he began to become more like mini-Titania, and after promoting and gaining more levels, he actually surpassed her in every stat but Res, which she had an significant 8 point lead (This higher Res is why I sent Titania instead of Kieran to fight Bryce in the final chapter. If the Bishop had used Sleep, Kieran would've had a hard time dodging it, but Titania had no trouble at all).

Titania: 188 kills

It's FE9 Titania. Do I really need to explain why she's so dang good, especially in Fixed Mode?

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I can't take screenshots of my TV screen.

Okay then. And this reminded me, I might as well put my final stats here as well. These are taken from before the final chapter, but since everyone's mostly capped, there wasn't much change by the end of the game:

Name Lv.Exp HP/Str/Mag/Skl/Spd/Lck/Def/Res WeaponLevels Skills
Ike   	14.60 55/26/09/27/28/16/24/13 Sword-A Aether
Titania 20.00 51/25/07/26/26/17/22/18 Lance-B/Axe-S Sol
Gatrie  14.49 55/29/02/26/24/12/29/08 Sword-E/Lance-A Smite
Mist   	4.19  26/08/19/10/15/14/07/15 Sword-D/Staff-B Miracle
Mordecai20.00 70/35/02/25/22/15/21/09 Vantage/Smite
Kieran 	20.00 53/26/06/26/27/16/23/10 Lance-E/Axe-S Sol
Sothe 	6.88  25/09/01/12/16/10/04/00 Blossom
Ulki   	19.25 27/29/05/27/23/13/21/13 Vigilance/Guard/Adept
Haar   	20.00 53/26/08/24/20/13/24/11 Lance-B/Axe-A Savior/Guard
Geoffrey20.00 56/24/11/22/24/13/26/13 Lance-S Bow-C Paragon/Provoke

EDIT: So in replaying through the final chapter, I found that I was able to beat it in 5 turns instead of 7 thanks to a lucky Aether and some dodging. Am I allowed to switch my turn count?

Edited by Gcubedude
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  • 2 months later...

Remember me?

Prologue- 5/5 turns

Ike beats Boyd, and then he beats up his dad! Good times.

Chapter 1- 3/8 turns

Ike rushes ahead with Titania, who nabs the Steel Sword AND the Seraph Robe and then kills bossman!

Chapter 2- 4/12 turns

Well, this one wasn't too bad once I got the hang of it.


Chapter 3 may be my greatest enemy yet.

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Chapter 3- 3/15 turns

Ike and Titania rush onwards to victory! Oh, and Ike needs to equip Steel on Turn 2 to kill 7HP Myrmidon what a dissapointment.

Chapter 4- 3/18 turns

No problemo for Ike the sassmaster! Oh, and I guess Titania rushed, but that's not important.

Oh, and Soren, hope he's useful later on.

Chapter 5- 6/24 turns

OK, so now I'm actually glad I picked Soren.

He helped Ike through the crucial task of NOT DYING and bitchwrecked bossman. Oh, and Titania did everything else because she's motherfreaking TITANIA.

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Chapter 6- 5/29 turns

So Titania finally made use of her neato RESCUE function again to get Ike to goal. She even got to escape for herself! Soren took care of the archer duo near the front.

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  • 3 months later...

Welp, I'm rere...remaybe-starting this thing. This must be like the fiftieth time, I know, but this time I'll finish!

Prologue- 5/5 turns

Ike waltzed up to Boyd, poked him in the face a few times, then sparred with Greil for a turn or two and won me the map.

Name Class  Level HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES Wepon Levels
Ike  Ranger 02.67 20 05  01  07  08  07  06  00  D Swords

Chapter 1- 3/8 turns

Noone could stop the Ike train from heading straight for seize. Titania got the Steel Sword, then cantoed to get the Seraph Robe, then killed the boss. It was pretty groovy.

Name    Class   Level HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES Wepon Levels
Ike     Ranger  03.43 20 06  01  07  08  07  06  01  D Swords
Titania Paladin Base stats all around

Chapter 2- 4/12 turns

Took a bit of AI manipulation to make sure undrafted Oscar (who was rescuing undrafted Rhys in his undrafted horse) and Boyd wouldn't be attacked. As soon as Titania showed up, she killed the vulnerary myrmidon (otherwise enemies would take the vulnerary), and mozzied on over to the boss and ORKOed him with an ordinary not Gold, not Silver, not Brave, Iron Axe. Ike cleaned up the rest of the bottom enemies in the meantime.

Name    Class   Level HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES Wepon Levels
Ike     Ranger  04.90 21 06  02  08  09  07  06  01  D Swords
Titania Paladin 01.87 33 12  04  13  14  11  11  07  A Axes C Lances

Chapter 3- 4/16 turns

Ike rushed straight forwards, while Titania got the Elixir and then boogied on over to the boss. Ike talked to Marcia because I kind of have her drafted and all, and Titania ORKOes boss with base stats with Steel Axe. Oh, and she gets the Hand Axe. Can't forget that! I do end up like dropping two vulneraries (one with 2 uses), because wow, this fucking game gives so many of them. Ike also ate the Speedwings and the Seraph Robe in this chapter to boost his odds come Chapter 4.

Name    Class   Level HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES Wepon Levels
Ike     Ranger  06.46 30 07  02  09  12  08  07  02  C Swords
Titania Paladin 02.41 34 13  04  13  14  12  11  07  A Axes C Lances

Chapter 4- 2/18 turns

Titania soloed the whole battalion, whilst Ike killed a few scraps here and there. Soren unfortunately did not get very many kills due to the AIs tendency to spam vulneraries, so hopefully I can remedy that in future chapters.

Name    Class   Level HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES Wepon Levels
Ike     Ranger  07.09 31 08  02  10  13  08  07  02  C Swords
Titania Paladin 03.36 35 13  04  14  15  12  12  07  A Axes C Lances
Soren   Mage    01.48 18 00  06  08  08  05  02  07  D Wind E Fire E Thunder

Chapter 5- 6/24 turns

Titania's main job for the first two turns was clearing out all of the enemies swarming, then she wazzled down to the south to kill bossman and get more EXP. This was made easier because bossman was dumb and attacked her at 1 range despite having a Javelin. Ike's job for the rest of this was to go left and help Soren get some EXP. It worked to some extent!

Name    Class   Level HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES Wepon Levels
Ike     Ranger  08.46 31 08  02  10  13  08  08  02  C Swords
Titania Paladin 04.85 36 14  04  14  15  13  12  08  A Axes C Lances
Soren   Mage    02.72 18 00  07  08  08  05  02  08  D Wind E Fire E Thunder

Chapter 6- 5/29 turns

Soren chipped at the archer on turn 1 while Titania took care of the two dudebros on the left. Then Ike killed the Pole Axe guy, Titania took care of the Knight, and then it was a nice smooth rush to the throne (she procced SPD which let her double the myrmidon and the mage while holding Ike with a Javelin; Titania~.

Name    Class   Level HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES Wepon Levels
Ike     Ranger  09.55 32 09  02  11  14  09  08  03  B Swords
Titania Paladin 05.75 37 14  05  15  16  13  12  08  A Axes C Lances
Soren   Mage    03.73 19 00  08  09  09  05  02  09  D Wind E Fire E Thunder

Chapter 7- 7/36 turns

Titania takes the west, killing all of the dudes there with various ranged weaponry. Ike and Soren go through the right treasure room and end up taking out the reinforcements while Titania cleans up north. I even got a funky Miracle Scroll!

Name    Class   Level HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES Wepon Levels
Ike     Ranger  11.81 34 10  03  12  15  09  09  04  B Swords
Titania Paladin 07.35 39 15  05  16  17  14  13  09  A Axes C Lances
Soren   Mage    08.25 21 00  11  11  11  09  02  11  D Wind E Fire E Thunder

Edited by Refa
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  • 2 months later...

Jill, Boyd, Tanith, Neph, Calill, Elincia, Rolf, Devdan

Took over for Creeper.

Prologue 5/5

Weird. Ike cant reach Boyd in Turn 1.

Chapter 1 3/8

Usual strat.

Chapter 2 4/12


Chapter 3 3/15


Chapter 4 2/17


Chapter 5 6/23


Chapter 6 5/28


Chapter 7 5/33

Haha Normal Mode. Also, Body da bess

Chapter 8 8/41


Chapter 9 4/45


Chapter 10 4/49

Neph get.

Chapter 11 4/53


Chapter 12 7/60


Chapter 13 7/67

All da keyz

Chapter 14 3/70

Fly fly my pretty

Chapter 15 2/72


Chapter 16 4/76

Moar JILLLL and Titania I guess

Chapter 17-1 2/78


Chapter 17-2 3/81


Chapter 17-3 10/91


Chapter 17-4 2/93


Chapter 18 5/98

Tanith + Jill together = epic

Chapter 19 2/100

Read what I said above

Chapter 20 2/102

Double fliers looool

Chapter 21 5/107

Double fliers ftw

Chapter 22 1/108

Calill saving all the turns

Chapter 23 4/112

Double fliers

Chapter 24 3/115

Rescue chain Reyson with double fliers gogogogo. Also, Savior get

Chapter 25 3/118

Tanith takes one side. jill takes the rest. Oh and Calill and Neph helped too

Chapter 26 3/121

Rescue Elincia. Jill etc.

Gonna try to finish the rest soon before I concentrate on the other FE9 draft.

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  • 2 months later...

Well, I took over for uh...myself! Actually, I just accidentally deleted the savefile. ALL THE RAGE.

Prologue- 5/5 turns

Ike beats up Greil like there was no tomorrow and gets a great fixed level out of it to boot. It was worth it!

Name Class  Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Ranks Supports
Ike  Ranger 02.67 20 05  01  07  08  07  06  00  D Swords

Chapter 1- 3/8 turns

Without Oscar, I couldn't get the 2 turn, but it did let me have Titania gallant about for two turns getting the Steel Sword and the Angelic Robe whilst Ike slowly but surely meandered his way to the boss. Titania is the best!

Name    Class   Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Ranks    Supports Skills
Ike     Ranger  03.43 27 06  01  07  08  07  06  01  D Swords
Titania Paladin 01.38 33 12  04  13  14  11  11  07  A Axes C Lances          Counter 

Chapter 2- 4/12 turns

Thanks to the Seraph Robe I gave him last chapter, Ike is remarkably resilient against the bandits and manages to do pretty darn good for himself (minus some bad luck with the RNs) until Titania shows up. And Tittania...well, she's still in that "I ORKO all the enemies with Iron weapons and never ever die while doing it" phase. Also I really like how PoR gives me a preparations menu so early on!

Name    Class   Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Ranks    Supports Skills
Ike     Ranger  04.81 28 06  02  08  09  07  06  01  D Swords
Titania Paladin 01.87 33 12  04  13  14  11  11  07  A Axes C Lances          Counter 

Chapter 3- 3/15 turns

I gave Ike the Speedwings so he could double with the Steel Sword. Worth it! Oh, and Titania cruised ahead, killed the Hand Axe bandit, and wiped the boss off the face of the earth with a nice Steel Axe ORKO. My only regret was that I couldn't get the elixir, I just KNOW that's going to bite me in the butt later on. Oh, and also I regret Titania's supremely lame HP LCK level, this is fixed mode, what gives?

Name    Class   Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Ranks    Supports Skills
Ike     Ranger  05.81 29 07  02  08  11  07  07  01  D Swords
Titania Paladin 02.49 34 12  04  13  14  12  11  07  A Axes C Lances          Counter 

Chapter 4- 2/17 turns

Titania zerg rushed ahead and killed a bunch of people. Ike actually killed a bunch of people too. Soren...didn't, I was rather afraid he'd drop dead actually. I used up more Hand Axe than I would have liked on turn 2, but them's the breaks. Good thing it has 25 uses in FE9.

Name    Class   Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Ranks            Supports Skills
Ike     Ranger  07.00 31 08  02  09  12  08  07  02  C Swords
Titania Paladin 03.32 35 13  04  14  15  12  12  07  A Axes C Lances                  Counter 
Soren   Mage    01.26 18 00  06  08  08  05  02  07  D Wind E Fire E Thunder          Adept

Chapter 5- 6/23 turns

Defense map is defense map. Ike sucks up a lot of kills because he's amazing, which kinda leaves Soren SOL, which makes me sad. Oh, and Titania does what Titania does and be amazing. Kinda out of that ORKO everything with iron/steel and onto that "Can still 2RKO with 2-range weapons" phase.

Name    Class   Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Ranks            Supports Skills
Ike     Ranger  09.92 32 09  02  10  13  09  08  03  B Swords
Titania Paladin 04.73 36 14  04  15  15  13  12  08  S Axes C Lances                  Counter 
Soren   Mage    01.26 18 00  06  08  08  05  02  07  D Wind E Fire E Thunder          Adept

Chapter 6- 4/27 turns

Ike does a good job ORKOing some dudes, and Titania rescues him and drops him at just the right range so she can like, kill the boss and let him escape next turn. Even Soren did something!

Name    Class   Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Ranks            Supports Skills
Ike     Ranger  10.86 33 10  03  11  14  09  09  03  B Swords
Titania Paladin 05.50 37 14  05  15  16  13  13  08  S Axes C Lances                  Counter 
Soren   Mage    02.32 18 00  07  08  08  05  02  08  D Wind E Fire E Thunder          Adept

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