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My 2-E HM Challenge For Myself

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So, like 9 months back, I was doing HM, doing stupid challenges for the hell of it; for part 1, it was using only (mostly) tier 1 units (so no Sothe, Tauroneo, etc., most of the time) and having Meg take on Jarod. For part 2, I decided to do a special challenge for 2-E, one that I completed (with some difficulty) in NM. In short:

- Kill EVERY enemy unit (that includes the boss) in the 15 turn limit for 2-E and have Heather steal the Dracoshield by the boss. Nobody on your side can die.

When I did it, I've come extremely close to doing it, but late reinforcements in the South and Thunder mages/archers owning Haar's potential solo of the left-hand side of the map made killing the last few enemies and stealing the dracoshield seem almost impossible. I'm picking FE10 back up after so long and decided to try a LTC HM run, but I don't think I'll be able to pass 2-E until this stupid challenge is behind me or I at least see SOMEBODY beat this. I think I've gotten better at FE from practice over the last 3/4 of a year, but I still don't know how successful I'll be this time around.

Any tips and ideas would be grealty appreciated. I want to put my mind at ease about this.

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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Haar should solo the map, pretty much. Don't forget that wyvern knights don't take extra damage from arrows in this game, so don't be afraid to get into enemy snipers' range.

He solos a good portion of it (he, with his absolutely insane combat, basically takes the long staircase of the left-hand side, and kills everything in that pocket, with a little help from Marcia w/ lightning mages), but I don't think he can kill it all. I could never swing for that to happen.

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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I don't know about hard mode, but in easy and normal Naeluchi can take on the 2 generals in the east while unpromoted(might need higher strike though), it might just save Geoffrey's group some time.

and maybe rescue dropping some non-moving yellow units to the front might help too.

I've never played hard mode though, just ignore me if I'm saying dumb things here...

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It might be a good idea to save every turn, that way you won't need to restart the whole chapter because of a small mistake.

Naeluchi can take on the 2 generals in the east while unpromoted
What do you mean? Edited by Viyut
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It might be a good idea to save every turn, that way you won't need to restart the whole chapter because of a small mistake.

What do you mean?

oops, my bad, I meant unshifted/untransformed.

also, saving isn't possible in HM.

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I don't know about hard mode, but in easy and normal Naeluchi can take on the 2 generals in the east while unpromoted(might need higher strike though), it might just save Geoffrey's group some time.

and maybe rescue dropping some non-moving yellow units to the front might help too.

I've never played hard mode though, just ignore me if I'm saying dumb things here...

You mean...the Thunder Sage because the rest of them move and are easily beaten by enemies in NM, so they will barely survive them in HM.

Abuse Elincia, Haar and S strike Luchi. Calill can help from the rear, Mordecai should be useful, too, I suppose (haven't played HM YET).

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Mordecai, lethe, neph and brom can probably do a good number on the reinforcements from the bottom left corner. Haar, Eli, and neal can start in the middle clearing their way to wards the door. Turn 7 geoff arrive, have them take care of reinforcements, keept them busy. Play with ludveck around until you manage to steal the draco shield. Clean up in player phase, kill ludvdisc.

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He has a tomahawk, just make sure he always/most of the time 2 ranges you, and keep the healer handy (if there even is an enemy healer), in case he want to hit you or something and youend up severeky hurtng him.

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Kill him with Heather x.X.

hmm, I'm going to try that on my next PT. no hard mode though.

otherwise just kill him with Elincia, one out of four has always activated stun for me.

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Here's a challenge. Defeat Ludvek with Leanne making the killing blow(she needs to be BEXP'd for 2 points of magic) with the Reaper card stolen from the Sage at the bottem of the stairs on the left hand side of the map.

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Haha, I like the aove poster's idea.

I've done this one or two times, it's really fun. It's pretty hard, though. Beliee it or not, the NPCs actually come in handy. They soak up damage and do make a couple of good hits.

I always think of a good spli-up in order to handle everything. Make sure the snipers move (for some reason, I think that it is when they don't enter combat, sometimes they don't move). Right side should be getting most of the NPCs, Brom , and Nephenee for sure. Callil and Mordecai are good too, but that's up to you. Marcia can do potshots on the left side while Haar covers the staris, that does a good job. Haar can also switch places reall quickly with someone else in case of an emergency. Nealuchi (and if needed, Marcia) should take care of some enemies that are around Luvdeck. Those snipers, for example. Or maybe some cheap shots. Your choice. Heather goes wherever you want, just remember to ring her in time to the right side to steal de Dracoshield. Elincia should neither foucs on healing nor combat, she should do both, and also help a it on the part where Geoffrey appears if possible.

Good look, have fun.

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