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Removed songs (no actual data)

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I kind of stumbled upon some removed songs ages ago when looking for questions for a quiz, but I had a deeper look today, while trying to help shadowofchaos with a music-related hacking question, and I realised what I discovered previously was just the tip of a iceberg.

In total, 26 songs didn't make it into the final game. Before anyone gets confused, these songs exist as text labels only and the actual songs are not present in the game data--presumably they weren't added to the disk or even created in the first place.

It seems Bertram, Petrine and Ena were each going to get their own battle theme. Maybe Ena was going to be the 4th Rider, instead of Bryce? There were also going to be themes for Sephiran and Ashera (although Ashera's theme may not have been used for herself, but when explaining her history, but that's just my guess).

I think the most interesting point is that there were apparently plans to implement an arena of some kind and possibly a class roll. If you checked the official FE10 Q and As, you may know that arenas were removed because the developers weren't sure whether to include it due to it breaking the game balance.

BGM_PRO00 #World map

Now I'm interested to know if FE10 had any songs cut, since that game already had a dozen unused songs.

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Does Greil have a special theme or something like that? This is just me guessing, but that's what I think the Father tag is referring too. Magic might be Elena or something, but that's just because it's next to them and I'm guessing.

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I think BGM_BTL_MAGIC1 would have been a battle theme (hence the "BTL" in the name) for casting magic or using a staff. Using a staff probably makes the most sense, but I would expect the tag to be named slightly differently if that was the case, so... no clue : o

BGM_EVT_FATHER1 also confuses me because there are already one or two themes related to Ike's father that play during the game ("His Father's Son" and "Father's Back"). I'm kind of lazy to figure out this puzzle right now : P

Edited by VincentASM
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Do you record all this unused stuff and where you found it? I've been meaning to add in some articles on unused content to TCRF (a site dedicated to unused content in games), but I haven't had the time to sit down and sift through all the fan information, as well as the games themselves and still haven't looked at those 3D models yet

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Do you record all this unused stuff and where you found it? I've been meaning to add in some articles on unused content to TCRF (a site dedicated to unused content in games), but I haven't had the time to sit down and sift through all the fan information, as well as the games themselves and still haven't looked at those 3D models yet

About 90% of the unused data I've found is recorded on this page. As for "where", do you mean like which game file or some kind of physical proof?

When you get around to those articles, could you let me have a preview, in case I have anything to add or fix?

Since I'm on a roll, anybody remember this?

class	ComboBox
name	BgmBox
layer	desktop
parent	battleWin
show	1
rgba	255, 255, 255, 255
pos		108, 126
size	250, 16
item	BGM_BTL_PL01
item	BGM_BTL_PL02
item	BGM_BTL_CP01
item	BGM_BTL_CP02

I don't believe I posted the whole thing, but I used a part of it to "prove" the Black Knight's identity...

Moving away from song data, but in the same file, here are some preliminary lists of skills:

#	奥義・ドラゴン用	EID_K_SP_DRAGON
#	奥義・賢者用		EID_K_SP_SAGE
#	奥義・司祭用		EID_K_SP_PRIEST
#	見切り				EID_K_MIKIRI
#	キャンセル			EID_K_CANCEL

	奥義・瞬殺1		EID_K_SP_QKILL1
奥義・瞬殺2		EID_K_SP_QKILL2
奥義・ペガサス用		EID_K_SP_PEGASUS
奥義・ドラゴン用		EID_K_SP_DRAGON
奥義・主人公用		EID_K_SP_HERO
奥義・太陽		EID_K_SP_SUN

It seems Wyvern Lords, Falcon Knights, Sages and Bishops were each going to get their own Mastery skill, instead of sharing Stun and Flare. Additionally, Wrath and Great Shield were planned as Mastery skills--the Wrath Mastery later became Colossus, while Great Shield presumably became the Hawk's Cancel.

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About 90% of the unused data I've found is recorded on this page. As for "where", do you mean like which game file or some kind of physical proof?

When you get around to those articles, could you let me have a preview, in case I have anything to add or fix?

For where, I mean that some of your information isn't really explained, and so there's no real way to show that some information isn't just mere speculation. Like the FE1 example, with the telescope suggesting FoW... but I don't remember there being item descriptions in FE1, so I don't see where that information came from.

And if I ever do, I'll be sure to let you know. They're not really articles so much, though as they are just pointing out and detailing the unused data (and expanding on its significance, if there's implications of larger things, like planned things that never made the cut [as you posted in this thread, for example] ) :p

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In that case, I don't really have any documentation, only my memory in most cases. Nobody's ever asked me where these details came from in the past and it would be bothersome for me explain every single detail, so I just hoped that people will take my word for it : P

In the Telescope's case, I believe it says "Vision/Sight increased by 5" when you use the item. Like when you use a statbooster.

If you need to know any other specific details, you can ask me and I'll try to remember where it came from or direct you to a method of finding out.

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