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Megaupload shut down


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I hope this has nothing to do with that GARBAGE bill they're trying to pass.

On the contrary, I think it has a lot to do with that stupid bill, and the fact that Megauploads was shut down without it should say a lot about the bill itself.

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I hope this has nothing to do with that GARBAGE bill they're trying to pass.

On the contrary, I think it has a lot to do with that stupid bill, and the fact that Megauploads was shut down without it should say a lot about the bill itself.

I specifically said it has nothing to do with the bill you know...

It got shut down because the people who run the website supposedly paid people to upload copyrighted material to the website.

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From what I've been reading, Megauploads was very good about DMCA notices and the like. The timing of this, as well as the nature of Megauploads makes me wonder if this wasn't the government's way of saying that they don't need the bill to shut down websites for possible copyright infringement.

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I hope this has nothing to do with that GARBAGE bill they're trying to pass.

So far they say it has nothing to do, but who knows? They are saying that they have been in that case for 2 years and stuff like that, because of Megaupload's earning money with copyrighted content without perission of the authors.

I'm more worried on the next step they could make.

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From the sounds of things, this has been in the works for ages. The federal government can't and don't just arrest people and certainly wouldn't time their arrests for political reasons. Moreover, it says that the case involves "international cooperation between the US, Hong Kong, the Netherlands, the UK, Germany, Canada, and the Philippines. In addition to the arrests, 20 search warrants were executed today in multiple countries." That kind of planning isn't the kind of thing that the federal government can just pull off on a whim to "send a message".

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I've just heard. So...it's starting.

It seems that foreign people were taking our content and distributing them to the public. Because this is costing huge sums of liugeniment money is why megaupload is gone today. So the online piracy fight begins. And SOPA and PIPA have passed rewritten of course.

Look here. The bills are shelved


Protect IP is getting revoted though. Look here.




Edited by Elesa
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I've just heard. So...it's starting.

It "started" a long time ago. Cooperation over 20 different countries, getting search warrants, the involvement of the FBI also points to a great deal of preparation, probably going back months.

"Those are make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."

Play your cards right, Congress. JFK was no idiot.

Forgive me if I don't weep for the Hong-Kong based millionaires who made their money off other people's work. It's one thing to be in favour of file-sharing, but Megaupload is really just another greedy corporation, no better than the MPAA or the RIAA. They were perfectly happy to try and smear other file-sharing sites (who were probably seen as competition), for example.

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While the shutdown may be legitimate, I don't necessarily agree with how it was done, mainly because there are plenty of people who had legitimate files hosted there, and they deserved fair warning. They could have given a few days of warning, with uploads shut off and downloads shut off except to people downloading from their own accounts; instead things just went dark.

Also, even if the process of gathering evidence against the site etc started long ago, I would not at all be surprised if the shutdown itself was saved for a convenient time.

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Forgive me if I don't weep for the Hong-Kong based millionaires who made their money off other people's work. It's one thing to be in favour of file-sharing, but Megaupload is really just another greedy corporation, no better than the MPAA or the RIAA. They were perfectly happy to try and smear other file-sharing sites (who were probably seen as competition), for example.

I think MegaUpload should have gone down. Like Kiryn said, however, the method used to shut it down was atrocious.

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While the shutdown may be legitimate, I don't necessarily agree with how it was done, mainly because there are plenty of people who had legitimate files hosted there, and they deserved fair warning. They could have given a few days of warning, with uploads shut off and downloads shut off except to people downloading from their own accounts; instead things just went dark.

I suppose that's true, but it's not really that big a deal, I think. If you left all your files with a single company that was well-known to be a criminal organisation, you shouldn't act surprised when they get shut down.

Also, even if the process of gathering evidence against the site etc started long ago, I would not at all be surprised if the shutdown itself was saved for a convenient time.

I doubt it. What the fuck do the authorities in the Netherlands or Hong Kong care about the political situation in the US?

I think MegaUpload should have gone down.

Good, it's just that you made it sound like The Man trying to hold down the little guy.

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I suppose that's true, but it's not really that big a deal, I think. If you left all your files with a single company that was well-known to be a criminal organisation, you shouldn't act surprised when they get shut down.

What if they didn't know Megaupload was criminal?

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On the contrary, I think it has a lot to do with that stupid bill, and the fact that Megauploads was shut down without it should say a lot about the bill itself.

I'm not disagreeing with you, I'm saying that I don't want it to do have anything to do with SOPAPIPA or whatever the name of that is.

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