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Rate charcter portrait 1, Artur

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ok so here is how it's gonna work, there are 3 categories to rate a charcters portrait. coolness, sexiness, toughness. so pretty much you rate them on how cool, sexy and tough they look. each one is out of five.

so artur from Renais ain't much of anything really he ain't cool, not sexy and not tough either.

coolness 1.5/5

sexiness 1/5

toughness 1/5

oh and there is 24 hours of voting time

sorry my bad i was cooking dinner as i was doing this so the 14 hours tottally my fault sorry.

also never been good at engrish so excuse the typos etc. at least i did the spelling right. anyways i am going to post a new around the same time i did yesterday.

Edited by xblade
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coolness 1/5

sexiness 1/5

toughness 1/5 -1 point here for the difficulty in making the hair. Not tough in the traditional sense but man, curly hair is...quite tough to sprite and IS didn't do a bad job at it.

Should be a quality section so I can rag on Myrrh's hair having terribad shading

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Why does this exist, and why 14 hours of voting time and not just 24 like everybody else ever?





I would be more inclined to participate if the title didn't have typos. The body and filler text can be w/e, but the title, yeesh.

That's me.

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