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FE4 Subs Playthrough


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Okay, I'm looking for some ideas on how to handle certain items. Like, I would imagine unit priority for the Bargain Ring is entirely different now that almost nobody can inherit. What other things will I need to look out for in Gen 1? Obviously I have to leave the Hero Lance on Fin, instead of letting Fury get it for Ch4 and 5. What other lances are better off passed along with Finn than used at the end of Gen 1? How many swords should Leaf get? I assume Leaf getting Pursuit Ring becomes a no-brainer, rather than just a generally good idea. Should he also get the Magic Ring, or should that go down to Celice?

Brainstorm with me people.

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I am seriously considering having Ethlin pick up Bargain. Not only will passing it down to Leaf make Elite Ring and thus Master Knight come faster, but it will also help her pick up Pursuit and other rings for him as well, due to halving the costs. Sigurd has enough chapters to collect $ for his rings naturally, and the only really expensive ones will be Elite and Knight. Then again, I would prefer to have Knight Ring on my dancer as long as possible, and Elite Ring passing for the arena, which would mean he'd have to try to buy both of them in Ch5, which would entail a huge donation from Dew.

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If you're going for efficiency then it will basically be just like a normal pt, but with no Holsety, and more incentive to level up Leaf.

Maybe let Leaf inherit as many expensive things as he can to make up for him not having Bargain?

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I did a substitute run once. It was an unintentional part of my Sigurd/Celice solo. Really, it doesn't take much more than that.

Technically, Sylvia had kids, but I didn't recruit either of them anyway so it pretty much counts.

Edited by Othin
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This thread is a little old but I just did most of an experimental all-subs ranked FE4 run that lead me back to Serenes so I thought I'd say a bit.

The broken prayer sword can indeed be passed down. I left it in Sigurd's storage and Celice had it.

Like other people said, the whole experience is a bit weak. You can always do the real work of each chapter with guaranteed characters. Anyone with a B-sword rank, even a super terrible one like Janne, can also usually melt the arena with a 70-90 kill Hero Sword.

A significant difference is in how bad Mana has it compared to Lana - no Physic or Recover for a while, no Sleep for Hannibal, no Warp until Chapter 9 (which means e.g. you cannot feasibly get Resire in chapter 6, or get anything out of promoting Leaf in chapter 8, you can't save turns after freeing Laylea in Chapter 8, etc). Tristan and Femina need hero swords to function as real units also (well Femina can get the hero lance in mid-8, unless you left it on Fin). Beyond that, no one has anything like the money you might be used to from normal inheritance runs and won't be able to do easy Elite Ring swaps in arenas, and it takes a lot of sacrifices to let Laylea get the knight/leg combo by Chapter 8 (she has to take the shield ring town in 7 and all of Daisy's arena money from 7 and 8, and Daisy needs to have gotten some steals in here and there beyond that). It's also kinda hard for the subs to get thief sword hits because your player phase is so weak you often can't afford to waste an attack!

Anyway, by chapter 9 or even 8 all of your scrubstitute footies and most of the mounted units are totally irrelevant aside from Hawk/Linda/Amid on mountain tiles counterkilling stuff while Leaf, Aless, Celice, etc. are cantering around being overpowered and there's no difference from a normal run.

I quit in late Chapter 9 because I accidentally saved the game after seizing the castle that makes Altenna disappear if you haven't recruited her yet and I didn't want to start the chapter over, but generally everyone was at or near promotion and chapter 10 and epilogue have way more XP than chapter 4/5 so I think everyone but Laylea would have gotten 29 or 30.

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I did a substitute run once. It was an unintentional part of my Sigurd/Celice solo. Really, it doesn't take much more than that.

Technically, Sylvia had kids, but I didn't recruit either of them anyway so it pretty much counts.

Stupid slut. She should die in a blazing inferno.

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