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Return of the Emblem Chapter Eight: Affairs of the World


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"Aye," Gytha agreed with a nod. The sea was a dangerous place if people didn't know what they were doing.


And that's just what she did. With Cal on the other side of the wall, Cecelia returned to the other side of the collapse as well. "Alright, that's all that's down this passage. Let's return to Colonel Langley and put this lot with the rest of the captives," the captain announced before leading her group out of the caves.

Even after they exited, Cecelia kept walking until she stood before Colonel Langley herself and saluted. "There were three paths, Colonel. My team and I explored the center route while the two others branched off to the left and the right with Lieutenant Fletcher and Sergeant Beck heading them, respectively. Warrant Officer Dalca set off all mines along our route, which resulted in a chain reaction ahead of us due to the sloppy placement on the bandits' part. It caused a small cave-in, but left a hole big enough to crawl through. On the other side of the cave-in were the bandits we are bringing out right now. None were killed and we suffered no casualties on our side. A bandit named Cal did cause some trouble but I went in and subdued him. Another bandit I do not know the name of caused some form of mischief while I was holding Cal, though I'm not entirely sure what happened seeing as I was on the other side of the rubble. Private Grace and Warrant Officer Dalca should be able to inform you on those details, however, and better complete my report. That particular route ended there. There are still weapons strewn about the end of the middle route, though the only valuable ones are the pistols. The others are basic swords, axes and the like."

The Captain decided to wait until the colonel had a chance to process the information and ask questions before requesting permission to reenter the cave to assist another group.

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Faatina had been pretty well in a daze since entering the port town, not paying any attention at all to the discussion about pirates and shipnapping. She was simply looking about with an overwhelmed expression, intaking her vastly different surroundings. The fact that she had never stepped foot anywhere near the ocean before was apparent to anyone with a decently working set of eyes.

The direct address snapped her out of her reverie, however, and she turned to the archer girl... her name was Robin, if Faatina recalled correctly. "Decent enough, I suppose. I know enough to fend for myself, and have catered for friends with relative success. I wouldn't call myself a chef, but I can find my way about a kitchen or an open flame."

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Into the Tavern

"Well, let's get started, I guess." Raquel instructed as she turned toward the tavern entrance. 'The Sandbar' read across an old wooden sign in a very artistic and curvy font. She slowed her pace to a near crawl. My father sure liked to pick on the names of these places. I wonder what he'd say about this one. She couldn't come up with anything and walked inside. Plenty of people were there, but to her initial surprise, not all rexian. Almost half of the patrons looked like they were from up north.

"Not sure I can come up with anything. Connor, wait in the Dauntless and finish up that suit in the meantoime." Gabbie instructed. She only felt a little guilty about not taking him along since he had plenty to work on in her absence.

Mission Report

"Good work, Captain. Once the other teams report in, we'll see about securing those weapons. I want the cave cleared, first, though." Langley replied.

"You subdued him yourself, huh? Reckleeeess, though I guess I'm one to talk." Miguel chimed in and shrugged.

Mission Continues On the Right

Beck's team wasn't running into any mines, but they weren't setting any off prematurely, either, which had the sergeant worried. Maybe there was a better trap laid out down this tunnel than the others. He would have preferred that they simply didn't fortify the tunnel, or better yet, they had all just held up in one of the other tunnels. They eventually reached a dead end, and found a lone bandit praying at a very small makeshift shrine. "Hands! Drop anything in your hands and then put them behind your head." Beck ordered as soon as he spotted the man.

"Let me finish my prayer ... please." the deep voiced man replied without even glancing over at his opposition. The sergeant tilted his head.

"You can pray in the wagon, you know." he offered. The bandit shook his head slowly and kept his eyes closed.

"Well this is new ...." Beck murmured.

Mission Continues On the Left

Fletcher's team had to deal with not only mines, but the occasional lone ambush. Every time it happened, Fletcher's bowmen would challenge each other and see who could nail the guy between the eyes. It wasn't even about the danger anymore; it was about bragging rights and the highest kill count. Fletcher was getting annoyed. The attacks were quite frustrating, but it turned out to be a great boon in the end, since once they reached the end of the tunnel, there were very few bandits left to deal with, only a half dozen or so, all running to take cover behind rocks and equipment. The opening in the tunnel led out into a small underground outpost. It looked like something the bandits might have thrown together. The second and third floors offered great firing positions on intruders, but only a few bandits were up there. Fletcher smirked.

"Surrender. If you turn this into a battle, none of you are walking out of here alive." he warned.

The bandits with ranged weapons immediately readied themselves, and the one who had a crossbow was already lining up a shot on Fletcher. "Why should we surrender to you people? You'll just execute us like all the rest. Why not go out in a battle? At least we'll take some of you with us." the bandit shot back sounding almost offended. Suddenly the crossbowman aiming at Fletcher was shot in the head with an almost silent steel bolt. He hit the wooden flooring of the upper deck with a resounding thud, making him and the others flinch.

"No you won't." Fletcher corrected while shaking his head. "We were just using those idiots back in the hall to warm up. Surrender or we'll take the rest of you out."

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<Heh, so the idea didn't flew well huh.> John thought. <Not that it would stop them from trying to attack us either way.>

Well, good thing she backed off from the idea. Sophia thought.

And so Raquel then entered the tavern to begin her search.

<Well, while she does that... back to what to do...?> John turned to face Gil... who had fallen asleep already. <Well, can't count on him I guess, heh.>

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Gytha didn't pay the name of the tavern much attention, just following Raquel inside. Things could get rough, after all, and she was obliged to protect Raquel in addition to offering her experience in getting passage aboard a ship as a mariner. Norbert, however, stared at the sign for a brief moment. "The Sandbar"? Augh... Terrible puns aren't something unique to Ursium, it seems... As he thought about it, he paused. Actually... Should I go in there? I only go into places like this for information and that's just what we're looking for and Raquel could use some guarding. She does have Gytha with her, though, and I wonder if I'd just start up a fight myself... Heh. Right, that's why I only go into places like this when I'm looking for information in the first place. And then I was really the only one I was risking. Hmm others less volatile can go with them.

With those thoughts, Norbert walked back over to Rizen and leaned against her while he waited, enjoying the cool breeze coming off of the water.


"The risk to myself was minimal. I'm sure that's why you partake in battle as well, Red" Mutt "Wolf," Cecelia replied to Miguel, retaining her unemotional exterior, "After all, why stand back when we are perfectly suited to a task?" Then, she returned her attention to the Colonel. "Colonel Langley, permission to reenter the cave to help the other two teams," she requested.

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The Sandbar

"Sure, I think I'm a little young to be going to bars anyway," Connor said, already getting back to work.

Nadya decided to stay outside instead of going on. Crowd around here does seem a little seedy...and we have a pretty nice wagon all things considered. Standin' guard probably wouldn't hurt.

Veronika entered the bar quickly, briefly scanning the patrons. Seems like a wide variety...maybe there's someone here who can take us on. "Get me whatever's on tap," she requested of the barkeep, grabbing herself a stool.

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"Hmm." the barkeep mused about the new faces and then filled a mug with beer, and slid it right to Veronika. "Don't knock yourself cold." he warned.

Raquel stood near the counter but hadn't been so quick to take a seat as Veronika was. Instead she stood there looking awkward and nervously looking around at people, and frankly, many of them were looking back. How am I supposed to keep up appearances like this? Hmm wait ... Gytha's here so ... I shouldn't be that nervous. Okay, I need to find a balance, not too haughty and not too shy. After mentally smacking the fear out of herself, Raquel took a seat next to Veronika.

"What do you need?" the barkeep asked. He was talking about drinks but ...

"A ship."

"Heh ..." He recalled a brew with 'ship' in the name. He knew she meant a literal ship, but it had been a boring day until just now.


"Permission granted." Langley replied simply.

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Well, it looked like Raquel was starting the conversation up, going right to business. Gytha decided she might as well follow her up as she took a seat on Raquel's other side and leaned casually against the counter. "Any ships in port lookin' fer some extra swords ye know of? Don't bother suggestin' any small ships -- there's a lot o' us n' we're lookin' fer an Ursium-bound vessel. We'd like t' talk t' th' captain o' a ship like that, but we need names 'r a location on a ship clerk who deals in crew members. First time in this port, after all -- ye know how that goes, harr," she casually added their specifications.


Cecelia gave an affirmative nod and another salute before briskly walked back over to her group. "Whoever isn't busy and wants to go back into the caves, come with me," were her simple orders as she passed the lower-ranked soldiers and reentered the cave. She figured Fletcher could handle himself -- he'd earned his rank, after all -- and so decided on continuing on the path to the right. When she found Beck and his men, she stopped, a bit puzzled.

"Sergeant Beck, what's the situation here?" she asked, clearly perplexed at the scene.

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Ships and Ships

"Ursium? Hmm, that's a tall order. I take it you people aren't set up with passports." the barkeep replied as he began mixing some things together. Raquel didn't answer immediately, and that was all he needed to see basically. Of course they didn't. He handed Raquel the finished mix which delayed whatever answer she would have given even longer. "One Listing Ship. Enjoy."

"Err ..."

"Trying to get a ride straight to Ursium's going to take more coin than I think you people have. You'll have a much easier time getting to Tremere and trying from there. At least you can find ships that sail close to Central, there. You might also want to mind the Neviskotians in the ports if you aren't with them. They've got their own business and don't like being bothered."

Neviskotians? Raquel wasn't sure what to make of that information. Instead she looked down at this oddly named drink and grimaced. Was she really supposed to drink this?


"He's ... in prayer, Ma'am." Beck replied with a look of 'I don't know what to do' in his eyes and elevated shoulder.

"He's been at it for five minutes, and that's since we got here. Maybe he's just buying time." a random soldier commented.

"I am praying for more people than just myself." the man said, breaking off the prayer just long enough to elaborate. He still didn't open his eyes or make any motions.

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Veronika drank some of her beer and smirked a little at Raquel's drink. What's even in there...well if she doesn't want to drink it that's her choice.

"From what I remember Tremere shouldn't be too far from here, though I don't know how long a journey there would take. We can see about getting a ship to Ursium from there...I'd rather not go through Central Sardius if possible."

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"I have me passport," Gytha replied, slipping the passport from her belt pouch to display it for a moment before putting it back, "Never know how far I'll have t' travel on a job, so I keep it handy in case me mariner's record n' license don't cover it. N' I always r'port in t' the dock records, so anyone hirin' me can do a reference check if they have access t' 'em. So, any large vessels headin' fer Tremere lookin' fer a bunch o' swordarms? We're lookin' t' pay by workin', mind ye."


Cecelia studied the shrine for a moment. Candles, arranged rocks...and a dragon-shaped idol. Her glare sharpened at the statue. "You can pray in captivity," she told the bandit before addressing the other soldiers, "Bring him to the others outside." Then, to any who followed her from her own group, "We're going to investigate the last passage." With that, she turned and began walking back the way she'd come, intent non making sure the last group was faring well.

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John was leaning against Gil, arms crossed and eyes closed. <Looking for a ship sure sounded like quite the chore.> He thought. <Then again, considering things, it doesn't look that surprising. We're quite the number, not to mention all the mounts and the wagon. And I guess there's the issue of passports. We didn't count on ending up here in the first place, at least in a planned way.> He opened his eyes and turned to see whoever remained around. <Highly likely most of them don't have, probably even more so for the Ursians. Well, we'll soon see how things go I guess.> And went back to his previous position.

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Which Ships, These Ships

While Raquel stared reluctantly at her listing ship, the barkeep began listing ships. "The Argus; captain's a pain from what I hear, but he goes to Tremere regularly. He's a little understaffed but the crew he does have gets ridden constantly. The Leverager; apparently they go all over the place. They've got occasional business with northerners from what I hear, and their ship is massive. You could also try the Dark Utka. That ship's got some close ties to those Neviskotians I told you about. On the flipside, you might be able to talk him into sailing you all closer to Ursium. I'd recommend the Leverager, personally, but keep in mind, all of these ships have business here and they're big for a reason ... major cargo haulers is an understatement." he explained. Meanwhile Raquel processed the information that was being relayed, but also kept to investigating her drink. She sniffed it, but that didn't help her reach a decision on whether or not to drink it.

"What's in this?" she asked aloud.

"Three kinds of beverages that don't even have names in common, and two distinct sweeteners. Try it, you'll like it ..." And so she did, first taking a moment to glance at a few other people so she could copy their method. At first she was holding the mug with two hands, but switched to one hand since virtually everyone else was doing it that way. As far as technique, that was all she could see at the moment. Next she lifted the mug to her lips and began to drink. She only finished a quarter of the mug before setting it down and staring off into space. "... but don't stand up for awhile afterward." the barkeep finally warned.

"What?" Well it was too late for that to matter. She decided to stay on topic. "It might take awhile, but ... maybe we should see all three of the captains for ourselves, first?" she asked, mostly toward Gytha. It might be easier to make a decision once we've seen all three."

Round Up

"Ma'am. Alright, come on, you" Beck announced, stepping forward along with an extra pair of soldiers.

"If you can't be swayed, fine ... but know this; the day of the Shadow God is coming." the bandit warned. He was subsequently grabbed by both arms, slapped in cuffs and pulled off. Another soldier stepped forward to put out the candles, but first he took a long look at the dragon idol on the miniature shrine. He wasn't sure what to make of it, really. He said 'Shadow God' so this was no ordinary dragon he was praying to.

The Dust Settles

Another bandit made a move that Fletcher's supporting units didn't like, and shots were fired. Cornered, and hilariously outnumbered, the bandits began to bunker down and Fletcher's unit was forced to take cover behind the boulders close to the tunnel entrance. Eventually it happened, despite all of the instability of the cave, one of the bandits threw a grenade. "Oh no you don't!" one of Fletcher's men yelled as he ran forward. The grenade hit the ground and bounced just as he reached it, and with a carefully placed kick, he sent it straight up to the deck walkway and the whole thing exploded sending the bandit leader sailing thirty feet onto his back. The woodwork collapsed a afterward and sent a dust cloud out that choked the bandits into submission. They staggered out from the debris and right into custody.

"Corporal, where did you learn to kick like that?" Fletcher asked as the surviving bandits were beaten down, tackled, disarmed, and cuffed.

"Ball kicking practice, Sir. Much smaller ball, but that's about it."

"Hmm, interesting. I didn't think anything like that would ever be useful." Fletcher admitted.

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"I know my way around a campfire and wild foods. You and I might be able to make something together for everyone if we tried, though I doubt it will be of legendary quality." said Robin before looking towards the bar where Raquel had gone inside.

"Do you think she will be a while? If so, do either you or Bert want to do something? Bert promised to help me buy a metal knife to replace my stone one and I am sure you and I can do something as well Ms. Faatina."

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"Well, I suppose I've nothing else to do aside from look around anyway. It would be nice to have someone who knows their way about more than I, however. If you would have me, I have no qualms accompanying you." Faatina replied to Robin, still looking about every which way, trying to make sense of her new surroundings.

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Aneda had gone in with the group, not really wanting to help so much as to have a nice drink to take off the edge of previous events, but it's not like she was against helping altogether. "Barkeep, same as what she's having if ya don't mind. Looks good!" she pointed to what Raquel was drinking, almost taking her reaction as a challenge. She's a light weight? Well I shouldn't be surprised, she doesn't look like she's that much of a drinker to begin with. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a few people shoot her a glance, one man staring a little bit too hard. To this, Aneda only winked and waited for a drink.

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Gytha shrugged in response to Raquel. "Up t' ye. I usualla just heard 'bout one needin' a sword arm that didn't mind cats and signed aboard. Guess at this point, just use yer merchant hagglin' t' see if ye can get us th' best conditions. Guess 'best conditions' depends on prospective, though. Might be ye have t' pick what ye mind th' least in th' end," she answered.


Wait, she still wants to do that? I thought that that was only in Sanctuary! Well... It sounds like she's going to go somewhere with Faatina. I'll just stay here, then. Norbert thought as the short conversation progressed. He'd heard his name mentioned, so that was initially what caught his attention, but now he simply continued to relax where he was. He might've even looked to be asleep as he leaned against his pegasus, though his ears were alert and he was actually quite awake.


Cecelia didn't catch the exchange between the praying bandit and Beck. She'd already begun to exit the passage as the soldiers did their work. By the time she'd gotten to where Fletcher and his men were, things had died down: the bandits were subdued, cuffed and being hauled to their feet. "Lieutenant," Cecelia formally greeted as she approached Fletcher. Things seemed to be going well.

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"I agree- let's examine out our options before reaching a decision. Where do you suggest we look for these ship captains? Are they here or should we look for the ships at the docks?" Veronika asked the barkeep, handing over significantly more gold than her drink was worth.

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"I have no problems with you accompanying me. I am unsure of how interesting I will be unto you. I am not some holy warrior or woman rebelling against a cause, just a normal girl from Skotia." she turned to Bert and started to approach him. She knew when a person was faking sleep well enough and it seemed to her like he might be doing just that. He clearly wasn't actually asleep, be it because his chest was not rising or falling gently with rest, that any motion by his steed would likely have sent him toppling to the ground in a unceremonious pile of Ursium Pegasus rider and rage (most likely), but mostly it was because they had been stopped outside the bar for only a short amount of time in the first place.

"Wake up соня." she said, the last part in Skotian before trying to push him slightly to 'wake' him up. "Even if helping me find a good knife is boring it beats standing here while Raquel goes boat-shopping."

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"So it's ... probably not going to be ideal. Is that what you mean, Gytha?" Raquel asked, before looking back at her drink. It didn't taste bad. Hell, she was considering taking another drink, but there was just one problem ... how much was too much? Could a single mug send her into a drunken stupor?

Meanwhile, the barkeep accepted the coins with a curious look and said "The Argus' captain is over by the front. You people passed him on your way over. The Leverager's captain's probably by his ship. Look for a very large ship with an ridiculous number of spears on the flag. As for the Dark Utka ..." he paused and looked over toward a dark corner. There was a small gathering of sailors there, several in long coats. "That's some of the crew if I recall."


"Captain." Fletcher replied with a nod before glancing back at his men and their bandit round up. "I'm guessing your team finished investigating the central tunnel? Any trouble in there? We've certainly had our share ... no casualties but you know the enemy is just being stubborn when they start throwing grenades in an unstable cave."

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"Thanks," Veronika said briefly to the barkeep, finishing most of her beer before turning to Raquel. "Well, where do you want to start? Sooner we arrange a voyage the better, we don't know how long these captains will be staying in this port," she pointed out while scanning the bar, her gaze going back to the men in longcoats in the corner.

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"Umm, I guess the crew over there?" Raquel replied, sounding a little tired. She thought to take another drink but gave the cup a dubious look. Wait, what the heck am I doing? I can't keep drinking this stuff or I might actually get intoxicated and how on earth will I negotiate then? Gods this was a really bad idea. What if I already drank too much? She quickly stood up from the stool and backed away from the counter a few steps. Sure enough, things weren't staying where they were supposed to. Her balance was off.

"I told you not to do that." the barkeep said. "That drink hits hard and fast. You're supposed to sit until the 'listing' wears off." he explained.

"Oh crap ..." Raquel muttered as she began staggering.

"You might want to sit her back down until that wears off." the barkeep suggested to Gytha. Next he finished another Listing Ship and slid it over to Aneda. "Same advice to you. Don't get up until the bar stops swaying."

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Norbert opened an eye to look at Robin while he shrugged her off. The sun was brighter now that he'd had his eyes closed a short while, or rather, his eyes weren't as adjusted to the light anymore. "Are you sure that's a good idea?" he asked, "It's not like she's been gone very long." Enough people are here to guard the wagon -- only a few went into that place with Raquel -- but I'd still rather rest between the breeze and the sun... If she insists, I'll just go. He blinked his eyes as they readjusted to the sunlight again.


Gytha nodded in reply to Raquel's question about expectations, but didn't elaborate as the barkeep continued his talk. "If they're undermanned, they won't be leavin' too soon," Gytha assured Veronika before Raquel got the wonderful idea to ignore the barkeep's earlier instruction. Gytha grimaced. By Leviathan, they really are foreign t' this world, aren't they? 'R at least Raquel seems t' be... She nodded at the barkeep's suggestion and got up to help Raquel sit back down. "If ye want me advice, don't talk t' crew members if ye want any sort o' progress towards gettin' aboard a ship legalla as a crewman," she told Raquel as she sat down next to her again, "If ye want t' ask 'em where t' find their captain, though, that shouldn't be a problem, but...most sailors aren't women n' it's been me experience that even less 'r gentlemen. Higher n' rank ye climb, though, less bottom-feeders ye'll find. Best let someone steadier t' talk at th' very least."


"Yes, we finished first, it seems," Cecelia replied with a curt nod, "We found a group of bandits. They're outside with the others now. Sergeant Beck found a single bandit, but he was praying at an altar. I told him to take him to the others, so I assume that's what he's done. And your progress, Lieutenant? Do you plan to explore this part of the cave further?" Her eyes shifted to the scaffolds. They were mostly wrecked, but there seemed to be more to the hideout.

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"The Captain of the Argus is right there so ..." Raquel paused and looked over at the apparent crewmen of the Dark Utka. "I'm not sure how long they're going to be here, either." It seemed as if the effects were really starting to kick in. Everything in sight was tilting in one direction and then tilting in the other in smooth transitions, and she instinctively followed all of the swaying trying to keep her head level with what she saw. "Someone ask the crew where the captain of the Utka is and I'll talk to the Argus' captain."

"You don't look like you're up for talking to ship captains." the barkeep noted.

"THAT ... is your fault ... but I'll beat this." Raquel explained with an unsteady accusing finger.

"I'll admit, I was bored. That one's on the house, by the way ... for being such a good sport about it."

By now Gabbie had caught up to the bar group and took a stool for herself. She wasn't sure what she wanted just yet, so she just quietly watched as Raquel's soberness eroded away. I can't wait to see what kind of drunk this girl is, heheh.


Having nothing else to do for the moment, Chip sat in a corner and cleaned his pistol, something Jethro had taught him how to do. He seemed to just be mimicking Jethro though and not actually trying to clean the gun, since he was using a dirty cloth and not being very thorough. To be fair, the gun was mostly clean, already, from the lack of use. Once he was finished, he put it back over his shoulder into its holster and wandered over to poke at whatever Connor was working on.


Fletcher looked toward where Cecelia mentioned and donned an unamused look. "Yeah, I'll take care of it. In the meantime, could you let the Colonel know that we've almost finished up in here ... and request that we seal the whole place? I mean let's face it. If they had more advanced notice, things could have been a lot worse for us. The last thing we need is to leave a mostly intact hideout for future outlaws to hide in." he explained.

"Or you could leave it intact and use it as a trap in the future." another soldier suggested. "It would take some work, but if we left this place standing and came up with a way to use its location and 'known layout' to our advantage, we might be able to shut down people like these more often."

Fletcher shrugged. "Whatever you think is best, Captain. As long as a place like this isn't going to just sit idly by for the next bandit occupation without us having done something about it ..."

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Robin shook her head in agreement with Bert's assessment that it wasn't a good idea. "I suppose you are right. If she moves we will be lost. I am unsure of what we can do while we wait for Raquel. Faatina and you seem to be the only ones willing to even talk to me in this caravan."

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