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Return of the Emblem Chapter Eight: Affairs of the World


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"Kick in the shins usually does the trick~" Gabbie affirmed. "I think you'd do just foine with us. You'll have to stay on your toes, though. We've got a few ... 'atypical' mercs in the group and sometoimes it leads to trouble. Raquel's too desperate for help to do anything about it, though."

Ship Searching

"I-I'm just going off of the description. It's a large ship with a flag that has a lot of spears on it." Raquel replied. "I guess the names might help, but I can only see a few, and those ships are too small, anyway."

Once the four of them were sufficiently 'alone' ... however that conclusion had been reached, the three thugs picked up their pace, and one of them called out. "Ey! You people! Stop right there!" Raquel quickly leaped behind Gytha and kept the mariner between herself and the the three men. With Raquel safely hidden away, it was then three on three. Pleeeease, not another fight, not another fight, not another fight, not another fight, not another fight-

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Gytha turned to face the ones that'd been tailing them as Raquel bolted behind her. "Ahoy. What's th' trouble?" Gytha asked them, placing her hands on her hips, cautious as to the others' intentions. Having her hands on her hips, both of her weapons were easily accessible to her.

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It seems following them was a good idea, they were indeed after Raquel and the others. John stopped, still keeping his distance.

<Alright, it looks like it's just those three so far.> He thought. <I'll see first how things go...>

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"It is just as well. I do not think I could use such a knife. I have no magical properties at all." she said, a hint of glumness in her voice as she brought out what coin she had and offered up ten of them.

"Thank you Bert. I am sorry I had to drag you along for this, but... Thank you."

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"Not especially." Faatina replied to Norbert.

"I just needed to replace the one I gave you, is all." Faatina finished, seeing Robin had made her purchase.

"So, anything else to do in the market, or should we head back to the Dauntless?"

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He wasn't sure how to respond to that. Why was Robin thanking him and only him? It was weird how he was being singled out so much so far today. "You're welcome," he decided to reply. It was really the only one that worked remotely well. Then Faatina answered his earlier question and mentioned something interesting before posing a question of her own. Norbert couldn't think of a reason to stay out in the market himself, but the others might. Instead, he commented on something else. "Do you like to carry two handy knives with you at all times or something?" he asked Faatina.

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"Hmm? No, just the one. That's why I had to replace it. I figured if it came down to it, I would have an easier time skinning something with my lance than you would with a mace at the very least." Faatina answered, confused as to Norbert was asking such strange questions.

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Judging from Tina's question, it seemed they had only come here for the knives. Sophia made a quick pause from her looking around.

''Well, I was trying to find... I'm not exactly sure yet. Since we will soon leave this place, I wanted to buy something to bring back home.'' She explained.

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"Merz, if it was your only knife you didn't have to give it to me," he replied, a tad exasperated before falling into slight annoyance again, "Besides, I'm not that dumb. And it's not like I don't have a sharp weapon, I'm just more used to using my maces in combat. Well, you already replaced it, but..." It occurred to him that he probably had more money than she did. That only helped to form a pit of guilt to churn in his stomach. Either that or he was hungry again. Maybe both. "That cost a sun coin, right? That's worth 10 gold so..." he continued, half talking to Faatina, half muttering to himself as he dug through a saddlebag until he held out his hand, offering Faatina 10 gold coins. "I've probably been paid more recently than you. It wouldn't be right to get something for free from you when you have less than me." This is a weird feeling. Usually I'm the one needing the money, but I've become so rich in such a short amount of time... This is going to require more getting used-to than I first thought. I never really had the means to give someone something before...

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"You don't need magical abilities, really. There usually isn't a trace of power left in a bonded item." the assistant clarified for Robin. "You should definitely stay away from imbued or enchanted equipment, though. Those are for magic users."


"You ... 'people' wouldn't happen to be thinkin' about signing on with the Leverager, would ya?" one of the men asked. Raquel had her head against Gytha's back and was grabbing both of her arms from behind as if she was moving a door.

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"Maybe we are, maybe we're not. What's it to ye?" Gytha asked in reply, maintaining her stance.

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"A Souvenir?" Faatina asked, scanning the marketplace for a suitable stall to find such a thing. Finding a promising one nearby, she began looking at the wares, before calling Sophia over.

"Look at this one, pretty huh? And it matches your eyes too." Faatina commented, showing her a small sandstone charm, carved into an ornate design reminiscent of a nomadic tribe. In the center a small Lapis Lazuli was set, glimmering in the sunlight.

"These charms were crafted to ward away malevolent spirits in the ancient times... it's not too expensive either. Whaddaya think?" Faatina asked Sophia, giving her a smile, before turning to Bert as he spoke.

"Don't worry about it Norbert. If you really feel the need to repay me, surprise me with a present from the market." Faatina replied to him, giving him a teasing wink as she spoke.

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Why does Raquel hire the most confounding individuals... Norbert mentally muttered before putting the money back into a saddlebag and leaning against Rizen to think about how he was supposed to pay Faatina back. She'll only accept the money back in gift form when money its self is much more useful. I don't even know what she likes. I guess she doesn't have to like it as long as it costs ten gold. Though by doing this I'm essentially buying the knife from her. At least after I get something this ordeal will be over. I never should've accepted the knife; this is ridiculous. ...but if I hadn't, I'd be having to borrow knives from Robin and Faatina anyway. Blast it... How am I supposed to know what to get? This is more than I should be having to deal with. Grr... Something...useful. Maybe a whetstone or something.

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''Yes, it is pretty.'' Sophia thought out loud, taking a good look at the charm. That was fast. She thought. I guess I could just look for something else first, though...

''Excuse me, but what those that charm costs?'' She asked the shopkeeper.

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"So then you are saying I CAN use something like that without tearing a hole in space and time and summoning up a elder god?" asked Robin, a bit shocked at the notion of such a thing being possible. "I am interested. Are any of them made from non-metals by any chance as well?"

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Three On Three+1

"Listen up!" the thug demanded, raising his fist up in a threatening manner. "If you know what's good for ya, you'll stay away from that ship."

"Better yet," one of the others chimed in. "You should sign up with us!"

"Gytha, why didn't you tell me ship crews had hiring competitions?!" Raquel whispered from behind, trying to remain unseen.


The man tending the trinket store stood up now that his wares were getting attention. He also donned a big smile, a step up from the disinterested knife shop assistant. "Ah, I can see you've taken an interest in my painstakingly crafted goods. As the young lady said, that one is not very expensive; only three gold coins for you. It is not lacking for quality, though." he said with a rexian accent.

Meanwhile, a rexian man in a beige cloak and hood emerged from the crowd. The only features that could be made out were his race and his mustache and beard. He approached and tapped Bert on the shoulder. "If it is a gift you require, perhaps I can be of assistance." Another guy with an accent, joy joy.

When Robin realized that bonded weapons weren't for the magically attuned, she asked about versions that were non metal. "They exist. It's a little old fashioned, but they're still around. We don't have any in stock, but there are a few ways you can get one. I'm assuming you wouldn't mind having an unbreakable stone knife? Well, some of the best dark magicians or alchemists could do it, though if they have any idea how profitable bonding is, they'll charge you a small fortune." he explained while scratching his chin. "If you've got any dark magic wielding friends, that's probably your best bet. Great dunes, even if they don't know how, if they learn, they could make a killing." he added, trailing off into speculation.

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A glitter of awe came to Robin's eye as she listened in slack-jawed wonder. An unbreakable stone knife? Her knife made of obsidian, possibly the sharpest natural material known to man and held back only by how brittle it was, unbreakable. It wasn't just her knives either. An unbreakable obsidian arrowhead? Such a thing wouldn't shatter at all if it hit metal plate armor! It would apply all it's force to damage it in a wonderous fashion! She reached out to grab the man by his cloak, almost frothing at the mouth. "TELL ME HOW! <TELL ME HOW TO LEARN HOW TO MAKE THIS WONDROUS THING!>"

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Veronika noticed Raquel acting a little strangely and the three men who appeared gave an obvious reason as to why. They seemed concerned about the group going to see the Leverager.

"And why should we sign on with you and not the Leverager?" Veronika asked the thugs calmly. Raquel is a timid thing, isn't she? I know this hasn't been easy, but these thugs really don't look that dangerous she thought to herself, hand on her sword.


Layla sighed and placed her hand on the side of her face at Simon's reply. "I suppose I might be able to find some use for you," she admitted to him begrudgingly. "Particularly because your next mission involves information gathering, there shouldn't be any need for violence. I think our organization needs a little restructuring- and you're all going to help me do it," she said, looking at each of them in turn.

No need for violence again? We're really lucking out. Clara thought happily.

Restructuring...sounds boring. Cloe thought to herself, attempting to look not bored and professional in spite of this.

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"Never ran inta this problem," Gytha muttered in reply to the pink-haired one. Then she addressed the sailors. "Just which ship d' ye sail on anyway?"


That's...weird. Norbert thought as he was addressed by some Rexian guy. Why was he listening to all that? This place is pretty bustling... He wasn't sure if he should trust this guy or not. "How so?" he carefully asked, having stopped leaning on his pegasus when his shoulder was tapped.

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"Hesitation when trying to describe someone or something rarely means something good." Davod kept his smile but he started having second thoughts. Uh oh, I knew it was too good to be true. Danger is one thing but dealing with a bunch of crazy people while being in danger is a different thing entirely! "If you could go into greater detail about the 'atypicalness' that'd be grand. What, are we talking like... they aren't sociable, they're not hygienic, absurdly racist, what? Unless it's something that's like... I need to see for myself, or if it's somehow personal, well... I dunno then. But yeah, what makes them so atypical?"

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Best Describer

"More detail? Well we've got a really loud pegasus roider who loikes to beat the shit out of enemies with a pair of old maces. Guy has anger management issues. There's an archer girl who ... you really just need to 'experience' for yourself. Words alone really can't do that one justice. We've got a mariner who's so oblivious it's just cute. Don't call her a 'pirate'; that warrants pain. We've also got a kigenese mage who loikes to throw up in people's faces ... mostly Aneda's. Not sure if that's a man or a woman, come to think of it. Koinda hope it's the latter, cause it's koind of pathetic otherwoise." Gabbie explained. "We had a guy, Axel ... but he damn near killed himself to save us from a pair of pissed off fallen. Didn't seem to give the matter a second thought-It was very dramatic. One of our healers is a grave robber who taught her horse how to loot bodies, and the other healer has a disease I've never heard of in my loife. I guess I could be considered 'atypical' as well. I don't know anyone else who's kicked Raquel's ass or used a fallen's tail as a belt~"

Best Shoppers

The assistant was shook a few times, but remained mostly composed afterward. He understood the excitement ... or at least he felt he did. "Well if you're not a magician or an alchemist you'll need someone who is," he began. "They say anima mages can do it too, but that's a technicality if I ever saw one. You'll have better luck with dark magic or alchemy. Like I said, even if they don't know how, they can probably learn. That's really all I know on the subject, miss."

Meanwhile, Bert was being spoken to by that cloaked man, still. "My shop is full of 'alluring' items, things you will not find in ... simple trinket shops. You would like to repay the lovely young lady, wouldn't you?"

Worst Recruiters

"Hmph. We serve on the Dark Utka, and the Leverager is a menace. If you ladies don't think so, listen to this ..." he paused to lean a little closer, though he was too far away for that to make a noticeable difference. "The Leverager belongs to a despicable Neviskotian privateer. The ship's got a light crew for a ship that size. Ya know why? Cause the dishonorable bastard kills off all but his 'real crew'. Everyone else is just dumb muscle until the end of the mission. The scumbag also has it in for our captain, who's only doin' his job and deliverin' goods to the north. Ya might not like us personally, but at least we won't chuck ya overboard or gun ya down when our business is concluded." the burly sailor ranted bitterly.

"Yeah, we're doing you people a favor, so stay away from that ship. And consider working for us if you really need the coin." one of the others added.

Okay Agents

'Restructuring' ... well Layla said it, so people are definitely going to get killed even if we're not directly involved. As long as we don't have to do anymore silly grunt work, I guess I'm fine with whatever assignment we get. Cecily mused. Simon bowed but kept his hood on. It was more or less the incarnation of his bravado. "I will do as you command, my liege." Cecily couldn't help but eyeroll.

"Sooo what will our part be in this?" she decided to ask.

Edited by Phoenix
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He nodded. That was exactly what he wanted to do. That and only that. Norbert was listening, though not agreeing to anything yet.


"... D' ye realla realize how obvious yer lies are?" Gytha bluntly asked, "Ye sound more like ye have a grudge than just a bunch o' guys tryin' t' help yer fellow sailors."

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"What sort of 'goods' does your captain deliver up north anyway?" Veronika asked the sailors. Gytha doesn't trust these sailors much- I'm finding them pretty suspicious myself- but maybe there is something off about the Leverager as well...


"High ranking officers in our organization have been far too incompetent for far too long. Certain people are holding us back and I intend to make sure they surrender their authority to someone worthy. Unfortunately I'll need more evidence before I can make a proper case for a demotion- which is where you all come in. Report to Sardis and do what tasks he requires of you, but report on everything his branch is up to. I want to know every mistake he makes, every secret project he works on. Remember that while you're nominally under his command I'm the one controlling your payroll- and I can be generous to those who do good work," she explained to them.

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Called Out

"You think we're lyin'?!" the sailor yelled, apparently offended. Raquel grabbed Gytha even harder on reflex. When Veronika asked about their cargo, another one of them stepped forward to answer since the storyteller was too furious to handle it.

"The Dark Utka's cargo is none of your business unless you're lookin' to work with us~"

"J-just leave us alone already!" Raquel called out from behind Gytha. Gytha didn't say it, so the sailors were left wondering who did.

Called Over

"Then if will, please follow me back into my shop ..." the cloaked man replied, backing away slowly and turning to leave the scene.

Called To Duty

"Sardis' people have a habit of dying ..." Cecily noted with a blank look on her face. In truth she was almost terrified of Layla's decision to put her and her sisters under him. They weren't grunts to be thrown away, or at least that was how she felt about the issue.

"Who is this Sardis? I've never heard that name." Simon chimed in.

"He's the one that's been tracking down relics ... I'm not sure how you lose so many men relic hunting, but he apparently found a way. That's what I heard, anyway." she explained with a shrug.

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"Aye," she replied to the outraged sailor, though he probably didn't actually want an answer.

"I don't think we should sail with them," Gytha decided to advise over her shoulder, "Sound like trouble t' me."


Hmm... If there's trouble, I can probably just smash this guy's face in or get on Riz and get back into broad daylight. Or just fly. He looks pretty land-bound to me. Though he's not short on creepy. Norbert decided the worst the salesman could do was overprice something or get on his nerves, so he began following the strange Rexian. "I'll meet up with you at the Dauntless," he called over to the others as he, too, left the scene, Rizen following as she always did.

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