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Return of the Emblem Chapter Eight: Affairs of the World


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"Wait you heard? Heard what?" the man asked before a few unrelated explanations came in. It didn't seem there was anything more he could do information-wise. "Mostly mercenaries? Huh. Head up onto the deck, tell anyone who bothers you that Filat let you through and to take you to the captain. If you're not here to be hired for work, you're best off looking somewhere else. The Captain's not even bothering with simple passage requests." he explained.

He's not? Well that makes sense. Those other sailors are threatening people involved ... so he's probably only interested in hiring muscle to fight back ... OH GODS ... we could end up getting caught in the middle of this! Raquel panicked silently, though her trembling and teary eyed expression were a little hard to miss. Just calm down. You're not scared. It's that drink from earlier. "L-let's go see the captain, then."


"Alcohol doesn't even seem to help much ..." Gabbie noted, thinking of Raquel. "... and don't worry about bein' down and out around me. I'll eoither cheer you up or pay you back when I start to feel loike shit. Raquel's roide is just outsoide. Could wait out there til she gets back, if ya don't have anywhere else to be."

Then a thought occurred. "Hey, I've been meaning to ask you ..." she began to ask the barkeep a question.

"Yes? Ready to order?"

"After what you did to Raquel? Heeeell no ... but that's the thing. What was in that drink? It couldn't have just been alcohol. She's not really all that drunk ... just scared out of her moind."

"I'm not sure what happened. The listing ship's known for bringing out people's feelings, but they also get drunk as hell ... so it's hard to tell the difference. She didn't look like she had a high tolerance, either. I was surprised."

I'm going to laugh my ass off if it turns out that the first time she got the emblem to work for her, all it did was keep her sober. Gabbie thought to herself, before focusing back on Davod. "So, yeah ... there's plenty of 'fresh air' by the wagon~"


"It seems I have chosen my words poorly. You see, I have already explained what they 'do'. There is no function beyond being 'aesthetically pleasing' to both the wearer and the observer. Only a mage could think of anything else to do with them." Mualim explained, remaining calm and composed.

Eastern Estate

"Well there is one thing you should know. Everyone else does. The fallen I mentioned, Steinn. He and I are establishing a ... temporary alliance in order to prevent any of his other brothers from taking power when the current emperor passes. As you know this would not sit well with the King or the generals. You're bound to run into him at some point, so keep in mind that he is our ally and his secret must be protected. He's disguised as a dark avian ... clumsily but no one would expect to find a fallen in Ursium, so it should do for now. Treat him as any other ... and 'Siv', the fallen you all brought back ... she isn't to be mentioned outside of the estate for any reason." Weyland explained, swapping for a more serious tone. "Already there is so much that could go wrong. The last thing I need is an investigation into 'my corruption', and so on. We are trying to prevent a fallen blitz, here." he added, going all casual again.

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"Aye; thank ye," Gytha concluded before heading up the ramp, carefully pulling Raquel along since she worried that the merchant would otherwise be frozen where she stood.


"'Only a mage can do something with them.' So, you mean even you don't know what they do? Do they house magic or something?" Norbert asked, back to his irritable-but-not-actively-being-threatening state. Well that's useless. "Alright, so, you basically sell things that..." he glanced around the room "glow. Ornaments, mostly?" Looks like a pretty good way to become a target or keep yourself awake at night.

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''Hopefully it does.'' Sophia commented. Well, they're just earrings, and it does have the same kind of stone.

So turning to face the shopkeeper again. ''And how much those these earrings cost?'' Well, time to find out.

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OK Gytha, complain about Veronika stepping out of line, then immediately turn around and do the exact same thing. That makes complete sense. Blake kept his complaints to himself, as the mariner seemed to have the situation covered for now. Though, now it looked like they'd have to work as a mercenary force, which meant they were probably going to encounter that Dark Utka rabble. The swordsman moved his gaze back to Raquel, and was dismayed. The poor girl was on the verge of tears now. As she stammered out that last sentence, he knew he had not been successful in his attempts to relieve the merchant. So, while Gytha thanked the crewman and began to drag Raquel up the Leverager's ramp, Blake decided to walk alongside Raquel.

"If this doesn't seem to suit your interests, Raquel, we can just walk away from it," Blake said reassuringly, as he gently clasped one of his hands on her shoulder to further emphasize that point. "There are other options, so there really is no pressure." Well, those other options did not seem to be too appealing to him, but he wasn't the employer. He went where the money went.


"... I understand the need for precautions," Axel said, after a moment. "If even a third of the fallen population were as strong as the weaker of the two that attacked us, we would have issues. As for the Fallen present at the estate, my lips are sealed. Now, if you don't mind, I must begin practice of my lancemanship." With the smallest of salutes, the man left the room, and made almost immediately for the sparring hall for Weyland employees.

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"Well ... it's between the Leverager and the Argus. I want to at least see what the captain's like before we make a decision." Raquel replied with a depressed look on her face. She felt so helpless at the moment. She noticed that the deck of the Leverager was busy, but there was more than enough room there alone for the entire party. Despite the danger, it seemed somewhat ideal.

... and then they were accosted, again. "Hey! Who the hell are you people?" a crewman called over, putting down what he was carrying and stomping on over. Two more broke off from their duties to back him up.

"We're with Filat! I-I mean he wants us to talk to your captain! We need to see the captain!" Raquel blurted out defensively, and loudly. They stopped in their tracks and looked back and forth at each other.

"Head to the cabin." the sailor replied, nudging his head toward the aft of the ship. Having no clue where the cabin might be, Raquel figured it was up to Gytha to lead her them there since the crew didn't seem interested in helping.

Shady Shop

It seems he doesn't care for the 'gift' itself. Very well, I shall put aside the mystical crap for the moment. "Perhaps I should clarify a bit, good sir. My wares house very small fine tuned hosts. These hosts collect the magical energy that exists all around us, and as the energy coalesces, these beautiful lights are created. The amount of magic contained in such a small area causes the effect, so to put it simply, there is really no end to what you might be able to do with with them. Mages make use of magical energy in more ways than either you and I can fathom, so I hope my explanation will be satisfactory."

Legit Shop

"Only three gold." the shopkeeper replied with a smile.

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As they continued on to the captain's cabin, Gytha was smiling cheerily. Though it was docked, the ship was in the water which meant the deck they were walking on bobbed gently this way and that ever-so-slightly. Still, the feeling of walking the deck was unmistakable and, to Gytha, it was like a breath of fresh air. "Feelin' better? I noticed yer talkin' again," Gytha asked Raquel. The mariner could tell by this particular kind of ship that there was enough time for a brief check on her leader before they'd reach the captain's quarters, so she decided to do just that.


So I'm buying for a lady who doesn't use magic in what's basically a magic shop. Well, it's not like I don't know any mages. the pegasus rider mused silently to himself, seriously pondering what he might find in this shop. I've never seen a shop like this, but then again, I haven't been to many shops and magic is pretty useless to me personally. "How common are" he paused, trying, to find the right word, "host shops?" Good a name as any, I guess.

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"I'm just trying to think rationally, here. It's that stupid drink from earlier." Raquel replied, sounding frustrated. "Every bad thing that could possibly happen is finding its way into my thoughts and it's making it hard for me to think straight. Before today, I had no idea how many different ways the enemy could just swoop in and take us out."


Mualim carefully shut the box containing the necklace and sat it down on one of the display tables as he answered. "'Host shops' could mean any number of things, but as far as what I do, I have not heard of any others. Magical hosts are usually 'big industry'." Turning back to face Bert once he finished putting the necklace down, he continued. "Mines and surface deposits will yield natural hosts and the energy from these is used to make staves, tomes, and other enchanted items. Hosts have varying degrees of strength, however, and this strength greatly effects how they are handled. The hosts in my shop are perfect for their use. The strength to capture and hold a sizable amount of magic, but without the destructive potential of a true 'magic seal'."

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Well, hopefully the paranoia would wear off, but they'd arrived at the captain's cabin. So, Gytha knocked on the door and waited for an answer.


So, this may be a rare opportunity. Norbert thought, a little perturbed by that. He also recalled that there was a magic seal he'd seen before. "Magic seals block magic, right? If one came in contact with something really magically powerful, wouldn't it explode?" he asked.

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There was silence after the knock, but then footsteps got louder and louder until it was obvious there was someone right on the other side of the door. The door opened and the nomad from the previous segments was standing there with an apple in his hand, partially eaten. "Hiiiii theeeeere ..." he suddenly forgot his own phrasing at the sight of the small group.

Raquel's eyes widened in shock. "Reign?!"

"Raquel? Huh, small world ... very small." he muttered in response, though he seemed somewhat happy to see a familiar face. His smile was also a melancholy one, though.


"The reason a magic seal will 'explode' is because its effect on magic is so strong that a balance of power cannot be reached. If too much energy is pulled in, it will explode ... though I cannot imagine a being strong enough to cause a seal to detonate all on their own." he replied. "These hosts cannot detonate, because their strength is not sufficient enough to build up enough energy. A magic seal is created when this strength is altered by a very experienced--and often crazed--magician. These are virtually harmless." he added with a shrug.

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Gytha smiled and stood back as the two addressed each other. "Heharr, ye know th' captain?" Gytha chuckled to Raquel, pleasantly surprised.


So it won't be dangerous if it's near Raquel's emblem... Alright. Though...it won't be useful at all either. Whatever, I've spent enough time on this. "So, you really think she'll like the necklace? Or is there something else worth 10 gold you think she'd like better?"

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That settles it then. Sophia took out the necessary coins, and payed the merchant.

''Well, I guess we can head back now.'' She told Tina and Robin. ''Unless you also want something from here.''

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"I want to find Bert. He is not here with us and I am afraid that, in a market like this, he might have wandered away into a shady shop or have become outright lost from us. Even if he is on his flying pony, the Dauntless will look the same as other carts from the sky, and that is assuming he can find it. We need to find him before returning to the Dauntless."

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It seemed that there was only one other option for naval travel, and that fact appeared to bring Raquel's spirits to a new low. Blake would've said more, but then other members of the crew decided to approach the quartet, which sent his employer into yet another panic. By the power of her vocal cords (and Filat's recommendation), they were directed towards the cabin. Along the way, Gytha, rather oblivious to the younger woman's distress, asked if she was doing better. The reply was surprising. Apparently, the merchant was under the influence of some unnamed drink. Oh, bloody hell, what were they thinking in the bar? He did not know too much about how sea travel negotiations went, but he was pretty sure allowing the leader of the outfit to imbibe some mind-altering substance -probably some sort of liquor- was NOT how to go about one's business. The swordsman was about to say something, but then they had arrived at the door to the cabin. Gytha knocked, and out came a Rexian man about Blake's age, dressed in... casual attire. Apparently Raquel knew this individual, as she shouted out a name -Reign. Interesting name.- while he muttered something in reply. Blake stepped back, just as Gytha wondered aloud if the merchant's acquaintance was the captain. Well, judging by his relative youth, his relaxed clothing, and the fact that Raquel apparently knew him but admitted that she knew nothing about negotiating with captains, the Ursian man doubted that 'Reign' was the captain. Though, stranger things have happened.

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"I don't know where Norbert managed to wander off to. He tried to pay me back for the knife I gave him, and I told him not to worry about it... I haven't seen him since." Faatina muttered, looking around for Bert or Rizen, to no avail.

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"Do you think we bored him out too much? I hope not. I was happy to have him here with us... Not that I did not want you guys though." said Robin as she too started to search for Bert. However, with so many people about, even if he was right across the street she wouldn't have been able to spot him easily. "I do not see him. Oh no. Raquel is going to have Gytha kill me if we lost one of our members."

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Seems not. They wanted to find Bert first.

''He was the one who wandered off on his own, I don't think it means it's our fault.'' Sophia pointed out. ''Much less so being killed for it.'' She added. Though that was very specific. She noted. Is she really that afraid of her?

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"I was the one who suggested we go out shopping, the one who asked Bert to come, and... It is my fault. It is my fault he is lost!" she exclaimed, sounding distressed. "Not to mention that... Well... I wouldn't want him to... get... lost... I want him safe."

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"Calm down Robin." Faatina said, hoping to get the girl to stop with her distressed yelling.

"You're a hunter, right? You'll have better eyes than me. Get on Sharif, you'll be able to see over the crowd." Faatina offered, extending her hand to Robin.

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She sure is getting anxious that he's not here. Sophia noted.

''Um, I'm sure he can take care of himself.'' She said, trying to calm her down. ''He'll probably come back soon enough.''

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Robin nodded and took Tina's hand, letting herself be pulled up onto the horses back. As soon as she did so it would be clear to Tina that Robin held little experience riding animals as she struggled to get her foot over to the other side of Sharif. When, at last, she got her foot over, she started to look. From the higher vantage point Robin could definatly see much better, but it did little good. She could see little more than a massive crowd going from one end of the street to the other. Many stalls lined the walls containing such goods as golden oil lamps shaped like pots, plush rugs from the desert lands, haunches of meat from every animal, some special green food cut into cubes the merchant was saying was 'very good to eat', elderly women looking at exotic birds that could speak, a man wearing a red and white striped shirt and using a cane pushing his glasses up as he examined a nice red jacket and hat, twenty seven carts of fish, some man selling small slips of square paper to children to play some sort of game, and no Bert.

"<Oh no.... no no no...>"

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Reign shook his head. "I'm still negotiating with the captain myself. I'm not actually a merc, but I want out of Temptress as soon as possible."

"Are you ... really Reign?" Raquel was unsure, partially because of the drink from earlier. It seemed more likely that this Reign was an imposter, what with how far from home they were ... and the Reign she knew was a graduate of the Ursentius military academy, not someone who would need to take up contracts with ships in rexian ports.

"Are you really Raquel? I mean I'm pretty sure you are," he replied, glancing at her chest for a split second. "But it's a fair question. I can't think of a reason for you being way out here. "Besides, do you know any other nomads with one of these?" he asked, lifting up his red gem, similar to Raquel's in almost every way.

"No one would even believe how we ended up down here so it doesn't matter .... Okay Reign, I believe it's you." she conceded.

"You could be a little happier to see an old friend, you know."

"You people could stop chatting it up in my doorway and remember who's ship you are on." came a thick Neviskotian accent. The captain was sitting behind his desk looking rather unamused. "You said you would get the door, and you did, now that is the end of it. Sit back down. You people as well. If you wish to do a little mercenary work, we can talk, if not, get off of my ship." he instructed angrily. Reign shrugged, took a bite of his apple and headed back to his seat. Raquel now thoroughly intimidated took a bit longer to even begin leaning in the direction of a seat. She took one step before looking to Gytha pleadingly. Helpless once again.


"Why certainly. The focus of my pieces is beauty--and intrigue, though that seems to perturb some people." he replied, muttering the last half under his breath. "I will make you a deal since you are so concerned for the young lady. If she is not thrilled with the necklace, simply return it to me, and I will give you a full refund, no questions asked."

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It was pretty obvious that Robin was unused to riding, as she had trouble getting atop Sharif. She then began muttering something in a language that Faatina didn't recognize, but considering the mass repetition, she assumed it was another form of panic.

"Don't worry, Norbert is strong, and I'm sure Rizen would have taken to the skies if something happened. Now hold on tight, okay?" Faatina said to Robin, gripping the girl with her free arm so she wouldn't fall off as she brought Sharif to a trot. If here was one thing that the Sancturan warhorse was good at, it was clearing space in a crowd, the masses of people parting to the sides as to not be manhandled by the hooves of the powerful animal.

"Sophia, you and Chelsea should keep an eye around this area in case he comes back here looking for us."

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He was apparently just a crewman after all. Well, they were invited in, but Raquel was frozen again. So, Gytha guided the merchant in and sat her down in one of the chairs, deciding to stand next to her herself. "Ahoy, captain," Gytha greeted, deciding to start negotiations herself, "So, ye said yer in need o' mercenaries n' mariners, aye? We heard yer headin' fer Port Tremere. Happens we're tryin' t' get t' Ursium n' we heard we might be able t' get passage aboard th' Leverager. Most o' us're handy with a sword, lance 'r staff, though a lot o' us aren't exactla used t' ship life. I'm a mariner meself, but s'far as I know, I'm th' onla one. Th' others'd have t' be taught. Most o' our group're women, too, just as a warnin'. There's a good number of us -- a couple pegasi, two wyverns, a wagon and some horses in addition t' us humans, too. N' one more thing, though..."

Gytha donned a puzzled look as she asked her next question. "A few sailors from th' Dark Utka warned us against sailin' with ye. Any reason why they'd say somethin' like that?"


As long as she accepts it, I don't really care about a refund. "Thanks," he decided to simply reply before handing over the coin.

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What's Really Going On

After taking his seat, one of the people with Raquel spoke to the captain and laid out virtually every detail he might have thought to ask about, but what really interested Reign was the mention of the Dark Utka's crew. The captain got off his reply first, though. "Why wouldn't they warn you about us? I do plan to kill those fools with my bare hands if that's what it takes, after all." Well that certainly made the captain sound like a paragon of justice, or something.

Reign decided to cut in on the exchange, though. "Youuu might want to explain why, Captain. Otherwise you just sound like you're out for blood."

"I am out for blood. I don't care what the lot of you think." the captain shot back. He got a 'look' from Reign that made him roll his eyes. "Tell them if you want, but warn them first."

Reign nodded. "You heard him; I can tell you what this is all about ... since he told me a good thirty seconds before you showed up ... but it needs to stay aboard this ship."

Mualim Made A Sale ChaCha~

"And here you are," Mualim replied, reaching to pick up the box containing the necklace and giving it to Bert in exchange. "I will assume things went well for you if you do not return ... ironic as that might sound." Mualim replied with a friendly smile.

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So Raquel has a friend aboard this ship...odd coincidence given how far away Ursium is from here. Gytha continued to push Raquel along, which Veronika found somewhat patronizing and insulting, but decided not to comment on it in front of strangers.

"All right, you have our word it won't leave the ship," Veronika answered the captain, taking another one of the seats. Well, unless there's a very good reason to be spreading their business around...

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