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Did Anyone Know That You Can Turn The Ally Character Palette Off?

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What exactly is the expected result? All I see at the bottom is an option to change the window color. Is that what you meant? >o<

Basically every ally unit has a blue characeter palette. Lemme upload a pic.


Edited by UberLughFTW
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Is this something that's japan-only? I'm just not seeing an option for this in the translation. All I see is the window color option.

EDIT: OK, nevermind the japan thing, i'm just stupid. Still, I do not see this option.

Edited by Eliwood of Pherae
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Is this something that's japan-only? I'm just not seeing an option for this in the translation. All I see is the window color option.


Basically every ally unit has a blue characeter palette. Lemme upload a pic.


Hmm. I fired up all my GBA games, and all of them show "custom" pallets, for lack of a better word. (As in, they aren't blue unless they were designed to be blue.)

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I could probably have picked a better unit to showcase it, but the only two in range of enemies at the moment are Noah and Marcus and Noah's palette is standard ally blue anyway.

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I could probably have picked a better unit to showcase it, but the only two in range of enemies at the moment are Noah and Marcus and Noah's palette is standard ally blue anyway.

None of my games have that menu option, not even FE6. >o<

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Must be a version thing, I guess. I know I've neither seen it nor heard of it in FE7 or 8.

EDIT: oo oi, it's on Serenes lol

It's a game completion bonus, apparently.

Edited by Integrity
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I'm pretty sure you need to beat the game once first. It wasn't there the first time I played FE6 but it is now.


Edited by Knuckles
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It's an option on my FE6 ROM but not my FE7 or FE8 carts, which have both been completed.

This feature is only available in FE6, although there may have been a hack to reenable it in FE7.

Wow, it's been so long since I played FE6 that I forgot the option's not there from the start o__o

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IS was really to lazy to make Percival a palette that remotely matched his mug, so they just made him generic?

Dunno, I've never used Percival with animations on.

Hell, I was surprised to learn that Marcus' palette was GLORIOUS PURPLE.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I was wondering if anyone would point out that you only get this option once you beat the game.

I think the real explanation is that it's there for nostalgia purposes. In the first FE's, all allied characters had the blue pallette, regardless of portrait, etc. I think FE6 is kind of supposed to be a "return to the roots" kind of thing. After all, it has:

--A Lord with a Rapier that doesn't promote (until late in the game--and even then he hardly changes)

--A Jeigan character, Christmas knights, an archer, and an armor knight in the first chapter

--No objectives besides seizing gates/thrones

--No cantoing

There are probably more things I haven't thought of. These features made me think they were trying to capture the feel of the older games a bit. The blue pallette may have been there as a little bonus to capture that feel better.

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I was wondering if anyone would point out that you only get this option once you beat the game.

I think the real explanation is that it's there for nostalgia purposes. In the first FE's, all allied characters had the blue pallette, regardless of portrait, etc. I think FE6 is kind of supposed to be a "return to the roots" kind of thing. After all, it has:

--A Lord with a Rapier that doesn't promote (until late in the game--and even then he hardly changes)

--A Jeigan character, Christmas knights, an archer, and an armor knight in the first chapter

--No objectives besides seizing gates/thrones

--No cantoing

There are probably more things I haven't thought of. These features made me think they were trying to capture the feel of the older games a bit. The blue pallette may have been there as a little bonus to capture that feel better.

That's pretty much exactly what I felt the feature was meant to invoke. Personally, I didn't know about this and I find it kinda neat. I wish there were more slight nuances like these for post-game content.

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