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Some of my past Ideas for the Fire Emblem series


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Here goes:

~Tactician Class~

Can use any weapon, but weapon level cap is C rank

The tactician isn't a fighter, But a strategist.

Can support with multiple characters at the same time (all of them if you wanted)

Supports would help decide how much characters trust you during battle, But some units will blindly obey you because it is the way they've been trained.

Good/Evil Decisions

This has been included in so many games that it seems natural to include it in a future FE game.

Good/Evil recruiting

Characters can only be recruited if you act a certain way, seems simple enough.

Tactician Bonds

Based on your actions characters may disobey your commands during battle or even decide to leave your army(Sometimes during battle).

Tactician Stars(Returning from FE7 with updates)

Tactician stars would be how you(the tactician) level up, The tactician would be unable to gain ordinary battle experience & any experience that would be gained would go in to the bonus experience pool.

~Random stuff~

Alternate outfits

Injury's that could last multiple chapters

multiple endings

equip-able shields

~Weapon Bonds~

Basically the more you use a specific weapon the better you perform with it. this could add another level of strategy to the game because you would only reach the highest bond level right before the weapon breaks & you could only gain bond experience when you use that weapon... So Hammerne staff's would be useful for extending the amount of time you get with your weapon. Maybe after the weapon reaches the highest level it would be renamed something like Ragnell, Alondite, & Armads also the weapon would receive some kind of power-up.

~An endless Fire Emblem game~

How I see it working:

-You Create a character & Join an army or mercenary group.

-If your character dies he or she stays dead & you create another one.

-You can work your way up the chain of command.

-Tactician rating will be included.

-When your characters turn comes up, the grid will display where your commander wants you to go. You can chose to disobey if you want.

-If the enemy commander talks to you you will have a choice to switch sides(Permanent effect)

-If you die your next character starts from the bottom of the army, in terms of rank.

-Supports will be included & you can support with up to 5 people.

-New support type "Rival Support"

-If you survive long enough you can marry one of your supports & you will have the option to have kids.

-If you die & You have a kid, you will have a option to use your kid as your next character. If you do, you will start with slightly better weapons & rank.

- upload custom made levels & stories to share with the world.

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an endless FE of that type has been on my mind before too, it just wouldn't be FE anymore.

all the things above; interesting, yet I don't see it happening. nor would I want it to.

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Out of those ideas, the only one that interests me is the recruitment stuff. Make more characters only join if you've done certain actions or Olwen/Eyrios pairs.

Edited by Baldrick
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The tactician idea is kinda boring and lame.

The good/evil things would require IS to actually write a decent story.

The weapon leveling idea also seems clunky. As it is right now, it's pretty easy to go through an entire weapon's uses in 2-3 chapters. Are these weapons going to have hundreds of uses or something or what?

Endless FE game wouldn't be FE anymore, it would be more like an MMORPG, minus the online, so it's just boring.

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The tactician idea is kinda boring and lame.

The good/evil things would require IS to actually write a decent story.

Why? I don't see how the two are connected at all.

To take an example, Fable didn't have a particularly good storyline. I wouldn't say that the Fire Emblem games have a significantly worse storyline. Yet it still had a good versus evil system. Another example is Black & White which didn't have a good storyline either. Certainly it was much worse than the likes of FE9 and FE10.

Edited by Anouleth
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I like the idea of some type of dynamic growths like the maker of fire emblem wanted to put into tearing saga but didn't . I would make it so each character would have base growths and rate in which they went up or went down . Now I dont know if doing it by a turn by turn bases or chapter by chapter basis or something different entirely . If I did chapter by chapter then I could make sure the jeigan wouldn't be used as much until later chapters were it's growths would catch up.

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It doesn't even need to be good/evil, it could just be a Route A/Route B kind of thing.

Like say in the early part of the game there's a route split and you can go to maps 6-8A or 6-8B. While in 6-8B there's a chance to save a village where there's some kid who thanks you for saving him and wanders off and you think nothing of it.

Then way later on map 18 you run into the kid's big brother, who is a midboss, and he's recruitable if and only if you saved that village in 7B. If you didn't do it, or went Route A instead, he's not recruitable but somebody else is. Sort of like a missable Dashin.

More Olwen/Eyrios or Sety/Cyas stuff is also a good idea, but make it more rivalry-based. Like if the game's Navarre-archetype has a rivalry with some other character, he won't join if you already recruited the other character, or he'll join but the two will give you an ultimatum in the next Base Screen where you have to choose between the two of them. Or, if you had something like Leadership Stars that ranked up based on completing mission objectives, perhaps a sufficient number of stars would allow your Lord to talk the two of them down and convince them to work together. This wouldn't work for every such rivalry, however.

That's a little Mass Effect 2-ish, I admit, but it's a neat idea!

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I still think that multiple choices that may change the ending drastically is a good idea. It can be as simple as having multiple routes, doing some Gaiden like chapters, that doesnt matter to me as long as it is well written and makes sense. Imo, it would raise the playability a lot

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