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Hi guys! Hope I have some good time here ^ ^ Joined other FE forums, but no harm done to join another one hehe...

Just recently got into FE and I especially love the battle sprites of the GBA games. I'm also got into a spriting in FE Battle sprites. Being the lazy bum that I am, I probably wouldn't post them here, though I post them on my dA

Anyways, see ya laters :D

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Welcome to Serenes Forest!

Hope you enjoy your stay around here and make friends in the process.

Which GBA games have you played?

So far I played and beaten 7 and 8. I also have 6 but haven't really played it yet.

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Try the others.

Also, click on sig.

Fave units?

Yeah, I have been plying FE4 but it's a lot harder than the GBA ones, guess it's just the huge maps you have to travel through

Fav units? I guess it would be knights and paladins ^ ^ I like my tanky units

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