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Rate the Boss, Day 9: Sealen


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- Ratings are assumed to be on Hard mode (LHM, EHM, and HHM). If they appear more than once, all of their appearances should be considered overall.

- To be counted, votes need some explanation regarding the difficulty in fighting them (unless they fall into the general parameters of the average rating, but reasoning is still strongly encouraged on those even if you just wanna quote people) — incredibly low scores or high scores without proper justification will not be counted. Don't put in some random text thinking it'd count as justification. Put in at least a little thought and give REAL reasoning.

+/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is okay, but no more.

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Seems Rath isn't the only nomad merc around. Part of Eubans' group, Sealen horses around with a steel bow and longbow, one of which he drops. Being a timed map, you can choose to ignore him... but where's the fun in that?

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He's not hard to kill if you can get to him. The problem is, however, getting to him. He has a longbow, which means that you have to be careful where you place your squishy units. And since he has a longbow, you can't just have a character with 1-2 range kill him easily, unless said character would cleanly and reliably kill him in two hits. Once you can get him where you want him, though, he's not a challenge.

3/10, because of how annoying it is to bait him out and/or avoid him

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He does? Are you sure about that?

at least in all my gameplays, yes.

oswin guards at the door next to the tent, guy at the wall crack, hector/bartre/dorcas/erk fight the armors, soldiers and archers - as long as they don't venture too far down or to the right, sealen never goes down to attack them, instead he goes to attack oswin (which does no damage), then he goes further up to use his long bow to attack the tent. Then you can trap him with oswin and kill him with a horseslayer.

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So he attacks Oswin when Oswin enters his range?

in the initial formation you have 3 units outside the throne room, right? i put oswin, matthew and priscilla. First turn, Matthew open the door, oswin comes in to stand at the upper door (equipped with a javelin to counter the other nomads and the mage), priscilla runs into the middle of the throne room. Which leaves matthew as the only unit in sealen's range. Enemy phase, sealen attacks matthew, which requires him to go up by a few square. Second turn, matthew runs into the middle of the throne room, having priscilla heal him if needed. oswin just stands where he is. Enemy phase: sealen attacks oswin. Next enemy phase: sealen attacks the tent. Next turn: oswin corners sealen.

i would record a video or post some snapshot, but that would require me to replay the game, which i'm not too eager to right now ;p

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I kill the dude all the time with Eliwood.

That's right.



Not Roy.

Not Ray.

Possibly the reincarnation of Leaf.



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in the initial formation you have 3 units outside the throne room, right? i put oswin, matthew and priscilla. First turn, Matthew open the door, oswin comes in to stand at the upper door (equipped with a javelin to counter the other nomads and the mage), priscilla runs into the middle of the throne room. Which leaves matthew as the only unit in sealen's range. Enemy phase, sealen attacks matthew, which requires him to go up by a few square. Second turn, matthew runs into the middle of the throne room, having priscilla heal him if needed. oswin just stands where he is. Enemy phase: sealen attacks oswin. Next enemy phase: sealen attacks the tent. Next turn: oswin corners sealen.

Sounds like typical AI behavior for one who moves only when someone gets into their attack range.

I have a question about protect-the-throne missions. If an enemy unit can move onto the throne, will it ignore everything else and do just that?

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