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Generic Fantasy Stat RP Chapter 2


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"Mind telling me what you'd want for it? It looks like the same kind of sword that my father first taught me to wield, I expect I can put it to good use," Alyssia commented, walking up to where the others were talking. She shook her head, glancing at Oscar. "What did he manage to do to himself? I'd have thought he'd be fine, as much armor as he's got."

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As she was about to take a short break from healing the soldiers, Cora noticed Oscar collapse. What...in his armour...how? he was the last person she thought would require the use of her skills.

Picking up her staff, she rushed to the soldiers and told them to remove Oscar's armour. The soldiers promptly did what they were told, revealing a nasty gash along Oscar's armpits. Knowing the danger of such a wound, Cora began using her magic to seal the wound, to stanch it. Her task done in a few seconds, the troubadour collapsed to her knees, exhausted with so much use of her powers. Fatigued, Cora could only speak to Sumomo weakly, "I trust you know how to bandage him...I sealed the most serious parts but the would is very deep, you'll have to finish the rest."


"Yes, shade is good.," Omair said blushing slightly. Being thanked always tugged at some part of him. Picking a seat next to Qaahir...who was now snoring blissfully, the Emocnian started regretting his choice of seating.

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Zoey nodded to Allysia. "There we go, heck, I have a little gold I don't mind pitching in if it'll help, I know I won't have much use for it." I hope... She thought, directing the tohers to step back and rest in the shade as well.

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"Yes. I do." said Sumomo with a dutiful tone. She kneeled down beside Oscar and set about her task. It wasn't hard at all to actually bind the wounds. She was worried about infection though, which was something she could not handle with mere strips of cloth, but could be lethal.

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After about an hour, Chaen Lang came out of the large caravan with an unconscious Hussein in tow. After giving a few quick orders to some of his men, they immediately untied the other captive raider and brought him to Hussein's side while the rest started bringing the very injured into the caravan and brought down the shades. Taking his horse, Chaen Lang left everything untouched and told the now free captive, "You may free your leader whenever you please after we are beyond sight. We'll be taking his horse with us so that the two of you will have to share this mount."

Showing the Emocnian his weapon before placing it back on the saddle, Chaen Lang added, "There is water in the ruins near the southern parts if you dare go in and collect it and we left you your weapon to defend yourself. Show yourself again in a hostile manner and we will kill you. Don't think about following us."

Returning to the rest he said loudly, "People! We're moving on now!" The added mass to the caravan would have bothered the four horses that pulled it, hence the less badly injured people were set to ride on the new horse they had just acquired. Chean Lang regretted killing some of the horses in the fight and letting the rest escape when their owners had died. It would have made travelling faster with more mounts. Thankfully the ones that had been dragging the other wagons had survived to let some people ride them. But there was not enough horses hence all of the healthier soldiers and mercenaries had to force march all the way which was nothing new.


Now that he was far from any life threatening situation, Chaen Lang noticed the new addition to the group and sought her out. Confronting Nissa, Chaen Lang's eyes widened in recognition when the Yracian unveiled herself. He then immediately dropped any further questions.


After five long days the group barely stumbled upon the oasis they were supposed to resupply as their water supply ran out just a few ours after breaking dawn. The place was more than a mere oasis though, having multiple small sand huts built and a workable sand wall built around it. Bandits seldom if ever attacked the oasis as the dwellers would offer them free access to the water as a tribute to keep them at peace...so long as they also do not cause any trouble nearby for some Emocnian magelords would send in an extermination force to protect the zone when traders start complaining.

Hence there was no military presence and most people who bore weapons would be the odd adventurers, mercenaries and the peacekeepers who uphold the vague presence of law in the little village.

Chaen Lang informed that the group might spend the entire day and night there to truly recuperate, and perhaps another day and night if need be. Deciding it was a good place as any to redistribute some funds for the group to spend a bit as they please, Chaen Lang started counting out a portion the gold due while keeping the rest for the rest of the journey. He was not very rich, and had a lot of soldiers to pay for. He did not have much on him at the moment but decided his men needed some allowance to spend until Lord Tzang paid his due.

Taking out his gold, he gave it to his men first...then called upon Zoey, Rine, Cora and Oscar to give them part of their due.

Lord Tzang counted out the gold from his caravan and felt himself generous for not charging Chaen Lang for keeping his wounded men in the caravan. He decided to extend that generous feeling by giving Roune the gold, he sent his son to pass it to Salicia and Alyssia.

Omair grudgingly forked out the gold he had promised Qaahir and Alena, forty gold per fight...why was I so foolish. He handed the seventy gold to the two of them who split it evenly. Then Qaahir turned around and ask, "Shouldn't it have been eighty more gold? Didn't the fight with the undead and the fight with the raiders again not count?"

Gold received

Zoey, Rine,Cora and Oscar: 15 Gold each(Not very reach man, but the main pay off comes at the end)

Salicia and Alyssia: 25 Gold each(He's feeling 'generous')

Alena: 35Gold(Even split but Omair tends to pay as soon as possible hence why it's higher at this point, poor guy's almost broke)

Locations of note:

Blacksmith: Selling only E-ranked weapons(no tomes or staves) can sell weapons to them for 10% of the base cost round down

Herbalist: Sells Vulnerary, Antidote and Torch. Won't purchase anything from people

The central spring where water is gotten

The tavern called: Kalent

Brawling circle: Place where people fight unarmed for sport during night time

Edited by Rothene
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Fully healed after sleeping for three days after the battle Oscar was happy to finally have a chance for some rest, let alone a some time at a tavern, after all, liqour was prime cure to forget what's happened.

Stepping forward Oscar pocketed the 15 gold that was given to him by Chaen Lang, gave a quick thanks, and started to walk away while talking over his shoulder to the group. " I'm heading to the Tavern for a hot meal and a drink, anybody want to tag along?"

Edited by Eail
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Alena's brow wrinkled as she studied her employer's face. He hadn't come across as someone who didn't appreciate service, so why was he so reluctant to pay them? One of the skills she'd picked up was estimating how heavy someone's purse was based on what she heard from their coin pouch. It didn't give her an accurate count, but it did tell her the difference between a pouch ripe for picking and one that wasn't worth being caught over. Her ears told her that Omair's coin pouch was closer to empty than full.

"I'm not happy about being cheated out of my wages, but I can forgive being. . .a bit short at the moment. From what I've seen, your family isn't poor. You haven't tried cheating me or the big guy over there, so I'm willing to stay with you until you get back home. The standard fee for protecting you will apply, of course," she said with a smile.

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Sumomo sighed wearily as the group came into a place to rest. Her right hand, her sword hand, hurt like hell. Though she had done her best to ensure that the small cut she had placed upon it to make her look amaturish was clean, it had not been, and not her hand hurt every time she moved it. She had even removed the killing edge from her side and let it rest in the merchant's carriage. It wasn't like she had to keep it around anyways. She was supposed to be untrained in its use. Still, her right hand was now tightly bound as she let the wound heal. This wasn't something worth bringing up to a priest.

That wasn't the only annoyance she had had though. Sand was everywhere in her body. She could even feel it engrained into the back of her knees despite her clothes. The sun had sapped her strength and she felt certain she would be sunburned after this, if not sun-poisoned. Her vision had seen so much sand that it felt like there was a hole in it for yellow and her hair was as dry as straw. She couldn't give up though, but she needed a rest.

So when Oscar asked if the group wanted to go to the tavern, Sumomo's hand came up almost instantly. "I would be willing to go. A hot meal would be lovely, but a cool meal even more so. Especially if there is no sand at all within the tavern."

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Omair hanged his head low in shame as he said, "Yes, I'm short of gold at the moment, but rest assured when we reach Central Emocni, I will pay the rest."

"Good to hear," Qaahir spoke loudly, slapping the mage in the back, "Now time to spend some of the gold on good stuff. I'll be going to the tavern here, any of you two following?"

"I rather not...I'd like to spend some time studying by the waters," Omair said taking out his tome.

"Aww...come one, live a little..."

"I'm sorry, but no," Omair responded firmly.


The tavern Kalent had barely any room to fit more than two dozen people at best and sands were constantly blowing inside by the winds giving all the meals and drinks presented an exotic crunchy texture. Five tables were placed around and constantly shifted with varied number of stools for patrons. The hard wooden planks that served as stable ground was swept by the tavern owner more often than he spent taking orders and fetching drinks for his paying patrons.

A scrawny wrinkly skinned man, the tavern master would occasionally stand still when the wind blew too hard in fear of being flung across the tavern due to his rather unimpressive frame. Muttering some obscenities about terrible winds, the tavern master went about his daily business of constantly sweeping the sandy floor while tending to the few patrons he had at this hour occupying only one table. They were a quiet bunch of foreigners, one keeping as little clothes on to reveal his pale Yracian muscles among his mixed bunched of companions.


"Hello miss...Salicia?" Roune asked timidly standing next to Salicia. Something about her eye patch seemed fascinating and frightening to him at the same time. Imagining she hid an eye that killed all who saw it, Roune shivered a little when she looked down at him.

"What do you want boy?"

"M...mm...my father sends gold," Roune replied backing away slightly. Part of the Rekamite felt the urge to tease the boy.

Snatching the two small pouches of gold not too gently, Salicia weighed them and found them of equal weight. That did not feel right, she should be having more gold for her kills. "Where is your father boy?" she asked sharply.

"Ah!" Roune yelped at Salicia's tone, then pointed to the caravan in the distance. Salicia grunted and tossed Alyssia her the other pouch and said as she was leaving, "I've got some business to discuss with our employer. In the mean time, try not to get into trouble."

As Salicia was leaving Roune pondered on what he should do. He was bored and did not want to be near his father if he was having some discussion with the scary woman. So he looked at Alyssia and smiled asking, "Are you going anywhere?"

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"I could use a good meal," Alena mumbled. She felt a little silly spending her earnings so quickly, but her stomach demanded food.

"If you want to join us, feel free, sir. You look like you could use some food," she said to Omair before running after Qaahir.

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Alyssia smiled back, while trying to figure out whether Salicia had somehow managed to snatch any of her gold. "I have nowhere in particular to go, no. Why do you ask? Is there anywhere you need to be escorted to?"

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Rine had been riding the whole trip, but he still felt tired. His legs were numb and his body was took weak to use his axe properly if needed be. As soon as they reached their destination he hoped to relax and recover his lost strenght, but first they had to eat. Staying away from the army has made his provision run low, and before long he wasted all the food he was carrying save for Ragnos'. Counting the gold he received from the commander, he sighed, but tried to hide his insatisfaction. "Thank you", he said, before leaving.

He dragged his wyvern with him to some place far from the soldiers, but still on sight. There, he openned a bag with some kind of big and strange ham, leaving two of those in the ground near the wyvern. "Here you are. I'll give you more when we reach the big city, but that's all you can eat now. Our provisions are running low.". As if he could understand his owner, Ragnos gave a slight complaint while eating his food hungrily. "I just hope I am paid more for this, else my wyvern will be starving not so long."

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As the duo started to walk towards the tavern Oscar began to speak to Sumomo "I heard that you were the one that bandaged me back in the desert after the fight I had with the leader. Just wanted to give my thanks for that, if not for you I might be dead right now considering how exhausted the healer girl and the captured priest were."

Grabbing the door to the tavern and holding it open for her he continued "So how can I repay you for saving my life?"

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"Repay me?" she asked as she approached the tavern door. "I am sorry but I cannot accept such a... Oh... Ummm. No. That's wrong. As a merchant I should not absolve debts without just cause." she raised her bandaged hand up to the door, holding it open as well as she tried to think. "I don't know actually. I'm sure my master would ask for something of monetary value, but I don't think I could ask for much. Medicine for my hand or for my sister, but I doubt you even know what to look for even if you could acquire it. I don't really know."

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"Hmmm, you're right I don't exactly know anything about medicine, and I'm a bit broke at the moment." Thinking for a moment he came up with an idea. "Maybe I could teach you a little bit to defend yourself in case you ever have to fight? Would that be an equal trade?"

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"I already know how to defend myself well enough! Wait. Why do I care? OH NO! THE MERCHANT IS RUBBING OFF ON ME!"

Sumomo looked down at her hand, looking somewhat ashamed, as if her inexperience was clear. "Yes. That would probably be of equal value. A life for a life."

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'Good, I may be able to fool her into showing me just who exactly she is with this little training session, If my guess is right some form of technique is going to slip through'

Noticing the worries look on her face Oscar clasped his hand on to her shoulder in a reassuring gesture before speaking. "Excellent then, once we're done here we can start practicing a bit. If we're lucky we can make you at the very least able to parry a blow." Finishing with a chuckle as they both walked into the tavern.

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Sumomo's shoulder tensed as his hand came down on her. Yet she did her best to remain calm and relaxed. "I am just a merchant girl, remember. I haven't held a sword in my life before. A parry may be too much. Simple attacking and blocking would be much better."

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'Oh yeah, she's defiantly tensing like someone preparing for an attack, just like in the ruins. I bet if she could she would be trying to shoulder throw me right now.'

"Blocking with a simple sword is much more difficult than you would think, besides I think you have the perfect frame to be the agile type of fighter so parrying could serve you better." Oscar explained "But enough talk about swords, what say we eat?" He asked with a cheeky grin.

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Slowing down to let Alena catch up, Qaahir spotted the Tsaen and Rekamite entering the only tavern in the village. Well, no better time than now to get to know them, thought the Emocnian, after all, they could be future companions or enemies.

"Alena, I intend to spend some time with our comrades. Are you fine with that?" Qaahir asked grinning as the two of them approached the tavern door.


"Um...I think I want to go for a swim!" Roune shouted out cheerfully with both his arms raised high up, "My father said that I must not do it without an adult watching me, but you're probably free now right?"


Ken walked to the edge of the spring and took off his robes. He was sweating too much, and did not want to drench his robes in it when practicing his sword techniques. Several villagers would stare at the peculiar individual who would perform strenuous activities under the burning sun, but at least the spring nearby kept the air cooler.

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"Eh, sure," Alena said jovially. She spotted the wyvern she'd seen earlier, tearing into its food.

On second thought, I find him far more fascinating than the others. How does he fly? She tucked herself into a corner, out of the beast's sight, and watched him feed.

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"Alright, you know where to find me," Qaahir said entering the tavern. He almost took a face full of sand as the tavern keeper was about to sweep out more sand. Dodging nimbly to the side of the entrance, the fighter waited for the tavern keeper to apologise as he swept out all the sand.

Acknowledging he heard the apology, the Emocnian surveyed the interior with a swift glance. Smilling widely, he placed his hand on a seat next to Oscar and asked, "Good sir, would you mind sharing the table with me and perhaps my companion when she comes?"

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Sumomo took a seat down at the table, folding her left hand lightly in her lap while resting her right hand on the table, as if moving it too much would cause pain. In truth... it would... but nothing so sever as to actually prevent her from doing something. "I do not believe we have all been formally introduced casually. We have been busy traveling for a long time now and that has been our focus. I will go first. My name is Sumomo Chi and I am a merchant-in-training."

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"Guess I'll go next then, I'm Oscar De'Winters. For the past 4 years I've been working around the borders of Rekam, Emocnia, and Letam as a mercenary and bodyguard for caravans." He said once Sumomo had finished.

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