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Thinking of trying this game.

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Again, I have trouble seeing how you can defend who's the worst unit in all of Fire Emblem... Wendy's just indefensible, end of story.

WTF people have different opinions video game characters? This is bullshit better go make fun of them on the internet.

Edited by Gafgarion
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You have Igrene, dude.

Or Sue. At least she doubles and silver bows with 3x effectiveness means even she can ORKO wyvern knights on HM. He's playing EM, right? I think she might even OHKO the riders. Shin is > Sue so him too.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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Igrene is adorable and huggable? News to me... >_>

Going with animu logic she was obviously an adorable girl when she was younger so beneath her sexy exterior is an adorable girl of adorableness.

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WTF people have different opinions video game characters? This is bullshit better go make fun of them on the internet.

To be fair, he's not wrong. You can certainly use Wendy, there's just no reason to over... Literally any other unit.

Disregard the poor Base Growths of the Armor Knights. Wendy comes level 1 with no defense on a chapter filled with spear units, and then heads towards a chapter filled with axe units.

She's got no chance to level. even when she does level her growths are terrible, and her bases are bad. NONE of the Armor Knights are any good of course. Wendy is just the worst, what with Bors coming in Chapter 1 and not taking up an opportunity cost and his high defense. And Barth coming in tanky as hell. Again both are complete shit, but that's just FE6 hating Armor Knights.

By the way, an opinion is only an opinion if it can not factually be proven wrong. Mustard tastes nice on spicy meat is an opinion. a bullet to the head kills people is a fact. Wendy is shit, that's a fact. Does that mean you can't use her? of course you can use her. I'm sitting on a Zealot with high parameters and capped strength with no stat boosters. Do you think I'm for one second convinced that any effort spent to get Zealot up that high was worth it other than to say "Look at my Zealot"?

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You have Igrene, dude.


Or Sue. At least she doubles and silver bows with 3x effectiveness means even she can ORKO wyvern knights on HM. He's playing EM, right? I think she might even OHKO the riders. Shin is > Sue so him too.

Cool to know, might be worth trying her. Also someone suggested Dorothy so if I use her she's an option too.

Going with animu logic she was obviously an adorable girl when she was younger so beneath her sexy exterior is an adorable girl of adorableness.

Igrene has a "sexy exterior"? News to me.

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To be fair, he's not wrong. You can certainly use Wendy, there's just no reason to over... Literally any other unit.

Oh hey. This.

So... Tell me then. Do you have a reason to use any other unit? Weird huh? It's almost like you have no reason to use any unit unless you feel like it.

Also, Crash~ Just because a woman has blonde hair and has dark skin doesn't make her a "slut"?

You know this right? :3

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Well, you don't seem to be showing it...

Also, what about training Roy? I don't plan to let his lame ass do too much but it sounds prudent to give him a few levels where convenient so he doesn't completely fail. Is this a good idea?

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Cool to know, might be worth trying her. Also someone suggested Dorothy so if I use her she's an option too.

Dorothy is too slow for my tastes. Starts with 2 less spd than Sue at almost the same time and Sue has a much better spd growth. I'd rather go with doubling over slightly stronger single hit chip. On NM, maybe Dorothy can still double the wyvern knights. Not sure.

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Also, what about training Roy? I don't plan to let his lame ass do too much but it sounds prudent to give him a few levels where convenient so he doesn't completely fail. Is this a good idea?

I suppose you can do that. Especially since you'll be seeing your fair share of Bolting later on, and having Roy able to survive at least one of those would be ideal.

Edited by Metal King Slime
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You have to train Roy whether you want to or not.

Maybe not for either case but having a slightly more useful poorly designed Lord is better than a having a less useful poorly designed Lord.

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Roy has plenty of time to hit Lv. 20 before promotion anyway. Not training him is stupid.

Unless you are going really fast. Then he spends a lot of his time being dragged toward the seize square by mounts and has trouble reaching level 10.

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I doubt Crash is be doing the whole GOTTA GO FAST! dealie so yeah.

Yeah, I doubt he'll be playing for speed. So I guess putting some levels into Roy wouldn't hurt.

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