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I've had the greatest idea ever!


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I had a dream. A fantastic dream.

Two, actually. The first was about my brother being a serial killer in a lettuce factory, and me voulantarily serving the 90 year sentence with him, but that's besides the point.

I have a new fanfic idea!

So Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL. So like, there's Yuma and Astral. Now, the two start discovering that as number cards are being collected, Astral's memories are completed and he transfers slowly from invisible to fully visible by all (

I know that in the canon series, the cards do nothing but bring back his memories, and his actual purpose is to like, destroy the world or something, but that's besides the point! D:

SO ANYWAYS, as he spends time with Yuma, he starts harboring sexual feelings for his friend, Kotori. After obtaining all 99 of the number cards, Astral and Kotori finally get to spend time with eachother and stuff. They eventually fall madly in love and plan on getting married.

BUT THERE'S A CATCH. Yuma has sexual feelings for Kotori too!

BUT THERE'S A CATCH. Cathy has sexual feelings for Yuma!

So Yuma get married to Cathy and Astral gets married to Kotori and they all screw eachother on a daily basis and have kids and stuff and it's silly because Astral still doesn't know anything about the human world and he is silly.

There was about to be this really interesting scene when the kid asks what sex is, and all I remember is Astral throwing off Kotori's clothes in front of the child, then I woke up. Then I had that other dream.


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I'm surprised this topic didn't involve more bestiality.

Dammit first my computer was doing it with Fenrir's avatar and now it's doing it with yours. Instead of showing the new avatar, which was some human from Star Trek, it's showing a stretchy version of your old avatar. Dammittttttttt.

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Cathy lives in a house with like, thousands of cats. In fact, somewhere during the dream, her and yuma walk into her bedroom, where two cats are screwing each other. She stares at him intamitley and she says some witty dialogue about the cats doing eachother and yadda yadda yadda, they screw eachother like cats.

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Cathy lives in a house with like, thousands of cats. In fact, somewhere during the dream, her and yuma walk into her bedroom, where two cats are screwing each other. She stares at him intamitley and she says some witty dialogue about the cats doing eachother and yadda yadda yadda, they screw eachother like cats.

There's the nestling I've come to know and... lol

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Dammit first my computer was doing it with Fenrir's avatar and now it's doing it with yours. Instead of showing the new avatar, which was some human from Star Trek, it's showing a stretchy version of your old avatar. Dammittttttttt.

Man Bashir is like arguably the third best character in Star Trek (I already had the best two as avatars :smug:).

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