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Rate the Unit, Day 17: Forde

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I purposely didn't rate Kyle because I rarely use him and therefore cannot rate him. I do use Forde on occasion, and I used him on my first draft as well.

Forde's like Kent, he has less strength but more speed. Although ... his speed growth still isn't THAT high, and he's most likely not going to be doubling for a while. I don't think he doubles anything other than armors and soldiers in his joining map either (maybe some weighted-down archers? Not completely sure). But he's got a horse, can blitz ahead once he gets a couple of levels, and is pretty reliable, so long as he doesn't end up horribly screwed. I like using him because he reminds me of Edward Elric from FMA.

7/10, because he's not terrific but reliable and has a mount

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Forde is the guy who paints and gets embarrassed when Eirika flashes him.



A small level lead over Kyle. (im not sure if this is THAT beneficial but i guess it can be for some LTC folk)

Good speed.

Ok res.

Funny and good supports.

Can use Weapon Triangle if one so wishes.


Strength problems.

Some defense issues.

Hes almost like Kyle only shifted in certain stats. Like Kyle gets Strength and Defense and Forde gets more speed and res. (and luck i think) So they kinda balance each other out. Hes not as well rounded as the Franz though. Im gonna go with giving him the same score as Kyleface. 7/10. (8.5 biased rating. I like Forde better cuz ponytail.)

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The last cav in the game that's worth using (lol :Amelia: ), Forde sacrifices strength for more speed. This tends to be better than the other way around, although god help you if he gets speed screwed. Problem is that he is nowhere near as good as his own brother (Franz :>), and thus is still left behind in the shadows while Franz does all the work (assuming Sethless here).

7/10. Yeah, I know I said he was worse than Kyle, but I forgot that he has FRANZ for a brother. That is enough to boost him over his red counterpart (although seeing as Kyle can marry LUTE...)

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I think Forde is eh pretty cool guy. Eh sleeps on the battlefield and doesnt afraid of anything.

But seriously, He turns out better than Kyle most of the time, for me anyway. He has good speed base and growth(nothing excellent but hey) and he is very dependable.


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