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Grandjackal's Pokemon Platinum Playthrough!


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Good day all of ya, and welcome to Grandjackal's Platinum Playlog! Gen 4 doesn't get a lot of talk when it should, especially over that crap gen 3. It's been a while since I played gen 4 mainly because I burnt myself out on it for a while, but now I'm feeling the need to pick up Gen 4 again to give it a go. Get the bad gen3 taste out of my mouth.

So without further ado! ...Uhh...Oh right, a team! Errr, uhhh...I feel like my brain has emptied itself of all the knowledge I have of gen 4. All I know is that I'm going to start with Piplup. Might get Shynx, though I know you can get Rotom stupid early in Platinum. Might do something with Eevee...Hmmm...I really wanna use Croagunk, but it's a pain in the ass to catch. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....Let's just start going with random stuff from the Pokedex. Oooh, Shieldon. A technically crappier version of Aron, but let's see how the dice rolls. Maybe it's leveling speed won't be complete garbage. It's offense will be, but whatever. Let's fucking go Shieldon. Hmm...want more specialistic elements. My team is rather physical so far. Let's see...Riolu! Can't go without him. Low level and Happiness evolution sucks, but I will manage! Finally, let's complete it with Snover. So, my team will be.


So begins the adventure!

Route 201

Ahh, thank you Rowan! You saved us from doing something suicidal! A ZIGZAGOON could have been in that grass!!!

Now to pick my starter. I pick you, Penguin of Awesome Pipluuuuuup!!! It is time to battle! But first, let's check out my Piplup! Oh, seems I can't actually check my stats until after battle.

Rival: Barry!

Cocaine is a hell of a drug. Pound does a silly little amount of damage, and it Withdraws. Piplup Pounds again and gets Tackled, eating 3 damage (only 6 more to go). One more Pound and it Withdraws (and this is where Barry's hyperactive mind is weak. He does dumb things). Another Pound, another Withdraw. Well yeah, I can't exactly go depthful here, can I? He eventually gets Pounded to death.

Piplup level 6: +0 Atk, +1 Sp Def and Speed, +2 everything else.

Piplup level 6/Timid

23 HP, 9 Atk, 13 Def, 13 Sp Atk, 12 Sp Def, 12 Speed

Timid eh? Not entirely against this, but it does pose a problem for me early on when I don't have any special attacks, doesn't it? Bubble will be a blessing.

Route 201

Now begins the adventure proper. Fellow along the route gives you a free Potion if you talk to the guy. Man, I missed the dude who gives you a free Potion. Nice to see him again.

Sandgem Town

Sorry, gotta introduce myself to Rowan since he DID so graciously lend me a freaking sweat penguin. I get a Pokedex from him, along with TM Return! Return is an excellent move...Later on. If you are to catch a Lobunny, know that it evolves through Happiness so it's a nice gauge later on to see how much it likes you, along with being an excellent STAB for it. To the south on the small beach is an Antidote. Nice just in case to have, ya know?

Route 202

I try to go but remember I have to go back home. My only complaint about gen 4: It start is very dumb with the fact it shoves nearly everything down your throat. Now to sit and watch what's her face catch a Bidoof. Free Poke Balls! Now to catch a Shynx. While I'm searching, I would like to note how my character's mom was just completely ok with an underaged child just traveling the world alone. Little does she know I'm about to be frozen wasteland up north-hey, a Shynx! 3 Pounds, me down to 17 HP before I manage to catch it.

Shynx level 3/Rash/Intimidate

16 HP, 9 Atk, 7 Def, 8 Sp Atk, 6 Sp Def, 7 Speed


I am definitely ok with this. Allows me the luxury to go a bit more mixed while it suffers in a stat that already was sub-par anyways, and most likely will never have to realistically deal with.

First trainer battlleeeeeee! Youngster, using a Starly. Even with Intimidate, I only have 4 attacks to live as it Quick Attacks. A crit helps eae my pain, but it still hurts too much so I switch. Switch out to Piplup who takes a tackle before dealing with the problem. Lass next with a Bidoof. Intimidate to lower the damage, and in comes Piplup only to do 2 damage. It lands a crit do, reducing Piplup to single digit health.

Shynx level 4: +2 HP, +1 everything else.

Piplup level 7: +2 HP and +1 everything else.

One last Youngster, who has a wtf Burmy. I decide to risk Shynx to Tackle it, seeing as both my mons are near the brink of death. One Tackle is all I can risk before switching to Piplup who giggles the damage off despite his wounds. Eventually finished, and now both my mons are in the red (2 and 4 respectfully).

Shynx level 5: +0 Def and Sp Def, +1 Speed, +2 everything else. Learned Leer

Before leaving the route, I nab the Potion to the left.

Jublife Town

I run into what's her face, and then a creepy dude named Looker....Right. I heal up and deal with the clowns about town to get the Pocketch. Get told to go to school though. See what I mean by forcing a bunch of crap down your throat? Had an X Attack there anyways, so I guess that's an oh well. Talk to Barry to deliver him his parcel, getting us both Maps. Next place to go is Oreburgh I see. But for now I'mma just get the watch and then break.

Edited by grandjackal
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If your Trainer ID is odd, then you can't get one of these in Platinum, unfortunately. Have fun with base 42 Attack and having to deal with the Underground! :newyears:

EDIT: Also, you're apparently Gandjackal now. Congrats!

Edited by Venusaur
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If your Trainer ID is odd, then you can't get one of these in Platinum, unfortunately. Have fun with base 42 Attack and having to deal with the Underground! :newyears:

Really now? I didn't actually know that, let me see my ID number then. Aha! It's even!

Thanks for letting me know that little nugget of info, had I an odd ID number I'd probably have been searching for eons wondering where the hell it is

EDIT: Also, you're apparently Gandjackal now. Congrats!


It's Shinx. Sorry, but I happen to be a fan of that thing.

What did you plan on doing with Eevee?

Not entirely sure. Want it to fill a role my team lacks, but the issue is what that is: I'm lacking some way to deal with stuff like grass and bug, which means Flareon. I happen to know Flareon is terrible though, but a good fire type is not easy to find in gen 4.

probably fuck it

Could use visual accompaniment, more proofreading and a self-imposed ruleset, but let's see where this goes.

I play cart, sorry my keyboard is a bit funky and I'm a bit hasty, and a self-imposed ruleset tends to be silly. I thank you for watching, however.

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Route 203

Oh, well things picked up rather quick.

Rival Battle: Barry

Starting out with a Starly, where I switch to Piplup. Annoyingly it's faster than both my mons, and uses Growl a lot. Second Pound is a crit. Barry really is a spazz, he's just spamming Growl. After the final one he throws a Quick Attack which annoyingly crits so it doesn't matter. Next pound kills.

Shinx level 6: +3 HP, +1 everything else.

Piplup level 8: +2 HP, Sp Atk and Sp Def, +1 everything else. Learned Bubble!

Turtwig comes out, which point I switch to Shinx. Second hit crits despite his spamming of Withdraw, so Shinx is getting the work in. Barry keeps spamming Withdraw. I keep tackling and luckily I get a crit, reducing it down to the red before Shinx goes down. A Bubble later and it goes down. So much for spamming Withdraw.

Piplup level 9: +3 HP, +2 Def, +1 everything else

Go back to heal for the sake of my Shinx, then right back to hitting the ol' dusty trail. Run into a Youngster while I go to nab a treasure I saw, and he busts out a Kricketot at me. I know this weird thing has Bide, so I Leer him for 2 turns before attacking. Nearly do half, and not wanting to risk too much to a miss I Leer again and finish him off.

Shinx level 7: +2 HP, +1 everything else

Zubat follows, and he attempts a Supersonic and misses. 4 hits to deal, but the second Supersonic hits. Leech Life deals 2 damage, and I hit myself twice. Snap out third turn, and the Leech Life absorbed enough to survive an extra hit. Third Supersonic misses and it falls.

Shinx level 8: +0 Sp Def, +2 HP and Atk, +1 everything else.

That treasure was also a free Pokeball. Back on the road, another Youngster waits for me in the dark of night to throw a Shinx at me, which if you know anything about the region's culture is extremely rude. His Shinx also has Rivalry, and since mine is female that means it's garbage since Intimidation is better. It Leers to get over it, and Leers again after the second tackle (seems it's a speed tie). I can't live through another tackle after it's down to 1 more hit, and I switch to Piplup for safety sake. It uses Leer as he comes in (...). Easy finish. Next Youngster has a Machop, whom I switch into Piplup for to take a Low Kick for about no damage. Blech, even Bubble doesn't do that much damage. Low Kick, Leer, it takes 5 hits to kill MAchop. Leers again, another Bubble. Another Leer, another Bubble. The Low Kick with all those Leers does a grand total of 6 damage, showing how worth it that was.

Shinx level 9: +0 Def and Sp Def, +2 HP, +1 everything else. Learned Charge!

Piplup level 10: +2 HP, +1 everything else.

Lass comes in with a bunch of low level mons, starting with Bidoof. Bidoof misses a Tackle, so Shinx is still good. Starly comes in and unfortunately lands a crit to kill Shinx. In comes Piplup to Bubble, finishing hte job. Budew is next, and a Pound from this meh Atk nature Piplup does more than half. Finally, Abra comes out to play. It goes as well as you'd imagine. One last Lass to deal with, whom has a Psyduck. Pound vs Scratch, Piplup on top with only 4 HP left.

Piplup level 11: +2 HP and Sp Atk, +1 everything else. Learned Water Sport! Ewwww...

Couple treasures to nab before we go into the cave. A Repel and an X Defend.

Oreburgh Gate

Dude stops me at random to give me Rock Smash, which I suppose is nice if I went Chimchar or something. I see two traners, starting a fight with a Camper before using a Potion. Starly spamming Quick Attack while I use Bubbles, and to my fury it crits me. Shinx comes next, and it has Rivalry, bringing me back down to 5 HP as though I had never used the Potion.

Piplup: +2 HP, Def and Sp Def, +1 everything else

Next is a Picnicker, which I use Bubble while it spams Defense Curl. Doesn't get an attack off. Glad I didn't have to use another Potion.

Oreburgh City

Go to heal before looking for the treasures about the city, of which before the mine I find a Dire Hit, and a Yellow Shard.

Oreburgh Mine

Pokeball just there at the front gate. Going down, I jump over the ledge to closer get to an item, an Escape Rope. Run into a slacking off Worker with a Geodude, switching from Shinx to Piplup while it Defense Curls. Geodude has one significant weakness though: Bubbles! Kills rocks all the time! Machop comes as a reinforcement, which is not as funny. Shinx lands a crit after taking 4 damag from a Low Kick, Machop Focus Attacking afterwards. Another Tackle for a Leer. Low Kick deals...4 damage still. Your Leer was useless little Machop.

Shinx level 10: +2 HP and Atk, +1 everything else.

I find the gym leader who's just madly being impressed by the Rock Smash TM, then walks off casually like it was no big deal. Pick up a Potion on my way out along with running into another slacker Worker with a Geodude. Switch over to Piplup to Bubble.

Shinx level 11: +2 HP, +1 everything else

Piplup level 13: +2 HP, +1 everything else

On my way out, I happen to run into an Onix! I decide I wanna take out this rare occurance, him deciding to Bind me. Bubble takes it out easy. Go back outside, heal up and head to the gym.

Oreburgh Gym

Couple Youngsters on the way with things that succumb easily to Bubble. If you picked Turtwig or Piplup, this is a cakewalk.

Piplup level 14: +3 HP, +2 Sp Atk, +1 everything else.

Boss: Roark

Sends out a Geodude first, so that goes as well as you would think.

Piplup level 15: +2 HP, Def and Speed, +1 everything else. I forget Water Sport for Peck.

Onix next, which goes just as well though he manages to set up Stealth Rocks. Interesting, but not enough to make me care Roark. Cranidos comes next, and this is the problem with him. Fast, has stupid high attack and has Headbutt. A Flinch can decide the match, and I get flinched so I have to switch out to Shinx. He takes a Headbutt while I use a Potion to heal up Piplup. Shinx goes down. Piplup goes in and flinches twice. I use a Bubble and he uses a Potion. One more Bubble is all I need, but that second Bubble may have killed me...*Cranidos uses Pursuit* I cannot believe he let me live with 1 HP. *Finishes him*.

Piplup level 16: +2 HP, Sp Atk and Sp Def, +1 everything else.

Piplup evolves into Prinplup! I replace Pound with Metal Claw (How the hell...)

He gives me the TM Stealth Rock. Kinda useless for me, though this is like the best move in PvP.

Prinplup level 16: 49 HP, 23 Atk, 31 Def, 33 Sp Atk, 31 Sp Def, 27 Speed

Definitely looking sharp there.

Route to the north of Oreburgh is shut off, but has 2 Pokeballs, one in plain sight and the other hidden. Going back through Oreburgh Gate...Oh hey, a Psyduck! Thought you had to go into the basement to get one of these here. Well hey, if you find yourself in need of a water mon, Psyduck's not exactly a bad one, especially if he comes this early. I go back t find and catch a Bidoof just as an HM slave. I will be catching more than one, seeing how often they throw HM necessary stuff at you in this gen. I teach it Rock Smash and go back to Oreburgh Gate to get stuff in said basement. Gets me Flash (Love that it's not an HM anymore), and a Big Pearl. I follow Barry back to Jublife to follow him north, where I run into Looker who wastes my time and walks off. Before I can hit hte next route however, I find Rowan being harassed by a bunch of weird fellows with funky hair and suits. Guess team up with what's her face to face off against Galactic Grunts. A Stunky and a Glameow, both suffering from Intimidation. I decide to Leer and otherwise have Chimchar do all the work. Shinx gets scratched and Stunky keeps trying to land a Poison Gas, the second attempt hitting Chimchar. An Ember brings them down a bit with Glameow hitting half health. Glameow Growls, Shinx and Chimchar double team teh Stunky to down it.

Shinx level 12: +3 HP, +1 Def and Sp Def, +2 everything else.

one more scratch after I had been Screeched, and Glameow goes down.

Route 204

Paralyze Heal out of the way before encountering a Lass. Shinx mirror, though I have intimidate to her rivalry. 3 Tackles gets the job done. Youngster witha ...Magikarp? It's a bit early for this stupidity, isn't it? Whatever, free exp.

Shinx level 13: +2 HP, +0 Def, +1 everything else. Learned Spark! Hell yes!

One more Lass, who has a Budew. Dammit, just when I got Spark...I Spark anyways, cause it's a really good STAB! Nearly kills it too. I take an Absorb, but it's just 3 HP. Tackle finishes it off. *Goes through the grass, findsa Zubat* I do believe this is the earliest you can find a Zubat. If it's night and you want one, just head north of Jublife and find one for yourself.

Ravaged Path

Free Potion, along wth Rock Tomb! Well if you got a Geodude or Onyx, they'll love this. I'll save this for Shieldon.

Route 204 Again

I get spark, and the game throws grass at me. Aroma Lady with a Budew, which I Spark. About half health as it Growths, meaning I get a free kill. Cherubi up next, whch it and it's evolved form are...Interesting to say the least. Oh well, Spark time! Not even half as it tackles me for more than I can actually handle. I switch out to Prinplup who takes a Tackle like a champ. Peck fells it. Nab the nearby Awakening before continuing. Bug Catcher next, who has a Wurmple (Why are these pathetic wastes still around?). Spark nearly kills as it uses Poison Sting, which I survive with 1 HP.

Shinx level 14: +0 Sp Def, +1 Def and Speed, +2 everything else.

Kricketot next who I know only has Bide, so Spark should be an easy deal. Twins up next, and they use Pachirisus. They get Intimidated. I hate these little annoyances. Quick Attack instantly dispatches Shinx and barely doing anything to Prinplup. In goes Bidoof, who will Rock Smash one whle Prinplup spams bubble. Quick Attack lands on Bidoof finally, but doesn't really do much. Quick Attack keeps hitting Prinplup even though Bidoof is an easy kill. Quck Attack finally deals with Bidof while it contnues to do little to Prinplup. One last useless QA before it goes down.

Prinplup level 17: +1 Speed, +2 everything else.

Before entering the next town is the TM for Bullet Seed.

Floaroma Town

I heal up first off, finding a Cheri and Oran berry outside a shop. Guess they realized that 2 o each was kinda silly in 3rd gen. Not much to do here, as the north path is closed off at the moment.

Route 205

A Pecha and Chesto berry to pick.

Valley Windworks

Potion right outside the place before the Galactic Grunt fight. Glameow. Intimidated, but it fakes me out for 7 damage, whch is actually quite a bit. Glameows can deceptively strong, as the Scratch does 9 damage (Note that I intimidated it too). Uses Hypnosis next (Did I mention they were highly annoying?). Another Scratch. A Growl, which I don't care about. Another Growl, now I'm kind of annoyed, and finally I wake up to Spark. It just decides to Hypnotize me again, which is just my luck. Another Growl. A Scratch. Another Growl, then I wake up and Spark, hitting a last blow. Guy runs into the building and locks the door. Guess I better go find the other key eh?

Floaroma Meadows

2 Grunts are harassng some dude for honey. Just go to the store, you twerps. It's not exactly a rare thing. First guy doesn't like my guff and busts out a Stunky, who Focuses (Shinx is a tad slow) before taking a Spark to the face and getting paralyed. One last Spark leaves it snoozing.

Shinx level 15: +2 HP, +! everything else.

Shinx evolves into Luxio!

Level 15 Luxio: 47 HP, 32 Atk, 20 Def, 29 Sp Atk, 18 Sp Def, 24 Speed.

Next guy saw that and thinks he can take on the Luxio with a Zubat. The differene between bravery and stupidity is if you're using a Zubat. Needless to say, it goes down without a real fight. He comes at me with yet another Zubat. Should have just ran, ya moron. As thanks for saving him, he gives me the Works Key and some Honey. Time to save some hostages.

Valley Windworks Building

A grunt tells me to hold it with a Zubat. I rub my feet against the carpet and Spark him, so he apologizes to me and gives me his lunch money.

Luxio level 16: +1 HP and Atk, +1 everything else.

Next guy has a Glameow. It does not go the same way it did last time. Stunky follows. Also smashed. So, let's deal with this annoyance shall we?

Galactic Commander: Mars

Zubat comes first. Bahahahahahaa!!

Luxio level 17: +1 Sp Def, +3 HP and Sp Atk, +2 everything else.

But then we have a problem as Purugly comes in. I switch to Bidoof as death fodder, who takes the fake out and goes down. Luxio comes back in to Intimidate, cause this thing would hit like a truck otherwise. Even then it does 10 damage with aScratch, which is a 6 hit kill. Luckily, I 3 HKO and paralyzed it. I crit anyways, so it goes down easy. It gives me a haunting 666 exp.

Luxio level 18: +2 HP, +1 everything else. Forgot Charge for Bite.

I step outside to find Looker not doing his job of arresting peple who are guilty of hostage taking right before the eyes of everyone in town. Looker, stop talking to me and go after them! Gawd.

I take a break just before Route 205 proper. All I have to say is this.

Luxio. Why you so boss?

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Suggested PKMN



I know that they are quite good (Machop can actually realistically become Machamp now), but I've already made up my mind. Thanks for the input though.

Though I will say I've never been fond of Machop.

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MOVING FORWARD! I must have Shieldon, so that I may have this thing with a shield for a face.

Route 205

Leading with Prinplup, I run into a Camper. What is with this gen and trainers only having 1 mon? Hmm, a Ponyta I see. I need a Fire type.........*Something clicks in my head* HOUNDOUR!! Fuck Eevee, I'm gettng my absolute favorite mon ever! I forgot you could catch them in Platinum! I need a lategame mon anyways for exp pacing. Oh right, Ponyta. 3 Bubbles to kill at the cost of 3 Tackles which deal about 15 damage. Next is a Hiker through the grass with what is easily the most jovial of trainer musics. *Does a ho-down*. Geodude first. Right.

Prinplup level 18: +3 HP, +2 Sp Atk, +1 everything else.

Another Geodude. Another Geodude. Moving on. X Sp Def and then an Aroma Lady. Roselia comes out and gets Pecked. Half health and it growths. I accidentally misclick and Bubble. It Mega Drains me twice and kills.........Derp. Luxio comes in and Sparks for the win. There is a Stardust hidden in the seemingly pointless platform there. I see some berries, and a picnicker who seems like she's just a roaming NPC ambushes me with a Bidoof and a Pachirisu. Luckily, I have Bite this time to ignore the resistance. It growls then QAs, the Growl making the difference. 2 QAs before it dies.

Luxio level 19: +3 HP, +1 Def and Sp Def, +2 everything else.

All for a Heal Ball, an Oran and Pecha berry. Back to the main road, a Camper attacks with an Aipom. Spark brings it to the red and paralyses it, responding with a mere Astonish. Next up s a Hiker with an Onix. Can Luxio deal? Well, first Bite flinches. Second and a Screech misses. Rage comes out the third and does a mere 2 damage. Last bite kills. As you can see, he deals well enough. BattleGirl not far after, which she has a Machop. Spark for a Foresight? Please.

Luxio level 20: +2 HP, Atk and Sp Atk, +1 everything else.

Grab a Repel after that. A Picnicker comes after with a Piplup! Awww, smart girl. KZZZZZZZT

Luckily after that comes a rather convenient healing house, so I do it for Prinplup's sake since Luxio's starting to rocket past.

Eterna Forest

I meet Cheryl who accompanies me and turns this place into the utmost free exp lane as now all fights are duals where 1 pokemon gets all the exp. After every battle she heals me too, so no worries of nasty little things like Paralysis and Poison. To the left is an Antidote, then I head north. Can catch Bunearies and Hoothoots here for those that care. Dual between a Bug Catcher and a Lass, a Pachirisu and a Wurmple. Pachirisu sparks Chansey while Wurmple gets pecked. Wurmple responds by String Shotting the team. Spark hits Prinplup again, then over to Chansey for the paralysis as Silcoon comes in. Bubble's used while Egg Bomb hits Pachirisu and String Shot is used again. Another Spark on Chanser, who's practically taking more damage than Prinplip is from it. Chansey Softboils herself and brings herself to 3/4 HP. Spark hits Prinplup for Paralysis while Bubble kills Silcoon. Egg Bomb hits Pachirisu and destros that pesky squirrel.

Prinplup level 19: +1 Atk and Speed, +2 everything else. Replaced Growl with Bubble Beam. Will keep Bubble as a finishing move in the mean time. Beautifly comes out next. It Absorbs a critical hit off Prinplup, who Pecks back, Chansey Softboiling again. Another Absorb and Prinplup falls with Chansey being paralyzed. Luxio comes in and finishes the job. Find Paralyze Heal on the road, heading forward to find two Psychis. 2 Abras? I sense Hidden Power. One is Fighting, and used on Chansey. Her Sp Def though is good enough she basically ignores it. I Bubble Beam an Abra while Chansey drops a bomb on the other. Another round of Hidden Powers, both hitting Prinplup while Bubble fails to kill both and Chansey misses. 2 more Hidden Powers and...Wow, Prinplup died faster even though Chansey is weak to it. In comes Luxio to finish the job...Note to self: Bubble really really sucks.

Luxio level 21: +3 HP, +2 Atk, +1 everything else.

Net Ball get. 2 Bug Catchers with a Wurmple and Burmy. Bubblebeam on the Burmy makes it disappear, Egg Bomb cutting Wurmple in half. Another Burmy comes out, which Bubblebeam works again, Egg Bomb finishing the Wurmple off. Cascoon follows. I accidentally hit Bubble, not that it'll matter since all it does is miss the String Shot.

Prinplup level 20: +1 Atk and Sp Atk +3 Speed, +2 everything else.

Dustox out now, Bubblebeam doing about half. It tries to Tackle and misses. Bubblebeam finishes. Potion found after the fight, continuing to move on. Ya know, I'm starting to notice a heavy resemblence to Viridian Forest...Like it's almost built entirely the same. 2 more Psychics (these guys have been showing up pretty early). Psyduck and.....Meditite. *Eyes Squint* My nemesis...It Bides, but it won't deal with THE PECK. Or maybe it will, absorb the hit Bidoof! Like a boss. Couple Scratches on Chansey while she finishes off Meditite.

Prinplup level 21: +1 Atk and Speed, +2 everything else.

He gets back in, Pecks the Psyduck and Chansey heals. Prinplup finishes. I get a Green Shard, and I find the exit out. The person I'm escourting thanks me with a Soothe Bell! Very nice for anyone who wants to use Buneary or Zubat.

Route 205 Ending

A Cheri, a Pecha and 2 Orans. Even a Super Potion hidden in the empty space in the grass, along with a Guard Spec. Figured I'd look through to get items before I fight Fishermen. First one has a Goldeen. KZZZZZT. Next has the...*Sigh* Legendary 6 Magikarp. The entire battle is about 300 exp. Third fisherman has a Magikarp...Come on gen 4. Goldeen is next. KZZZZT.

Luxio level 22: +1 Def and Sp Def, +2 everything else

Then another Magikarp. KZZZZT.

Eterna City

I heal up before I get to the first order of business of securing the Underground Kit! 'Scuse me folks, I'll be back after a bit.

Items Obtained in my search: Water Stone/Armor Fossil! Didn't take as long as I thought it would. Hidden around the gym is a Super Potion.

Eterna Gym

Lass starts with a Cherubi. I decide to just use Prinplup until I don't have to, then switch to Luxio when necessary. I get Leech Seeded while I Peck, and get Tackled. Switch back out to Luxio to get the Leech Seed off for Roselia. Spark deals about half while it uses Stun Spore. It follows up with Mega Drain. 2 Bites are needed while Luxio is at almost half health. Use up a Paralyze Heal. Aroma Lady comes up next with a Budew. Peck does about3/4 of it's HP, and it uses Stun Spore. Absorb does about 8 damage, Peck finishing it. Anothew Budew. Absorb hits while I do Peck.Another Absorb for a Peck. One last Budew. Absorb does about 6 damage this time. One last Peck wins it for me.

Prinplup level 22: +3 HP, +2 Atk and Sp Atk, +1 everything else.

I switch to Luxio aganst the last Aroma Lady's Roselia. Bite does more than half while I get Stun Spored. It uses Mega Drain. Bite nearly kills while it Poison Stings, and I kill.

Luxio level 23: +3 HP, +2 Atk and Speed, +1 everything else. I ignore Roar.

I go back out to heal now that the way to to the gym leader is finished and I'm in terrible shape.

Boss: Gardenia

Turtwing up first. Bite lands a crit and nearly kills while it sets up Reflect. She uses a Super Potion while I Bite again. Another Bite, and Sunny Day comes out (uh oh...). Bite again and he flinches. One more Bite and he flinches again. Reflect wears off, and one more Bite does the trick. Cherim then comes in, and the Sunlight allows it to change form, where it uses Leech Seed. The sunlight gfades, but it stays the same. I decide to switch to Bidoof to get the Seed off me. Bidoof falls to a Grass Knot. Cherim is apparently faster than Luxio, seeing as it gets off a Saeguard first. It's Magical Leaf hurts like hell too. Grass Knot brings me down tot eh red before I finally kill it. Roserade soon follows, and this thing is the evil part. Super Potion used, up to 57 HP. Poison Sting deals about 7 damage and Poisons me (Note to sel, if I have to retry, have Pecha held onto). I Leer, while it uses Grass Knot and just straight kills me. Prinplup comes out and uses Magical Leaf to bring me down to 16 HP. Needless to say I need to restart. With my team, Gardenia is incredibly troublesome. Well, Roserade is.

Ok, restart. I decide to Leer Turtwig as I know Reflect is coming. I bite while it uses Grass Knot. Bite again to make it flinch. Another Bite, another flinch. Super Potion wasted, Bite again to wear off Reflect. It sets up again, which I finish it off. Cherrim comes out and I decide to throw in Prinplup again just to stall time. Bubblebeam deals about 1/5 damage, negated partly by Leech Seed. Bring in Bidoof again to stall time and get Leech Seed off. Attempt a Rock Smash, but I get Magical Leaf'd. Reflect wears off. I Leer while it Leech Seeds. It uses Magical Leaf while I use Spark to attempt to Paralyze it. I fail. I throw in Prinplup again, getting hit with a Magical Leaf. Super Potion on Luxio while Prinplup eats it pretty bad. Luxio goes in. I Bite while it uses Safeguard. Magical Leaf while I do the last Bite, down to about half health. Actually do not manage to kill, it using Grass Knot bringing me to 1 HP (how heavy IS Luxio?). One more Super Potion used while it spams Grass Knot and kills.

Ok seriously, is Luxio REALLY that heavy? *Checks Pokedex* 67 lbs. Ok, guess mySp Def is just that bad. Ok, let's do that again. I wish Luxio had a move that let him buff himself up. I again Leer the Turtwig knowing the Reflect is coming up, deciding to Leer again since I know this mon is the weakest link and I can stall out it's set up this way. Leer agan when it Sunny Days, Leer when it Grass Knots, Leer again. Leer one more time. Reflect wears off and I Bite, one shotting. I switch Bidoof in to Super Potion Luxio. Magical Leaf kills Bidoof. I bring Luxio back in and use X Sp Def, it Safeguards and then I use X Atk while it uses Grass Knot. Leech Seed is on me. Magical Leaf hits, and I Spark to try and paralyze. Does not work, again. I use another Super Potion. Magical Leaf, Bite to bring down to 1/4.

Ok I fucked up again. Better idea. While Turtwig is setting up, I'll set up Luxio, since Cherrim is really strong this early. First, X Sp Def while it sets up Sunny Day. Then, X Atk while it sets up Reflect. Then Dire Hit. Turtwig then uses Razor Leaf. I Leer at him once while he's attempting to do damage to me. Razor Leaf is not really all that effective. Bite crits and kills. Well, was hoping to let it live, but whatever. The sunlight fades when Cherrim comes in, it using Safeguard when I Bite. Grass Knot spam until Bite kills, usng a Super Ption when Roserade uses Poison Sting. Now this I am going to attempt to Paralyze. Protected by Safeguard. Forgot about that. I use a Super Potion after it Grass Knots, it doing Grass Knt Again. GrassKnot again whle I Spark, crossing my fingers. It uses a Berry, a Sitrus one to be exact. Iuse a Potion to stall, hopng it will do something like Poison Sting. It keeps spamming it till I'm at 27, getting hit with a Magical Leaf. I throw out Bidoof, hoping I can do something with Prinplup as bait. Magical Leaf comes out, hitting Prinplup with enough to kill the next turn. I bring in Luxio, wanting to Paralyze with another Spark, but it kills.

RRR!! Of all fights, this is easily annoying. If there's any reason to bring an early flying type, this is why. You don't want this happening to you. This time I use X Defend so even Turtwig and Poison Sting don't mess me up. After I have everything set up, I start Biting. Sunlight's still strong, but Reflect is down. Cherrim comes out and is superpowered to do a Magical Leaf, which deals about 18 HP. I use Spark because I really wanna Paralyze if I can. Down to 1/3, still no luck. I use a Super Potion while it uses Grass not. I decide t just Bite while it uses Magical Leaf. Down goes that problem. Roserade comes in and uses Magical Leaf...Overestimated my HP.

If ever there was a reason to keep Charge...This time I'm hit with a Razor Leaf and a Grass Knot from Turtwig and I respond with a Potion. I Bite, getting it to half, where I Leer it while it does Sunny Day. Another Leer, another Grass Knot, which I respond with another Potion. Another Leer while Reflect is still up, hit with a Grass Knight. Reflect wears off, and I bite. Cherrim comes out and I Bite. Magical Leaf hits me for about 18 dmage again. Even my hyper-powered Bite does not do much damage, about only a third. I use a Super Potion after being reduced to 8 HP, while she uses a Super Potion herself. I decide to Leer until I am at the health I need to use a Potion at. It Safeguards the next turn, which only effects Spark so har. Leech Seeds me. Crap. Ok, I start biting now. She uses Magical Leaf, which brings me back to the red while I simply kill with a Bite. I switch out to Bidoof to use my last Super Potion. I manage to get one Leer in before I have to send out Prinplup. I Peck and it Stun Sports, which then I et hit with a Magical Leaf before another Peck. It uses a Sitrus Berry...Checkmate.

I'm taking a break on the account of the gym leader stonewalling me because this is WAY too early for a Roserade to be up in your face. Need to take a calming breath.

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Well, you might consider training up something like a Dustox or Staravia just for this Gym, or you could even go back to Oreburgh Gate and catch a Lv. 10 Golbat in the basement. Looks like that Rash nature IS hurting you after all...

Also, the title of the topic still says Gandjackal.

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Well, you might consider training up something like a Dustox or Staravia just for this Gym, or you could even go back to Oreburgh Gate and catch a Lv. 10 Golbat in the basement. Looks like that Rash nature IS hurting you after all...

Also, the title of the topic still says Gandjackal.

Fixed. As for the Rash nature, it actually wouldn't bad if I oddly enough kept Charge. Since it boosts Sp Def and Turtwig is setup fodder, had I kept it I would not be having this problem.

And I'll be damned i I catch a mon just for one moment! Where there is a will, there is a way!

Ok, so look about town and realize there is an Herb Sho, and it sells Revival Herbs. These are basically Max Revives that have a bitterness effect to them. I don't care! From it's description, it's basically a Max Revive at the cost of 2800, which is the bargain of the century to me.

Ok, back to Gardenia. X boosts, shrug off Turtwig's BS, start biting! Two bites, one flinching and causng a wasted Potion as Reflect wears off. Cherrim comes out, and I use Spark because I HAVE to paralyze something to get through this easier dammit! One Spark for a Magical Leaf and I use a Super Potion. Magical Leaf again, landing a critical. *Rolls eyes* Fuck ths gym, really. That may have just killed my run. Grass Knot, then Magical Leaf, one more Spark and I FINALLY PARALYZE IT. I bite it to kill with a crit. I then switch out to Bidoof in order to start piling Potions on. Ithrow in Prinplup to use Bubblebeam in an attempt too get a speed reduction. Magical Leaf brings me to the red, and I do not get the Speed reduction. Magical Leaf kills Prinplup. I use Spark in an attempt to Paraylze and simply cross my fingers-nope.

Ok, perhaps I need to go a different route. Perhaps I'm using the boosts too early or something. I'm actually going to lead with Prinplup this time. Peck to start before it gets up Reflect. Reflect up, I decide to start using Metal Claw in hopes for the Atk proc. I DO get the proc so I hit with Peck next turn while Turtwig-oh yeah, he gets a crit does he? In comes Luxio, deciding to use X Attack while it wastes it's turn using a Potion. He sets up Reflect, I bite again to make it flinch, and I bite it again to fell it. Cherrim comes out and I use X Sp Def. Grass Knot and MAgical Leaf follow it, while I use Spark. Again I want to Paralyze it. It uses Safeguard while Reflect goes down. Fair enough to me as it gives me a free hit. I bring it to the red where I Leer it, then use a Super Potion the next turn. I manage to down it with a Spark while I'm in the red. Roserade comes in. Super Potion used. Magical Leaf does 25 damage. Magical Leaf then magically deals 30 damage and kills.

I decide to give Prinplup and Luxio an Oran berry each. Peck does about 1/4 of Turtwig and it sets up Reflect. I miss the Metal Claw and it hits me with a Razor Leaf. Metal Claw misses again -_-;;; and I eat an Oran berry. The Oran Berry did not help at all. Luxio comes in and Bites. Another Bite, and it kills. Cherrim in. X Sp Def. It uses Leech Seed. I use Spark, but it Safeguards the moment I do it. I Bite, get hit with a Grass Knot and return to green HP. THAT'S IT, I'm getting a Starly or something.

To the Right of Eterna

I go searching about in the grass for a flying one of my heart, and see there's patchs of emptiness to make me think there's a hidden item when I see a piece stickng out and stupidly go to it thinking it was a hidden item and see it's a Ninja Boy instead. 3 Zubats. Can guess what happens. I find a Great Ball though. Not quite what I was hoping for. Hmmm, maybe I got something even better. Bronzor! Please have Confuse Ray or something...Confusion, Hypnosis, Confuse Ray. Perfect.

Ok, this time throwing out Bronzor first. Throw out a Confuse Ray, then use Hypnosis. Uses a Grass Knot, but Bronzor doesn't care that much. Hypnosis hits (I want to prolong it as long as I can), then proceeding to bombard it with Confusion. First hit is a crit. Wakes up 2 turns later and snaps out of confusion, and uses Grass not to land a crit. Confuse Ray hits and still Bronzor lives with 5 HP, Razor Leaf hitting. Luxio goes in to kill with Bite. Prinplup goes in next, using Safeguard while I hit it with Peck. Does like no damage so I decide to attempt to hit Bubble Beam procs, eating a berry while I get Magic Leaf'd. The Bubble Beam almost did similar to more damage. Leech Seed hits, and I crit with a Bite to get it to the red. Spark lands a crit to bring it back down to nearly half. Magic Leaf hits and Luxio eats his berry. I keep trying to Spark to paralyze, but my luck is about as good as you've seen so far. Grass Knot deals enough-Yeah, that's not gonna work either.

I'm going fucking batty at this point. Now I start with Bidoof just to get a Def lowering on Turtwig, hittng it with Rock Smash when Rzor Leaf misses. Rock Smash does not get the proc, because that would require luck to be on my side. Grass Knot hits and Bidoof goes down. I send in Luxio to attempt to flinch, I fail and Reflect hits. I decide to Leer a couple times before throwing in Prinplup to Peck. Razor Leaf fucking crits of course, but I got her low enough health. Luxio comes out to finish the job. I bring in Bronzor for Cherrim. Uses Safeguard...Forgot about that. I start to throw out Confusion, but it uses Leech Seed. I throw a Potion on Luxio while Bronzor gets crit'd and dies. X Sp Def. Magical Leaf deals 18 damage. X Attack. Another amount of damage, which I clear up with an oran berry. I throw out Spark in an attempt to again, Paralyze. I use a Super Potion. It uses MAgic Leaf again. Safeguard again. Spark hits, Bite through MAgical Leaf to kill. Roserade comes out next. t attempts to Stune Spore, it misses and Bite does nearly half. I use Leer cause it will kill with Bite. Barely lve through Magical Leaf. Uses Poison Sting. Magical Leaf comes out. It's dead! YES! FINALLY!! THIS NIGHTMARE IS OVER!!

Luxio Level 24: I didn't get the ads, so..

69 HP, 49 Atk, 30 Def, 45 Sp Atk, 27 Sp Def, 37 Speed

I get Grass Knot for my troubles, which can be a REALLY good move for later portions. For now though I'll simply keep it safe. I save, heal, save, throw Bronzor into a box, save again, cut the bushes at the Galactic building and save again. Oh, also TM Thief.

Galactic Building

Looker, go away.

Ok, now to fight some Galactic members in a dual. Simple mow over as the classic Glameow and Stunky combo. Spark takes out Stunky and Glameow barely does a Scratch to Prinplup who retorts with a Bubblebeam. Up the left set of stairs, there's an X Speed (I COULD HAVE DONE WITH YOU EARLIER) and a dude wth a Croagunk. I like Croagunk, but has this problem of only existing in the world's shittiest safari. Even survives a Bubble Beam. Only Taunts, but still. So, ging up I find sme working at a computer, and one lunges at me with a Glameow. A Bubblebeam calms him down.

Prinplup: +1 Atk, +2 everything else.

The right set of stairs is the wrong set of stairs from there as all it has is a Galactic Grunt. Stunky, a Croagunk and a Glameow. Really, my two main mons are so overleveled I don't even really care. Oh woops, Glameow Fakes me Out. NOW it's dead. Suddenly up the right path is a Scientist! Man, anyone remember Sylph Co? That was awesome, wasn't it? Well this dude busts out a Kadabra. Damn game, not holding back. Uses an X Special while I use Bubblebeam and procs a speed reduction (COULD HAVE USED YOU A WHILE AGO!!), and kills it.

Peinplup level 24: +3 HP, +1 Speed, +2 everything else. Bide? You wish, game.

Right set of stairs from him gives me a Blue Shard and a Revive. Now to deal with the Galactic leader who the stupid Bike dealer went to confront.

Galactic Officer: Jupiter

Zubat's up to the plate, and he gets Beamed. I fail to OHKO, and it uses GIGA DRAIN!? Ok, the yomi levels are off the scale right now. Skuntank comes out next, with a disgusting noise. Seriously, it's roar is inappropriate. Night Slash deals a critical hit and straight kills Prinplup. Luxio comes out to make up for the slack and I hatch an idea. I forgot about Intimidate, and how cheesy it is. I switch out to Bidoof, who dies and I bring in Luxio for another one. Night Slash only hits for 18 damage (Yeah, only 18. That was 2 intimidates) and Spark dos about as much damage. I need to paralyze. It eats a Sitrus Berry, and now I'm losing. next hit doesn't Paralyze, I'm do-oh ok, it crits. Nevermind.


Potion on Prinplup before I start. Bubblebeam again doesn't one shot, and again I get Giga Drained. Another Beam, and it's down. Skuntank comes in to get Intimidated, I switch to Bidoof t get killed so that Luxio comes back in, then switch to Prinplup. Night Slash doesn't do that much. Night Slash agan does about 16 to Prinplup who eats a berry, Bubblebeam doing about 1/4. It tres to Poison Gas, and misses. It eats a Sitrus. Night Slash does about 12 damage this time as I use another Bubblebeam which crits.

Luxio level 25: +3 HP, +0 Sp Def, +1 Def, +2 everything else

Glad that's over with. For my troubles, I get a lot. Up-Grade, a Bike and an Egg. Ahh yes, and if you meet up with Rowan's assistant giving you an EXP Share.

Bike Highway

First cycler has a Pikachu. Should have thought twice about Prinplup in lead. Thunderwave paralyzes. Next has a Staravia, and while he hits me with something that did 15 damage, Bubblebeam kills.

Prinplup level 25: +2 HP, Sp Atk and Speed, +1 everything else

Clearly the Highway is better suited for Luxio. It's then the next guy has a freaking Ponyta to troll me. Get Tail Whipped, and Spark doesn't OHKO. It's then I notice enemy levels have gotten to my level quick. I get Stomped for about 19 damage, and I bite to win. Next Cyclist has a Starly. Another Starly. Another Starly. KZZZZT. Long highway man. Next one has even more Starly.

Luxio level 26: +2 HP, +1 everything else

Staravia comes out and for the sake of EXP I want Prinplup to get it. I use bubblebeam, and it goes down. Next has a Shinx, he bites and does nothing and dies. Pnyta up next. Tail Whip, but it goes down easy.

Prinplup level 26: +2 HP, Def and Sp Def +1 everything else.

I keep Prinplup in to deal with a Shinx. Another weak sauce Bite, gets beamed. Next one has Pikachu, whom Double Teams while I get paralyzed. Quick Attack and finally bubblebeam comes out.

2 razz, an oran, a bluk, a cheri and another oran before I revisit Oreburgh to revive my fossil.

Shieldon level 20/Sassy/Sturdy

44 HP, 26 Atk, 53 Def, 26 Sp Atk, 45 Sp Def, 17 Speed

Taunt/Metal Sound/Take Down/Iron Defense.

Lower speed when it wasn't fast anyways for a defensive stat that is it's strength is always a good thing, especially since looking at stats it covered some barren ground between it and Defense. It's going to have like no offense, but I wasn't really expecting any. Starting movepool doesn't loo TOO bad, aside from it's only 1 attack. Might replace Iron Defense with Rock Tomb. He's clearly meant to be a debilitator of sourts.

Will be taking a break for now.

Today's Moral: Get a flying type for Gardenia. For the love of all that is holy.

Edited by grandjackal
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Yeah, Shieldon's clearly defensive, but with Metal Sound you might as well go Special rather than physical. Even when it's Bastiodon it's 52 Attack vs 47 Sp. Attack, and you get Flash Cannon and AncientPower, so...

Next time use a Golbat for Gardenia, dat 4x resistance to grass

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Yeah, Shieldon's clearly defensive, but with Metal Sound you might as well go Special rather than physical. Even when it's Bastiodon it's 52 Attack vs 47 Sp. Attack, and you get Flash Cannon and AncientPower, so...

This; Metal Sound is the only way Bastiodon will ever hurt anything.

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I'll be sure to keep that in mind. For now though, all I have to give it is Rock Tomb for STAB. Replaced Iron Defense with it. I actually take note of it's leveling speed. 4 levels under an evolved mon Luxio, it took 200 more exp to level, so I am imagining it being almost exactly like Aron. Only difference being that at last Shieldon nly has one evoluton, and it's a mere 10 levels away.

I go back to the route north of Oreburgh, finding a dual between Campers, unleashing a Chimchar and Pachirisu. I want Pachirisu out more than anything, so I Bite and Rock Tomb it. Even though it got hit with a Flame Wheel from Chimchar, it shrugged it of like a boss. However, a Rock Tomb merely matched Luxio's unSTAB Bite with a critical hit. Bite finishes Pachi off. Another Flame Wheel to make Shieldon giggle and Rock Tomb misses. Spark lands a crit and kills. Past them, a Super Potion sits nicely on the path, followed by a Hiker. He throws in a Geodude and I realize that Shieldn can't really do a lot about him. Switch out to Prinplup who Bubblebeams it. Nosepass comes in, and I try to Metal Sound it, but I miss AND it Blocks me so I can't switch out. It tackles for about no damage while I Rock Tomb it for at least a chunk. This might take a while...Couple Tackles, it Hardens, Rock Tomb misses a lot, it Hardens again, I crit which makes me giggle for how much it's Hardening. It keeps Hardening till it actually hits the 6 mark. I run out of PP for Rock Tomb so I have to go down to do 2 Take Downs. Make that 3.

Before I can enter the cave, what's her face stops me and for some reason plays "guess which hand", where I get the Vs Seeker and the Dowsing Machine. Use it immediately and you can find a nearby Great Ball.

Mt Coronet

Rather small quaint path forward with plenty of hidden items (The Dowsing Machine is so convenient as an Itemfinder in this game), namely a Revive to be found here, along with a Stardust. Oh yeah, and you run into Cyrus again. He does nothing...Thanks game, I needed to hear his rambling.

Route 208

Hiker with an Onix eh? Brings me back to the old days. I switch to Prinplup to Bubblebeam while he sets up Sandstorm. In short, not a lot done. Place is just filled with Hikers, as another Nosepass comes in. Considering I spent all of Rock Tomb on just one and that it has Block, I throw Prinplup in immediately. Bubblebeam does the trick. Having Rock Smash, one can blow up some rocks to clear the path to an Ether. Don't bother searching for hidden items in the grass just beyond, as there's only a Tiny Mushrom. Well anyways I run into an artist with a Mime Jr. I like that with Take Down I 2HKO it.

Shieldon level 21: +2 HP, Def and Sp Def, +1 everything else.

Bonsly comes out next, where I slip to Prinplup again. Only a Flail comes out as resistance. Aroma Lady throws out a Roselia. Mega Drain does about 10 damage, and after Takedown I actually end up killing my own Shieldon. Luxio comes out to pick up the pieces, finishing with a Bite. Combee follows, and does not manage a thing before gettng Sparked. 2 Nanabs, Razzes, 2 Bluk, and 2 Pinap berries to pick before entering the lovely...

Hearthome City

I head to the pokecenter to heal up my rather rough and tumble Shieldon before fighting a clown. Only in Platinum, folks. He throws out a Mime Jr. who doubleslaps, and hits me for 4 reps. Rock Tomb stunningly only 3HKOs. That is absolutely pathetic. Mime Jr puts up a Light Screen while I miss one, I get another after it lands another 4 reps. I miss again as it does a Mimic. One more, it finally goes down. Have to go to the Beauty Pagent before I can go to the gym, since the leader of this place is a derp who likes to be egotistical.

Hearthome Gym

The redux of the gym is a lot more creative than the original to say the least. Youngster with a Gastly uses Curse on me while I drop rocks on it to kill. Drifloon follows who uses Stockpile to boost it's defenses while I use Rock Tomb. I don't even do half despite hitting weakness. It Spits Up for 3 damage. Rock Tomb hits again for almost a kill. It Stockpiles again Rock Tomb misses, and Shieldon succumbs to Curse. Ok, that's a problem with it's startingmvoepool: No Accuracy. Luxio comes in for a Bite and pops the balloon.

Luxio level 27: +3 HP, +1 Def and Sp Def, +2 everything else

...*Makes a quick run to the pokecenter* Don't get greedy, guys!

Lass has a Misdreavus, who I use Taunt on because it has 2 annoying moves: Confuse Ray and Pain Split. I knew better than to get rid of this baby. It keeps using Pain Split though, which is doing itmore harm than help. I have hit myself twice so far, make that 3 times while Misdreavus just heals me. 4 times. Finally I snap out and actually Taunt it. Psybeam does 6 damage while I Rock Tomb it, slowing it down. Psybeam again while I drop more rocks. Another Psybeam and another Rock Tomb. STILL not dead. One more Tomb, and it goes down. Next up, a Schoolboy wielding a Gastly. It uses X Defend first as I Rock Tomb it. If it curses, I can finish it off at this point. It uses Night Shade however and kills me where I stand. Clever...I actually completely forgot about Night Shade. Feel sily about that. Prinplup comes in on a Sucker Punch and finishes with a Bubblebeam.

Prinplup level 27: +1 Atk, +3 HP and Speed, +2 everything else.

....*Goes back to the Pokecenter*

Schoolgirl comes at me with a Drifloon. Uses Minimize while I hit it with Rock Tomb. Astonish does no damage, Rock tomb misses. Gust does no damage, miss again. Astonish does no damage, Rock Tomb hits again to finish it.

Shieldon level 22: +2 HP, +3 Def, +0 Speed, +1 everything else.

Another Drifloon eh? Stockpiles while Rock Tomb misses, Spit Up doing 4 damage. A crit kills. Cooltrainer up next, as she throws a Haunter at me. Ok, now I know it will be wise to switch to Luxio. Confuse Ray though makes me slap myself. Sucker Pnch deals 10 damage on top, but Bite comes through regardless. Night Shade does a solid 23 damage, and another Bite comes through. Misdreavus comes out, so back in goes Shieldon. It confuse rays me while I attempt to Taunt. Mustering through the confusion, I manage. Psybeam does about 7 damage. Confuse hit myself. Happens again. Just one hit, Shieldon. There we go. Taunt wears off as I switch to Prinplup who helps evade a Spite. Bubblebeam deals a solid amount while I suffer some Spite for it. Misdreavus is something bulky, and a Pain Split brings it back to the green while cutting Prinplup to 40 HP. After a Bubblebeam, a Psybeam comes out and confuses (Dammit!). Hurt myself in confusion. Again. Bubblebeam wins it before Prinplup kills hmself like a fool.

*Runs to the Pokecenter* Anyone with common sense would probably just use Shieldon as utility since it comes automatically with great bulk, Metal Sound and Taunt. However, I'm using him seriously, thus why I'm doing this.

One last battle with a Cooltrainer, throwing out a Gastly. He uses Curse, which is mighty fine to me as I use Rock Tomb to finish him off-wow, it did not kill form half health like it did last time. Night Shade stinhs pretty bad since it nearly 2HKOs me. Curse deals almost death to me as the next Gastly comes in. I switch out to Luxio whle Gastly does another Night Shade. Bite deals an instant kill on it.

Shieldon level 23: +1 Atk, +0 Speed, +2 everything else.

A Haunter comes last, where I switch in Shieldon then go to Bidoof. Almost blows me up with a Shadow Ball while Bidoof can do the only thing it can against Haunter: Growl. He Mean Looks me then uses Confuse Ray. Hit myself, it uses Curse. I can only be thankful considering the fool must not have Night Shade and it Mean Looked a Bidoof. Luxio comes in and eats a Shadow Ball, which blows me away as it instantly kills. Wow, well in comes Prinplup. Confuse Ray makes me begin to panic as could easily lose this fight now. Shadow Ball deals 29 damage and lowers Sp Def, while I hit myself twice. Well, I use a Super Potion, but it lands a crit. I cannot believe I have to waste my Revive on this spazz just because Confuse Ray. Shadow Ball hits for about-oh, it crits me AGAIN. I cannot believe this shit. Good thing I saved before fighting him. Gastly uses Confuse Ray, and I use Rock Tomb. Night Shade hits me, and it stings like hell. Shieldon hits himself at the last moment, so I switch to Bidoof cause I don't care at this point. This time I don't get greedy. Luxio comes in, and he's staying. Bite one shts the next Gastly. Haunter Mean Looks Luxio, which it retorts by Bite, nearly one shotting it. Shadow Ball comes out next, which dos a beefy 49 damage. It falls however, and Luxio comes out in the lead. Ok, back to the Cooltrainer woman I didn't kill before fighting the other guy. In goes Prinplup because Luxio's a bit too busted up to switch in raw. Absorbs a Night Shade on the way in. Sucker Punch while I attempt to attack (A critical hit again? Prinplup's Luck Stat: 0). Bubblebeam does enough, and kills after another Sucker Punch. Misdreavus comes in next, where I throw in Luxio. It is somehow faster than me and uses Psybeam while I Bite. It finishes me with another Psybeam. Bubblebeam comes out, and finishes while Prinplup is in the red.

*Goes back to heal self* In fairness, this gym is absolutely brutal. Night Shade is pretty annoying since it does a real nice chunk of damage, Confuse Ray is always annoying, all the mons are really fast, and for some reason Gamefreak thought it would be nice to throw in a Haunter with Shadow Ball this early whith the whole physical/special split. You'll probably do this anyways unless you have a really fast mon that can devastate ghosts, or are willing to blow every last resource in your inventory just for this gym.

Boss: Fantina

Duskull is up first and it burns Shieldon. Not why he's here man. *Taunts* In goes Luxio with relative safety as Duskull uses lolFuture Sight. Shadow Sneak follows, and it does pathetic damage. Taunt wears off, but t doesn't matter as it dies. Luxio gets hit by Future Sight. In comes Mismagius, which is easily the problem of this fight. Confuse Ray hits Shieldon while I try to spam Matal Sound, managing to land one. Magical Leaf (what the fuck?) hits me for a critical and the Burn will kill me after another Metal Sound. That's -4, people. In comes Prinplup despite the fact this thing has Magical Leaf. I need this thing dead by any means. Bubblebeam goes through the Confuse Ray for about 3/4 HP. See? Shieldon's pulling his weight. Had I landed a third, I might have one shot it. No matter. It uses Magical Leaf, which surprisingly only does like 1/3 to Prinplup. I thought Mismagius had a TON of Sp Atk, I thought that would hurt like a bitch.

Prinplup level 28: +1 Atk and Speed, +2 everything else. Fury Attack? In your dreams.

Haunter comes out. Haunter? I thought you had a Drifblim. Whatever, I keep Prinplup in to do what damage I can and attempt to slow with Bubblebeam, but it just uses Shadow Claw twice and dies to Prinplup.

Gentlemen! BEHOLD! Metal Sound is fucking awesome! Her gym was harder than her!

Shadow Ball get! I got no one to actually use it at the moment, so I just keep it for memory's sake. The memory of making Mismagius look free with a Shieldon. Hold up, Shadow Claw? DAMMIT! You cheap bitch! Well again, no one can really use it (Well Prinplup can, despite the fact he has no fucking claws and needs to stop pretending he does, but he'll suck with it), so again I just keep it.

Time to get out of town. Oh, hey Barry! How's the cocaine been treating ya?

Rival Battle: Barry

He starts off with a Staravia. It's in my favor, but it also Intimidates me. Double Team...Of course. I want to at least it one Rock Tomb for the sake of speed, Rock Tomb doing a complete quarter of health. That is some shitpoor offense. Time to switch out to Luxio now that I got that speed down. Intmidate keeps me safe-oh, it crits. Of course...Quick Attack hits next, and I miss the Spark. After 3 QAs bringing me to the red, Spark hits.

Luxio level 28: +1 Def, Sp Def and Speed, +2 everything else. Swagger? That's playing with fire, man.

Buizel comes in next, and knw what it's trying to do. I use the Super Potion I still had since Ihad to do a restart as it QAs me, then a Water Gun to bring me to about half before succumbng to a Spark. Grotle comes next, and I do the classic I decide. It uses Withdraw, but that's not what I'm going for man. Metal Sound, 1 down. Withdraw again, 2 down. Razor Leaf deals 18 damage as I land one last Metal Sound. I switch out to Bidoof as death fodder for Prinplup to come out. Thank you for being part Ground-oh, that's his last evoluton. Regardless it brings it down to red despite resistance, so it goes down even if healing was used.

Shieldon level 23: +1 Atk, +0 Speed, +2 everything else.

Ponyta comes out last, so switch back to Shieldon. Ember deals 13 damage whle I Rock Tomb, which deals half damage. Ember hits again for 10, and Rock Tomb kills. Man, Metal Sound and it's bulk automatically make me love this thing more than Aron. It doesn't even need levels to feel really useful. I don't need exact things to deal with major threats to my otherwise dinky team, Grotle there being hte perfect example along with Mismagius. I'll heal up before heading out again.

Route 209

Immediately I run into a Breeder who throws a Budew at me. I throw in Luxio, who takes a Mega Drain. Bite simply demolishes it. Eevee next, who should be easy to deal with. Tackle does exactly no damage while Rock Tomb misses. Rock Tomb hits after another Tackle, and now I outspeed. Another Tackle, and I finish with Take Down since I'll take minimal damage in return at this point, and I wanna save on Rock Tomb uses. Bonsly comes in next. I recall this thing has Low Kick, so I switch to Prinplup. Flail does minimal damage. Pichu comes in last. It uses Sweet Kiss on Shieldon, and shieldon Rock Tombs it anyways. Critical hit, and it actually one shots something. After that, I do happen to find the fisherman who has the Good Rod. Before I go on the route though, the huge patch of grass has some items up there. As I go through, I happen to run into a Bibarel! Decide to catch it (Trust me, with how many HMs you will need to use, one Doof ain't enough). Great Ball used. Grab me a free Great Ball anyways, and continue on. Oh by the way, you can get a Duskull here if you wish to catch one. Not sure why you would.

I found a Chesto and a Leppa berry, then a ight with twins. Bonsley and Mime Jr. Bonsley goes down to a Bubblebeam, as does Mime Jr, who then ges hit with a Take Down. I get a Hyper Potion and run into a kid dressed like a Pikachu, throws a Pichu at me and starts settuing up Nasty Plots. Nearly one shots with Rock Tomb, but fails. Take Down finishes for minimal damage.

Shieldon level 24: +3 Def, +2 Sp Def, +! everything else. Swagger? Again, playing with fire. Would rather keep Taunt and Metal Sound.

Another Breeder, another Budew. Mega Drain hits for 7 damage, missing Take Down. Screw it, going to Luxio. Worry Seed comes out too late, and Bite makes it flinch, making it look easy. Another Eevee eh? Simple job for Shieldon. 2 Rock Tombs and a Take Down. No resistance really given. Out comes Cleffa. Cleffa I was unaware had Magic Leaf. Only did 6 damage, so I don't care. Take Down misses twice while it Sings me. Sweet Kiss follows. this is revenge for what I attempted with Bronzor in Gardenia isn't it? Sleep again, it tries to Copycat for some reason. Shieldon wakes up and hts itself while Clefa uses Magic Leaf. Decide to just switch out to Luxio, cause tht was getting annoying. SODENJIN SPAAAHK!! Mime Jr comes out next, so I throw Shieldon back in there. Mimic derps as I throw a Rock Tomb to finally 2HKO. Since he slowed, I took no damage in that exchange. Hidden in a pit is an Ether. Hidden in another pit is a Stardust. I ride up the muddy hill to run into a Cowgirl with a Ponyta. Ember deals 8 damage while I hit t with Rock Tomb. Tail Whip hits next even though Ember could have killed. 1 HP with Take Down, so I bail out. Prinplup comes in to finish the job with a Bubble. Before I take on the few last strands here, I go in to town.

Solocean Town

I heal up, nab the berries (Figy, 2 Nanabs and a Persim).

Back to 209 at the moment.

Young Couple has a Buizel and a Buneary. Aqua Jet deals a good chunk to Shieldon while Buneary Jump Kicks it to kill. Well, that could have gone better. In comes Luxio who Sparks Buizel and Buneary gets finished off. Buneary of course does a QA first on Prinplup for minimal damage.

Prinplup level 29: +3 HP, +1 SpDef and Speed, +2 everything else.

Sonic Boom before I can kill Buizel though, doing 20 to Luxio. A cuttable bush here hides the TM for Steel Wing! I will never use this! Rather tricky ride up this hill...Oh, the egg is hatching! What's up, Togepi? You gonna get put in a box! I find a Calcium, which I give to Prinplup. I head back to town and heal up.

Taking a break here. I catch a Staravia first though. Need a Flyer for later, and I unfortunately need a Defoger. Great Ball used.

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We ride!

Things you can get in Solocean town: Seal Case, and a PP Up! Oh, and also a hidden Big Mushroom.

Colaceon Ruins (I had been mispelling it this entire time...)

You can find a full set of elemental Stones here. Not exactly a complicated dungeon. There are a couple of trainers here, such as a Ruins Maniac. Fellow starts off with a Geodude, which is a simple take down. Another Geodude just like the first. Bronzor up last and before I switch out, I Taunt him. In comes Luxio. Extrasensory is but a mere annoyance. Small room you'll eventually come across holding a Mind Plate (For any of you folks with an Abra), Odd Incense, a Nugget and Defog! I use an Escape Rope to high tail it out of there.

Time to visit a tower.

The Tower

Second floor on a Tombstone you can actually find Honey. Who the fuck leaves Honey on a grave? Kinda rude, really. Youngster that we first arrive at has a Mothim. Uses Tackle, which Shieldon laughs at and buries it in a Rock Tomb. Not even Shieldon's offense can be so poor as to fail to one shot with a STAB at x4 weakness.

Shieldon level 25: +2 HP and Def, +3 Sp De, +! everything else.

Barboach...Yeah, I switch out to Prinplup. Water Gun does peanuts while Bubblebeam one shots. Chatot soon follows. Strange bird, Chatot. Has a really good specal attack stat for some reason, but is also blessed with a good Special Stab of a flying move. Thats' about where the goodness ends. To me, that STAB I mentioned does hilariously little damage. I actually get Mirror Moved to get ht by Rock Tomb myself. It then Sings to annoy me because Shieldon keeps missing. After that annoyance, one can pick up an Oval Stone which I recall is used for evolving Happiny to Chansey. Third floor has Fog, so I Defog it and run into a Biker without his bike using a Cleffa. Take Down does not quite take it down as I would have hoped. I get Sung, and Sweet Kissed to be confused, I wake up the next turn to hit myself. Unconfused next turn however, and Shieldon finishes. Next up, a Pokefan with a Pichu. Hits me with a Sweet Kiss, which is annoying but I land the Take Down to one shot. Another Pichu, but my health is too low for me to do anything. Out comes Luxio to smash. Pikachu then comes to deal, which I switch into a Thunder Wave. It starts to spam Double Team while I'm trying NOT to be paralyzed. Happens 3 times in a row of course. Slam does 9 damae, but I get paralyzed AGAIN. Quick Attack does less, but finally Luxio snaps out of it and Bites. Not quite a one shot, but enough. Slam, then paralyzed. Slam, then Bitten to finish this annoyance of a fight. Oh, and past the Biker you can find a Revive.

I decide to use a Potion on Shieldon just so I can keep going without having to run to the pokecenter. 4th floor, Defog, and run into another Pokefan with a Bonsly. Switched on over to Prinplup. Simple. Father and Daughter Rancher busting out Ponytas. Flame Wheel deals a tiny amount to Shieldon who responds with a Rock Tomb, and Luxio paralysing hte other with Spark. Another Flame Wheel, but this time on Luxio who also took an Ember, Shieldon taking one last Flame Wheel (as he had missed) and dies, Luxio clinging to dear life. Prinplup comes in to clean up as he finishes off the non-paralyzed one. Ponyta gets off one last Flame Wheel to beat out Luxio because paralysis is bitch. In goes a filler. From the left of them, you can find the other TM Return! One last Young Couple here, having a Murkrow and Misdreavus. Wing Attack kills the Bidoof, Bubble Beam beng the response and not quite killing. Prinplup gets confused. Staravia comes in. QA on Murkrow to finish it off while Bubblebeam gets through the confusion to do half of Misreavus's life, Misdreavus hammering Staravia with a Psybeam. Prinplup hurts itself while Misdreavus uses Mean Look, Avia using Wing Attack. Snapping out of confusion, Prinplup finishes the fight.

Prinplup level 30: +1 Atk, +2 everything else.

Top floor has two old crones who give you a Spell Tag and a Cleanse Tag...Hey, I thought I was supposed to go here to get HM Strength! Man my memory sucs. Well whatever, I got Cleanse Tag. Should make my adventure less annoying with random encounters.

Well, time to hit the road again.

Route 210

Pinap, Razz, and 2 Aspears

Find a Farmer in the grass with a Ponyta, where I hit it with a Rock Tomb after a rather hard hitting Flame Wheel doing 14 damage. Flame Wheel hits again, because Shieldon is slow, but he wins anyways. I ride up the muddy hill to fight Twins. Pikachu and Clefairy. Obviously, my first goal is to deal with the rodent. Pikachu being a moron decides to Slam Shieldon whle Clefairy hits him with a super duper effective Wakeup Slap. Rock Tomb ends Pikachu.

Shieldon level 26: +2 HP and Sp Def, +3 Def, +! everything else.

Luxio level 29: Accidentally hit too fast so I missed it.

Clefary uses Follow Me instead of just killing Shieldon, getting hit with Spar while Shieldon hits with Rock Tomb to finish. Breeder up next, having an Elekid. I switch out to Luxio sine Shieldon is hurting. Shockwave does nothing, Swift actually doing quite a number. Elekid falls to a critical Bite. Happiny up next, and it's basically a balloon of EXP. Rock Tomb misses -_-;; and I get Charmed. Another Rock Tomb, which deals...Half. Happiny then uses Copycat to do one damage. One more Rock Tomb, and it goes down. Two attacks to kill a Happiny folks.

Get a Super Repel after beating it, then jump over the ridge to find another Breeder. Magby comes out. I would love to stay in, but I'm not risking it with my accuracy and luck here. Besides, I want the exp on Shieldon. Get hit with a Smokescreen, not that it matters. Up next is Togepi (was hoping it would be another Happiny). Rock Tomb does a third and Sweek Kiss convinces me to switch out. It uses some silly move I don't care about while Luxio finishes the deal. I decide to go back to heal up, running into a father and Daughter ranchers dual. Ponyta and OH MY GOD RAPIDASH. I get Shieldon the hell out of there and switch in Prinplup, who gets Embered and Burned by the Rapidash, Flame Wheel doing ust as little to him. Spark does a hefty amount of damage to Ponyta. Rapidash them Flame wheels Luxio while it gets Bubble Beamed. Was expecint Luxio to take more damage. Ponyta goes down to the second spark.

Shieldon level 27: +2 HP, Def and Sp Def, +1 everything else

Route 215

Raining. Good weather for the penguin.

Ruin Maniac comes first, and I could tell him that he's nowhere where he needs to be, but I don't wanna break his heart. Bronzor comes out, and since it's raining I bring in Prinplup. It uses Imprison (Why would a Shieldon have any moves like oyu have?), and I get a free Bubblebeam off. Only does enough to get it to the red though, because Bronzor is made of BEEF. Confuses me, but I still get the Bubble off to finish it. Hey, he even has his own Shieldon! do a bait and switch back to Prinplup since Shieldon is wasted by water. In the middle of the road is a Max Ether, and a Blackbelt gvng me the TM for Payback! I'll be sure to keep this for later, and then a Blackbelt that wants to fight. He busts out that nasty poison Croagunk. Out goes Luxio, who takes a a Swagger while Intimidating it. Spark blows Croagunk up. I cut a bush smellng treasure when it turns out to be the stench of a sweaty rain-wet blackbelt with a Machop. Swtch to da penguin to blow bubbles at it while it looks foresightfully at me with a magnifying glass. IT SHALL BE YOUR UNDOING. Another Machop, repeat as seen. Wow, it even used Foresight too. What is so hard to see about a Shieldon? Get some glasses, Machop. Third Machop...SAME THING EXACTLY? Why did they all use Foresight? Stupid-ass blackbelt, out here in the ran, only thing he's making stronger is his oncoming attack of pneumonia. I get the Fist Plate from him. If only he were smart enough to snatch this before me.

Cut also allows me to catch 2 Bluck and Pecha berries. Up a hill and down a bridge to get a Hyper Potion, back up to get back on the right track-HOLY HELL A SCYTHER. I decide to Rock Tomb it just to see what exp it gives. About 600, not bad. Still, a Scyther. Damn...

Cut lets me avoid more grass patches and even a Blackbelt, but I take him on anyways. Croagunk shows up in my face, so I switch to Luxio. All I get in response is a Taunt. Have it your way. *Spark*. A Machop soon follows. Back in goes Luxio, Intimidating and all. This one is actually smart enough to attack though, hitting me with a Seismic Toss. Spark brings him down to a quarter HP and Karate Chop bring me to half. One more Spark finishes. A Meditite is up last, where I switch to Prinplup. He reads my mind, and Detects my incoming Bubblebeam. Bubblebeam comes out anyways and destroys. Then there's a big patch of grass up ahead with some items and empty patches. I go in, finding a wild Kadabra which I want to smash for exp. It uses Miracle Eye, and Rock Tomb crits for the kill.

Shieldon level 28: +3 Def, +1 Speed, +2 everything else. Ancient Power...But do I wanna get rid of Taunt? It's a 5 PP move, and I don't wanna be stuck to Rock moves only, despite the acc...guess I'm getting rid of Taunt.

HP Up get! Given to Shieldon. Cut lets me nab Shock Wave! My Special stat on Luxio is not far off from Atk, so it allows it to go mixed. I get rid of Tackle.

I jump over a ridge to get a Full Heal. Pair of Cooltrainers decide to dual me. Roselia and Gligar. Gligar Faint Attacks Luxio for a bit o damage while Luxio bites back, Roselia laying some Toxic Spikes down and Ancient Power doing a SURPRISING amount of damage to the often thought bulky Gligar. Faint Attack again on Luxio bringing him to the red before Roselia kills with a Giga Drain. Ancient Power kills Gligar to let all the exp go to Shieldon. Buizel comes out, and Prinplup along with Buizel who uses a rain boosted Aqua Jet on Bastiodon for a log of damage. Even though it's a resist, Bubblebeam nearly one shots Buizel anyways, and Bastiodon finishes. Roselia wastes time doing another set of Toxic Spikes set. Drifblim out last. Bubblebeam on Roselia since I'm starting to fear it. Drifblim uses Stockpile and Roselia uses Giga Drain on Shieldon, Shieldon using Ancient Power on Drifblim which doesnt accomplish much. Peck deals some good damage on Rselia who responds with a Giga Drain t absorb a thick amount off. Another PEck on Roselia, who Giga Drains Prinplup again t kill it off. Ominous Wind deals a good chunk off Shieldon. Roselia goes down to a Rock Tomb as Ralts comes in. Staravia comes in to help with the problem, as Drifblim does another Ominous Wind on Shieldon, still surviving. Another Rock Tomb dealing a nice chunk. Wing Attack again while Ralts uses Psychic on Shieldon to kill. It is now up to an eagle and a beaver! Bibarel uses Rollout on Ralts while another Wing Attack lands on Drifblim-DAMMIT it used Swallow! Wing Attack again on Drifblim, this time doing more damage, wit Bibarel critting with Rollout and killing Ralts. Out comes..Lickitung? Another Wing Attack on the Blim, while Rollout finally misses, Gust killing Staravia and Lickitung Rolloing out on Bibarel back. Bidoof comes out. I decide to use a Revive on Luxio while Bibarel uses Water Gun on Drifblim, doing..., well no damage. Another hit of Rollout on Bibarel. One more Water Gun on Drifblim kills while Spark hits Lickitung.

Luxio level 30: +3 HP and Sp Atk, +2 Speed and Atk, +1 Def and Sp Def

One more Revive on Prinplup since otherwise, this Lickitung WILL kill me. Bubblebeam wins it for me. That battle could have gone a LOT better, but I let Roselia be a bigger threat than it should have been.

Prinplup level 31: +1 Def, +3 HP, +2 everythig else

Luxio is evolving!

Luxray level 30: 97 HP, 81 Atk, 54 Def, 79 Sp Atk, 49 Sp Def, 53 Speed

Still pretty slow, but it got a pretty nice boost where it counts.

1 Wiki and 1 Mago berry.

Vielstone City

Phew. That was a pretty nasty fight at the end there. Just a bit north of the entryway to the Galactic Warehouse is a Starpiece.

Vielstone Gym

I also have no way to deal with fighting types. Or Lucario. I'm actually gonna take a break here.

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In I go to Veilstone Gym, where I expect to get my ass handed to me.

Thing about this gym is that there are 4 blackbelts before we go on to fight the leader. First fellow starts off with a Machoke, level 23. The level disparity stuns me, as I recall the levels being higher. Whatever. I switch from Shieldon (I'm determined to get it evolved, I have no idea why), and I get Foresighted. Since I know Machoke has more Def than Sp Def, I go with Shock Wave instead of Spark. Reduces it almost to death. I eat 10 damage for it, which is rather sad. Another Machoke, the level going up to 25. Ok, now it's catching up. Luxray comes back out with Intimidate, eating a Low Kick which did more damage than Karate Chop (16). Shockwave cuts it past half while it inspects me with a magnifying glass then Shockwaving again in case Spark can't do the job (I'm very paranoid at this point). NextMachoke comes in at level 27, and it's starting to get fearsome. He Leers, which is not something I'm too scared of. Shockwave cuts it to where I need it, more than half as I do another Shockwave while it wastes it's time Leering again. Second guy busts out a Machop, sadly enough. Foresight again...Dunno why these guys think Shieldon is a ghost, but I ain't complaining. Shockwave doesn't quite kill it, but it's tickling Luxray at this point. Bite finishes it off. Meditite comes next, which yet again I don't care about. Luxray goes back in, and eats a Force Palm for a surprising amount of damage (It did near 20). I use Bite in hopes of a flinch, and it seems maybe Spark could have one shotted. I eat an extra Confusion for that.

Shieldon level 29: +1 Sp Atk and Speed, +2 everything else

Machoke now comes out, another meh level 25. In comes Luxray again to absorb the...Foresight...Shockwave doing about close to death again, only having a 12 damage Karate Chop for it. Half the gym down without issue or drama. Third guy comes out with a less troublesome Croagunk who uses Faint Attack for 8 damage. Spark downs it. Machoke soon follows. I send in Luxray again, predicting a Foresight and without fail...what is with these guys spamming Foresight? It's not like all pokemon have an innate Double Team on, guys. Karate Chop hits for 12 damage, and the 2 Shockwaves deal death.

Luxray level 31: +3 Atk, +2 everything else

Final of the 4! Just a Heracross! Ok, that was one hell of a twist. I like it. In goes Prinplup, who takes an Arial Ace. Even though it's not a STAB, it does a whopping 22 damage. It Leers twice while I Peck it to death. Oh wow, it survived, it looked like it 2HKOd. I hate it when that happens. Now I'm at 22 HP. I'm rather battered, and while normally you lot would just use Potions, I'm too big a cheapskate so I go to the pokecenter.

Gym Leader Maylene

"Heaven forbid the female character who leads the FIGHTING gym with boxing rings and tires laying about training with a pro wrestler be bigger than pixie sticks."~Japan. I could be paraphrasing.

First comes a Meditite. Now, I'mma do something kinda cheesy here. I start with Shieldon, yeah? Well, I switch...to Staravia. It uses Drain Punch, damn near one shotting it. It's faster than me (I thought they were slow. Then I remembered that Staravias are not exactly bottled lightning), and it goes down. In comes Luxray. *Grins* Should have probably kept it alive, seeing as I could have switched between it and Luxray later to super spam Intimidate. I use Spark, having learned my lesson earlier. Doesn't quite kill, but it has Drain Punch. 18 damage even with 2 Intimidates. It drains enough for me to want to use Spark again and it goes down. She is not stupid though as she sees right through my paper thin plan and sends Lucario out instantly whle Luxray is still in. I throw in Shieldon to be bait, then throw Luxray back in anyways to absorb the incoming Drain Punch. Hits fairly hard, about 20 damage. Bidoof comes in now to get itself killed and to waste more Drain Punch. Back in goes Luxray. They really should have given one of her mons Pursuit. Bibarel gets sent out, and gets Force Palmed. Luxray goes back in. Now Luke is about -3, so now I feel safe. It uses Drain Punch to do 15 damage while I use Spark, hoping to at least Paralyze. Oh wow, first hit! Another Spark, since I know it must have a Berry of sorts, and it Force Palms me. It...Does not! Touche, gym leader. She just lets it die too. Now I am terrified...Then out comes Machoke. Nevermind, sorry. Out comes Shieldon, throwing Luxray back in for the Intimidation. Karate Chop does not kill, whch is good. Shockwave deals about half. Prinplup now in, Bubblebeam doesn't kill while it Rock Tombs, hitting a crit and bringing me down by 37 HP. It uses Strength (I have to admit, she has balls not using any potions), and dies to a Bubblebeam.

Shieldon level 30: +2 HP, 3 Def, +1 everything else.

Ok...Not as hard as I thought it would be. Then again, it's kinda cheesy I have Intimidation this early. Even get Drain Punch!

Shieldon becomes Bastiodon! Block? Get the hell out with that.

Bastiodon level 30: 81 HP, 44 Atk, 108 Def, 41 Sp Atk, 97 Sp Def, 25 Speed

That was an IMPRESSIVE jump in durability. Everything else barely jumped. I don't think speed actually went up at all. But level 30 with that kind of durability...Impressive. Most impressive. Point of it really being, just to let it survive things to Metal Sound. That's all it really needs to manage. If it can do that, it can win my heart.

So after I actually managed to treat a gym leader like a regular trainer, I leave out to see what's her name needing my help. I decide to oblige, because I'm not a dick. Two Zubats in front of the Galactic Warehouse, Bastiodon and Clefairy. Confuse Ray confuses Clefairy, and a Bite tickles my beefy hellion. Bastiodon misses Rock Tomb and Clefairy slaps herself. Not the best start to a fight. Clefairy gets bit twice while Bastiodon drops rocks on the foolish bat. Bastiodon: When Shieldon can finally kill common threats normally. Stunky attempts to Poison Gas, and Zubat confuses me. Bastiodon is solid though, so he drops rocks anyways and kills. Clefairy continues to hit itself. Then Croagunk comes out. Stunky Swipes at Clefairy, and Cute Charm lets it make Stunky fall in love. Clefairy wastes it's time using Gravity while I hit Croagunk with a Take Down. It uses Revenge on me and instantly brings me to the red. Rather surprised it didn't straight kill me, but then again it's Bastiodon. Stuny is too in love, while Ancient Power finishes and removes the threat of Croagunk. Clefairy snaps out of confusion and sings the in love Stunky to sleep. Ancient Power brings it to about half, and Wake Up Slap nearly kills. Clefairy goes down to a Slash while Bastiodon kills. Bastiodon: The People's Champion.

I try to get back on the road, but Looker comes in and annoys us with his useless self. He does point out that HM Fly is here, though. Well, time to catch my Houndour.

Route 214

Psychic nearly interrupts me before I can rush back. Chingling comes out and I Take Down on it, while it does something that doesn't hurt. It is embaressingly fast enough to speed tie where it makes me flinch with an Astonish, but Bastiodon does not care. Kirlia comes out and uses Magic Leaf, which again I just kinda shrug off even after a Calm Mind. Why the hell does Kirlia learn Magic Leaf? To give me a reason to use it over Kadabra, which I can now freely trade? Get serious. Next is a Drifloon. It uses Stockpile, while I bury it in a Rock Tomb. My mouth stands agape that this thing survived with 1/4 HP. Finished with an Ancient Power.

Bastiodon level 31: +1 Sp Atk and Speed, +4 Sp Def, +3 Def, +2 HP and Atk

1 Pomeg, Chesto, Sitrus, and Cheri berry to pick. Up ahead on the road I find a PI, or Gambler as I'm sure it actually is. Out comes a Goldeen, which I know for a fact has Horn Drill. Sturdy finally comes in handy. Flails are useless while 2 Rock Tombs and an Ancientpower kills. Max Repel get. Next up is a Collector with 6 mons, making me groan. Skorupi comes out, hitting Leer like I care. Rock Tomb misses while it uses Knock Off, like Cleanse Tag is useful in battle. To my shock, even though it's a STAB and Skorupi is 10 levels lower, it doesn't kill. Take Down finishes it. Out comes a Yanma, and he has Bastiodon's poison: Sonic Boom. It brings me to the red, but Rock Tomb instakills. Tropius comes out, and I use Metal Sound. To my shock, I'm faster than it. Ancient Power hits, one shotting. Tangela comes out (Wish I had Houndour right now), and I switch to Luxray. It uses Growth, where I Bite for not even half. This thiing is Bulky. Vine Whip crits for 13 damage. Not offensive either. Bite agan, it Growths again, and one more Bite finishes. Carnivine comes out and I Rock Tomb, which does about a third. It uses Vine Whip for just 4 damage. Ancient Power does about the same damage while it Ingrains. Rock Tomb finishes it.

Bastiodon level 32: +1 Atk and Speed, +2 Sp Atk, +4 Def, +3 Sp Def and HP.

Croagunk comes out and I bust out Prinplup, Bublebeam smashing it. Next up, a Beauty with a Wormadam. Bubblebeam deals about 1/5 since it resists. Hidden Power is unleashed and does a grand whopping total of 5 HP. I decide Peck is more usable as it brings it to the red. Confusion doesn't do much more, and it falls to Peck. Yet another Wormadam comes out where I Peck for a lot less damage. Bug Bite hits for a critical and does a pretty good 30 damage. I use Bubblebeam cause I suspect it changes type with it's looks. I actually hit it super effectively, confirming my suspicion.

Prinplup level 32: +3 HP, +2 Def and Sp Def, +1 everything else. Yet another Wormadam comes out, this time wearing red. Another Bubblebeam hits neutral, and does about half, though not quite. It uses Protecttowaste PP, and another Bubblebeam comes out to kill speed. Hidden Power comes out for just 5 damage again. Peck deals the finishing blow. Hidden nearby is actually a Big Mushroom. Psychic wondering about almost aimlessly. Duskull comes out to greet my Luxray, and gets Bitten for a death. Kadabra comes out, and quite smartly Disables my Bite. No matter, even though he uses Confusion on me for about 30 damage, where I blast it with a Spark.

Luxray level 32: +1 Sp Def, +2 Def and Speed, +3 everything else.

I bust out Prinplup on the next guy a Collector with-dammit, Jolteon. I use Bubblebeam and to my surprise I not only get the Speed reduction, it's enough to bring hte lightning fast Jolteon down to allow me to be faster. It Sand Attacks, then QAs, and then succumbs to Bubblebeam. Vaporeon comes out, and obviously I switch to Luxray to take it out. Spark makes it simple. Flareon's useless ass then shows up, where I have a Bubblebeam waiting for it. It uses a QA which hits decently hard, but the penguin does not care.

Prinplup level 33: +1 Atk and Sp Def, +2 everything else. Replace Bubble with Brine.

I find in the land a Big Root and a Red Shard.

Valor Lakefront

Now to catch my new dog. While I'm out here, I find an Ultra Ball. Ahhh, first mon I encounter happens to be a Houndour! Hello, old buddy! Nice to be able to catch you at a generally good time this go around! Seriously, thank you Gamefreak for giving us a relevant Houndour. I Bite at it a bit, knowing that these things are not super durable, seeing as a Bite from Luxray even hitting resist does nearly half health. Great Ball wasted, Ultra Ball used. I fly back and get Houndour by depositing my Bibarel (whom I will need later anyways. Should have probably thought about that before heading out here).

Houndour level 28/Lonely/Early Bird

65 HP, 49 Atk, 25 Def, 57 Sp Atk, 37 Sp Def, 41 Speed

Roar/Bite/Odor Sleuth/Beat Up

MIGHTY fine nature I got here, as it's meant to be more offensive anyways. Only good attack is Bite, and no fire moves make it a bit dissapointing though. Could say the starting movepool is rather poor. Doesn't have a Sp Atk far off from Prinplup even though it's 5 levels lower. Just need it to evolve, meaning I just need one level and it'll be super coolio. For the sake of speeding this up, I kill the one pokemon I find in hte wild, a Girafarig. I do it with the help of Bastiodon however.

Route 213

Yellow Shard get. InnerTuber comes out with a Marill, where I swithc to Luxray to Spark it despite it's Double Edge doing 6 damage. Another inner tuber with a Shellos, where again I switch to Luxray who takes a Mud Bomb. Shock Wave dealing death. Another Shellos, Luxray coming back in to take a Hidden Power which deals 13 damage with a crit. One more Shellos, Water Pulse deals a huge chunk off a crit and confuses. Luxray musters through to hit the Shockwave. I decide to harass a fisherman who has a Remoraid with Bubblebeam, then-oh wow a Gyarados. I keep Luxray in to Shockwave it, because I know Gyarados stopped being a joke in gen 4.

Luxray level 33: +4 HP, +3 Atk, +1 Speed, +2 everything else.

Another Remoraid is not as scary, so I mook some exp again. Beauty in the way, and she has a Glameow. She tries assist, but has no partners. Faint Attack hits and deals about 11 damage, where one last Bite kills. Having Rock Smash allows me to get Ariel Ace. Iapapa, Aguav and 2 Rawst berries.

Pastoria City

Place like this isn't a city, it's backwoods.

I'mma change plans, I'mma catcha Croagunk sine I saw you DON'T have to do the Swamp Safari to catch. The Pokedex is an unsung hero. But first, a battle with an Ideol who has a Clefairy. Bite hits for more than half, enough to make me laugh at the Defense Curl. She uses Follow Me, and I say sure as Houndour Bites at her like a fresh rare steak. Yet another Clefairy dares, where a Bite does about the same the last except a flinch occurs. 2 Nanabs and 2 Persims too. Find a hidden Zinc in a puddle too.

Route 215

Time to catch a Croagunk. Two Bites, one after a Swagger. It Swaggers again while I try to catch. Caught with a Pokeball, though I wasted quite a few.

I fly back to Pastoria to get it out. I deposit Bidoof for it.

Croagunk level 25/Quiet/Anticipation

66 HP, 42 Atk, 32 Def, 46 Sp Atk, 30 Sp Def, 28 Speed

Pursuit/Faint Attack/Revenge/Swagger

I am not fond of this nature, but I'm rather astounded it actually has a Sp Atk stat that's worth a damn. Not that it would ever be used for anything, but it's nice to see it has it. What I'm NOT fond of is that it's speed is effectively killed. I also hate that it didn't get Dry Skin. It's better than Anticipation for damn sure.

Taking a break here.

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So, we continue our adventure in Pastoria. My team is merely missing one last mon, and 2 need to catch up. I head fr the gym, but then Barry runs into us!

Rival Battle: Barry

First comes out a-DAMN, he's been leveling up! Staravia is level 34, that's already higher than anyone on my team! In goes Luxio to take the Wing Attack with stride, hitting back with Spark while it tries to Double Team, downing it immediately. One last mon to switch in and out on with Houndour, Ponyta out next for Prinplup to come in, taking a Tail Whip while it Stomps and flinches me. Another Stop, but Bubblebeam finally comes out.

Houndour level 29: +2 HP, Atk and Sp Atk, +1 everything else

Now to bring Croagunk up to speed. Grotle comes out, so I switch out to Bastiodon. He starts spamming Withdraw, so I decide to start piercing the shell with Metal Sound, missing twice in a row. It starts using Razor Leaf, though it doesn't do that much damage. It misses a Razor Leaf, making up for a missed Metal Sound. Twice, so making up for it entirely. One more Razor Leaf hts for a crit, bringing me to the yellow while I throw an Ancient Power. Even with a full -6 ,I don't one shot. Next shot finishes, however. Buizel up next, and I decide to do something risky. It uses Aqua Jet while I go for Revenge. It doesn't 2 shot me, and Revenge does, so Croagunk wins on his own.

Houndour evolves into Houndoom!

Houndoom level 29: 85 HP, 70 Atk, 36 Def, 77 Sp Atk, 55 Sp Def, 60 Speed

Hahahahaha, comes out the fastest mon on my team. That offense also is not level par with the rest of my team, and even then only Luxray straight beats it, and even then it's slower.

So I heal up since I'm still outdoors and near the center before going into...

Pastoria Gym

Good thing I finished up with Houndour.

Gym's rather straightforward despite the look of it. Innertuber comes out first with a Bibarel, which starts with a Yawn while I hit with Revenge. Water Gun follows, which Revenge finishes due to how it works. Croagunk don't care you're evolved and 7 levels above it. Fisherman up next, throwing out a Wishcash. Well damn, Croagunk can't deal with that. Kinda wish I had a grass type right now. But for now, Prinplup will have to manage. Magnitude 8 (Dammit, of course it has Magnitude) hits for about almost half, so I have to hope 9 or 10 doesn't come out. Bubblebeam hits for about 1/4 while it uses Water Pulse. Bubblebeam again, and I just want to survive. Magnitude comes out as 7 and I live with 7 HP left. Insurance with Brine finishes the fight.

Croagunk level 26: +2 HP, Atk and Sp Atk, +1 everything else

Sailor up next, having a Wingull out at me, so I switch ot Luxray. Water Pulse comes out, hitting a crit for 40 damage and consuion. Hit myself, another Water Pulse for 19 damage. Wing Attack does nothing, then finally Spark comes in to finish the job. Pelliper next. I switch to Staravia as death fodder since I don't want to lose Luxray to random chance and that series of hits was pretty bad. Luxray comes in for an easy finish. Hyper Potion used on Luxray to keep momentum here, since Wake's gym is actually annoying to backtrack in. Innertuber with a joins with 3 mons, sending out Azurill first. It slams for some damage while I Revenge to hit hard back and fell it. Azumarill comes out next, so I switch out to Luxray who takes a Double Edge for about 14 damage. Spark hits and kills. Marill comes out last, which I do Revenge on while it stupidly Rollouts. Not that it matters, I land a crit to destroy it in one shot.

Croagunk level 27: +3 HP, +1 everything else.

One last Fisherman in my way, packing a Goldeen. It uses Water Pulse, which does 12 damage while I Revenge. Another Water Pulse or Revenge, and I down it. Surprised that Croagunk can still hold out pretty well on his own the moment you catch him despite being massively underleveled. Gyarados comes out next, so switch to Luxray who takes a Bite. Does a decent amount of damage, but not a lot. Spark makes it easy. Seaking out last, and is as easy as it seems as it only comes out with a pathetic Flail.

Luxray level 34: +4 Sp Atk, +2 Speed, +3 HP and Atk, +1 everything else.

Sorry, seems I have one last Sailor to deal with. Wingull out next, wherupon Luxray makes it easy since it tries to Wing Attack.

Croagunk level 28: +1 Def and Sp Def, +2 everything else.

Shellos out next. For real? I switch back out to Luxray though it hit me that Anticipation must have noted it had Mud Bomb. Luckily it misses, though it was silly of me to take that risk. Golduck out last, so Luxray comes back in to take a Water Pulse. Does a pretty decent chunk, but a Spark takes it out. I put Luxray in front this time and put EXP Share on Croagunk (Good thing I actually forgot to put it on, let Luxray get another level before the boss), and save.

Boss: Crasher Wake

Out there in the vapor they know, macho madness is comin' for 'em...

Crasher comes out first with Gyarados. Ha! Enjoy your Shockwave-OH CRAP IT'S FASTER! *Brine'd*

*restarts* Using my OTHER Hyper Potion this time.

Boss: Crasher Wake, and I'm not stupid this time.

This time, Gyarados uses Waterfall which hits for a beefy 33 damage (thank you Intimidate). Quagsire comes out next...That might be a problem. Out comes Prinplup to do what he can before eating a Mud Shot. So now I have to take a rsk and bring out Houndoo. I Bite, hoping for a flinch but I don't get it. Houndoom gets Mud Shotted and it's Speed is reduced. However, it's still faster and Bites again, gets mud shotted and downed. In comes Bastiodon to use Rock Tomb while he heals up. I know it's not very effective, but I wanted the speed reduction. Mud Shot hits to bring me down pretty hard, following up with a Water Pulse to finish off. Well, now I'm in a hairy position. I just hope enough Bite flinches happen, though the whole Mud Shot reducing speed thing worries me too. One flinch. Other flinch doesn't come, and Luxray goes down. Looks like I'll have to use a Revive while sacrificing Croagunk. Back n goes Luxray, and with a Bite causes a Flinch to let me just barely get off on the skin of my teeth. Last comes out Floatzel. I can only hope I smash him in one shot before he blows me up. However, Brine comes out and kills me.

*Restart* Visiting the Poke Center this time...

Ok, let's try this again. Gyarados. Waterfall. Hurts. Shockwave. It kills. Quagsire. Is annoying. Better Idea. Bastiodon. Need at least one Metal Sound. Yawn comes out, which lets me have 2 chances. It Yawns again for some reason, which I land a Metal Sound. It uses Rock Tomb for some dumb reason. Mud Shot hitst for a metric ton of damage. Still asleep. I let Bastiodon fall. NOW comes Prinplup. Bubblebeam deals more than half, which is exactly what I want. Mud Shot's speed reduction still lets Prinplup go first where I finish with Brine. Floatzel comes out next, where I throw in Luxray. I know how hard this dude hits, so I switch to Staravia to stack Intmidates. In comes Luxray again after a third. It uses Brine to bypass that problem, where I throw out Spark. Down to the red, where it heals with a Sitrus Berry. Have to use a Hyper Potion with how hard Brine hit and now I'm below half. Brine hits again for about 36 damage to give you reference. Brne comes out another time, and Spark wins the battle. Luxray is easily the MVP.

Croagunk level 29: +2 HP and Atk, +1 everythng else. Mud Bomb replaces Swagger.

Brine get! I already have it learned though, so it's kinda useless.

Now, I gotta go chase down a Galactic member (seriously, a terror bombing in pokemon). I'm now a deputy cop under sheriff Crasher Wake. Looker chases with me and somehow missed the humongous explosion and browbeats himself before taking a break at the inn. Asshole, I hope he dies. Finally catch up to him before the entrance of the Valor Lakefront. He has a Croagunk with Mudbomb which unfortunately I cannot lve through, but almost down him. Houndoom comes out to finish the job. Cynthia tells me to take a Secretpotion and go send it to her mom or something, so I head back to Solaceon town to heal up and head towards my next destination. Oh, but first, a kid Pikachu at the pokecenter! Pichu comes out first onlyy at level 19. Faint Attack does the trick. Pikachu out next at level 19, and it's faster so it Thunder Waves me. Faint Attack hits, still one shotting. One more Pikachu comes out and uses Double Team. Did you not see me use Faint Attack dude? Well whatever, time to head north.

In comes Prinplup on this kid with a Croagunk. In comes Prinplup to Bubblebeam. Another Croagunk and hits with a Mud Bomb which won't work. Oh hey, wild Chansey! Hit it with a Revenge for some delicious exp.

Croagunk level 30: +3 HP and Sp Atk, +2 Def, +1 everything else.

Hyper Potion hidden in the area, along with a-oh hey, Chansey again! Bite it, Houndoom! Delicious eggs. Ok, the item was another Hyper Potion! Cool! I enter the fogged area and Defog it. Ninja Boy pops out of the earth qith a Zubat. Houndoom found it tasty. Golbat comes out next. Bite hits it for a 3rd compared to the one shot on Zubats, to show the durability difference between Zu and t's evolved form. Bite again for a Wing Attack and Air Cutter, bringing Houndoom to 24 HP with a crit. Stunky comes out next who uses Feint over and over, while it keeps getting bitten. Skorupi comes out last. Bite doesn't do half while it uses Scary Face. Accupressure sharply raises it's Sp Atk, and then uses Toxic Spikes to get destroyed.

Red Shard get, then an Ace Trainer with an Aipom. I get Houndoom out expecting a Fakeout or something, going to Bastiodon. Aipom then uses...Water Pulse. Only 14 damage, but still, what the hell? Take Down deals about a third while it starts spamming Water Pulse. Bastiodon hits himself while he's spamming, and it's racking the damage. Luckily, third turn shakes off the confusion and Take Down, then finishes with an Ancient Power. Wow, almost beat by an Aipom. Grotle out next and uses Curse while I Bite. Houndoom Bites again and as I see the damage is slowly losing out of favor I use the Rare Option of roar-it kills me that hit because Roar has a reduction in priority. I switch in Prinplup to Bubblebeam, forgetting I have Brine and it hits me with a Mega Drain. Luckly it doesn't kill, so I get off scott free. Girafarig comes out next, and I switch out to Luxray. It uses Assurance and with a crit deals 28 damage. It uses Light Screen (wow it's fast) and Bite nearly kills it. Psybeam deals a huge amount of damage to bring me down to 48 HP.

Prinplup level 34: +3 HP, +2 everything else

Croagunk level 31: +1 Def and Sp Def, +2 everything else. Replaced Pursuit with Sucker Punch.

Ace Trainer double team with Raichu and Gyarados, Croagunk falling to a combo of Thunderbolt and Twister, Luxray using Spark which fails to kill Gyarados. Staravia comes in to QA Gyarados.

Luxray level 35: +3 HP and Atk, +1 Sp Def, +2 everything else. Wants to learn Thunder Fang, but it doesn't really do anything I don't already have.

Thunderbolt demolishes the Staravia I had sent in for utility, and Shock Wave hits Raichu for about 1/5 damage. Thundershock finishes Bastiodon while Luxray bites. Thunderbolt finishes Prinplup while Luxray bites. QA deals some damage while I Bite to win. So, after that brutal beating, I go back to heal since I do not have the stuff to heal up this amount of destruction. Ok, going back.

Place is littered with ass kicking Ace Trainers, the next coming at me with a Scyther. I switch to Bastiodon, wishing I had a fire move. It uses Wing Attack which does peanuts. Another Wng Attack while I use Rock Tomb, which despite being x4 damage still doesn't one shot. I use Ancient Power for acc sake, but come on Bastiodon, that is pitiful. Probopass up next, where I send out the penguin to great what could be the most terrible designed mon ever. Bubblebeam hits, dealing half health while it usesThunder Wave. Rock Slide comes next, dealing only 22 damage. Probopass barely survives with like 1 HP, and I finish with Peck. Next is a Luxio, which is a bit of a break. Bite hits for about half but not quite. It uses Double Team and I miss, and it uses Swagger. I hit myself and nearly do half my own health in damage while I get hit with a Thunderbolt. I go through confusion and miss, and Houndoom dies. The sheer luck this punk has. I decide to bring in Croagunk for Faint Attack, taking a Swagger but still not illing. Thunderbolt does more than half, and then I hit myself. This is getting stupid. In comes Staravia to QA.

I decide to take the bike planks and run accidentally into a Ninja Boy. Mothim hm? *throws in Bastiodon*. Gust again does nothing, and neither does Confusion. Roc Tomb misses of course, so I decide to just go with Ancient Power. It kills, thankfully.

Croagunk level 32: +0 Speed, +2 HP and Atk, +1 everything else.

I take the planks still and find it doesn't really take me anyware so I get back on the road to encounter a Blackbelt. He has a Machoke. In goes Staravia to take whatever shot he has to give. Revenge hits and finishes the plucky bird off. In goes Luxray. Shock Wave blasts hm for about more than half health while eating a Vital throw in return. A crit does a whopping 70 damage to me. Just my luck. Moving on, I encounter a Bird Tamer with a Hoothoot. In goes Bastiodon who takes an Air Slash without a problem. Ancient Power deals a bit more than half. It then uses Reflect like it predicted me to use Rock Tomb to finish it off. Doesn't really save it though. Noctowl comes out next where I decide to spam Metal Sound instead of Ancient Power, ut Confusion confuses me. I hit myself first turn, then snap out and miss Metal Sound the next. Noctowl then begins questionably using Take Down. 2 Metal Sounds without much to hurt me. It uses Reflect as it runs out, and the last Metal Sound hits. Take Down hits and does no damage while Ancient Power hits for death. I manage to sneak past the Veteran to reach Celestic Town.

Taking a break here. My thoughts so far.

Prinplup: So far he's been an excellent mon who's very balanced and can deal with just about anything thrown at him. Even if it's a problem mon, Brine comes in at just a time to let him finish things he normally couldn't so he can benefit from a sacrifice. Excellent water mon.

Luxray: Can we say MVP so far? Very few ground types throughout the game, and plenty of things that don't wanna deal with his electricity or Bite. Having him be mixed is also awesome since it lets him benefit off another mon's Special Def reduction. Though speaking of him...

Bastiodon: He is god awful. He's tough, but he's got bad offense paired up with bad accuracy. He basically has Ancient Power that takes 3 turns to actually set itself up and has the acc of Metal Sound. He's great for debilitating an extremely problematic mon in a fight, but outside of that he is dead weight. Can be greatly useful, but only in very few situations.

Houndoom: Really, I ust haven't had enough time with him since I am now trying to catch Croagunk up. I really do wish he had a Fire move at the start, because just Dark (and even then, only Bite) is a very low coverage rate. It doesn't help that after he joins, water gym and Ass-Kick Alley follow.

Croagunk: Low level jointime, BUT he does come with excellent typing and an awesome almost instant-movepool to make up partway for poor stats. He doesn't level too slow either, which helps. Still need more time, but he oddly has a better start than the higher level and better statistically Houndour/Doom.

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Buziel next try, gogogo!

I actually like Buizel, as he's a quirky mon. Like he is a hard hitting water type and though he oddly enough is bad against most pure rock types because of the fact he hits their defense, he's actually good against other things. His speed is awesome too, and he's like the only water mon outside of Gyarados. Gyarados absolutely rocks gen 4, but I hate using Magikarp to get him. Buizel is a very nice alternative. I recall it even gets Ice Fang, which is pretty trollish since it wants nothing to do with grass types.

Now after this I WANT to do a Soul Silver playthrough...But I can't find the card T.T

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Celestic Town

Couple things to grab here before confronting Team Galactc, namely a Dragon Fang and a King's Rock (it being hidden). I give Houndoom the King's Rock to help his flinch chances. After that, I decide to deal with the lunatic with the bomb who has a Houndour to throw at me. Bite does enough damage despite resistance, and eventually it just goes down without much struggle.

Houndoom level 30: +1 Def, +2 everything else

Golbat comes out next. Bite deals about the same damage to Golbat hilariously enough, though a Wing Attack nearly cuts me in half. Bite again, another wing attack and it kills. Bastiodon comes out and ignores whatever he does with Ancient Power. Simple annoyance. Old woman tells me to view the ruins, so I decide to entertain. Then big man Cyrus crashes the party...

Boss: Cyrus

Cyrus isn't much a boss at the moment, since he has just a lot of unevolved mons. Leads with Sneasal who gets Revenged who Ice Punches Croagunk for nearly a kill.

Croagunk level 33: +3 HP, +2 Sp Atk, +1 everything else.

Golbat follows, and I throw out Houndoom. He's faster however, and Supersonics me. Air Cut misses, Houndoom snaps out and bites. Supersonic again, and confuse fails to work. Poison Fang hits and deals about 50 damage. I get him down to the red before I do another Bite. Air Cutter finish me off. Out comes Bastiodon, hitting it with Rock Tomb to slow it down while it does hilariously crappy damage to me. It's Bite flinching me is annoying, and then Supersonic makes it worse. I keep trying to Metal Sound because I'm going to miss Rock Tombs anyways and I don't wanna waste PP. He confuses me again after I miss the Metal Sound. He actually gets me below half health before I hit the Metal Sound to kill with Ancient Power.

Bastiodon level 33: +1 Sp Atk, +0 Speed, +2 HP and Atk, +3 Def and Sp Def.

Murkrow comes out last. Night Shade almost kills Bastiodon where he stands while I throw out the Metal Sound. Astonish kills him. I bring in Prinplup because I don't care. Lands a crit and near klls while Bubblebeam kills. Ha! The superior bird wins, crow man. Told you he wasn't really a boss.

But soon, I get Surf! Priplup shall now hit like the hammer of Thor! I replace Bubblebeam with it. I head back to Jublife to get towards where Cynthia pointed me towards. The route also has an X Attack and a Hyper Potion! isherman attacks with a Gyarados, so I switch to Luxray to unleash a Shockwave through the Twister. Another Gyarados, which I switch in and out to Luxray again to repeat. Well this time it involves a Dragon Rage, but whatever. Next Fisherman in my way has a Remoraid to feed Houndoom. Another Remoraid to eat.

Croagunk level 34: +1 Def and Sp Def, +2 everything else

Repeat the Remoraid being eaten deal 3 more times. Or rather 2, as a GYARADOS COMES OUT TO TURN THE TABLES. That's a pretty trollish sneak they did there. Twister again, dealing no damage. Seriously, why does this move exist? Get Shockwaved. Finally out of the water, we run into a Rocker who most likely is making smoke on it. Bite hits his Kricketune for about half before Sing puts him to sleep. I use Awakening because I know I will probably not deal with this again, eating an X Scissor for it. Seriously, that was quick to bust out that move. Didn't know Kricketune learned it that quick. Not that it helped since he couldn't kill a Houndoom with it. Magnemite comes out next, which pont I switch out to Croagunk who takes a Spark. Mud Bomb instantly smites it. Only a Sailor left, who busts out a Mantyke. Out goes Luxray to take a Take Down, which does pathetic damage even with a crit. Sparks. Machoke then comes in, whch I switch into Prinplup who takes the Revenge like a champ. Surf deals about half to this beefy thing, and eats a full bodied Revenge, and is reduced to 3 HP. Surfs up, beach muscles. Just some berries to pluck last of all, nabbing 2 Pinaps, a Figy, a Persim and a Rawst.

Canalave City

I heal up and find a guy by the counter who wants to fight. The Rocker busts out a Kricketune, that gets Bitten on a crit and instantly dies.

Houndoom level 31: +1 Def, +2 Sp Def and Speed, +3 everything else

Croagunk level 35: +3 HP, 2 Atk and 1 everything else

EXP Share given to Houndoom, Fist Plate gven to Croagunk.

I head for the gym, but hey there's crackhead Barry!

Rival Battle: Barry

First up s a horrifying Staraptor. I sacrifice my own Staravia to it to get Luxray in. It uses Double Team and evades my Spark. I will have none of that as it uses Double Team again, and I hit it with a Shock Wave, critting it for the kill. Not sure if the crit mattered, but whatever. Less I have to deal with that thing, the better.

Luxray level 36: +2 Def, Sp Def and Speed, +3 everything else

Rapidash up next, showing that Barry has not only been training in the mountains, but he's cheating as the Rapidash is only level 35. It uses Takedown on Prinplup for about 32 damage while I Surf to bring it to the red. Another Take Down, another Surf. Torterra comes in to wreck the party, and since it's troublesome to my team I send out Bastiodon to Metal Sound it. Razor Leaf deals about 21 damage, first Metal Sound. Leech Seed hits not that I care because Bastiodon is ust doing this to serve a purpose. Metal Sound hits again, and I get hit with another Razor Leaf. Third Metal Sound hits, and now I start attacking. Razor Leaf hits again for about 22 damage and nearly kills as I throw Ancient Power, landing a crit to cut it to half health before it succumbs. Back in goes Prinplup, Surf easily killing it from there. Next comes Heracross, who is also scary as hell. It's also faster than Prinplup, who eats a Night Slash and gets demolished. I decide to throw Croagunk in, landing the Sucker Punch for less damage than I thought as a Night Slash brings me down to pretty low health. I use Sucker Punch again just to get whatever damage I can off it. Luxray comes in last with the Intimidate, getting hit with a Brick Break for about 37 damage. Spark hits for nearly half and Paralyzes. Spark lands and finishes. One last mon, Floatzel. Aqua et deals a decent amount of damage while I Spark, one shotting it. Phew, that was close. It was mainly because I had completel forgot a Rival Battle happened here.

Houndoom level 32: +4 Atk, +3 Sp Atk, +2 everything else. Replaced Odor Sleuth with Fire Fang! Finally, a Fire move! Just before the Steel gym too!

Well I decide to heal up and take a break there.

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I don't remember 4th gen much.

I'd suggest a using one fave, and 5 ones that you haven't tried much/havent tried at all.

In fairness, Shinnoh doesn't exactly give a lot of variety outside of it being a mix mostly of mons from all the other gens. Very few mons actually originate solely from Shinnoh.

Also, Houndoom is still awesome in 4th gen.


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