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Sprite help...how to get better?


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I got what i needed out of this topic so...um i guess someoone can close it?

Thanks to all who contributed a means to help me get better and thanks to those who slapped some sense in me...

right-o later all

Edited by Eriad
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What the Sephman said. Seriously, we can't help you unless you show us what you're doing.

As for myself, I like to take long hiatuses from spriting if I'm feeling worn out. If you step back for awhile and then return to it with a fresh outlook, it helps with catching old mistakes you might have overlooked or otherwise failed to realize.

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Why be rude, just because it's "easier"? I can certainly say it's not easier on me...I can take a lot of slander and harsh words but it's really hard when something you like and have as a hobby gets turned into an oppurtunity for people like you to just throw down mean words because, to you, they hold no weight and can just be said without a care in the world. That's why i erased everything, not because i "gave up all hope".

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I respect you, an' all

but no. It's much easier to be blunt and straightforward about things.


It's much easier for you, sure, but it really doesn't work as well as popular opinion here would indicate.

Eriad, give other people a chance, okay? I'm still pretty bad at spriting myself, but I would try to help you if I knew how.

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You removed everything because I said to go back to splicing, and made a strikethrough comment?

get a backbone, this is the internet :<

It's much easier for you, sure, but it really doesn't work as well as popular opinion here would indicate.


get at me, noobie, your floundering entertains me :U

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It's much easier for you, sure, but it really doesn't work as well as popular opinion here would indicate.

Eriad, give other people a chance, okay? I'm still pretty bad at spriting myself, but I would try to help you if I knew how.

Yeah, that's just it though...i did...i posted my works, in confidence i'd get some help as to how to move forward, but instead the only thing i get is somebody instantly shooting venom at me.

get a backbone, this is the internet :<

It's not because i don't have a backbone either. The internet's like this because of rude comments and such,and i see no reason to join that pathetic majority. Fire doesn't put out fire...

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It's not because i don't have a backbone either. The internet's like this because of people like you,and i see no reason to join that pathetic majority.

Yeah yeah, blah blah, "pity me and be kind", I gave you a suggestion to improve your spriting, so instead of jumping onto the whole "join my side and fight away the pathetic fools of the internet!" crusade, either take it, or leave. I find it horribly sad that whenever one of you people show up, they decide to argue one "harsh" comment instead of taking the advice and working on it. And, tbh, I wasn't even harsh. Apparently, strikethroughs aren't jokes any more.

You are the pathetic one, you are the one whose level I will not sink to, because critique isn't supposed to be some nicey nice pile of sucking up.

Either take the suggestion, or don't. Quit your immature pandering.

Fire doesn't put out fire...

Oh, it doesn't, huh? I supposed you'll ignore this post, then. After all, fire doesn't put out fire, and you don't want to join my "pathetic majority". Pfft.

You're a joke.

Either way, I'm done. I've spent too much time on you already, and if you even bother to respond to this, you're just being a massive hypocrite, and I couldn't care less for people like that.

Grow a backbone, kid, because I'm not the only person on the internet who isn't super duper nice.

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Yeah, that's just it though...i did...i posted my works, in confidence i'd get some help as to how to move forward, but instead the only thing i get is somebody instantly shooting venom at me.

yeah it's called a joke

and really, I'd like to reiterate in nice and friendly terms that everyone's head looks warped. DO YOU WANT TO GET BETTER, OR NOT?

get a backbone, this is the internet :<

It's not because i don't have a backbone either. The internet's like this because of rude comments and such,and i see no reason to join that pathetic majority. Fire doesn't put out fire...

Right. Calling us pathetic for perceived insults (read: jokes and blunt, honest critique). That's not fucking stupid at all!

Look, do you want to improve? If so, be prepared for people who are not in love with your special little snowflake talent. Can't take the heat? Get out of the kitchen.

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To everyone,

.....You're right, especially Seph,and i'm sorry if i offended you, it was never my intention. I was being a whiner...probably because i almost never go on the internet, and i'm not used to it. You probably won't believe me, but i didn't know that strikethroughs meant they were a joke. In truth I was the pathetic majority here and i jumped on something so petty and meaningless just for the sake of fighting back.

I never meant to group anyone in what i said, really the only one who belongs there is me.

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Right, glad we've got that sorted.

Now, as for your sprites, if you want to improve them, I suggest splicing because it's the easiest way to mess with faces. Which is what you need to improve upon. At least 80% of your sprites have rather tiny, scrunched up faces. They need to be spaced out, so take the time to mess with splicing around faces, and looking at the FE GBA mugs, as well as other good mugs around the boards, to see how the features should be placed.

I wish you luck :B

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Ok...i guess that's what i'm having a difficulty understanding...almost all of these were splices...in fact i can still tell you where they came from.

I can definitely understand what you mean with some of them...though...

Er...could you just tell which in particular need more attention...asumming it's not all of them...

p.s. This is really random...but why'd my little avatar thing change while we were fighting from sigrune into the black knight? I mean it's cool with me but its...weird...

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Marth, Alm, Eirika and Celica are the worst offenders. Basically, I mean look at how the facial features are spaced on GBA FE mugs, and mugs on the boards here. Yours are too close together, and that makes both the face, and the head, look smaller. I'm suggesting splicing some new faces together to get a feel for how far apart the features should be placed, so that if/when you try to fix these mugs, you can place the features in the right places, and the faces won't look so squished.

@Banner, because idk. Vincent has them set up all weird. Post a bit more, it'll change to another person eventually.

EDit: you might wanna put the sprites back into the OP, or, as AK suggested, make a new topic ;B

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he he, yeah i definitely see it...especially on alm...

That's really odd though, mainly on "celica" and "alm" because on both of them all i did was move their bases' eyes up ( to shrink them, i didn't move move them left or right at all...)

@seph@banner bummer...i already like the black knight now, even only having had it for so little...

Edit: ...Right, i guess i should do that...

Edit3: erased Edit2

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Definitely know how that one goes. Well i think it's time to close the book on this little tale of...whatever it was. I'll open a new topic somewhere down the road with new sprites/refined ones and see where that goes.

so i guess that's it for now, i've certainly made a fool out of myself for one day...:facepalm:

Until next time all...

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