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(FE4) The New 1st Gen Shin Patch draft!


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Not having anyone to defend my castle at the first few turns hurt. The RNG decided to be fickle and I had to stop at the southern church. However, Sigurd did proc strength a ton of times, he has 20 now. :awesome:


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Chapter 1


Yeah, this chapter is fun. Azel tanked a bunch of fighters at the beginning, since with Wind they can barely hit him. I recruited Ayra because hero swords are fun. Dew had a night on the town with those bandits, literally, that's where he stayed for most of the chapter. Oh, Diadoras here too, I guess. She can't double at base.


EDIT: something important before I go get grilled cheese.


Azel rules

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Chapter 1 - 24 turn clear!

oh god Kinbois almost wrecked everyone until Alec proc'd his weird sword skill and hurt him a lot! Made it to the south place on turn 6, then got stuck in a roadblock, and the rest of the chapter went slowly. Sigurd used the arena to heal, while the others used churches.

Also, Shin the "Mercs" near Verdane have killer axes, and can't use them, and when they attack, they turn into armours!


Stats after arena, I promise this time!

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You don't remember, Horace? This game glitches with animations off. You need to keep them on.

Anyway, I told Shin about those enemites before. They can use the axes for some reason, they just lack the rank.

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You don't remember, Horace? This game glitches with animations off. You need to keep them on.

Anyway, I told Shin about those enemites before. They can use the axes for some reason, they just lack the rank.

Oops. I must have set Killer Axes to B-rank by accident, I'll fix that at some point.

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Oh, I should read the readme.txt I guess, herpderp

Anyway, screens of stats:


That Cuan is boss as fuck. Which reminds me, I should try to beat Shin Patch for once! I just want to focus on particular units, but I can't decide which.

Also, Dew dies every fucking time. >:

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Oh my god the second half of Chapter 2

thank god Deirdre doesn't suck

Chapter 2 - 37 + 3 turn clear

oh dear that was unfourtunate

The death of one of Lachesis's knights was inevitable, but I don't think the knight ring will make too much of a difference in this draft!

I got to the first castle (not Lachesis's) by turn 11, and the north one by turn 16, the Slim sword really is amazing!

then shit hit the fan

Only Sigurd, Cuan and Deirdre were capable of combat without risking death, Noish and Alec only took potshots at the bowfighters. I can't remember what turn I seized the first place on, but it took a while, and Deirdre silenced him

Meanwhile, I cleared the arena with Levin (hence the penalty) so he could buy the return ring to recruit Fury! I really needed Deirdre's resire tanking skills near the sleep staff dude.

Zyne and co were pretty easy for Deirdre, Cuan and Sigurd, Zyne was actually 1 HP away from being ORKO'd by Deirdre, and he failed to OHKO. Then the Storm mages showed up, with Shagaal's 5 leadership stars, so Cuan was forced to retreat.


Ha! Take that Shin!


however this did get Sigurd once :(

78 turns total.



i don't even care, Cuan is gonna solo this chapter because he's so fucking unbelievable. Pursuit/Critical/Continue on a horse!

Chapter 3 - 17 turn clear!

Ha! This chapter wasn't so bad. I even got the Ichival!

Cuan went north and killed everything including the boss, for a four turn seize on the first castle! He sat on a church after killing the boss. He then went south and killed all the cross knights and Eltshan, and ran ahead to clear a way for Sigurd, who ORKO'd Shaggy with the Slim sword. Fury murdered all the pirates with the hero Sword, and then helped Briggid escape to the south.

Note that the killer axe Pirates will refuse to attack Briggid, you might want to change that, Shin.


I'm sure you know this, but the map animations don't work for the holyn promoted dudes and the funky new class with durability and Wrath.


You might want to buff the pirates in general. I don't think they're even this bad in Vanilla FE4. They did 4 damage to Alec, it was pitiful!

95 turns total

Also, I didn't get a good look at the boss with the Leg Ring, is he any good now? Fury ORKO'd him with the Hero sword.



I'm fucked


I see better knight lord caps (at least in skill) and did Fury's growths get buffed, or am I just really lucky? She did get the strength village.

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Chapter 4 - 26 turn clear!

This chapter is still easy Shin! You're doing it wrong!

It might have been harder without Sylvia, but w/e.

The Leg Ring mages were no problem at all for HeroSword! Fury, Briggid and KillerSword!Sigurd, and Sigurd just ran ahead, and seized the north castle on turn 11! Those bridges you made really make that a lot quicker without Dew!


Also, enemy Holsety, what is this

Silesia didn't fall until turn 18 or 19, it took a while at any rate. Sigurd Fury and Briggid ran down and killed stuff, Seized it on turn 2 turns after it was seized. Sigurd avoided Lamia's crew and Pamela's crew completely thanks to Fury's placement, and he slim sworded the boss on turn 26!

121 turn total

now whats this I'm surrounded, he actually went through with it! Curse you Shin, Alec and Noish are screwed!

Chapter 5 - 26 turn clear!

Oh my god Reptor was an ass, thank god I drafted Fury to keep Sigurd alive.

Longfart went down to 3 Slim Sword shots from Sigurd, the first castle wasn't really an issue. Briggid was warped ahead to deal with the dragon knights, while Sigurd seized the second castle.

Things got hairy later on, Sigurd hit Reptor twice with Tyrfing, and Fury finished him off! Go Fury!

Stats in a sec.

147 turns total


Good thing you got speed later on in your levelling, because the start was nasty!

Cuan -

He's probably the best unit in gen 1, possibly better than Sigurd. I'm saying this, and I didn't even know he could equip swords until chapter 3! With naturally high skill and the skill ring, he has a pretty high chance of OHKO'ing enemies. Coupled along with decent speed and durability, and massive strength, he's one helluva unit.

Deirdre -

She was pretty good with Rezire. She almost hit level 20!


Good in the first few chapters, then faded into obscurity. Maybe it's because I overused Cuan.


Good in the first few chapters, then faded into obscurity. Mayve it's because I overused Cuan.


Oh my god Fury was incredible. I don't think I would have won chapter 5 without her, or got Ichival.


dancing queen


She was actually not a bad unit! Surprise!

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Sigurd cleared arena, Lex beat the fourth guy and Midir got stuck on the last.

Turn 1 - Moved everyone forward (south).

Dew and Aideen will be moving northwest unless otherwise stated.

Turn 2 - Moved Sigurd to the furtherest southern forest he could move to while keeping Lex and Midir out of range.

EP - All of the one range guys suicide on Sigurd. Kinbois hits Lex at range.

Turn 3 - Midir used long bow against Kinbois, knocking him to 50 HP. Sigurd attacked and reduced him to 16 HP. Lex retreated slightly to draw fire.

EP - Some guys with bows attacked Sigurd, he dodged. Kinbois started to retreat.

Turn 4 - Sigurd pulled out a Javelin and killed a dude with it, then chased after Kinbois. Lex and Midir started mopping up.

Ep - Guys attacked Midir and Lex, doing minimal damage. Kinbois kept retreating.

Turn 5 - SIgurd caught up with Kinbois, and killed him. Lex and Midir finished off a couple of bogies.

EP - Armors attacked Sigurd. Ayra moved.

Turn 6 - Sigurd killed the armor blocking him and ran to the east side of the castle. Lex and Midir killed the last few mooks and proceeded to join Sigurd on the main lines.

EP - An armor tried to hit Sigurd, and failed.

Turn 7 - Sigurd attacked Captain at Genoa, taking him to 18 HP.

EP - Captain suicided into Sigurd. All other forces ran north.

Turn 8 - Sigurd seized. Midir and Lex encountered the enemy and Aideen healed Midir.

Mob attacked Midir and Lex. They were fine, hiding in the woods. Ayra ran to Sigurd.

Turn 9 - Recruited Ayra, sending her north to deal with the mob. Aideen gave Ethlin the Return Staff, while Dew gave Aideen the Warp staff.

EP - Mooks attacked Ayra and Lex.

Turn 10 - Sigurd killed a guy and headed west. Midir, Ayra and Lex took some guys on while Aideen healed Lex.

EP - People attacked me. I survived.

Turn 11 - Sigurd went southwest to deal with the next threat. Everyone mopped up the remains of the army.

EP - Two guys missed Aideen. Genoa was destroyed.

Turn 12 - Sigurd continues south. Everyone follows.

TUrn 13 - See above.

Turn 14 - Ayra moved into range of the lone remaining Armor Knight to lure him to me. Sigurd sat in the woods to the east of Mar.

EP - THe army surrounding Mar moves up to Sigurd.

Turn 15 - Ayra defeats the Armor Knight, being healed by Aideen in the process.

EP - Most of the enemies swarm Sigurd, but a few buzz off to bother Lex. Sigurd does not slay like he used to.

Turn 16 - Ayra finishes that last enemy, Aideen heads west, Lex and Midir pick off a couple of guys to help our favorite Lord.

EP - People attack.

Turn 17 - I have to regroup (which cost turns) to heal up Sigurd before the assault.

Turn 20 - Sigurd heads back in with a Javelin to deal with the bow users.

Turn 23 - Started attacking Gandolf.

Turn 24 - Seized Mar. Lex headed north for his axe.

Turn 25 - Ayra cleared the arena, bought the Slim Sword and the CUtter Sword

Turn 26 - Lex got his axe.

Turn 27 - Met the enemy at the forest. Got Diadora.

EP - Sigurd dodge tanked everyone, including Jamka. Killed alot of guys too, but not Jamka.

Turn 28 - Ayra killed Jamka. Sigurd and Diadora ran forward.

Turn 34 - Sandima Silenced. Moved into combat range.

Turn 36 - Started to attack Sandima. Seized same turn.

Sigurd lv 19

Midir lv 9

Lex lv 15

Diadora lv 6

Ayra lv 10

Aideen lv 5

36+38= 74 turns total

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  • 1 month later...

Let's do this thing! Shin Patch is like FE4 but more units are useable, right? So this game should be perfect for drafting!

Prologue- 15/15 turns

Sigurd ran to Jungby with some assistance from his buddy Fin and sister Ethlin. I kept on trying to do a lover crit. with Ethlin and Fin but for some reason it didn't work. I think you might need to fix that Shin. Arden kept the castle from harm. Afterwards, Sigurd and his fellow mounted buddies went to Evans, with the boss being more annoying than I expected. Oh well.


Sigurd is still fucking awesome! Also his ability to use lances is actually a boon now as opposed to before where it was eh...not as useful.


Ardan is the best tank a man could ever ask for.


Rapier makes Ethlin so awesome. Also early game healing is so clutch! I'm going to be SososoSOoSOSOOSOoosoSOoSosoOosOSOosoSOosOSosoSOoS sad when she's gone.


Fin is also doing well, what with his great stats in everything and lances not sucking anymore making him, well, really really good. Also Prayer is awesome. Also


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