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[FE7] LHM + HNM: the second welcoming draft!


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Thanks for the input. Sorry that I did not go into a lot of detail....I was just being lazy and i have a lot of other commitments I have to do. Next time I will add details to the logs when I do a draft.

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Thanks for the input. Sorry that I did not go into a lot of detail....I was just being lazy and i have a lot of other commitments I have to do. Next time I will add details to the logs when I do a draft.

Also, add details to this draft for the Chapters you just gave the Turncount for!

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I am back! I did up until Chapter 29.

Chapter 21 - 8 (+4)/281 Turns

I decided to pass on the Free Wyrmslayer since it would of cost an extra turn Otherwise. Eliwood was mandatory here...dry.gif

So i sent him on a Shopping Spree!


He went Crazy with the Hand Axes and Javelins. Got some basic weapons so the others didn't just have Hand Axes and Javelins.

So Anyways, Eliwood just tagged along with the Group so nobody behind would sneak up on him. I visited the other Villages (One had the Elysian Whip i needed for Farina! Lucius and Canas took most of the Kills while Kent helped out a bit. Hector helped out a Tiny bit too. After Lucius Reached Lv. 20, He headed to Merlinus's Tent to get the Guiding Ring to Promote. Oleg is a Joke so Kent and Canas owned him... Eliwood got attacked so that is an extra 4 turns...

Chapter 22 - 6/287 Turns

More Undraftee's (Isadora, i am looking at you!dry.gif). Anyways, I sent matthew to the Chest Room while Kent Went Forward. Kent Defended Matthew when Reinforcements from the Left side appeared. Hector, Isadora and Eliwood and Lyn stayed with Nils while the Green Units protected them. Canas just went straight for the boss, killing enemies on the way. Lucius, Not so much since his defense is like wet toilet paper (He dodges well though). He still killed some enemies near Eubans but he was cautious about it. Canas Killed Eubans by himself, Because he is a boss! The Chapter was over once i killed Eubans and claimed his Spear!

Chapter 23 - 13/300 Turns

Pent... Y U MAKE THINGS MORE DIFFICULT!ლ(ಠ益ಠლ). Anyways, Florina makes a return here so she can rescue Pent and prevent him from Killing everybody! I had Lucius and Canas do all the Work in the desert Area. Kent killed things near the grasslands. When Hector Recruited Hawkeye, Florina gave Pent to him. For the rest of the time, Florina was getting the Thieves to where the Buried Items are. I managed to get all of them. Meanwhile, Lucius dealt with the Reinforcements from the south while Canas dealt with the Reinforcements from the North. Once all the items were gotten, Lucius finished off Paul! (Jasmine was Pent's Victim...). Of course, I didn't have enough EXP to get to Ch. 23x...

Chapter 24 - 2/302 Turns

This was simple! I had my group move forward and Lloyd attacked. Since He had a Light Brand, He prey victim to Kent and Canas (Used Luna). Lucius helped since Canas missed the first time (dry.gif). The Chapter was then finished...

Chapter 25 - 22/324 Turns

I took the time to Train Lucius and Canas for a while here. Hector was waiting around for Farina (He had Afa's Drops and the Elysian Whip to give to Farina) while Kent dealt with the Entire Enemy Group in the Southern Castle area. I payed the 20,000 gold to Farina. She had a bit of a Shaky Start but she killed some Peg. Knights, Monks and even in some cases, Cavalier. Kent Lured in Pascal, Canas Damaged him and Farina finished him off. Farina actually managed to get to Lv. 20 in this Chapter so she promoted on the same chapter she came in! Kent seized the north-west Castle then Kent and Farina went along to Seize the North-east castle. After a while, Kent Seized the Last castle while Farina killed things. Funny fact is, Kent Seized all of the Castles!

Chapter 26 - 12/336 Turns

Of course, I didn't Kill Vaida (She would tear me a new one, otherwise). Anyways, We Get Louise! Her Strength is Shaky but is useful with that Silver Bow (Even a Steel Bow is acceptable in most cases). After the drafted units went to their paths, Canas ended up dealing with the South-west reinforcements, Lucius with the South-east and Louise/Kent with the North. Farina went all over the Place (She killed all the Brigands, Visited the Village, Went north to deal with some reinforcements and then Went back South to deal with even more Reinforcements). STAY OUT OF THIS, ELIWOOD AND LYN, YOU ARE NOT USEFUL IN THIS SITUATION!!!angry.gif

Chapter 27 - 17/353 Turns

Kenneth's Map!

This was a pain in the ass! I had to hold back so Harken would come instead of Karel! Anyways, Kent and Canas dealt with the Enemies in the South Entrance while Louise, Lucius and Farina was Heading to the Place where some wyvern Riders are. Hector killed the General with his Wolf Beil. The Purge Bishop was annoying but i couldn't kill him (sad.gif). After a while, Harken arrived and Farina had to take a Hit since Hector was a bit too far from him. Kent got the Chests (Door Key and Chest Key). Eventually, We fought Kenneth and i think Farina got the Kill. Hector then Seized!

Chapter 28 - 15/368 Turns

This was quite simple. I managed to get all the Chests too (Kent with Keys and traded with Harken so he could get the chests on the left). Harken, Canas, Kent and Ninian went left while the rest went Right. Luckily, Jaffar didn't get killed. Everybody killed enemies on the way of what they were doing. Harken got the Treasures in the Left, Kent went for the Treasures in the Right and He also Rescued Jaffar and Sent him to Nino, Canas ended up Dealing with the Reinforcements in the south-west (By himself, because he is a boss!). Farina went straight for the boss and then Kept Jaffar once he talked with nino, Harken got some kills, Hector Recruited Nino, Lucius got some kills, Louise got some kills and Ninian didn't do much besides give Canas and Harken a bit of a boost! Zephiel was about to die but he was smart and used the Elixir. Near the end, not much happened!

Chapter 28x - FREE/368 Turns

Dammit Nino, You made things a bit more tedious here! Anyways, This is quite Easy! I had Farina get the Treasure Chests and Kill Sonia. The Rest just dealt with the enemies as they went along. Louise was getting a few kills. She then had access to the Ballistas. She got quite a lot of Lucky Criticals. Jaffar dealt with the Wyvern Reinforcements, Harken got some kills and Rescued Nino once Hector had to go to the Throne. Canas did great, like usual. Lucius was doing great, like usual. Kent didn't do much until the end (Where he Rescued Hector so he could get to the throne. Hector didn't do much and somebody PUT HIM TO SLEEP (angry.gif). He had to wait a few turns before he had to seize because of that. I didn't get the Speedwings though...sad.gif

If anybody is Curious, i got 19 Turns on this chapter. Would of been 16 if Hector wasn't sleeping on the job...

Character Stats:


Has not changed! Nothing new here at all!

Weapon Ranks: A Axes


19 Strength is kind of Unimpressive but Speed+Skill+Axes Make up for that!smile.gif

Weapon Ranks: S Lances, A Axes, A Swords


His speed is a bit Low but besides that, He hasn't ceased to amaze me so far...

Weapon Ranks: S Light, C Staves


His magic is quite Low For a Druid but His Speed is incredible. Might be a bit shaky for when he fights the Dragon with Luna though...

Weapon Ranks: S Dark, E Staves


I gave her the Afa's Drops... OH MY GOD, I CREATED A MONSTER! Look at those stats, quite impressive! She trivialized the last few chapters i played here!

Weapon Ranks: S Lances, E Swords


She is a bit mediocre. I am a bit proud of her though since she got strength in most of her level ups (This is good, Considering her Str Growth is 30%)

Weapon Ranks: A Bows


He is great but not the best. Has nice stats and got a good level up...

Weapon Ranks: B Swords, B Axes


Surprisingly, Has Decent Stats. Got Strength for his first level up, too!biggrin.gif

Weapon Ranks: A Swords

Edited by PeppyHare4000
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Alright, time for a big post!

Chapter 16: 5 turns

It's Marcus' goodbye chapter, meaning he's going to shine! After recuing Hector he sprints until the boss, while being supported by the pyromaniac and our beloved Deadlyn. (get it? because she's deadly? no? I'll shut up now)

Chapter 17: 10 turns

Ugh, this was a pain. Without Marcus' help I had to rely on *gasp* Tangela. His frailness was such that after a while I just found it preferable for him to drop Hector and get back. Hector and the devil sisters (Lyn + Rebecca) made short work out of anything. Also, welcome our new team member!


Raven enjoys slicing humans and dying his hair on the spilt blood. He is typically a very good unit. However, because the tactician Blues003 is an incredible noob, he only got to promote on the before-last chapter, thus not adding much to the team throughout this playthrough.

Chapter 17x: 4 turns

Oh wow this was annoying.

The LTC was achieved thanks to the Devil sisters and their sidekick, Pyromaniac Erk. Critting everything they found was a breeze to them. It was Loserwen that kept dying. I thought you were supposed to be bulky!

Because kind hearts are prevalent in pirates, Hector talked to Fargus and smoothed his with words.

Chapter 18: 4 turns

Ah, the pirate ship. Lowen and Hector rushed to the boss and killed him. That was really it. Meanwhile Lyn and Rebecca killed more stuff. Raven went shopping and bought a ton of Iron weapons. Erk tried to kill something but there was nothing for him to do.

Chapter 19: 6 turns

Same tactic as the usual: Lowen picks up Hector and rushes. He was actually decent this time around. The other four just killed stuff. Uhai got Beil'd so hard he decided to die instead.

Also, Rebbeca hasn't gotten yet a single def/res stat up. Girl, I get you like destructination, but please, grow some shell!

Chapter 19x: 5 turns

Same strategy. Lyn reached level 20 so she went to visit the suckiest FE character ever, Renault. Rebecca/Perky dealt with pegasus knights and mages, while Lowen and Hector decimated everything else. Yay.

Chapter 20: 6 turns

I usually split up my team on this map, but this time around I just rushed through the center. Lowen's Horseslayer + Hectors Halberd + Lyn's Longsowrd = bye bye first set of horses. Then I just rushed a bit and got Legault in the process.

Also, Rebecca got a brave bow. Even Lyn got scared at the sight of that.


Legault is a Bro. He has sucky stats but still OHKOs stuff without no one knowing how. Welcome aboard, Brogault!

Chapter 21: 3 turns


Also, Erk promoted.

Seriously, that was all that happened. :\

Chapter 22: 4 turns

Ow, this was a pain. Loserwen was never so bad. He carried Hector down but needed a LOT of luck in order to survive stuff. He also needed Evil Beca's support. from the ballista. In the end Hector got a crit, so yay.

As a sidenote, Legault had stolen a Member's card and as such, went shopping for Elixirs.

Chapter 23: 5 turns

Desert chapter. I have no idea how I managed 5 turns, but I somehow did. Thanks to Perky Erky and NPC Pent, I guess. I took the opportunity to get Lowen some exp; after his pisspoor performance last chapter, I thought babying him on a chapter where he wouldn't accomplish much anyway would be a good idea. So glad I did!

Finally, got our last team member!


This is Hawkeye. He is an Indian chief who took the life of many cowboys. While being a solid unit, his growths are subpar. He still manages to be useful throughout the game though, so I'm glad he's with us.

Chapter 24: 2 turns

I seriously had never gotten the short version of this map. So when I saw the boss sitting right there I was like "Woah!". Anyway, I ganged up on him and he soon fell. Buh-bye blondie beauty!

Chapter 25: 5 turns

Firstly I tried to get through this map by sending Hawekeye to the right (he can cross mountains), but figured out that dancing to just-promoted-Lowen would make him go faster. So that's what I did. Deadlyn, Raven and Brogault went south, while everyone else went North. I cleared the path for Lowen to rush east, and dealt with the remaining cavaliers/pegasus/pirates with Rebecca, Hector, Erk and Hawkeye.


Chapter 26: 11 turns

Lyn promoted and trained her bow skills. Because slaughtering with a sword is too mainstream now, and Rebecca kinda looks cool doing her thing.

As for the chapter, I just survived, got a Luna tome, and did an unnoficial run where I killed Vaida just because I loathe her. Nothing else to report.

Chapter 27: 8 turns

Ugh, I hate the snow. Aside from that, just kick stuff's ass, cross fingers for Ninian not to get zomfgpwned by Boltings, and promote Rebecca. Yay!

Chapter 28: 11 turns

Again, survival. Got all the chests. Half the team left, half the team right. Not much to add.

Chapter 28x: Free

Went in for the speedwings and the fell's contract. In the end, Brogault was babied, promoted, and started silencing stuff like it is nobody's business. I approve of that!

Chapter 29: 12 turns

Because Hector promoted, Lowen is now useless. He cannot carry Hector anymore. Jesus Lowen, now that you started becoming defensively reliable you stop being able to do the one thing I chose you for. Thanks a bunch!

Brogault showed that stats are overrated and that he doesn't care. GO SILENCER!

Also, damn that final Wyvern that kept flying around. He trolled me 2 turns!

Chapter 30: 7 turns

I could've probably gotten a better LTC but I hate this kind of maps. So I just went northwest and had Lyn/Hector combo destroy everything.

Chapter 31: 11 turns

Just waited it out and took the opportunity to baby Brogault a bit more. Also, I killed Denning because no one loves him anyway.

Chapter 31x: 5 turns

OH GOD YES! I was totally running out of weapons. Silver/Killer weapons, come to me baby!

Chapter 32: 12 turns

Perhaps I could've done better but I seriously couldn't be bothered. Also, because I had been such an ass throughout this playthrough, I hadn't gotten any promotion item for Raven. He finally became a man, despite limited usefulness.

I went south and left Hawkeye/Raven in the way so that they could deal with some side-enemies. In the end, Lowen noticed that he couldn't beat the boss at all.


Silence'd. Seize'd.

Final Chapter: 8+1 turns

Meet Athos, the guy who's going to save our asses!


He has a beard, he is awesome, and he'll make this chapter a lot easier. He can also double stuff with Luna thanks to Speedwings. That is all you need to know.

Anyway, first lured the bow-users and moved Athos/Rebecca/Nils up. Rebecca and Athos made short work of the mages as everyone else ganged on the bow-users. Lowen and Raven went to deal with the axe users next, and Erk/Athos/Hector dealt with the generals later. Hawkeye went down to deal with Jermes/Ursula, as everyone else moved up for the Regal brothers. Throughout all the map, Erk provided important support thanks to Bolting.

In the end, I had Athos Bolting Nergal once, refreshed him, and used Luna.

As for the Dragon, Lyn actually did 16 damage and Rebecca did 8 with Sol Katti/Rienfleche. But then Nils sang a song and Athos thought "Hey, why not Lunacrit?"

Final HNM turncout: 176 turns

LHM: 81 turns

Final turncount: 257

Time for everyone's favourite part: Stats! I apologise for the quality of the pictures, but it was screenshotted directly from my phone :\ Next time I'll play on the computer and do better, alright?


On this playthrough, Hector was solid. In other words, he sucked. Hector isn't supposed to be good, he's supposed to destroy everything that crosses his path. While I greatly valued his defensive stats, his speed made him uncapable of doubling whatsoever. He couldn't also be ferried by Lowen once he promoted. A real pity.


Nils was... well, Nils. He did what he had to do. Refreshing and evading like hell. I was glad to have him.



She must've had some sort of lesbian relationship with Anna.

In the very beginning I described Lyn as a professional blood shedder, and I guess I was right. Maxing all those stats while still having such decent HP, Def and Res was an amazing feat. Combined with Killing Edges, Killer Bows and the Manni Katti, Lyn was one of my most surefire troublesolvers, whenever they appeared.

Definetly the best Lyn I ever had. Gets the Most Awesome Unit award.


Athos is just Athos. He doubles stuff with Luna after speedwings and crit'd the Dragon because he's awesome like that. Thanks gray beard, you saved me a lot of headaches in the last chapter!


Lowen sucked. His defensive abilities only started showing once he actually promoted, and he was never of much use offensively anyway. Indeed, it was only after promotion and babying with statboosters that he became somewhat reliable. He was only useful for carrying Hector around, and after the Lord promoted, he couldn't even do that.

I give him the title of MVP simply because of his move. If this wasn't a LTC playthrough he wouldn't have gotten it; Raven, who had been stuck at 20/-- for ages now, was much more useful than him for the vast majority of the game.

Actually, scratch that. His horse gets the MVP award. He gets NOTHING.


Rebecca always looked up to Lyn and tried to achieve the same. To be honest, she did. She hit hard, and not rarely she critted stuff. I'm very happy to have had her on my team, and if it hadn't been for her frailness, she could've competed with Lyn for Most Awesome Unit!


Erk was a very good unit overall. He was of impressive bulk, and would more often than nor ORKO enemy units, were they magic-based or not.

Thank you Erk for your amazing doubling Thunder/Elfires, and for your invaluable support with Bolting on the last chapter.


Raven sucked because of me. I forgot to get him the promotion item, although he doesn't seem like he was too RNG blessed either. Those stats remind me of myrmidons.

In any case, he was solid overall. He never compromised the team, and was reliable enough for me to send him to clean some areas provided that he had the correct weapon (ie Armorslayer or Longsword)


Brogault was a boss. Despite his stats not reflecting it, he Silence'd quite consistently during the playthrough. He made me waste one extra turn to recruit, but compensated for it by saving at least 2 on the penultimate chapter by silencing the boss.

He was also fast enough to dodge hits consistently. This made me feel more at ease, since I had absolutely no problem to send him against a horde of knights and watch him come as the sole survivor. Thanks Brogault!


The cowboy killer was also a good unit to use. While his growths aren't anything to write home about, his starting stats do make up for that. Thank you for being reliable both offensively and defensively. He was particularly useful for rescuing frail units such as Rebecca and Ninian, who sometimes couldn't risk it to be open wide for an enemy attack

That's all folks!

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Chapter 29 - 14/382 Turns

This was simple. I had Farina Visit the Village, Shop and then Head to the Shrine of Seals! Louise, Harken, Lucius and Canas went North-West from the Start while Hector, Kent and Jaffar head West from the Start. Most of the enemies were pushovers so Harken and Louise had fun with some of the enemies. Linus wasn't that bad but i got frustrated when i realized it was a Defeat all Enemies Chapter so around 4-5 Turns was Dedicated to Harken and Farina dealing with the Reinforcements!

Chapter 30 - 12/394 Turns

I don't know why i brought Legault, Maybe i forgot enemies dropped Chest Keys. Anyways, i gave Hector the Boots. Hector and Kent Participated in this Chapter! Kent went to the Left Path While Hector Went to the North Path. The Characters got all the treasure chests and once enough enemies were defeated, Kent did most of the Damage to Kaim while Hector Finished him off! Hector Then Seized!

Chapter 31 - 11/405 Turns

Quite a Simple Mission. Legault dealt with the Two Treasures in the Room while Kent opened the Lone Chest! Louise, Canas and Lucius were in the deployment Spots near denning. Canas Damaged Denning and Lucius finished him off. Canas Dealt with Most of the Enemies near denning while the Rest moved forward to Denning's Location. In the End, Louise and Jaffar were near the Stairway Tiles at the Top, Dealing with the Last of the Enemies while all the Treasures were opened. I had a few turns to spare before the Turn Limit was over!

Chapter 31x - 5/410 Turns

Just had every deployed unit get items! Nothing Special Here...

Chapter 32 - 10/420 Turns

I got a bit fed up with Long Battles at this point so i just rushed this Chapter. Jaffar, Lucius, Farina and Hector went Right while the Rest Went North. I recruited Renault because an extra Fortify Staff is always nice! The Enemies didn't really cause any problems so my Units just plowed through them. Canas killed Limstella (With a Luna Critical too) and Hector was Conveniently near the Throne when she died. Kent and Farina killed the General in his way. He was near the throne at the perfect time too, The Peg. Kngt Reinforcements would of been a problem to Renault otherwise!

Chapter 32x - 22/442 Turns

This was the point where Hector Caught Up with the Team in Levels Rapidly. Farina helped him out, Legault Looted the Chests, Nils helped Hector and Farina out until they were at Kishuna's room and Kent Blocked the Tile where Valkyrie Reinforcements w/Bolting would Spawn. At the End, Hector and Farina were cramped in Kishuna's Room. After a while, when hector was at max level, Hector attacked Kishuna and killed him after two attacks!

Final, Pt. 1 - 9/451 Turns

Ah Yes, The Final Chapter. Uhai and the Reed Brothers were annoying to deal with but Besides that, It wasn't that bad. Hector Dealt with Uhai and Farina helped out with killing the Extra Snipers. Kent (w/Brave Lance) and Athos helped out with the Sage, Gespenst Druid and Kenneth after the others were dealt with. Canas used Luna on Darin and Farina Finished him off. Brendan and the Warrior were dealt with Easily. Ursula and Jerme were defeated by Farina. Louise tried to help but she didn't do much. The Reed Brothers were difficult to deal with. Canas attacked both With Luna, Athos Finished off Lloyd with Luna and Linus was finished off by somebody else. When Nergal was fought, Canas with Luna Attack (And Performed One Critical Hit) and Lucius Finished Nergal off. Harken got Berserked when Nergal's Room opened but i gave Athos a Restore Staff so no problems there. I dropped most of the S-Rank Weapons since they didn't provide much use!

Final, Pt. 2 - 1/452 Turns

Quite Simple thanks to Canas, Hector and Athos. Lucius would of helped if he was needed. Canas double attacked the Dragon with Luna then Hector Double Attack with Armads! Athos then Finished off the Dragon with you guessed it, Luna!

Final Character Stats:


This Guy Caught up Quite Fast once he Promoted. Chapter 32x really gave him a good improvement for the Final Chapter. Quite Proud of Him! I gave him the boots because of his lack of a movement boost upon promotion...

Weapon Ranks: S Axes, D Swords


Nothing Special but he was Quite Useful for Earlygame. heck, He even did a good job lategame too!

Weapon Ranks: S Lances, A Axes, A Swords


Never disappointing me yet! Capping Speed and Skill, He did amazing with his offense at Endgame!

Weapon Ranks: S Lances, B Staves


This guy was just awesome! He saved me a lot of trouble in endgame thanks to that Luna Tome and his Awesome Stats...

Weapon Ranks: S Dark, E Staves


Her Endgame ended up being amazing! Her Defense and Offense were great so i could just send her in a tight spot and she would get out just fine...

Weapon Ranks: S Lances, E Swords


Quite Mediocre, to be honest. She helped out a bit but she really wasn't anything special! Was also the only unit to end up below Level 20!

Weapon Ranks: S Bows


Had a great start but his potential Faded at the Final Chapter! He did good though!

Weapon Ranks: A Swords, B Axes


Didn't do much Fighting but He did good killing the Units he Killed. Either with his Killing Edge or Silver Sword!

Weapon Ranks: S Swords


Contributed to the Final Chapter. He did great and Helped out a lot with the Dragon! Maybe he would of been better if i managed to get the Speedwings...

Weapon Ranks: S Everything!



...And so, This playthrough comes to a close...

I definitely enjoyed my first draft! Hopefully, i can enjoy them more when i sign up for more...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Chapter 28: Batroll'd - 15 turns

Eliwood and Rath head left, the others go right. Hector recruits Nino and Bartre killed Ursula. It's a sad day when you get doubled by Bartre, even when holding Bolting. I get the swag, and wait out a couple of turns. Jaffar is also spoken to! Woo, free chapter!

Name   LV    XP HP ST SK SP LK DF RS Weapon Ranks
Hector 20/-- -- 37 18 15 14 11 17 04 -- -- AA -- Eli C
Eli    20/07 57 42 24 19 16 15 14 12 SA LC -- -- Hector C
Bartre 20/13 77 58 24 16 17 16 17 08 -- -- AS BD
Dorcas 20/14 58 57 30 24 08 20 16 06 -- -- AS BD
Serra  11/-- 87 28 06 08 12 10 03 09 -- -- -- SA
Nins   08/-- 63 20 00 00 18 16 07 07 -- -- -- --
Rath   20/06 96 44 20 17 19 14 13 08 SE -- -- BA
Pent   XX/08 22 34 19 22 17 15 13 16 AA -- -- SA


Ha! I haven't given up! I just need to complete each chapter in about 3 turns or so! In 28x, if Jaffar takes a hit, does that add 4 turns to my Turncount or does it mean I only have 16 chapters to finish it in?

Edited by Parco Folgore
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Chapter 28x: Curses! - Free!

This is horrible! Dorcas stays behind to kills stuff. Rath's horse puts on some shoes too! Serra gets silenced and Pent gets put to sleep! All done within 20 turns! Smelliwood gets the boss kill! Speedwings get!

Name   LV    XP HP ST SK SP LK DF RS Weapon Ranks
Hector 20/-- -- 37 18 15 14 11 17 04 -- -- AA -- Eli C
Eli    20/10 50 45 27 20 18 17 15 12 SA LC -- -- Hector C
Bartre 20/17 59 60 26 17 19 17 18 09 -- -- AS BD
Dorcas 20/17 45 60 30 25 09 21 16 07 -- -- AS BD
Serra  12/-- 70 28 07 08 13 10 04 10 -- -- -- SA
Nins   10/-- 11 22 00 00 20 18 08 07 -- -- -- --
Rath   20/09 52 47 20 17 20 15 13 09 SD -- -- BA Boots
Pent   XX/11 05 36 19 22 19 16 13 16 AS -- -- SA


Chapter 29: Log of Destiny - 10 turns

Bartre stays behind to kill the dragons. Rath and Eliwood storm ahead to kill stuff. I'm actually impressed! I get Warp! It's a shame Pent's magic hasn't been going up much!

Name   LV    XP HP ST SK SP LK DF RS Weapon Ranks
Hector 20/01 00 37 18 17 17 11 18 09 SD -- AA -- Eli B
Eli    20/16 56 50 27 23 20 18 16 13 SA LB -- -- Hector B
Bartre 20/19 50 60 26 19 20 17 19 10 -- -- AS BC
Dorcas 20/18 69 60 30 26 09 21 16 07 -- -- AS BD
Serra  12/-- 93 28 07 08 13 10 04 10 -- -- -- SA
Nins   10/-- 11 22 00 00 20 18 08 07 -- -- -- --
Rath   20/14 50 52 24 18 21 17 14 09 SD -- -- BS Boots
Pent   XX/17 23 38 21 24 24 19 13 20 AS -- -- SA


Chapter 30: Warp - 4 turns

I love you too, Pent.

Name   LV    XP HP ST SK SP LK DF RS Weapon Ranks
Hector 20/01 00 37 18 17 17 11 18 09 SD -- AA -- Eli B
Eli    20/16 56 50 27 23 20 18 16 13 SA LB -- -- Hector B
Bartre 20/19 50 60 26 19 20 17 19 10 -- -- AS BC
Dorcas 20/18 69 60 30 26 09 21 16 07 -- -- AS BD
Serra  12/-- 93 28 07 08 13 10 04 10 -- -- -- SA
Nins   10/-- 11 22 00 00 20 18 08 07 -- -- -- --
Rath   20/15 46 52 24 18 21 17 14 10 SD -- -- BS Boots
Pent   XX/18 27 39 21 24 25 19 14 20 AS -- -- SA


Chapter 31: Death to Denning - 11 turns

He died on turn 3... I get all the swag and wait it out!

Name   LV    XP HP ST SK SP LK DF RS Weapon Ranks
Hector 20/02 09 41 19 17 17 11 18 09 SD -- AA -- Eli B
Eli    20/18 80 52 27 24 21 20 18 13 SA LB -- -- Hector B
Bartre 20/20 -- 60 26 20 20 17 19 11 -- -- AS BC
Dorcas 20/20 -- 60 30 26 10 22 17 07 -- -- AS BC
Serra  13/-- 15 28 07 08 13 10 05 10 -- -- -- SA
Nins   10/-- Dead
Rath   20/17 42 52 24 20 23 19 14 11 SC -- -- BS Boots
Pent   XX/18 27 39 21 24 25 19 14 20 AS -- -- SA


Chapter 31x: Karla - 5 turns

Karla is recruited... woo. Bartre also makes friends with Dorcas.

Name   LV    XP HP ST SK SP LK DF RS Weapon Ranks
Hector 20/02 09 41 19 17 17 11 18 09 SD -- AA -- Eli B
Eli    20/19 54 53 27 25 22 20 18 13 SA LB -- -- Hector B
Bartre 20/20 -- 60 26 20 20 17 19 11 -- -- AS BC Dorcas C
Dorcas 20/20 -- 60 30 26 10 22 17 07 -- -- AS BC Bartre C ,
Serra  13/-- 37 28 07 08 13 10 05 10 -- -- -- SA
Nins   10/-- 51 22 00 00 20 18 08 07 -- -- -- --
Rath   20/19 32 53 24 21 24 20 14 12 SC -- -- BS Boots
Pent   XX/18 57 39 21 24 25 19 14 20 AS -- -- SA
Karla  XX/06 44 30 14 21 19 17 11 12 SA -- -- --


Chapter 32: Pent strikes again! - 7 turns

Rath rescues Hector and is then warped by Pent. Dohoho! Eliwood recruits Renault. If only his skill and magic would switch...

Name   LV    XP HP ST SK SP LK DF RS Weapon Ranks
Hector 20/04 91 43 20 18 17 11 19 11 SD -- AA -- Eli B
Eli    20/20 54 53 27 26 23 21 19 13 SA LB -- -- Hector B
Bartre 20/20 -- 60 26 20 20 17 19 11 -- -- AS BC Dorcas C
Dorcas 20/20 -- 60 30 26 10 22 17 07 -- -- AS BC Bartre C ,
Serra  13/01 24 31 08 10 14 10 07 12 -- -- LD SA
Nins   11/-- 13 23 00 00 20 19 08 08 -- -- -- --
Rath   20/20 -- 53 25 22 25 20 15 12 SC -- -- BS Boots
Pent   XX/20 -- 40 21 25 25 20 15 20 AS -- -- SA
Karla  XX/07 29 30 14 21 20 17 11 12 SA -- -- --
Renny  XX/16 64 43 12 22 20 10 15 18 -- -- LA SA


Chapter 32x: Dorcas, Destroyer of Evil - 1 turn

Pent warped Dorcas, Dorcas hit with the Killer Axe. Hilarious, it worked first time.

Name   LV    XP HP ST SK SP LK DF RS Weapon Ranks
Hector 20/04 91 43 20 18 17 11 19 11 SD -- AA -- Eli B
Eli    20/20 54 53 27 26 23 21 19 13 SA LB -- -- Hector B
Bartre 20/20 -- 60 26 20 20 17 19 11 -- -- AS BC Dorcas C
Dorcas 20/20 -- 60 30 26 10 22 17 07 -- -- AS BC Bartre C ,
Serra  13/01 24 31 08 10 14 10 07 12 -- -- LD SA
Nins   11/-- 13 23 00 00 20 19 08 08 -- -- -- --
Rath   20/20 -- 53 25 22 25 20 15 12 SC -- -- BS Boots
Pent   XX/20 -- 40 21 25 25 20 15 20 AS -- -- SA
Karla  XX/07 29 30 14 21 20 17 11 12 SA -- -- --
Renny  XX/16 64 43 12 22 20 10 15 18 -- -- LA SA


Final 4+1 turns

Hah! Everyone scrambles, Bartre gets a crit on Uhai, Athos takes a lot of stuff out. Having Pent means I can use Rescue properly! Everyone teams up to kill the dragon. Athos ate various items, so he could do manly things!

261 turns!

Hector - Hectroll'd


He didn't work out too well. Maybe he was too busy being carried?

Eliwood - Holy Trout


How did this happen? He was amazing! Friends with Hector!

Bartre - Bartroll the Brave


Even more astounding, he can double!

Dorcas - Door Clash!


He was funky too! Except he got doubled in final!

Rath - Archers are cool


Became chief rescue horse! He was also superb, even got C-swords!

Pent - Mr Warp'n'Rescue


Saved an unholy number of turns! We love you, Pent!

Karla - Hi?


As you can see, she wasn't around for long enough to help much. Still, better than nothing.

Serra - Worthless


Never. Again.

Renault - Who?


He attacked and killed a Bishop... yay?

Athos - Final Buster


With some toys, he made final a doddle! Hahaha!

Ninils - Boogie


Dancing is always good.

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I love how people like promoting Eliwood first in drafts.

Mount is always nice.

Of course, if his growths screw up horribly, then may as well function as a high aid rescuebot.....

Edited by The Joker
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