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Another FE8 Infantry Draft


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1. This draft is for 3 players.

2. Eirika/Ephraim, Garcia, Tethys, Orson, and Myrrh are free for all to use.

2a. Natasha is free for Chapter 5.

3. Mounted units are banned from drafting. More details are given below.

4. The game will be played on Hard Mode.


1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, rescue undrafted units and NPCs, trade, visit Shops and Armories and dig up items in the desert.

2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, building Supports, and opening Doors or Chests.

3. Map shopping is allowed.

4. Skirmishes/use of the Tower or Ruins is disallowed. Skirmishes that are blocking your path may be activated and immediately fled from.

4a. Trainees can get themselves to 10/1/0 in the Tower though and you can bring undrafted/mounted units with them.

5. Defend chapters count the last played Player Phase for turns if the timer is waited out.

6. Use of the Warp staff is disallowed.


1. Undrafted units and mounted units (That aren't free for the chapter) have a 4 turn penalty, per unit per chapter.

2. Seth has a special 8 turn penalty per chapter.

3. Warp staff has an 8 turn penalty per use.

Mounted Unit Rule Exceptions/Details:

1. Eirika and Ephraim may promote, any other unit that has a choice between a mounted promotion and an unmounted promotion has to chose the unmounted one (i.e. Gilliam has to go General, Lute has to go Sage, Natasha has to go Bishop and Gerik has to go Hero).

2. Mounted units can still be deployed and used to do all the things undrafted units can do (like recruit people and Trade) so Vanessa may be still be used to Rescue Ross in Chapter 2, as an example.

3. Franz is free for Chapter 1.

4. Kyle and Forde are free for Chapter 5x.


1. Blazing_Soul: Gerik, Gilliam, Moulder, Dozla, Ewan, Marisa

2. Baldrick: Artur, Colm, Lute, Innes, Neimi, Amelia

3. Terrador: Saleh, Natasha, Ross, Joshua, Knoll, Rennac

Edited by Terrador
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I'll take the GBA's manliest monk, Artur.

Aren't Artur and Lucius the GBA's only monks?

(Actually, aren't they the only playable monks, period?)

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Unless you count unshifted laguz, who behave as D&D monks to some extent (in that they won't attack and deal surprisingly significnant damage while unarmed), but yeah, only two, period. That said, the statement also notes that Artur > mook Monks.

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Aren't Artur and Lucius the GBA's only monks?

(Actually, aren't they the only playable monks, period?)

Exactly. And only one could be mistaken for a man.

Derp, you're right.

EDIT: I also forgot about generic enemies. I'll say they're not manly enough to join the winning team. And it's your pick Terrador.

Edited by Baldrick
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Noting that turns taken in the Tower and Skirmishes do not count in any way/shape/form, because 1) trainees are liability enough already and 2) losing a turn just for clearing away a skirmish is hellagay. Furthermore, after realizing that I could draft Amelia and cheese the Tower with Seth for a bazillion Runeswords, I am instituting a new rule:

Drops obtained in the Tower of Valni must be dropped ASAP. No exceptions.

Edited by Terrador
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I can't drop money lol but do Runeswords really exist on the first floor of the tower? I can't remember for the life of me.

EDIT: Also we can pick any route we want right?

Edited by Blazing_Soul
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I'm stuck between two different units...

But, I'll choose Neimi since I've had her in my two previous drafts.

I've got to go, but my preference for my last pick is, in order:





I fully expect the top pick to go, at least.

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Knoll and Rennac are mine. Baldrick's list yields Amelia for him, leaving Marisa as the last unit. Let the games begin!

Edited by Terrador
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I'd reckon that an update merits a new post.


I've got exactly one unit. Guess who she is.


Eh, not bad. Acceptable offensive bases and doesn't afraid of anything. Completely standard two-turn solo clear. She procs Str/Spe/Lck on her LU; gotta love firepower and Avo!



Chapter 1

OK, so we've got us a fairly standard chapter here. Eirika full-moves west Turn 1, and blicks a bandit. Gilliam and Franz arrive... yay. Eirika attacks a bandit, as shown...


And gets a nice level-up while she's at it!


We don't really care about Franz; he blicks the Soldier next to his starting area.

On the Enemy Phase, a Soldier attacks Eirika--ouch, that must've hurt!


Thankfully, she wipes the smug bastard out, getting her weapon rank up to D while she's at it.

Seth full-moves away from the reinforcements Turn 3, while Eirika goes ahead and decimates the Bandit who approaches from the West. Risked a 35 displayed, but whatever. Franz wipes out another Soldier... and here's my position after Player Phase 3.


Dem reinforcements march in during Enemy Phase; Eirika sets up in front of Breguet, healing her self with a Vulnerary, while Seth just backs out of the way. Enemy Phase... in comes Breguet!


Ouch. That must sting.


We all know what this means.


And a nice LU to top it all off.

Eirika seizes Turn 5. Not bad at all. Post-chapter stats (lol 1 character)

a8OuP.png with D swords. Rapier's still in decent shape, at least.

5/7; well done, team EiriBOSS!


Chapter 2

OK, so this is going to be a pain in the ass. Killin' bandits and stuff. Thankfully, Vanessa can Rescue Ross... Eirika full-moves out, while Vanessa picks up Ross.

Garcia crushes his Bandit, as it should be.

Ross is dropped, recruited, and Vulneraried. Here we go:


Perfect first LU. Get it.

Eirika, camped atop the Armory, tanks a Bandit like he's nothing. Garcia, for one, puts a HUGE hole in the Archer he's fighting. Oh, Reinforcements happen too.

Ross blicks the bandit Eirika was fighting; the boss herself heads West to tango with the reinforcements. As expected, she performs admirably. Garcia hits a 46% displayed on his phase, killing the Archer and letting Vanessa approach next turn.

Ross heads to the Armory to grab an Iron Axe; Eirika wipes out her Bandit. Vanessa picks up Garcia; next-turn recruitment get!!

Fuck mountains, seriously. Ross gets hurt rather badly, but Eirika gets a LU in tanking her Bandit.


Eh, she needed the AS.

Eirika puts a hole in her Bandit, putting him at 4 HP; Ross manages to finish him off. His level sucked, though...


Meh. Vanessa airdrops BOSSMAN, and the carnage begins...

A Bandit from the south hits Eirika with a 23 displayed (curse you, random!), and Bone blows up the Pure Water village. A second Bandit finishes himself off on Eirika's blade. Garcia wipes the Bandit that Eirika didn't kill, leaving only Bone... Garcia baits him out and lands a solid whack. A Hand Axe shot, then one from Ross' Hatchet is enough to take him down.


Ross, I don't approve.

7/14; time to start killing things with the Big Man.

Post-battle stats...


Like a boss. Doesn't afraid of anything, honestly.


GOR BLIMEY this Ross is so worthless. Gonna have to feed him so full of kills here...


Start wrecking shit.


Chapter 3:

This one is... tedious, to say the least. Garcia rigs three fairly difficult hits. This leaves the Wall dented by Ross, opened by Garcia; Eirika finishes off the Archer Garcia was fending off for a LU, then crits a Thief.


Damn, Eirika. Nice level. Every point of Str is appreciated.

Steel Sword!Eirika rushes in, taking out the Steel Axe Bandit and dodging the Hand Axeman. She levels in the process, too.


Damn, girl. Talk about mad skills.

The Axe Bros take on the Bandit next turn; Garcia scores an Iron Axe hit, while Ross baits with Hatchet and hopes he doesn't die. Eirika heals and baits the Mercenary.

Next turn, Ross starts it off by icing the Merc, and gets a much-appreciated level.


Garcia bags the Bandit, but his level-up is... somewhat under average.


Eirika takes a Steel to Bazba's head. Dodges two 38% displayeds in a row (liekaboss), but, not altogether too surprisingly, misses one of four 70% displayeds. Ross adores this opportunity; he swoops in for the kill, collecting a badass level-up in the process.


WHAT A MAN! He might surpass his father yet.

Eirika seizes for a seven-turn clear.


At the Armory, I load my boys up with the necessary Axes: Another Hand Axe for both, and a Steel for both. Post-battle stats:


Turning out gloriously; she also got C Swords this chapter, not that it matters.


He's getting lots of exposure and oodles of good levels. I'd like to see him promote after the next chapter; shouldn't be an issue for him, honestly.


Nothing much yet, but I suspect many kills in the chapters to come.


Chapter 3

I forgot screenies for this chapter. I could've pushed for a 5-turn clear, but I'm content with a 6-turn clear that lets Ross promote, in all honesty.

6/27. It's been slow going thus far, but it's time to start wrecking.

Post-chapter screenies of my characters, including the brand-new Natasha:


Eirika is doing quite well. 8 Str at this point is nothing to shake a stick at.


Ross is starting to break out the badassery. He's got C Axes at this point as well, not to mention 21 Atk/8 AS with Iron. HRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRNG.


He's starting to be overshadowed by his son, but don't underestimate him! 6 AS/21 Atk with Steel is nothing to sneeze at, and he'll remain a tank for quite awhile yet. Hero!Garcia will be formiddable if he pulls out of his current slump.


I expect excellent things out of you.

>Staffbot like mad

>Promote ASAP


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Team analysis:

Usual free dudes: Hello again

Garcia: Don't suck this time please

Artur: I wish all priests were as cool as you.

Colm: Get me swag, and I might make you an Assassin for lulz later on.

Lute: Honestly, you're kind of redundant with Artur there, but magic men are always welcome.

Innes: Looks like I'm going Eirika route again, but it's less of an asshole, so it's cool.

Neimi: Innes is already here, I guess you can support Colm and chip at things.

Amelia: You're not too bad as a cav OH WAIT I MUST PROMOTE YOU TO KNIGHT gah

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God I hate work sometimes......


Gerik - I know he won't let me down I mean come on it's Gerik

Marisa - Well I guess I'll make due with her since I got stuck with her......

Ewan - Well my only offensive spellcaster.......and he coms so late that I dunno.......

Gilliam - Well at least it's someone early.......I can't complain...

Moulder - First healer and I need to decide that if I want Slayer or Sage......since I'm limited I know where I'm going.

Dozla - Well At least he'll have decent avoid when I thorw him on a mountain.

The Others - I'm sure it won't hurt to use them.

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Chapter 5:

GOD, this thing took awhile. I had an 8-turn clear, but I eschewed it in favor of a 9-turn which yielded the Book and Shield. It was pretty standard: Rush rush rush rush rush.

9/36 and no stats until Waterside Renvall begins.

Chapter 5x:

We all know how this chapter goes. Orson rushes and slaughters the chapter. I haven't tried an Orsonskip before, though, so it took a little bit of doing to hit the standard 8-turn clear. Ephraim is at base, and he has a fairly intact Silver Sword (last I checked, it had 15 uses). He did get one kill--yay for a bit of extra EXP, I guess.


Chapter 6:

OK, so, pre-chapter stats. I fed the Dracoshield to Boss and gave the Secret Book to Merlinus.


She's got B swords, and is a smidgen defensively poor. However, she's a lightning bruiser who will certainly serve me well.


Please please please please please turn out good.


Just a little more Speed, and he'll start ORKOing EVERYTHING EVER. After a Dracoshield (and with his tremendous HP growth), he's defensively respectable as well.


He's got B Axes, and would've gotten the Dracoshield if he hasn't been getting absolute PISS for level-ups.


Offense in a can, and capable of 16 Atk/12 AS with Steel.

Actual chapter coming soon...!

<div><br></div><div>OK, basically, I charged. I did rig a couple of early crits to wipe some Cavaliers, a LU on Ross (Str/Spe/Def, all sorely needed) and a Str+ LU on Joshua from the bosskill, but not much RNG screwage was required. <b>6/50</b>. Stats coming very soon!</div>



My beatsticks... and Natasha and Garcia.

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