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Obligatory Yu-Gi-Oh! thread


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Cards? Decks? Themes? Characters? You discuss what you got, what you use, and why you use it.


(i'll insert my stuff later)

If you aren't feeling creative, just fill this out.

Your Username: Elieson

Your Real Name: Chris

Favorite Series: Original series

Favorite In-show Character: Joey Wheeler

Favorite Card (in all): Cyber Jar

Favorite Card (to use in your deck): Skull Lair.

Least Favorite In-Show Character: freaking Jayden Yuki.

Least Favorite Card or Cards (to battle against): Raigeki....wait, Skull Lair

Your Main Deck's Theme (if any): Plant (also run a direct attack wetlands/tornado wall deck)

Highlight Card(s) in your Deck: Black Rose Dragon, or just Magic Cylinder, because duh. My other deck? Probably Wetlands, Legendary Ocean, Tornado Wall, and Mucus Yolk (can attack directly, +1000atk for every successful direct atk)

Rarest Card(s) you own: Magic Cylinder? No wait, Seiyaru the McDonald's Dragon (sp)

Year Playing: since it came out, and I got a Yugi starter deck for my birthday ~

Anything Else: I used to run a badass jar deck, but my son took it to his school, and it got stolen T.T

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Your Username: Uh...

Your Real Name: Uhhh.....

Favorite Series: ZeXaL's kind of cool.

Favorite In-show Character: Cathy at the moment. >____>

Favorite Card (in all): Esper Girl >_____>

Favorite Card (to use in your deck): Jain, Lightsworn Trap

Least Favorite In-Show Character: Iunno

Least Favorite Card or Cards (to battle against): Iunno

Your Main Deck's Theme (if any): Lucksworn

Highlight Card(s) in your Deck: Jain, Lightsworn Trap

Rarest Card(s) you own: Ultra Rare Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning because I'm unoriginal

Been working on Ninjas and Evols.

Ninjas because of Hattori Hanzo.

Evols because the reptiles are cute, the dinosaurs are cool, and the dragons are awesome.

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Your Username: Look at my name history, but I usually go by Emerald, EF, Efox, EJ, Yoshi as of late

Your Real Name: Connie

Favorite Series: 5D's

Favorite In-show Character: Carly

Favorite Card (in all): Buster Blader, The Wicked Eraser

Favorite Card (to use in your deck): The Wicked Eraser

Least Favorite In-Show Character: Bandit Keith I GUESS

Least Favorite Card or Cards (to battle against): Something that makes me lose

Your Main Deck's Theme (if any): None. Lul

Highlight Card(s) in your Deck: Do what? Explain please.

Rarest Card(s) you own: Dunno. Contact with Gusto? Is that even rare? I also have a Steelswaarm monster with 2600 attack. Shiny too.

Year Playing: Late 2011 I guess? I've been into Yu-Gi-Oh! forever but never dueled for real until then.

Anything Else: I want cute monsters/characters in my deck.

Yeah. I'm in the process of making a Gem Knight deck, with only two cards.

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There was already a thread about this, but screw that, time to reply anyway

Your Username: Nestling

Your Real Name: Branflakes (Nickname)

Favorite Series: 5D's

Favorite In-show Character: Cathy >www<~~~~ (Followed by Astral, then Alexis Rhodes~)

Favorite Card (in all): MASKED DRAGON

Favorite Card (to use in your deck): JD >ww<~

Least Favorite In-Show Character: None~ (Although I hate Kaito now since his name was changed to Kite and his voice to sound more like Freeza rather then Jack Atlas. . . but that's ok)

Least Favorite Card or Cards (to battle against): ALL OF THEM.

Your Main Deck's Theme (if any): Lightsworns

Highlight Card(s) in your Deck: JD

Rarest Card(s) you own: Ultra Mirror Force? These are budgetsworns, so everything is worth pretty much nothing.

Year Playing: On an off since like, 2006 or something. I've been running lightsworns since 2011, though.

Anything Else: I haven't played in a tournament in months, since I've been busy with school. I run a pretty standard lightsworn deck (although I haven't updated it for the new banlist). I also collect Masked Dragons. My Dueling Network is CDFA, but I'm rarely on there. If you feel the need to duel me, add me on Facebook and message me >w<~. (NOTE: I'm always online for Facebook, but I'm generally not on~.)

So anyways.


Freaking 4Kids.

Like, seriously. . . KITE?! They even gave him a deep badass voice! If he was like I expected his voice to be, then I'd be fine, but NO!

Also Yuma's voice makes me want to kill puppies.


Favorite In-show Character: Cathy at the moment. >____>


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Uh I haven't played the cards since like 2006 but can I still answer (I have the older videogames that I play from time to time)

Your Username: Look leftward.

Your Real Name: This is important why?

Favorite Series: None. Never cared for the anime.

Favorite In-show Character: See above.

Favorite Card (in all): Dark Magician, Black Luster Soldier, Jinzo, Magician of Black Chaos, Dunames Dark Witch, Maha Vailo

Favorite Card (to use in your deck): Maha Vailo or Jinzo.

Least Favorite In-Show Character: All of them?

Least Favorite Card or Cards (to battle against): Raigeki, Mirror Force, and Harpie's Feather Duster. Mainly because I never get their counter cards when I need them.

Your Main Deck's Theme (if any): Light Affinity

Highlight Card(s) in your Deck: A combination of Maha Vailo, Attack raising Equip Cards, and other things that use Maha Vailo's effect.

Rarest Card(s) you own: I really don't remember. I had a few good ones.

Year Playing: Since 2003.

Anything Else: Nope.

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And a highlight card is like, a key card to help raise your deck's win success. Something your deck explodes into win from.

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Cyber jar in my wetlands direct attack deck is juicy. Especially when gravity bind is still out. Unifrogs and Servant of Catobelas and Mucus Yolk, go!

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Your Username: FalconVegeta1986.

Your Real Name: Chris.

Favorite Series: Original series, though I do like GX.

Favorite In-show Character: Seto Kaiba/Tyranno Hassleberry tie.

Favorite Card (in all): Red-Eyes Black Dragon/Phoenix Gearfried tie.

Favorite Card (to use in your deck): Mirror Force.

Least Favorite In-Show Character: You know, i'm not quite sure.

Least Favorite Card or Cards (to battle against): E-Heroes, any cards that help summon faster.

Your Main Deck's Theme (if any): Warriors all day, every day.

Highlight Card(s) in your Deck: Marauding Captain, stardust dragon, Mirror Force, Command Knight, Don Zaloog, Double Summon, pretty much the whole deck lol.

Rarest Card(s) you own: Dark magician Girl from Magicians Force, and Time Wizard from Metal raiders, back when those sets first came out. Not too sure how rare my other cards are.

Year Playing: October '02, and I also got a Yugi starter deck for my birthday as well as Kaibas. Pretty much retired from TCG's altogether sometime in 2010, but a new card store in my area is getting me interested again.

Anything Else: I never was too good, although I never got my ass kicked alot either. I mostly like playing with my favorite cards, and I have a severe dislike of the ban list.

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Your Username: eclipse

Your Real Name: That's for me to know and for you to stop asking about

Favorite Series: I happen to like GX and 5D's for completely different reasons

Favorite In-show Character: FUBUKING~! (that's Atticus Rhodes to you Americanized people)

Favorite Card (in all): Self-Destruct Button

Favorite Card (to use in your deck): MST, because I'm a jerk like that

Least Favorite In-Show Character: This is a long list. . .uh, I'll say Jack Atlas for now.

Least Favorite Card or Cards (to battle against): Scrap Dragon can die in a hole, kthx.

Your Main Deck's Theme (if any): Fabled/Dark World, but will randomly change to Crystal Beasts

Highlight Card(s) in your Deck: Weirdly enough, it's usually Thought Ruler Archfiend. Go figure. In my side deck, it's Book of Eclipse. Really.

Rarest Card(s) you own: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon (but not from a starter deck0

Year Playing: Whatever year the buses went on strike. Had they not gone on strike, I never would've started.

Anything Else: The original Self-Destruct Button was supposed to be a short-print in Invasion of Chaos, but I pulled three in the first five or so packs I bought. Go figure.

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Your Username: Guy Starwind

Your Real Name: Thomas or Tommy or Tom. You choose.

Favorite Series: Original series and GX

Favorite In-show Character: Pegasus J. Crawford

Favorite Card (in all): Can I say all five Exodia pieces? If not Relinquished. But Exodia if I'm able.

Favorite Card (to use in your deck): Same answer as above.

Least Favorite In-Show Character: Yugi. He cheats.

Least Favorite Card or Cards (to battle against): I'm not sure my deck has pretty much everthing covered. I guess I could say cards that steal my Exodia pieces to their side.

Your Main Deck's Theme (if any): My main deck is Exodia and second is Relinquished(Thousand Eyes Restrict in traditional)

Highlight Card(s) in your Deck: Once again Exodia and Relinquished.

Rarest Card(s) you own: All five Exodia pieces from the LoB series.

Year Playing: 2002

Anything Else: I play local tourneys every Saturday and places in the top 3 most of the time.

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Username: Ether

Real Name: I hate my name, and would rather you call me Ether

Favorite series: I've taken a shine to 5DS as of late, but I like all of them. Can't speak of ZeXaL yet, haven't had time to watch.

Favorite In-show character: This is a toughie. Initial thought is Seto Kaiba because fuck rules

Favorite Card(in all): I'm gonna have to say Gorz, Emissary of Darkness. Amazing and completely badass.

Favorite Card(to use in your deck): Super Polymerization. U mad bro?

Least Favorite in-show character: Hmm... no definitive answer right now.

Least favorite card to play against: Wind-Up Hunter. FTK loops suck.

Main deck's theme: Elementl HEROs

Highlight card(s): Miracle Fusion and Skill Drain

Rarest Card: I don't really have anything rare anymore... rarest I've had was an Ultra Rare Change of Heart.

Years playing: On and off since the release of Metal Raiders

Anything else: Not that I can think of

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If Fabled/Dark World isn't a good eclipse, I don't know what is. . .which reminds me, I need to make a note of Book of Eclipse.

I somehow missed the word "fabled" in your op.

Carry on >.>

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BRD destroy every card on the field is the only thing clinging me to synchro summons right now.

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Dino Rabbits are annoying to deal with because they have freakin Dolkka. And Laggia. And Tour Guide to summon Leviair to summon Rescue Rabbit to summon another Dolkka or Laggia. What I'm trying to say is that Dino Rabbit is pretty good.

Then there's Wind-Up and their loop.

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Dino Rabbits are funny. The whole thing relies on that negation of theirs. Super Poly into Nova Master, get around negation, be more massive than anything they can bring out. Win.

Also skill drain. Nobody messes with Skill drain.

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