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[FE7] HHM draft


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Chapter 11 (7/7)

Pretty standard at this point.

Chapter 12 (5/12)

People are already dying heh

Eventual strategy was MARCUS ATTACK EVERYONE RUN HECTOR DON'T MISS. Marcus ORKOs Zagan with the Silver Lance, useful information in order to end the battle on enemy phase.

Edited by chococoke
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Chapter 13 (8/20)

Fuck this level is so annoying. Matthew recruiting Guy was pretty annoying too, since Guy likes to get almost killed by Marcus. Wasn't very efficient in a number of ways, but I truly don't give a rat's behind.

Chapter 13x (7/27)

This level isn't so difficult when you move off the center island and defend the south. That being said, Marcus cleans up the right side of the map and runs to the village for some $$$. Oswin tanks the chokepoint between the center island and my squishy units in the south admirably. T(h)anks, Oswin!

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Chapter 11 (7/7)

Our intrepid hero, Hector the Hardy, sets out upon his journey. After a few tries, Wire decides to miss Hector. Evidently this is what is generally done. Hector gains some uninspiring levels.

Chapter 12 (6/13)

Aka the 'oh god please don't miss' level. Our hero is joined by Marcus the Magnificent, and his noticeably subpar comrades Bartre the Bad and Rebecca the Really Bad. Hector continues to level poorly. Even in the attempts I restarted on, I have yet to see Hector gain a point of speed. Marcus wrecks this level while Bartre and Rebecca manage to fail just little enough to not die. I wasn't ballsy enough to try Hector's 53% displayed hit, so Marcus got the boss kill. In hindsight, I should have used the Silver Lance, but oh well, I didn't.

Chapter 13 (7/20)

After a lot of tries, I finally figure out I should have Marcus solo the south side while everyone else goes left to grab the village. Eventually Marcus decides to stop missing 80%s and is able to solo while Matthew (and Lowen, his personal taxi) comes in to recruit Guy. Meanwhile Hector manages to get to the boss through liberal use of vulneraries. Undrafted units stop up most of the forts, and Marcus Silver Lances the boss. Hector, Marcus, Bartre and Rebecca all gain levels, but they all suck and no one gets speed.

Chapter 13x (7/27)

I had enough characters to stay on the central island. I had Marcus and Oswin tank one chokepoint each, and Hector plus a rotation of random undrafted units on the other. Bartre kills the southwest enemy and runs back to throw hand axes, Rebecca gets a few kills, and Guy takes the southeast fort area by himself, so south isn't a chokepoint. I almost run out of vulneraries and most of my undrafted units wind up at almost no health. Despite my repeated attempts to kill Dorcas, he refuses to die. I missed the village. Finally some decent levels appear.

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Chapter 14 (9/36)

Getting 9 was so hard I refuse to try for lower. Mainly this was because I started the chapter with only one vulnerary, and it was partially used. Marcus sprinted left with the vulnerary, leaving everyone else to fend for themselves. Hector took out the enemies to the right of the starting point and stuck around to deal with pegasus knights. Guy, Bartre and Rebecca managed to deal with the soldiers and archers, then went south for the two cavaliers. Rebecca had to help with pegasus knights, so I killing edged my way south and drew off one cavalier for a turn with Bartre. Marcus finished cleaning up on turn 9, while Guy finished the last cavalier and Bartre went shopping for vulneraries (thank goodness). It was pretty ridiculous the way I had to position my units to ensure I could make it to the store on time. Levelwise, almost everyone decided to fail a little less than usual. Except for Hector, who still has 5 speed.

Unit        Level  HP S/M Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Hector      08/--  26  10   8   5   4  12   0
Marcus      --/04  33  16  15  12   9  10  10 
Bartre      05/--  32  11   7*  5   4   5   0  
Rebecca     04/--  20   5   7   8   5   5   3   
Guy         07/--  28  10  13  16   7   6   2   

Chapter 15 (7/43)

This one is pretty straightforward. Marcus eats the southern side with a hand axe, having run out of javelin. Even though it's a bit awkward Guy takes the right side and Bartre the left, because Bartre dies if I put him on the right. Hector goes south, and once he kills those enemies doesn't do much for the rest of the chapter. Rebecca moves around shooting whichever enemies she can actually damage for experience. Hector continues to not gain speed. Is there some sort of record for this?

Unit        Level  HP S/M Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Hector      09/--  27  10   8   5   4  13   1
Marcus      --/04  33  16  15  12   9  10  10 
Bartre      06/--  33  11   8*  6   4   5   0  
Rebecca     05/--  21   6   8   9   5   6   4   
Guy         08/--  29  11  14  17   7   7   2   

Chapter 16 (8/51)

Marcus rushes towards the boss, with Hector trailing behind while everyone else cleans up behind them. Marcus spent most of the level in danger and finished with 1 HP after two vulneraries. Hector did basically nothing, so he didn't get a chance to disappoint me. (Seriously, when Bartre is faster than you and is also a lower level...) Lyn and company went shopping; Wil was surprisingly clutch.

Unit        Level  HP S/M Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Hector      09/--  27  10   8   5   4  13   1
Marcus      --/05  34  16  15  12   9  10  10 
Bartre      07/--  33  11   9*  6   4   5   0  
Rebecca     06/--  22   7   8   9   5   7   4   
Guy         10/--  31  11  15  18   7   8   3   

Chapter 17 (11/62)

Bartre eats the dragonshield in the prep screen. I probably could have saved a turn here, I made a very specific decision to move Hector two less spaces than max and wound up two spaces short of the throne, but I don't see it working out better if I tried again. Marcus rush, but this time it wasn't easy for him. He had to munch some serious vulneraries to get through this level. Guy continues to be really good, Hector continues to hate me. Bartre escorts Matthew to the Hero Crest chest. I'm not sure who wants it yet... Guy can use it now, but Bartre really needs help.

Unit        Level  HP S/M Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Hector      10/--  27  11   9   5   4  13   1
Marcus      --/06  34  16  16  12   9  10  10 
Bartre      07/--  33  11   9*  6   4   7*  0  
Rebecca     08/--  22   7   9  10   6   7   5   
Guy         11/--  31  12  15  17   9   8   3   

Apparently Guy lost a point of speed and gained two luck? Obviously I screwed up at some point but those are definitely his stats now.

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Open a (preferably clean) Fire Emblem ROM in VBA. Then, go to File > Import > Gameshark snapshot > Select the SPS file > Play the game! Although you will have to delete at least one of the files to start a new game, but that isn't really much of a problem. c:

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You're welcome. :3 I wanted to use this file myself because I have horrendous luck with the Fire Emblem ROMS and constantly lose them before I'm able to beat them, and that tutorial gets so annoying after a while. DX

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Chapter 17x (6/68)

I feel like I should be able to do this faster. There was a three-turn strategy, but it was absurdly luck-based so I eventually gave up. Guy and Marcus run to the middle, recruiting Canas on the way so he can give Marcus his vulnerary. Guy stands on the forest in the middle and places a mine north, while Marcus stands to the right of the village with a sword equipped. The guy with the halberd kills himself on Marcus (usually), the guy with the swordslayer steps on the mine. The following turn Marcus kills the swordslayer guy with a javelin; Guy continues to dodge everything. Then Marcus is able to sprint to Fargus and pick up the sleep staff on the way. Meanwhile, Hector goes to the southern area for the devil axe then is basically useless, and Bartre and Rebecca deal with the pirates north of the starting position.It's too bad Bartre and Rebecca don't have a support, since they spend all their time glued together anyway. The two of them put together almost make one actual character who doesn't suck!

Unit     Level    HP   S/M   Skl   Spd   Luk   Def   Res
Hector   11/--   28    12    10     5     4     13     2
Marcus   --/07   35    16    17    12     9     10    11
Bartre   08/--   35    12     9*    7     4      8*    0
Rebecca  09/--   23     7     9    11     7      7     5
Guy      13/--   33    12    16    18    10      8     4

Chapter 18 (4/72)

Finally, it felt like my characters actually saved turns here. Guy dodgetanked on the right, slowly backing up and using vulneraries. Bartre drew over some pegasus knights so Matthew could steal the Elysian Whip. Marcus made a beeline for the boss, javelin in hand, getting rid of the shamans. Rebecca shot over Guy's head until she got hit down to 3, forcing me to awkwardly hide her in the back. Hector sort-of-tanked on the left, but mostly he just didn't get attacked, which was good because he's started to get doubled. Bartre, meanwhile, has mostly stopped getting doubled, to my great relief. Guy made it to the vendor on the final turn but I couldn't get to the armory. I will undoubtedly run out of ranged weapons during the next few chapters, but I probably would have died if I tried to wait a turn for the armory. I'll leave a save here just in case.

Unit     Level    HP   S/M   Skl   Spd   Luk   Def   Res
Hector   11/--    28    12    12*    5    4     13     2
Marcus   --/07    35    16    17    12    9     10    11
Bartre   09/--    36    13     9*    7    4      8*    0    
Rebecca  10/--    23     8     9    12    7      7     5
Guy      13/--    33    12    16    18   10      8     4

I don't know how people feel about double posts here but if I do it it's because these stupid tables get messed up every time I edit.

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Chapter 14 (7+4/38)

Used Guy, so penalty for that. I needed him too, he did a lot of killing and without his services it would've been impossible for me to save Prissy's village and also complete this chapter in less than 15 turns (Marcus would have to intercept the pirates, and Erk can't do much in this level.) I could have finished in 6 but I got some nice level ups so eff it.

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Chapter 19 (7/79)

Guy is such a boss. Since this is another rush-Marcus-to-the-boss level, I don't see any reason to promote him (his combat doesn't need help and his move is not relevant to my turncount). At first I tried to recruit Fiora for her items, but I gave up because Florina just gets in the way so much. Guy moves south from the starting position, hops on a fort and basically never leaves. Marcus rushes south past him and starts javelining his way to the boss. Bartre, Rebecca and Hector, the latter carrying Dart, go northeast and gain a bit of experience while also not dying. Hector is now doubled by the whole map, but has so much defense it doesn't matter. Marcus ends up Iron Lancing the boss to death, because he runs away when I use the Horseslayer. If Marcus had one more strength I could have shaved a turn, but oh well.

In other news, I hate Hector.

Unit     Level    HP   S/M   Skl   Spd   Luk   Def   Res
Hector   12/--    29    12    13*    5    5     14     2
Marcus   --/09    37    17    19    12   10     10    11
Bartre   10/--    36    13     9*    7    4      9*    1
Rebecca  11/--    24     9     9    13    8      8     5
Guy      14/--    33    13    16    19   10      9     5

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Chapter 15 (7/45)

Marcus kills Sealen on turn 3 in order to make sure I'm not overrun. That being said, I was still able to get a good amount of exp from the fighters that show up in the top left. Treasure obtained as well. Stats will come after next chapter.

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Chapter 19x (6/85)

At first I wanted to promote Bartre but found, to my dismay, that he doesn't gain any speed on promotion, so it won't actually help. After a few tries I found myself wishing Guy could move an extra space, so I promoted him. My Guy has been doing so well, though, that he's actually nearly on his 20/1 average stats anyway (yes, I counted HM bonuses). Guy and Marcus run down to the forts at the center with Hector trailing behind them, coming as close to a full move every turn as possible. Bartre and Rebecca distract the pegasus knights and reinforcements by sitting on the forts in the northeast. Originally I tried moving them around... fortless Bartre was so bad against pegs I even tried not deploying him. Unfortunately Merlinus decided to be a tank, so they didn't get to do much. No one but Guy actually gained a level.

Unit     Level    HP   S/M   Skl   Spd   Luk   Def   Res
Hector   12/--    29    12    13*    5    5     14     2
Marcus   --/09    37    17    19    12   10     10    11
Bartre   10/--    36    13     9*    7    4      9*    1
Rebecca  11/--    24     9     9    13    8      8     5
Guy      14/02    39    15    16    20   10     11     6

Chapter 20 (9/94)

Once again, pretty sure 8 turns was possible but I got impatient. Bartre stays behind to protect Eliwood and Lyn. Everyone else runs up the middle. Cameron dies to Guy. Matthew, after running to get the Brave Bow with help from Marcus, catches up and unlocks the door to the boss. Marcus gets the boss kill, finishing off the silver lance, which unfortunately took a beating way back in chapter 14. Hector sucks.

Unit     Level    HP   S/M   Skl   Spd   Luk   Def   Res
Hector   13/--    30    12    14*    5    6     14     2
Marcus   --/10    37    17    19    13   11     10    11
Bartre   12/--    38    13    10*    8    6     10*    2
Rebecca  12/--    24    10    10    13    8      8     5Guy      14/03    39    16    17    21   10     11     7

Chapter 21 (4/98)

This one was pretty easy. Hector stays behind to protect Eliwood and go shopping. I didn't realize until I finished the chapter that there were two vendors, so I wound up not buying vulneraries. I may be in trouble. Everyone else sprints right. On turn 3, I use Ninis' Grace on Matthew because for some reason this causes an archer to attack Rebecca instead, though it doesn't work on other enemies. Marcus lures in the boss. The following turn, Matthew is danced over to Oleg to steal the Hero Crest and Marcus and Guy kill him. Bartre was decent filler; Rebecca was mostly useless because she started too far away, but she did have to run back to save Hector's ass at one point.

Unit     Level    HP   S/M   Skl   Spd   Luk   Def   Res
Hector   13/--    30    12    14*    5    6     14     2
Marcus   --/11    38    18    19    13   11     11    11
Bartre   13/--    38    14    10*    8    6     10*    2
Rebecca  13/--    25    10    10    14    8      8     5
Guy      14/04    39    16    18    22   11     11     7
Ninian     1      who cares

Chapter 22 (5/103)

I'm probably dropping a turn per chapter at this point. Meh. Well, my team finally shows up! Yay! Isadora celebrates her arrival by munching the angelic robe then pretty much doing nothing. Marcus breaks through the right side with Guy's help and runs for the boss. I'm not sure how people do this in four turns, but apparently it is possible. Everyone else manages to live. At one point Bartre ends up chasing down a nomad headed for Nils and company, then once again I use Ninis' Grace so he won't be attacked. I don't want anyone going over there. Rath's cavalier decides to park his stupid ass between Hector and Heath, forcing me to awkwardly dance Hector around him, recruit Heath, then pick up Hector and run. Didn't get any items as per usual. Not like I can spare the lockpick anyway. Aaaand now I wish I'd saved the dragonshield for Isadora.

Unit     Level    HP   S/M   Skl   Spd   Luk   Def   Res
Hector   14/--    31    13    14*    5    6     14     2
Marcus   --/11    38    18    19    13   11     11    11
Bartre   13/--    38    14    10*    8    6     10*    2
Rebecca  13/--    25    10    10    14    8      8     5
Guy      14/04    39    16    18    22   11     11     7
Heath    07/--    32    13     9     9    7     12     2Isadora  --/01    35*   13    12    16   10      8     6

Who designed these goddamn tables they suck so much.

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Chapter 11: 7 turns

This happens. Hector gets HP only on his second level :facepalm:


Chapter 12: 6 turns

Try one, Hector gets a perfect level up minus res and then he dies. Next try, he actually gets speed and Eliwood also gets speed. Eli rapier crits the boss after Marcus weakens him. Bartre trades his axes to Marcus.


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