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Ohey, another text "Let's Play!"


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Documenting Pokemon quests seems to be all the rage these days. Let's gooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

The Beginning

New Game. Ohey, Professor Oak. Nice to see you're still overshadowing Elm after all these years. Poor chap doesn't even get to introduce his game like the other Professors. Alas, Professor Oak introduces me to the world of Pokemon. I tell him that I am a boy, I give him my name, and he SHRINKS ME TO THE SIZE OF AN OVERWORLD SPRITE!

Walk downstairs, Mama gives me my bag, my trainer card, a wrench, and the ability to save. Thanks Mom!

Then I walk outside. Not even two seconds into the game and I see annoyingrivalwench. Hi there, Lyra! Nice to see your Marill. Forgetting her, I walk over to the lab. Mysterious red haired guy staring in the window, it's kinda hard to figure how nobody noticed him and called the cops for suspicious loitering.

Professor Elm, after years of being the most forgettable Pokemon professor, has started researching something interesting! Bravo, man! Only took a decade or so, but now I get to walk around with my Pokemon. Better late than never, Elm.

Alright, time to pick a starter pokemon. I've never played the game through with Cyndaquil, so I'm gonna pick him. Let's see what we've got.

Level 5 Cyndaquil/Relaxed

HP: 20, Atk: 10, Def: 11, SpA: 12, SpD: 11, Spd: 10

Capable of taking hits.

Defense is the highest IV, and it's also boosted by nature. This little fella should turn out to be a rather unconventional Typhlosion; sacrificing speed for some bulk. It'll be interesting to see how he turns out.

Exit the lab, Lyra's still stalking me. She says my Pokemon "is cute," which is girl code for "I have a shrine for you under my bed and I really want to get in your pants." I calmly respond, "sorry, Lyra, you'll never suck my dick," and walk away from what was certainly an awkward moment.

Gotta go speak to my mother. She gives me Pokegear and, even though I told her I know how to make a phone call, explains the process to me anyways. Welp, time to save and head off to rhetoric class!


I'm taking team recommendations, definitely! I don't really know who I want to train, but I'm looking at some of the more under-appreciated Pokemon. Thinking I'm going to train a Butterfree, but the other four slots I'm open to suggestions on.







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Picking up where we left off. Time to occupy myself with some Pokemon in History class.

The Quest Begins!

Got my Pokemon, got my Pokegear, time to head out! Professor Elm stops me to give me his digits, I'll be sure to prank call him later with the age old question: "is your refrigerator running?"

Head out to Route 29, the first Pokemon I fight is a Sentret. It falls to two tackles, fairly easy. Keep strolling along, the next encounter, a Pidgey, takes three tackles to fell. Aaaaaaand we have another Sentret encounter. This one takes FOUR tackles to defeat. Already I can feel the game getting more difficult :P:.

Level-Up! Cyndaquil: +2 HP, +1 Everything Else. Learned SmokeScreen!

And finally we arrive at Cherrygrove City. Part of me misses the Guide Gent being optional. Back when I was a kid, it was a symbol of pride for me to ignore him and play the game map-less (although it took me about a week to figure out where Cianwood City was). It was silly, but I was eight.

Gots me some running shoes! Now I can, well, RUN! Exiting the small city, I get that silly Town Map thing. Well, maybe this time, if I forget where Cianwood is, I'll use my map to find it this time.

Now we arrive at Route 30. The man with a striking house stops to stir up some conversation. Normally I'd just keep walking, because a man who stops and asks if I noticed his house usually spells bad news for 10-year-old boys, however, he has the promise of giving me free things (like candy and a puppy). Alas, no candy, but I get an apricorn box! Finally I can store these inedible...things. Kinda strange that they grow everywhere, but their only function is to be made into Pokeballs by one man who lives in a remote town. But nevermind that silly detail, because there's POKEMON TO FIGHT.

First encounter is a Weedle, which disappoints me because I just remembered that I'm playing Soul Silver, which means Butterfree is a mid-game mon. Weedle falls pretty easily, no crummy poison. Then we've got Kakuna, which promises to take a while. Luckily for me, I get a critical! Good job, Cyndaquil, you're awesome.

Level-Up! Cyndaquil, Level 7: +2 HP & Spd, +1 Everything Else.

Whew! I've made it to Mr. Pokemon's house. I get my egg, takes a few seconds, get a rest, I'm good to go! Then...Professor Oak has to chat up a storm. After his droning, I'm rewarded with the Pokedex that I never want to complete.

Walk outside, get the call from Elm. There's a disaster, which I can only assume means a nuclear explosion, which destroyed all of New Bark Town (except, of course, for Elm, who has simply been drastically mutated). Gotta run back!

Another Weedle, and of course this one poisons. Cyndaquil responds with a critical hit, though, so at least the bastard paid for his shit. Ohey, a Pidgey right after that. Cyndaquil pulls off another critical, and makes quick work of the little pigeon. Cyndaquil survives the poisoning, I run to Cherrygrove and heal. Time to go save mutant Elm!

But WAIT! Red-haired bastard blocks my path. I think I'll call him Lenny. He's got a Totodile which is admittedly quite badass. Unfortunately, badassery isn't enough to save him from Cyndaquil's tackles, which take down his little alligator.

Level-Up! Cyndaquil, Level 8: HP & SpA +2, Everything Else +1.

Run to New Bark. To my disappointment, the town is still standing. No nuclear explosion in sight. I stop to see Elm, and this cop starts interrogating me. The annoying wench comes in to clear my name, and I give the cop the name of this thieving fiend! I tell him the name, Lenny, and the cop most certainly chuckles a bit, then he walks off. Assuredly he'll bring this fiend to justice! Lyra says she's glad that I'm not in jail which, in girl code, means "come by my place later for a wild time." Not too keen on taking her up on that, however, so I'll just continue questing.

Gotta stop to see Momma, and I tell her that I'd rather not have her touching my winnings. Can't trust her to not spend it on useless things, so I'll just keep it myself. Back to Route 29, and Lyra's there waiting for me. I think she's getting desperate. She forcedly shows me how to catch Pokemon, which makes me miss Anthony, the guy from Gold/Silver who took "NO" for an answer.

She goes on ahead, certainly to wait for me creepily at some other point in the game. Running through grass, I find a Pidgey.

Level-Up! Cyndaquil, Level 9: HP, Atk & Def +2, Everything Else +1.

Stop by Route 46, catch a Spearow. Level 2, Lax. Good thing, too, because he'll be chillin' in the PC.

Back to Cherrygrove, dump Spearow, heal Cyndaquil, and save.

Cyndaquil       9   28  15  16  17  15  15  Tackle,Leer,SmokeScreen


Well, considering my team right now. If I've gotta wait 'til mid-game for Butterfree anyways, I might as well try Pinsir. Pinsir's been living in Scyther's shadow for too long, it's time to give him some spotlight.







I'll probably end up saving the sixth slot for Kanto. What I seem to be lacking is a decent flying type. As interesting as Mantine seems, I need something that can use Fly. Thinking Noctowl, since I've always wanted to train a good one. But that gives me three early-game Pokemon, which could be troublesome. Any suggestions?

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Yeah, I brain-farted and said Totodile. Edited the fix in.

Dragonite could be interesting, but not having a dedicated flier until training Dratini to Level 55 sounds pretty painful. Basically no flier pre-E4.

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I like having a flying type on my team. I don't think I've ever gone a single game without one.


Alright, continuing on the quest. Waited 'til nighttime to play again to try to find a decent Hoothoot.

Route 30 & 31

Route 30, time to go searchin'. First encounter is a Hoothoot. After snagging a few Hoothoots, I come across the perfect one.

Level 4 Hoothoot/Modest

HP: 19, Atk: 6, Def: 7, SpA: 9, SpD: 9, Spe: 10

Alert to sounds.

Literally the perfect nature for this guy. Gonna be difficult until I get STAB Uproar, but I'll have to cope. Since I got the perfect nature, I'm gonna try using Hoothoot.

Time for some grinding! I wind up fighting over 90% Hoothoots.

Level-Up! Hoothoot, Level 5. HP +3, SpA +2, Else +1. Learned Hypnosis.

Level-Up! Hoothoot, Level 6. HP, SpD & Spe +2, Else +1.

Level-Up! Hoothoot, Level 7. HP +3, Def: 0, Else +1.

Looking to be in decent shape as a Hoothoot. Let's get going!

Youngster Joey, the first random trainer of the game. His Rattata stares down my Hoothoot, but not for long. Rattata falls asleep, and Hoothoot just thrashes it. He asks me for my number, sure! Then we've got the other, non-Joey guy. His Pidgey goes down in two hits from Cyndaquil, and his Rattata doesn't fare much better. Running up, I find Bug Carcher Don. Cyndaquil thrashes him too.

Level-Up! Cyndaquil, Level 10. +2 HP, SpA, SpD & Spe. +1 Else. Learned Ember!

Alright, now we're cookin' with fire! Keep goin' on my journey, hitting Route 31. Another silly Bug Catcher, Hoothoot will handle these little insects.

Level-Up! Hoothoot, Level 8. +2 HP. +0 Atk. +1 Else.

This guy offers his number too. Looks like I'm a popular guy! Gotta turn him down, though. I don't need some silly Bug Catcher pestering me about bugs. Got a free PokeBall. Let's head to Violet City!

But first...Lyra, following me from the shadows, happens to appear right as I'm entering Violet City to give me the Vs. Recorder. Thanks for the useless gift, wench, but you can't buy my love.

Violet City

Now we're in Violet City. Stop by the Pokemon Center before heading to Bellsprout Tower.

First monk, destroyed by Hoothoot. Sorry, Sage Nico, but you asked for it, man.

Level-Up! Hoothoot, Level 9. +3 HP. +2 Spe. +0 Atk. +1 Else. Learned Peck!

Alright, now let's let Cyndaquil have some time to shine. Ember makes very quick work of Sage Chow, who subsequently thanks me for the honor of losing to my awesomeness. He then imparts me with sagely wisdom. "All things coexist in perfect harmony. We should be grateful for this." Perfect harmony, yes. Except for when we force animals to fight, but that's such a small part of this universe it's irrelevant.

Ohey, wild Pokemon encounter. Gastly. Ember. PokeBall. Caught.

Sage Edmond is next on the chopping block.

Level-Up! Cyndaquil, Level 11. +2 HP. +1 Else.

Now, we've finally reached the top floor. Jin's the first guy here. He's got a Level 6 Bellsprout! OOOOOOHP. LOOKS LIKE WE'VE GOT A BADASS OVER HERE. Or not, because Vine Whip does 3 damage to Hoothoot, Peck 2HKOs.

Level-Up! Hoothoot, Level 10. +2 HP. +1 Else.

Another sage with a Level 6 Bellsprout. Burnt to a crisp with Ember. Then we've got another Sage, with a level SEVEN Bellsprout.

Level-Up! Cyndaquil, Level 12. +2 HP & SpA. +1 Else.

Then I walk up, and, HEY! IT'S LENNNNNNY! Lenny used an Escape Rope. Watabitch. Can't even walk out of the tower. Time to fight the Elder! He falls pretty easily, like all of his underling sages.

Level-Up! Cyndaquil, Level 13. +2 HP. +1 Else. Quick Attack learned!

Got Flash, which was downgraded to TM. I nab the escape rope. But, unlike Lenny, I'mma be a man and walk myself out of the tower. On my way up, I shoot the breeze with Nico, who explains to me that the "flexible pillar protects the tower, even from earthquakes." I'm not quite sure physics work that way, but alas, I don't have time to argue with his sagely wisdom. I just move on and exit.

Time to challenge the first gym. Birdkeeper Abe decides to fight me. This guy thinks he's just the bee's shit, I'm sure. But alas, his Spearow falls to an Ember, which burns and kills the bird. Well, at least Abe can go home to a nice dinner? Next Birdkeeper's up. Hoothoot shows his little pigeons how it's done.

Level-Up! Hoothoot, Level 11. +3 HP. +2 SpD. +0 Def. +1 Else.

Now it's time to face Falkner, with his father's precious bird pokemon. Sorry to break it to you, Falkner, but your daddy was a Gameshark user. That Pidgeotto is incredibly underleveled. I say he should've gotten a Skarmory, would've been a much cooler pokemon, not illegit, and gives Cyndaquil a natural advantage, which non-Fire/Fighting types never get in the first gym. Pidgey goes down, Pidgeotto whoops Hoothoot, though. His daddy must've used a stats cheat too. Pidgeotto roosts, but Cyndaquil burns the fucker. After a few rounds of Roost, then Ember + Burn, Pidgeotto eventually falls.

Level-Up! Cyndaquil, Level 14. +2 HP, Def & Spe. +1 Else. Quick Attack learned!

EVOLUTION TIME! Got me a Quilava. Got the Zephyr Badge and Roost, and that's a wrap for tonight!

Quilava         14  43  24  26  30  26  26  Quick Attack,Leer,SmokeScreen,Ember
Hoothoot        11  37  11  12  17  18  19  Tackle,Hypnosis,Growl,Peck

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