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Training Mafia - Game Over


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1) Do you think those who voted for a No Lynch are scums? Why?

2) Do you think the Jailer/whatever is Town or scum?

3) Who do you think is the most Townish player?

4) Who do you think is the most suspicious player?

1) I don't know, there is a possibility, but being new players maybe not as much. I also did the same thing in my first game as a town i believe.

2) Yeah i do. But i'm not sure. It could go along with the fact that prims asked if mafia could kill and use an ability in the same night. Maybe they cant and they wanted to disorient us and go for a mislynch again.

3) Most townish? Manix. After that i'm not sure.

4) Most suspicious player to me? Prims. But I'm not going to say why just yet. I want to talk to someone first.

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Ignore my #2 I messed that up.

What i mean is.

#2) Maybe town, if scum cant act and kill at the same that means they chose kill and we either have two mafia left or its a town.

If they can then it could easily have just been one person.

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Nicely done, Shinori. I didn't think much about Prims' post asking if the Mafia is able to send an action and kill on the same Night. So, why did you think that is the case, Prims? That question couldn't just poof from nowhere.

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Did manix happen to put somebody else in charge in case something like this happened? In case he did i'd like to talk to that person. Even if it's in private on IRC.

Oh, sorry for not answering to this, but that's because I'm not sure Manix did that.

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Because based on my knowledge, a certain other player could possibly be cleared as town depending on the answer, assuming I wasn't lie to about his role.

How could that not matter? If scum can't kill and act at the same time, then anybody who has been proven to take an action is confirmed town.

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Because based on my knowledge, a certain other player could possibly be cleared as town depending on the answer, assuming I wasn't lie to about his role.

How could that not matter? If scum can't kill and act at the same time, then anybody who has been proven to take an action is confirmed town.

By the "scum that kills", do you mean the scum designated to kill or do you mean the Mafia as a whole in the Night Phase?

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1) Do you think those who voted for a No Lynch are scums? Why?

I'm torn. On the one hand, as I look as the NL wagon it looks extremely suspicious as a whole. On the other hand, Paper's defense of Cam's NL appears to be the main driving force behind the NL wagon. Paper was undoubtedly just defending Cam's earlier actions. Therefore, I would find it highly likely the other mafia would in fact not vote NL to avoid association with scumbuddy!Cam.

2) Do you think the Jailer/whatever is Town or scum?

Kidnapper? There is no way to be certain. As for Prim's concern of whether the last mafia could use their action and perform a kill at the same time, everytime I have ever been mafia a member could both kill and use their own action. But that is just my experience. I have played a town kidnapper that also protects who they kidnap, so they could have been doing that, or, of course, they could be mafia counting on the doc to protect Manix so they went after a safer kill and used their kidnap ability on manix. Those seem like the most solid possibilities to me right now.

3) Who do you think is the most Townish player?

To be honest, no one(besides obvious Manix, but I assume that is implied). So far I see people only as neutral and suspicious. There has been a lot rubbing me the wrong way about this game.

4) Who do you think is the most suspicious player?

Theres 3 of them. FtP, Prims, Rapier. FtP's NL just seems so wrong to me. There are multiple places in Prim's day 1 posts that look like hardcore defending of certain player's questionable actions. But he did go in for the Cam vote without blindly believing Manix, but without being unnecessarily stubborn and resistant. i had initially passed of Rapier's NL because he always NLs. But then he excused himself because of it! Not okay. Like you're trying really hard to get us to not care about your NL for some reason...

Also, sorry I haven't really been around. I was super busy and couldn't really be active enough then all of the sudden I'm the novice and I hadn't gotten a good read and opinions and stuff, but now with spring break starting tomorrow I should be more active.

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1) Do you think those who voted for a No Lynch are scums? Why?

2) Do you think the Jailer/whatever is Town or scum?

3) Who do you think is the most Townish player?

4) Who do you think is the most suspicious player?

1. Not sure but not unlikely

2. they hit the cop, either scum driver/dazzler+town jailer or just scum

3. manix/eclipse for having a good role claim

4. who do you think my vote is on?

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As I said in my post, I don't think it's a good idea to lynch with no evidence D1, you could risk hitting a PR (and considering Kay might've assigned roles with it being "randomized", Paper could've been a town PR). Until Manix claimed cop, all I saw was an overzealous noob trying to lynch a player on little evidence. I can't post more than once a day, so if I vote, I can't change my vote later. So while I would've switched my vote after Manix provided evidence for us, I couldn't.

At the time of my post, NL seemed like the best option. We had nothing real to go on except the noobs in the pairs calling out noobs with no reason other than they were "acting scummy". Sure, my vote for NL seems scummy, but if you think about it, it isn't really, considering I can't change my vote once I cast it. Now that I've started my spring break, I actually have time for this game, more. Not much more, but professors like to give homework out that's due the week before spring break. My priority is school first, game later. I make posts and talk to people when I have time.

In answer to the questions posed.

1. Not necessarily. The people who did could be, but they also could not be. Sometimes people don't get on before the day ends, sometimes they don't believe the claims, there are many reasons why someone could've voted NL. Am I saying nobody who voted NL is maf? No. There could very well be scum in there, and we should keep this in mind. But to base a lynch entirely off of this would probably be foolish.

2. It's hard to say, right now. There are multiple roles on the list that could be the person who did this to Manix, but they could be either for good or bad, and assuming anything this early is just going to be harmful.

3&4. I don't know. I just saw that the day was posted. I really haven't had time for this game all too much, and it might be a while before I can make anything close to an educated guess.

Anyways, there's my post for the day. Might not get on too much, I have a busy weekend ahead with St. Patrick's Day and all. Contact me if you need me, I might have time to respond to individual questions, but not anything that requires me to read too deeply into anything.

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Hilariously, now I think about it, you can also use Iris to post for you.

I'm not sure if FTP and Iris count as one person vote-wise. Is it even stated in the rules?

Depending of the answer, I'll want a good explanation from Iris/FTP.

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So uh, isn't deadline in, like, a few hours?

Votals + time would be appreciated so I can get down to business and remember how much progress has been made today. I don't want a NL when we have a scumflip. This game seems to consistently have all the day phases happen when I'm busy or exhausted for school-related reasons, which makes OC difficult.

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Rapier: 1

Shinori: 1

There are about 21 hours left because the phase end is at a different time.

Edited by Centurion
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Oh, that works out conveniently.

So, where are you guys? I haven't seen reason to switch my vote. Shinori's recent posts have seen passive-aggressive and I don't think it looks good that he's not willing to seriously commit to anything.

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Fact is prims is most likely town now that i think about it.

I remember posting that i originally thought she was mafia but i hadn't been thinking properly. I was told by manix to roleblock him, after doing so Manix was still taken away. If the mafia player is indeed the person who stole away manix then it couldn't have been prims.

The only thing i would be worried about would be if there are two mafia left and then theres the possibility prims could be one.

Prims could you perhaps tell us why manix wanted me to roleblock you?

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