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Fala's Hack Reviews


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Hack Name: Fire Red Omega

Original Game: Pokemon Fire Red

Creator: Drayano60

Gameplay Differences: Different ways to evolve your pokes, moves have different stats and so do the 'mons, increased difficulty with the Gym Leader, Elite Four and Champion fights, badass trainers in Cerulean Cave and elsewhere, incorperates ALL Pokemon from Gen. I to III.

Opinion: Even though this hack may have the least amount of work put into it I love it. I can choose what kind of team I want easily. And I like the increased challenge. This hack really doesn't offer all that much content. If you want like a BIG hack that will keep you busy like Light Platinum then this isn't for you. However if you want travel the Kanto region with you favorite Gen II or III poke then by all means go ahead.

Rating: 4/5



Hack Name: Fire Emblem 404

Original Game: FE7

Creator: Mage Knight 404

Gameplay Differences: Every unit is useable, Ingram and the dat Dragon will eat your face, Archers are kind of screwed, and Eliwood isn't made of fail.

Opinion: My first hack I ever played. I love it to this day. My only complaint is that archers are screwed over. Oh and Ray, make it more obvious which characters recruit which. Here's a little reactment...

Me: Which one recruit Kyosuke... Sanger? No. Raymond? Nope. Who... wait a minute I recruited Raphael (or how you spell his name.) the same place I recruit Priscilla so...

Huh. You'd think Ray write this shit down in the readme.

Rating: 3.5/5

Edited by The Fanfic Hunter
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I'd like to see a bit more substance in the reviews if you want to keep this thread up :P:. This doesn't look like anything that wouldn't be more suited as a post in the hacks' respective threads (on whatever forum they originated from, in the case of hacks that don't have a thread here). I am sure there is plenty more to tell us about even a simple hack than what you've provided; those descriptions don't make me think "5/5" at all! A review is generally made to give people a good idea of what to expect of the quality of whatever you're reviewing, the way it is now it looks more like you're just telling the ROM editors "Good job, I like it.".

It's a good thread idea, just expand a bit more so they are actual reviews, rather than a quicklist of ROM hacks you've played :P:.

Edited by Tangerine
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Hack Name: FE4 Inflation

Original Game: FE4

Creator: Binary

Gameplay Differences: EVERYTHING IS BROKEN! The characters are gods with the power to be JUST as effective as a hydrogen bomb. The created weapons are REAP.

The bad guys are also very powerful but against Holsety or Balmung they are nothing... The subs are awesome to play as because when you class change they have multiple choices (So do some of the children like Lester who can choose between Arrow Knight (Ranger) or Master Knight.)

Opinion: While I do like the fact that Mana isn't just a healbot anymore I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE the fact that sometimes this hack is luck based like Chapter 2.

Rating: 4.5/5

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