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Tutorial text slots


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I.e. slots used in the prologue's tutorial events, where it talks to you, makes you attack the bandits and whatnot. Are they usable or should I just avoid them? I just tried and it did some cursor pointing, which I wasn't aware a text slot could do (hardcoded?) but I didn't edit the text yet. I should probably just use a different slot, yeah?

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it could be that you forgot to #define DISABLE_TUTORIALS but...

Try playing with a different text slot; I've never had a problem with that slot (I remember overwriting that exact one, actually)

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All you have to do is define it, right? Or is that an event as well? Cause

// Made by markyjoe1990 of Youtube

// Modified by Nintenlord and further by Camtech


#include EAstdlib.event

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Huh. Alrightty, just checking. Might as well just skip the tutorial slots in general, seeing as you can theoretically have, what, like 65000 text slots? If you expanded it to the max?

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I think I've encountered this once or twice. Some text slots screw up and don't like to be used. You can probably fix it one way or another but I wouldn't bother; unless you plan on becoming a professional writer and have multiple story modes in your hack like the original, I doubt you'll be writing nearly enough text to fill up all the available slots. I know I'm not even close to finishing and TU has a ton of text, and a lot of special cutscenes that have very short "bursts" of text (i.e. places where multiple text slots are used rapidly, and consecutively), so I doubt you'll have anything to worry about.

I should make a note of this in the UT. If only I knew the details/could remember when it mattered...

EDIT: typo

Edited by Strawhat Luffy
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I should make a note of this in the UT. If only I knew the details/could remember when it mattered...

I think that's kinda what he meant here, Sholes... He doesn't remember which ones don't like to be used. Just don't use tutorial spots. They're obvious enough to figure out on their own. It's possible too that around where Eliwood kills Ninian, you have that big long string of text and CGs and stuff. Those could also be like this. Otherwise I can't really think of anything.

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I've only ever had trouble with one ID so far. IDR which exactly, but it's the one that comes before Lyn asks Kent and Sain to move their horses "You're blocking the road". That's good thinking too about the Eliwood/Ninian part, because I don't think you can skip through it unless you press start. You can't scroll it faster either.

This'll probably sound stupid, but make sure you've actually inserted the text and events and saved, because from certain, um, "noobish" experience, that helps. *walks away quietly*

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I'll tell you guys right now... being who I am... I know for a fact that Ninian's little incident are NOT in any way similar to Tutorial Text slots.

It calls an event that makes it so you can't press start and sets the text speed to slow... which is actually MUCH MORE BEARABLE in Japanese... because character sizes and speed of reading the words... etc.

The text itself covers the time delays for you to be able to read the text.

You know, if you look in FEditor... those [......] things.

Those [......] replace what NORMALLY would be a [A]... and other than that, those text slots are pretty much normal.

So it's one big initial wall of text for the first thing... Then an event that checks if you have an A support:


That is Ninian.[.][......]

The girl you loved.[.][......]

The girl you swore to protect.[......][0x02][X]


That is Ninian.[.][......]

The girl who adored you.[......][0x02][X]

Yay variations.

And etc. etc. etc. the scene, Shattered Life playing if you have the A support, CGs, Scripted battle, Nils yelling, blah blah blah.

To see if your text slot doesn't like being used....

Do something simple... like change one word... click apply, and move one text slot forward... move back to it... and if it doesn't change... check your checksum/free space. Usually has something to do with it.

If it's still not fixable... last resort? Manually repointing the pointer for the text index and putting the text there yourself... as if you didn't have a text editor....

Kind of how Arch did it with the Tactician Name (except don't repoint it to memory):

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Do something simple... like change one word... click apply, and move one text slot forward... move back to it... and if it doesn't change... check your checksum/free space. Usually has something to do with it.

I've had this happen before, but usually trying again and hitting apply a few times makes it go through.

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I've had this happen before, but usually trying again and hitting apply a few times makes it go through.

Well, yes. That's what you should do first.

Like I said, if it DOESN'T do the trick, you'll have to repoint the text slot manually.

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Just for the lulz (I still didn't bother editing the text slots yet, for some reason one of my text events isn't working and is getting skipped over, but not the point) this happened using another of those text slots:


I'm sure it'll be fine if I do edit them, but I mean what the hell, lol.

Edit: Kay, yeah, if you edit the slots they work fine.

Edited by Jubby
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