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[FE8] Harry Potter and the Sacred Stones


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Chapter 16: 3 turns

Tana gets the boots beforehand. Also, she gets a few durability statboosters so she isn't killed when she's carrying Eirika. Moulder and his 10 space warp range warps Tana (carrying Eirika) to the throne room. Tana drops Eirika near the throne but not in Orson's range, and then Tana wtfpwns Orson on EP. Even if she didn't kill him on EP, she could finish on PP and Eirika would still seize on turn 3. Eirika's durability sucks, so she almost died.

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Chapter 17: 2 turns

Lol Tana could almost 1 turn this map but she's 1 move short. :( If Moulder had one more warp range then she'd be able to. Anyway, Moulder warps Tana as far as possible, then she moves. Next turn, she kills Lyon.

Chapter 18: 6 turns

Destroyed eggs. Fun shit. Moulder warped both Tana and Franz to different parts of the map so I could get this done a turn faster. Then Moulder trades warp, uses hammerne, yay. Then Moulder warps Ross up to the top. Damn, this is basically free exp.

Chapter 19: 2 turns

Moulder torches so Riev is visible on turn 1. Then Tethys refreshes him. Unfortunately, Tana (while not moved) couldn't be reached by him so she had to move, using her action. Then he warps Tana near the boss. Riev goes down to her the next turn.

Chapter 20: 2 turns

Tana rescues Eirika and moves forward, Tethys refreshes her, then Moulder warps. Tana drops Eirika on a forest tile and stands in front of Morda with a brave lance. She crits him on EP and kills it. Tana then kills a monster blocking Eirika, then Eirika seizes.

Edited by CR-S01
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Final Chapter part 1: 3 turns

Moulder warps Tana over, and then is rescued by Syrene, who is refreshed by Tethys. Then Syrene drops Moulder and she re-moves back to safety. Tana dodges Lyon's attack, leaving 1 range space for Myrrh. She attacks from 2 range, tanks a hit, and crits with a spear. Moulder dodges some iffy hits and rescues Myrrh over. Myrrh gains some wtf levels and finishes Lyon. Would've been 2, but I derped somewhere.

Final Chapter part 2: 1 turn

Tana attacks and crits :awesome: , Myrrh is rescued over by Moulder, she attacks, people attack, etc.

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Well, I did watch a playthrough and a speedrun, does that count?

Moulder and his ridiculous warp range shaved like nearly 10 turns. Ban him too

Eirika: Pretty useless honestly past earlygame. Like, she was pretty blessed early on but started to suck and her speed sucked a lot.


Franz: Amazing. Javelins + him = instant death. He made up my earlygame offense, with a little help from Ross. Also killed a lot of shit during endgame and got like 2 extra levels, which is probably why I took 3 turns.


Tana: Again, amazing. She started off pretty shitty but saved a ton of turns lategame by being able to fly. Her durability was eh so she ended up getting a shield and a robe, but it paid off.


Tethys: dancer/10. Made things kill more things. She was a huge turn saver <3 She danced a shit ton.

Moulder: Warp. He had 10 warp range, which is great. He was promoted ASAP and went bishop. Torching things was quite nice, plus the added healbotting, and really nice offense once promoted, but his main thing was warping. He ate 2 energy rings, but it was well worth it. Plus, no one else on my team needed those energy rings. Also, he's pretty tanky. He was really good for the desert, he got like 3 levels there.


Ross: Pretty good overall. He started to wreck once he promoted to pirate and he grew enough speed to double things. Once he went beserker, everything he touched died. He was a steal, considering who was left. He was the second main hitter until Tana got really good.


Marisa: unrecruited/10. No mug for you

Ewan: derp. Tower trained him, but he still sucked and the most he did was probably destroying eggs


Syrene: She really didn't have a chance to do much since I was basically warpskipping with Tana. But she did help ferry on the final turn, which is something. Also killed eggs


Ephraim: He got some wtf levels and his stats were better than Eir's. He didn't do much except for the desert, where he killed some stuff. But otherwise, not that useful.


Myrrh: killed things and got wtf levels

so, 2+5+5+7+5+5+7+4+6+7+10+4+8+8+2+9+6+3+2+6+2+2+3+1 = 120

120 turns total?

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Redid chapter 9 for an 11 turn. Amelia recruited and towered. She turned out ok. Wyvern knight vanessa is pretty decent although her def leaves much to be desired. Artur who is supposed to be my warper has 8 mag...yeah not looking too good there.

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He sure does. Hes barely better than base...he even gets critted due to only 2 lck...i lost all hope at this point. He isnt getting to warp lol. And if he does, well lets just say he will probably have 5 range...

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Restarted because last time Artur didnt get to Warp in time for Chapter 16 due to my incompetence and because he had like 12 mag anyway lol.

My Team: PKL: Vanessa, Artur, Gerik, Colm, Neimi, Dozla, Amelia, Ewan

Prologue 2/2


Chapter 1 5/7

This comes automatically at this point.

Unit	Lv	Lv	Xp	Hp	St	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv		Support
Eirika	04		79	17	7	10	12	8	4	2	Sword D	

Chapter 2 6/13

Vanessa gets villages. Eirika does most of the work while Vanessa is fed kills including the boss.

Unit	Lv	Lv	Xp	Hp	St	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv		Support
Eirika	06		08	19	8	12	13	9	6	3	Sword C
Vanessa	02		54	18	6	8	12	5	6	6	Lance D	

Chapter 3 8/21

Colm gets the Chest Key. Eirika rushes to the boss with help from the others and she 2RKOs him with her ridiculous Str.

Unit	Lv	Lv	Xp	Hp	St	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv		Support
Eirika	08		33	21	10	14	15	10	7	4	Sword C
Vanessa	03		72	19	7	9	13	5	6	6	Lance D
Neimi	01		48	17	4	5	6	4	3	2	Bow D		Colm C
Colm	02		65	18	4	4	10	8	3	1	Sword E		Neimi C	

Chapter 4 5/26

Pure Water Vanessa rushes to the boss and kills mogalls on the way. Eirika takes the snag with Neimi help. Colm takes the reinforcements while Artur takes on the east.

Unit	Lv	Lv	Xp	Hp	St	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv		Support
Eirika	09		39	22	11	15	16	11	8	5	Sword C
Vanessa	07		18	22	10	11	16	9	8	6	Lance C
Neimi	01		91	17	4	5	6	4	3	2	Bow D		Colm C
Colm	05		09	21	7	5	13	11	5	1	Sword E
Artur	03		41	20	7	6	9	2	2	7	Light E	

Chapter 5 4/30

Vanessa ferries Eirika. Gets the Armorslayer on the way and drops her to her back in Turn 3. In EP, the Soldiers die to Vanessa and Eirika rapiers the boss. Neimi got me the Dracoshield while Artur and Colm teamed up to get some CEXP.

Unit	Lv	Lv	Xp	Hp	St	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv		Support
Eirika	10		20	23	12	16	16	12	8	5	Sword C
Vanessa	08		13	23	11	12	17	9	9	6	Lance C
Neimi	01		91	17	4	5	6	4	3	2	Bow D		Colm C
Colm	06		31	22	8	5	13	11	5	1	Sword D		Neimi C
Artur	04		70	20	8	7	9	2	2	8	Light E

Chapter 5x 7/37

Haarace should be banned.

Chapter 6 3/40

Vanessa rushes to the boss and 2RKOs him. Colm acts as a human torch. Vanessa received the Dracoshield before chapter.

Unit	Lv	Lv	Xp	Hp	St	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv		Support
Eirika	11		21	24	13	17	17	12	9	5	Sword B
Vanessa	10		90	24	13	13	18	9	12	8	Lance C
Neimi	02		34	18	5	6	7	5	3	2	Bow D		Colm C
Colm	06		46	22	8	5	13	11	5	1	Sword D		Neimi C
Artur	05		73	21	8	8	10	2	2	9	Light D

Chapter 7 4/44

Vanessa ferries Eirika. Colm and Neimi get the Pure Water. Artur trains to the east.

Unit	Lv	Lv	Xp	Hp	St	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv		Support
Eirika	12		23	24	13	17	18	12	10	6	Sword B
Vanessa	11		60	25	14	14	19	9	12	8	Lance C
Neimi	02		82	18	5	6	7	5	3	2	Bow D		Colm C
Colm	07		49	23	8	5	14	11	5	2	Sword D		Neimi C
Artur	07		03	22	10	9	12	2	2	10	Light D

Chapter 8 9/53

Shaved a turn by attracting the armor near the elysian whip door with nessie. He SD'd and vanessa was free to open the door. Last time, the armor didnt move and nessie had to KO him and wasted a turn when she could be opening a door. The armor room slowed me down a bit but nothing too bad. Artur got a lot of levels and Neimi had to be rescue by Colm in the 8th turn so she wouldnt die lol. Ephraim protected Kyle (who rescued Forde) from a penalty. Eirika killed Tirado with the Rapier.

Unit	Lv	Lv	Xp	Hp	St	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv		Support
Eirika	14		93	26	15	16	20	14	11	7	Sword B
Vanessa	14		34	27	15	16	20	10	13	8	Lance B
Neimi	04		07	18	5	7	9	6	4	2	Bow D		Colm C
Colm	08		37	24	8	6	14	12	5	2	Sword D		Neimi C
Artur	10		93	23	13	9	12	2	2	12	Light C

Chapter 9 9/62

Much better than last time. Deployed Franz to get Amelia (ferry with Tana). Vanessa flew and got the villages, she then made her way to the boss area. Stood in front of him with a javelin (was a bit risky due to the bowmen but they have terrible hitrates and I only needed one of the 3 to miss to survive due to using Elixir beforehand).

Eirika rushed with Artur's help. Colm stood in the sands to the east with Neimi to attract the bandits there. Neimi stood there but he went to the west to try and help but never reached anything. Eirika parked in the range of the last figher after Franz recruited Amelia.

Unit	Lv	Lv	Xp	Hp	St	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv		Support
Eirika	16		39	27	16	19	20	14	11	7	Sword A
Vanessa	14	03	11	39	19	19	23	10	15	9	Lance A
Neimi	05		55	19	6	8	10	7	4	2	Bow D		Colm C
Colm	09		16	24	8	6	14	13	6	2	Sword D		Neimi C
Artur	12		66	24	15	10	13	3	3	13	Light C
Amelia	01		00	16	4	3	4	6	2	3	Lance E

Chapter 10 3/65

Vanessa ferries Eirika. Kills Pablo and Eirika seizes. The others trained a bit.

Unit	Lv	Lv	Xp	Hp	St	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv		Support
Eirika	16		65	27	16	19	20	14	11	7	Sword A
Vanessa	04		12	39	20	19	24	11	15	10	Lance S
Neimi	06		14	20	6	8	10	7	4	2	Bow D		Colm C
Colm	09		76	24	9	6	14	13	6	2	Sword D		Neimi C
Artur	13	01	00 	28	18	11	13	3	6	16	Light B Staff C
Amelia	07		38	26	14	8	14	17	8	8	Sword E Lance C
Gerik	10	00	BASE

My Eirika is extremely awesome. My Vanessa is wow. Neimi sucks and only proc'd HP in her latest level :/. Colm is meh this time compared to last time. Artur is wtfamazing this time. Amelia is spd screwed and didnt double anything in chapter 10 -_-. Gave the Wing to Gerik and promoted him too. Artur also promoted for Torch spam in ch 11. This time I WILL get to warp without tethys >:@.

Edited by PKL
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Chapter 11 7/72

Vanessa takes the east. Artur spams Torch. Eirika gets the Secret Book.

colm and Neimi help Gerik in the west. While Amelia handles the reinforcements.

Unit	Lv	Lv	Xp	Hp	St	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv		Support
Eirika	16		73	27	16	19	20	14	11	7	Sword A
Vanessa	14	05	42	39	21	20	24	11	15	11	Lance S
Neimi	06		25	20	6	8	10	7	4	2	Bow D		Colm C
Colm	10		67	24	10	7	14	14	6	3	Sword D		Neimi C
Artur	13	01	76	28	18	11	13	3	6	16	Light B Staff C
Amelia	09		62	27	15	9	16	18	9	8	Sword E Lance B
Gerik	10	03	23	37	16	17	17	8	13	6	Sword C Axe D
Dozla	BASE

Chapter 12 8/80

Vanessa flies and gets the Barrier village, sending it to Convoy in Turn 2. Artur spams Barrier. Everyone teams up south to handle the reinforcements. While Vanessa solos the northern portion of the map. Vanessa ended the map with 8 HP due to getting hit by some 20 something display from the giant monster and a spider >_>.

Unit	Lv	Lv	Xp	Hp	St	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv		Support
Eirika	16		89	27	16	19	20	14	11	7	Sword A
Vanessa	14	08	08	40	22	23	26	11	16	13	Lance S
Neimi	07		08	21	6	9	10	8	4	2	Bow C		Colm C
Colm	11		40	24	11	8	15	15	7	3	Sword C		Neimi C
Artur	13	02	50	29	18	12	14	3	7	16	Light B Staff B
Amelia	11		48	27	15	10	17	20	10	8	Sword E Lance B
Gerik	10	03	71	37	16	17	17	8	13	6	Sword C Axe C
Dozla		01	58	43	16	11	9	4	11	6	Axe B

Chapter 13 2/82

Vanessa kills the boss. The others gather CEXP and in the case of artur, spams barrier. He is almost halfway to A.

Unit	Lv	Lv	Xp	Hp	St	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv		Support
Eirika	17		40	28	16	20	20	15	11	7	Sword A
Vanessa	14	09	04	41	23	24	27	12	17	14	Lance S
Neimi	07		95	21	6	9	10	8	4	2	Bow C		Colm C
Colm	11		71	24	11	8	15	15	7	3	Sword C		Neimi C
Artur	13	02	66	29	20	12	14	3	7	16	Light B Staff B
Amelia	11	01	34	28	16	11	19	20	11	10	Sword D Lance B
Gerik	10	04	34	38	17	17	17	8	13	6	Sword C Axe C
Dozla		01	94	43	16	11	9	4	11	6	Axe B
Ewan	05		53	22	9	10	12	10	4	8	Anima C

Chapter 14 8/90

Amelia ferries Eirika while Vanessa opens the way. Artur used unlock as much as he could. Ewan Colm and Neimi got the Energy Ring and Dragonspear.

Dozla tanked cavaliers. L'Arachel recruited Rennac for his member card. Rennac traded it to Amelia but amelia couldnt get there in time before Eirika could seize. So I skipped the Secret Shop.

Artur is like, 2 barriers away from A anyway.

Unit	Lv	Lv	Xp	Hp	St	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv		Support
Eirika	17		76	28	16	20	20	15	11	7	Sword A
Vanessa	14	10	52	42	23	24	27	13	17	14	Lance S
Neimi	08		61	21	6	9	11	8	5	2	Bow C		Colm C
Colm	12		28	25	11	8	15	15	7	3	Sword C		Neimi C
Artur	13	03	77	29	20	12	14	3	8	17	Light B Staff B
Amelia	11	01	62	28	16	11	19	20	11	10	Sword D Lance B
Gerik	10	04	52	38	17	17	17	8	13	6	Sword C Axe C
Dozla		02	37	44	17	11	9	4	11	6	Axe B
Ewan	09		31	26	10	11	12	11	5	12	Anima B

Chapter 15 6/96

The valkyrie blocked the fort with the 2 rangers lol. Eirika and Dozlol handled the pegs. Colm got the Warp and stole hoplon in the same turn then got the silence. Amelia attempted to get the body ring but no luck.

Ephraim got the Master Seal. Vanessa just went down and raepd everything. Valter pierced her I think, since he did like 33 damage. She ended the map in 11 or so HP, never getting hit again. Tana was deployed to ferry

Rennac around. Rennac got the Wyrmslayer and the Swiftsoles. Artur got to A with Mend. Its warp TIME!

Unit	Lv	Lv	Xp	Hp	St	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv		Support
Eirika	18		54	29	16	20	20	16	11	7	Sword A
Vanessa	14	12	82	43	24	25	28	14	17	15	Lance S
Neimi	09		65	22	7	9	12	9	6	3	Bow C		Colm C
Colm	12	01	33	27	12	9	15	15	9	5	Sword C		Neimi C
Artur	13	05	17	31	24	13	15	3	9	18	Light B Staff A
Amelia	11	02	05	29	17	11	19	21	11	10	Sword D Lance A
Gerik	10	06	18	40	17	17	18	9	15	6	Sword B Axe C
Dozla		02	51	44	17	11	9	4	11	6	Axe B
Ewan	10		62	27	10	12	12	11	5	12	Anima B
Ephraim	15		00	30	14	15	16	13	10	4	Lance C

Chapter 16 3/99

Eirika ate a robe before chapter. She also ate a pure water before nessie rescued her. Artur warped Nessie in Turn 1. Myrrh trained.

Turn 2, Nessie drops Eirika and stands in 2 range of Orson with a Silver Lance equipped. 2 Heroes were attracted by Nessie. Eirika was attacked by a Javelin Armor but she dodged.

She also got attacked by the Purge Guy and the Bolting guy but they had terrible hitrates. (bolting had like below 30 and pure had below 45 or so). Nessie got the Hero Crest

and sent the Silver Lance to the Convoy in time for Orson's attack. She missed one of the javelin hits. The others train with the new reinforcements. Then Nessie finished off Orson with the Horseslayer. Eirika seized.

Unit	Lv	Lv	Xp	Hp	St	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv		Support
Eirika	18	01	00	40	18	22	21	16	14	12	Sword S
Vanessa	14	13	82	44	24	26	29	15	17	15	Lance S
Neimi	10		15	22	7	10	13	9	6	4	Bow C		Colm C
Colm	12	01	44	27	12	9	15	15	9	5	Sword C		Neimi C
Artur	13	05	76	31	24	13	15	3	9	18	Light B Staff A
Amelia	11	02	13	29	17	11	19	21	11	10	Sword D Lance A
Gerik	10	06	24	40	17	17	18	9	15	6	Sword B Axe B
Dozla		02	54	44	17	11	9	4	11	6	Axe B
Ewan	10	01	08	31	12	12	12	11	7	14	Anima A Staff D
Ephraim	15	01	00	34	16	18	18	13	12	9	Lance B
Myrrh	05		04	19	6	5	8	4	7	7

Chapter 17 1/100

Artur warps Nessie. Nessie goes and kills Lyon with the Spear.

Unit	Lv	Lv	Xp	Hp	St	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv		Support
Eirika	18	01	00	40	18	22	21	16	14	12	Sword S
Vanessa	14	14	55	44	24	26	29	16	17	16	Lance S
Neimi	10	01	00	24	9	12	14	9	9	7	Sword D Bow C	Colm C
Colm	12	01	44	27	12	9	15	15	9	5	Sword C		Neimi C
Artur	13	06	18	32	25	14	15	4	9	18	Light B Staff A
Amelia	11	02	13	29	17	11	19	21	11	10	Sword D Lance A
Gerik	10	06	24	40	17	17	18	9	15	6	Sword B Axe B
Dozla		02	52	44	17	11	9	4	11	6	Axe B
Ewan	10	01	08	31	12	12	12	11	7	14	Anima A Staff D
Ephraim	15	01	00	34	16	18	18	13	12	9	Lance B
Myrrh	05		04	19	6	5	8	4	7	7

Chapter 18 6/106

Warp Nessie. Warp Eirika. Repair. Warp Gerik. Warp Myrrh. Warp everything craziness @_@. Repaired Warp at end of chapter as precautionary measure.

Also, longbow neimi got the last egg barely in the north. She shaved a turn! I dont regret drafting her now.

Unit	Lv	Lv	Xp	Hp	St	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv		Support
Eirika	18	04	01	43	20	22	22	17	15	13	Sword S
Vanessa	14	16	80	45	24	27	29	16	17	16	Lance S
Neimi	10	03	50	25	10	13	15	11	10	8	Sword D Bow C	Colm C
Colm	12	01	94	27	12	9	15	15	9	5	Sword C		Neimi C
Artur	13	08	26	33	25	14	17	5	9	20	Light B Staff A
Amelia	11	03	42	30	18	12	20	21	11	10	Sword D Lance A
Gerik	10	07	74	41	17	17	19	10	15	6	Sword B Axe B
Dozla		03	10	45	18	11	10	4	11	6	Axe B
Ewan	10	02	25	31	12	13	12	11	7	15	Anima A Staff D
Ephraim	15	02	10	35	17	18	19	14	12	10	Lance B
Myrrh	07		09	22	8	7	9	4	11	8

Chapter 19 1/107

Colm lights a torch. (this doesnt actually reveal Riev but lets Artur warp further). Artur warps Nessie. She parks next to Riev and he SD's.

Unit	Lv	Lv	Xp	Hp	St	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv		Support
Eirika	18	04	01	43	20	22	22	17	15	13	Sword S
Vanessa	14	17	30	46	24	27	29	17	17	16	Lance S
Neimi	10	03	50	25	10	13	15	11	10	8	Sword D Bow C	Colm C
Colm	12	01	95	27	12	9	15	15	9	5	Sword C		Neimi C
Artur	13	08	68	33	25	14	17	5	9	20	Light B Staff A
Amelia	11	03	42	30	18	12	20	21	11	10	Sword D Lance A
Gerik	10	07	74	41	17	17	19	10	15	6	Sword B Axe B
Dozla		03	10	45	18	11	10	4	11	6	Axe B
Ewan	10	02	25	31	12	13	12	11	7	15	Anima A Staff D
Ephraim	15	02	10	35	17	18	19	14	12	10	Lance B
Myrrh	07		09	22	8	7	9	4	11	8

Chapter 20 3/110

Warp Myrrh. Destruction ensues. Turn 2, Warp Nessie (who is carryin Eirika). Nessie drops her in a way that no 2 range enemies will get in the way of morva. Myrrh kills the Eye dude that attacks from afar.

Turn 3, Max HP Vanessa Vidofnir pierces Morva and Eirika seizes. Artur repaired Warp. The others trained.

Unit	Lv	Lv	Xp	Hp	St	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv		Support
Eirika	18	04	30	43	20	22	22	17	15	13	Sword S
Vanessa	14	18	03	47	24	27	29	17	17	16	Lance S
Neimi	10	03	80	25	10	13	15	11	10	8	Sword D Bow C	Colm C
Colm	12	01	95	27	12	9	15	15	9	5	Sword C		Neimi C
Artur	13	09	72	33	25	14	18	5	9	20	Light B Staff S
Amelia	11	03	42	30	18	12	20	21	11	10	Sword D Lance A
Gerik	10	08	00	42	17	17	19	10	15	6	Sword B Axe A
Dozla		03	40	45	18	11	10	4	11	6	Axe B
Ewan	10	02	35	31	12	13	12	11	7	15	Anima A Staff D
Ephraim	15	02	43	35	17	18	19	14	12	10	Lance B
Myrrh	16		20	34	15	15	15	9	20	8

Final Chapter 1 3/113

Warp Pure Water Myrrh. Then warp Vanessa to help. Eirika trained to the east. Myrrh got Lyon.

Unit	Lv	Lv	Xp	Hp	St	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv		Support
Eirika	18	06	22	45	21	23	23	18	18	14	Sword S
Vanessa	14	18	40	47	24	27	29	17	17	16	Lance S
Neimi	SAME
Artur	13	10	56	33	25	14	19	5	9	20	Light B Staff S
Amelia	SAME
Gerik	SAME
Dozla	SAME
Ephraim	SAME
Myrrh	20		--	39	19	18	18	1	20	8

Final Chapter 2 1/114

Vanessa pierced and doubled with Vidofnir for 72 damage. Myrrh hit him for 43. Eirika finished him off.



Unit Opinions:

Eirika- Freaking ridiculous as hell. She lost steam in midgame due to not seeing combat and she required a robe

to survive Chapter 16. Still, Im amazed at how good she turned out in this one.

Vanessa- Oh Vanessa. Why are you so amazing? Definetely the MVP of the run. She saves so many turns and only costs some in Chapter 8

to get her whip. She rewarded me for those turns with amazing combat and flight. 10/10 would draft again.

Neimi- I cant complain. She had her clutch moments. Like 7 move Longbow in Chapter 18 (which shaved a turn).

Not so bad really. She just sucked a bit due to me focusing kills on Artur.

Colm- eh, last run, he was amazing. This time he was lol.

Artur- his amazing mag blessing made a lot of things possible. Last time, he had like 12 mag as a bishop.

This time he was the complete opposite.

Amelia- eh, she got spd screwed as a trainee haha. But she was amazing once she promoted. She ferried Eirika in C14. Cant complain.

Gerik- he was almost at base in endgame >.> and never got to Garm. But his amazing combat made C11 less of a pain and he killed Caellach

in 15 so, hes cool.

Dozlol- he had peak-walking for C12 but after that he was eh.

Ewan- would never draft again. He was free but he was such a liability that I would prefer he wasnt.

Ephraim- sucky as always. He always ends up really bad in all my playthroughs.

Myrrh- Couldnt have done it without her. 10/10

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