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Times You Cheated in FE


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Well, I've done some actual cheating in my current FE7 run. First I had it memory hacked to bring back Priscilla after I forgot to recruit her so I could get Raven and Lucius and now I'm looking into Codebreaker codes to magic up an Elysian Whip for Farina because I sold, missed or lost all the other Eysian Whips and Earth Seals... Including the one in her joining chapter... ._.

Why would you bring Priscilla back I thought you hated Troubadours.
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Mine glitch.

It's fun having Canas and Rebecca level up by killing off unarmed soldiers.

Also. Using Gameshark and Action Replay codes to hack in items and junk in FE7-9.


It's awesome.

Although I'm pretty sure that hacking in Rexflame killed my Game Cube because lava everywhere.

Rest in peace Platinum Game Cube. :<


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I only really cheat when I can use things like save states, battle saves, and resetting for good level ups in Radiant Dawn (only reason why I had a Ike that could fufill the requirements for the Ike's memory scene, and why I had a Heather with 26 strength by endgame, and had a Meg that could actually fight well). I need to cut down, or just plain stop save stating, because I do it a lot. Other than those, nothing. I don't believe in editing the game itself to change the classes, weapons, etc.

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I'm a ROM/RAM hacker. I cheat all the time :P

Most memorable one?

This one.

That... was awesome

*Insert Kaitlin's Yawn*

It would have been better with Mia or Zihark. Cuz Eddie sucks.

I've done the Krisheenu glitch twice in TearRing Saga, where it allows you to duplicate lots of items like Plus Potions, Luna Sword, Rukuud, Goddess Shield, Master Axe/Lance/Sword, etc.



FE1(NES)-Used savestates to analyze the arena and who to pit in against certain enemies. As some of the bets are actually death traps. Savestates needed to do this, as there are no exits in the arenas in this game.



FE4-Need I say more...

Astra Aless


Thorhammer Tinni


FE5-Elite Moded a few times.

FE6-Done the Fire Dragonstone glitch in Chapter 23 to make Fazilla thrash about. xD

FE7-Mine Glitch for Purge, Brave Sword, Light Sword, Aura and Uber Spear.

Uber Spear-Know how that's done.

Purge-Mine glitched in Chapter 30E/32H to get a Hero to step on the mine while having Merlinus by Bishop Renault's temple down south by the bridge and got the Bishop with Purge and Aura to merch it in Merlinus' tent.

Brave Sword-Chapter 32XH Normal Mode. This will only work in Normal Mode. Just have the General with the Dorr Key spoil pass it over with the Hero that has the Brave Sword. Then defeat the General to get the Sword.

Light Sword-In Cog Of Destiny just pass over the Iron Rune to an enemy unit by Linus/Lloyd by moving the enemy unit by the boss to strip it off him. Then you steal the Iron Rune and defeat the boss to get both items.




FE11-Used cheat codes to get Imhullu, Mage Stone, 99 of each stat up items, every Falchion version. All of the Brave Weapons and Elysian Whip. Using Imhullu on Lena and Gotoh is alot of fun as no harm can come to them. =) And Tiki can use the Magestone making it invaluable in Gharnef's chapter. Using the stat up items in the Final Chapter to get everyone their stat caps. The Brave Weapons by the way are invaluable in the harder difficulty settings. And seeing a Falcoknight for once is really nice. Made Shiida, Catria, and Est into them. =) If your going to use cheat codes in this game. Do it for these items.


FE13-Haven't played.

Tear Ring Saga-Used Krisheenu glitch to duplicate Luna Swords, a Moonlight tome, and especially the plus potions. =)

The Krisheenu Glitch

Edited by リンダ
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I'm a ROM/RAM hacker. I cheat all the time :P

Most memorable one?

This one.

Hoooo boy that was you? I LOVE that video, too cool.

Anyway, the only cheating i've ever done is BEXP abuse for my favorite characters.

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Tried out the mine glitch for fun, but didn't use it to actually cheat.

Also used the lava glitch to give every magic user in my longest FE8 playthrough dark magic. It was funny to have Moulder become a Bishop with S-rank Dark Magic. Or turning the pure L'Arachel into a follower of the dark side XD

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Savestates definitely. My first time using an emulator I abused the living hell out of them to get all my units to absolute perfection. But once I realized that all my units were so strong that the game was no longer being a challenge, I realized I had to cut down on it. So in my more recent play through 7(and now 6 and 8), I use them a lot less often, but I'm always tempted to when a unit gets a horrible level up, or enemies proceed to do things that I never planned them to. I still use them, just not as absurdly often as before.

I don't know if they count as much as cheating, but I'm also guilty of grinding exp. off non-moving bosses and arena absusing(though Im trying to make my first FE6 walkthrough arena-free). And I use the mine glitch to take Vaida's Uber Spear, and the forced-action breaker to give Wallace's Knight Crest to Sain in normal mode.

Finally, I'm a ROM hacker, so I'm sure that counts.

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Savestates, so much of it. I'm capable enough to not need them anymore in the GBA titles, but I still do it out of habit. And have fun beating Lunatic Reverse without savestates.

I tried the Mine glitch once (to train Nino) and didn't like it. It's a lot more entertaining to train her while facing swarms of enemies.

I buffed Fir's strength growth in one of the games a while back. It didn't actually have much effect since she still needs to get off those bases.

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