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Times You Cheated in FE


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Whether it's through Gameshark, Codebreaker, AR, Mine Glitch, or whatever, tell us about the times you cheated in FE.

The most memorable one for me was giving Merlinus access to all weapon types and maxing out his stats. That was really awesome and fun. I even put him in an arena team on my FE6 file.

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Basically the mine glitch in FE7. I never use it nowadays, but when I did, it was usually the Nabata chapter, and I used it to have every enemy drop their weapons.

Oh and hooking Celice up with Julia. I actually have a playthrough where I'm testing out the other method of doing so.

Edited by Little Al
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I never used cheats, but I finished Radiant Dawn and almost done with Path of Radiance and Shadow Dragon and halfway to The Sacred Stones on the 3DS Virtual Console.

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I once used an experience cheat to see how many levels it would take for Marcus to cap everything with his natural growths. I got bored after he hit level 50.

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I use save state a lot for the GBA games, which is pretty much cheating.

I've used some glitches in FE8 creature campain, but I don't find that cheating.

and last, I've made a few hacks. powering up the sage class (enemies as well) and giving bows 3-10 range/-30% hit were my 2 favorite hacks. but that isn't cheating, it's completely changing the game.

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Unavoidably using savestates whenever I play on an emulator. Increasing Lugh's speed to 20 so I wouldn't have to restart a chapter in HM, then realising I couldn't put it back to normal. RNG abuse :(

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Whether it's through Gameshark, Codebreaker, AR, Mine Glitch, or whatever, tell us about the times you cheated in FE.

I'm a ROM/RAM hacker. I cheat all the time :P

Most memorable one?

This one.

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Well, I used the enemy control glitch in FE8 to get Myrrh Wretched Air, Ravager and Demon Light. You know, creature campaign would be so much better if you wouldn't have so many resources you can't restock. Not to mention that most encounters usually make you actually loose money because there is no good loot to make up for your weapon usage.

I also tried cheating in Binary to make Altenna reappear after killing her in chapter 8. She initially spawned in chapter 9 because of a cutscene so I thought she was fine but disappeared I loaded and the game remembered she wasn't actually there. However, that one hasn't worked out yet.

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Not really cheating but in FE4 once, I used codes to pair everybody with Alec. Funnily enough, Sylvia was the only one which didn't work.

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Not really cheating but in FE4 once, I used codes to pair everybody with Alec. Funnily enough, Sylvia was the only one which didn't work.

I did that once, to pair Celice and Yuria up. I ended up pairing Shanan with himself by mistake; the castle conversation was... unusual.

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I almost always play these games on emulators, and I tend to use savestates... a lot. I've been trying to cut down on that these days.

I've tried out the mine glitch before, but never ended up doing it seriously. However, I got the boss to say his dialogue to a tree. That was amusing.

Also, the Fa dragonstone glitch. On that note, I actually made a simple hack of FE6 to give the dragonstone and the Sword of Seals infinite uses. However, I've never played the hack, because I felt that it would be cheating, and that would take all the fun out of it. How ironic.

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Do savestates count? Because if so, I am very guilty of using those. Trying to cut down the number of times I use savestates now, but before hand I used to use them all the time.

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I used the lava tile glitch in my CC file to give Moulder dark magic.

modified to suit my particular scenario

I always RNG-abuse the fuck out of the final run to Barhara in FE4 so that Celice will land his necessary 5/6 ~60%s and kill Meng's hitsquad.

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Mine glitch Port of Badon and for the Uber Spear, and umm....

Shoot, I guess I don't cheat outside of in-game glitchery (which if it is already there, I don't really consider it a cheat, hence the term /glitch/)

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i don't generally cheat unless i emulate the games where i use savestates if i own the game on console/handheld i don't cheat at all i only used the mine glitch twice .unless bexp abusing in fe9 count as cheating cause after a couple playthroughs i abused ike with bexp to max every single stat and let him solo every chapter after he promotes( pain in the ass getting his mag maxed )

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