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[FE8] 0% Growths Draft


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Chapter 20: 4 turns

Syrene ferries Eirika, Duessel Garms Morva to death. Warp squad warps people. Other people distract enemies, I guess. Seth was warped to help out.

Final 1: 4 turns

Pseudo-emulated dondon's strategy except it took a turn longer, used Lute as my 7 mov warper, and Joshua died via reinforcements. oops. Rescue and warp shenanigans are nice. I don't have pierce, though, so I needed to rig GHaar'm crits from Duessel.

Final 2: 3 turns

Duessel 5HKOs with Garm!

Unit         HP   Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res   Class
Eirika       20   6    10   10   5    6    6     Great Lord
Seth         37   16   13   14   13   15   8     Paladin
Franz        23   9    6    9    2    8    2     Great Knight
Lute         20   8    7    7    8    5    7     Mage Knight
Joshua       29   10   13   14   7    7    3     Swordmaster
Saleh        30   16   18   14   11   8    13    Sage
Tethys       18   1    2    12   10   5    4     Dancer
Ewan         19   5    3    9    5    2    8     Summoner
Duessel      48   19   14   14   8    17   9     Great Knight
Knoll        24   12   10   11   0    3    13    Summoner
Syrene       27   12   13   15   12   10   12    Falcoknight
Ephraim      27   10   12   13   8    9    7     Great Lord

meh I don't care to log levels, probably messed up on stats, half-asleep

Total turns: 124, unless I derped somewhere (which I probably did)

Yep, I derped, it's 126

Edited by CR-S01
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I need advice ^^' idk how to distribute stat boosts. I have 2 angelic robes, 1 goddess icon, 1 dragonshield, 1 energy ring, and 1 secret book.

here are my character Stats

Lord-Eirika lvl 13.32 16hp 4str 8skl 9spd 5lck 3def 1res B-swords Supports: C-Seth

PegasusKnight-Tana lvl 13.18 20hp 7str 9skl 13spd 8lck 6def 7res B-lance Supports: C-Innes

Dancer-Tethys lvl 6.40 18hp 1str 2skl 12spd 10lck 5def 4 res Supports: C-Gerik

Paladin-Seth lvl 13.55 30hp 14str 13skl 12spd 13lck 11def 8res A-swords, S-lances Supports: C-Eirika

GreatKnight-Gilliam lvl 8.02 28hp 11str 7skl 5spd 3lck 11def 4res B-lances, S-swords, D-axes

Bishop-Artur lvl 4.39 22hp 8mag 7skl 8spd 2lck 5def 8res A-light, A-Staves

Warrior-Ross lvl 3.26 20hp 8str 4skl 4spd 8lck 7def 3res B-axes C-Bows Supports: C-Gerik

Sniper-Innes lvl 4.99 31hp 14str 13skl 15spd 14lck 10def 9res S-bows Supports: C-Tana

Hero-Gerik lvl 4.56 36hp 15str 15skl 17spd 8lck 12def 6res B-swords B-Axe Supports: C Ross, C-Tethys

Shaman-Ewan lvl 1.00 16hp 5mag 2skl 6spd 5lck 1def 5res D-Dark

I haven't gotten Duessel yet ^^'. I was going to give the speedwing to Seth but I gave it to Gerik instead because of his superior stats. Gerik, and Seth do all the hard work. Gilliam is a decent wall, Tana is good help, the rest are finishers or chippers but die really quick so I'd rather avoid using on them. Or maybe I should consider giving energy rings Artur for warping? I just finished chapter 12, this is the hardest draft i've ever done ;3;.

Edited by Queen_Emelina
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Don't give your energy rings to Artur, I think it's a waste, IMO. Duessel can 5HKO with it, I think, Formotiis with Garm. Maybe Gerik can use it since he can double with Garm, idk, but I wouldn't use those on a warper.

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Nah, Duessel's not fast enough. Even if you give him both speedwings, which you can't now, he has 21 speed with Garm which still isn't enough. Gerik has 22 speed with garm against 19 speed right now, so if you give him the other speedwing he could double Morty.

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