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This snowman wants to be a lawyer... err... Judge...


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Silver Harpoon

At first; we kinda synchronize well; since you're crazy and I'm lulzy all the way.

Now, since you happen to like some of my favorite units; you're getting more plus points!

And to find out that you're part Filipino in the maternal side (Irish IIRC if paternal side); OHAI there another dude from the same Asian lineage as me! More Plus Points!

Overall? I can stay around for more shenanigans; you're okay in my book!

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Probably in terms of encounter rate; we bump into each other in many websites barring SF.

Now, for the start; we didn't mind each other much until the Forum Games went into the state of moot and madness; YAY! Oh; and later on... I found out you like Axes; particularly "Axes on a Pony" *cough*Kieran*cough*; and we became friends; YAY!

Now, personality-wise; I like it how you keep yourself cool especially in an argument I can't usually stomach; also the way you deal with pressure-inducing stuff is marvelous in my books.

You're pretty up high in this tier; ya' know...

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What makes you think that?

Your likes; usually an avid watcher or lover any funny videos such as YTP's or parodies usually give off as a Jolly first impression.



You are the resident Mia fanboy when I first landed in here.

Yeah, sure... We may not be interacting that often; but from your posts; you're a pretty funny fella; and that is plus points in my books. You also lurk and pop up in the IP Chat and start to cause any lulzy shenanigans which is more plus points; of course.

Even though we haven't interacted often unless in IP Chat; you still leave a good impression on me.

So; you're pretty high up in my tier.

Edited by Frostbite
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