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This snowman wants to be a lawyer... err... Judge...


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I'll be the first one.


All I know, is that I see you in the forum games; I'd really look forward if you bother IP Chat. First impression; you're the jolly type of person; and that's what I'm kind of envious of.... Later on; you seem to be a nice dude, overall. So I guess; I'll be okay with you, despite of us rarely interacting often.

For some odd reason; your signature makes me envision you as a dude wearing that hooded Arctic coat and sliding down either icy or snowy slopes while saying "WEEEEE!"

Edited by Frostbite
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Go ahead!


Avid gamer; you show up often in the forum games; back then I didn't interacted with you, until I bothered claiming Shauntal and Caitlyn from Pokemon. Anyways; you seem to be a decent fellow overall despite of the fact we rarely interacted.

Oh, and at least you can understand my reasons in having an odd taste of game characters from the series you are into; judging from our recent interaction.

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Back then, we kinda disagreed in a certain Hurt n' Heal (Don't mind, I can get very creepy in a HnH), resulting to a crazy mess. Later on; you aren't bad as it seems; you seem nice. Also, in that one IP Chat session I had; you are probably the first spriter to see me splice my first stuff; and that was way back when I have virtually no self-esteem.

Hence, I consider you Okay...

I want my bike back. :<


First, we didn't know much each other... Then we caused a crazy amount of shenanigans in the Forum Games (YAY!); probably among the first bunch of people I had friends with; you're probably in that list.

Also; you seem to have noticed how "magical" my brain can get with so many stuff; since I unleashed that crazy but old Balcony Shove of Doom!

Plus points for being funny; especially if it has something to do with Grl Stealrz and Biek Stealrz; also PINGAS!

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With me and Spectakittysaurus; we form the h4x dinosaur triangle attack.

Back then; you showed up at IP Chat; and seen me as someone who's trying to climb high (which is true since I was often being underestimated by many people in my residing area), then suddenly I whipped out one of my stuff and seen the potential in me; which kinda sparked a positive aura in my mind.

Later on; we had shenanigans involving reclassing and things named Axe-fests and red-head madness which was so funny; it actually made me roll on the floor! Those moments were priceless!

Additional points for liking Game OST's and having like... a billion of them!

What can I say? You're pretty high up on my list; and that is a good sign.

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Go ham


We haven't interacted much; but since you show up at IP Chat and Forum Games; and I got some immediate positive remarks about you... I guess we'll go along just fine.

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Hey. Do you know me well enough?


Let's see... I haven't known you that much; but I bump into you at the Forum Games; you have a liking for Rath (YAY! Cause he's on a Pony) and Tormod (Cause he's just fun to poke fun on) which scores plus points.

Oh; and you seem to be quite okay in my books; since we already met at IP Chat.

Now; continue your Forum Game shenanigans; I guess we'll get along well.

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With me and Spectakittysaurus; we form the h4x dinosaur triangle attack.

Back then; you showed up at IP Chat; and seen me as someone who's trying to climb high (which is true since I was often being underestimated by many people in my residing area), then suddenly I whipped out one of my stuff and seen the potential in me; which kinda sparked a positive aura in my mind.

Later on; we had shenanigans involving reclassing and things named Axe-fests and red-head madness which was so funny; it actually made me roll on the floor! Those moments were priceless!

Additional points for liking Game OST's and having like... a billion of them!

What can I say? You're pretty high up on my list; and that is a good sign.

Tri attack tier~! The force...it just keeps producing more force!

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Good to know I've made a positive impression on you, at least. :P:

You have a pretty nice taste in characters, dear...

asdf hit me with your best shot!


At first; I was like WTF when you enter IP Chat; cause I was a shrinking violet back then.

Eventually; after surfin' through some of your posts; you are a quirky and hilarious person; oh sure... Some people may disagree of your quirkiness; but to me; being quirky and hilarious scores plus points.

I would usually read some of your posts and LOL; since it brightens up my day.

Now, I can say this, You are okay in my books.

Tri attack tier~! The force...it just keeps producing more force!


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FROSTY! Get to know Helios and Boron. Or veggies.


Way back before when I was not so socially-inclined, we didn't really mix well...

Eventually, after being in the IP Chat; asking all stuff about FE11 and how to go around places and cause trouble on Gharnef and Medeus; and talking stuff about characters and their hilarious shenanigans; and also some of my artsy stuff (which IDK if I'm improving; but whatever).

And that was the beginning of the good friendship!

Oh; and at some point; to make things really hilarious! While turbo-lurking and happy-haunting at FEPlanet; you started out the crazy trend of throwing veggies and fruits at people's faces or to unleash chaos, destruction and immeasurable amounts of hilarity by sending your army of killer fresh produce! You also get my commendation for having the most entertaining FEP chat logs ever!

Also; I like your posts here at SF; they're golden! You're a fun and smart lady to be with; and I really enjoyed every hilarious moment when you whip up your shenanigans!

You happen to also like a fair number of characters which I also like; so additional points! YAY!

Tee hee~!

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We haven't interacted much; but since you show up at IP Chat and Forum Games; and I got some immediate positive remarks about you... I guess we'll go along just fine.

Haha. As long as you don't spam paladins down my face, we should get along just fine xD.

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Ah, thanks~! I hope to have more amazing FETO battles with you, and maybe give you some cool beverage ideas~!

My pleasures! I'll look forward to that since a certain occasion might pop in soon at May!

Hi Frosty

Luster Purge/Proto

Okay, you are by far the friendliest person I've met from the start.

After you saw my rather negative opening post in that art thread that I haven't updated yet cause I need to finish so many stuff; you came by and asked why am I like that; and so I stated my reasons; hence that left a positive impression that you're a friendly face.

Now, onward to IP Chat during my little casual sketch-time... You actually kept me in line; by keeping my mind inspired and be left undamaged by my depression attacks which were more blatant back then.

After the first impression; then how you kept me in line and make sure I ain't facing the negative side of my mind.

You're pretty high up in my list.

These are fun. Maybe I should make one.


At first; you seem serious; when I first saw you pop up at IP Chat; hence I was a bit intimidated; since I was a shrinking little violet back then.

Eventually; I get to see more about you. It seems you have a more versatile state of life hence allowing you to enjoy every bit of its moment; which I was sort of jealous of since I often feel down and problematic often.

I can see mostly in your posts; that you can blend well with the crowd and be well-versed in socializing with many people.

Hence; you seem to be a nice guy in my books; wished to have interacted with you more often.

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