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fe7 HNM, Barte theme draft.


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Quick folks, free Renault and Karel or not :p

Also, can't c&p on phone.

Oh yeah, having half of the units prior to ch14 is nice.


Now, I think Geitz gets a Bartre support.

(Its late, I'm bushed, and IRL life has gone complete apeshit)

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I'm all right either way.

Edit: Also, Geitz does not get Bartre support. Bartre supports Canas, Karla, Dorcas, Renault, and Raven.

Edited by Jihyun
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This is probably a stupid question with an obvious answer that I am most likely overthinking, but is Marcus banned at the start of Ch15, or is it after Ch14 begins?

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5-Boron-Fiora, Rath, Canas, Guy,Dart,Jaffar

WTF ... Joker, I drafted Karel, not Jaffar. Which means that JAFFAR is the undrafted unit, not Karel!

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If people waste turns getting the Karla paired ending, because the support takes longer than 20 turns :p

Did U see wut I did thar folks?

Actually, it could be possible to use the Karla paired ending to lose some turns. In Ch31x, you have five turns to do shopping and recruit Karla. If you can recruit Karla on the first turn, you get five turns of supporting for a total of 25 points at the end. It still works if you recruit Karla at turn 2. Now on Ch32, it will take 15 turns for them to raise their support rank if she is recruited on turn 1, and 16 turns for turn 3. It takes 14/15 turns to raise the points, and 1 to converse. Now if they go to Ch32x, you can stick them next to each other for the time it takes to reach B support. You can them leave them next to each other to still raise points to 76 points (because they can't converse twice for two supports with each other). As the page on Serenes says on the Blazing Sword support page with more detailed info, units can still raise the points, they just can't create another conversation to rank up. Now on the final chapter, take a turn to keep them together for those last 4 points, and next turn they can reach A support for at most 19 turns, and don't forget, you said that Gaiden maps don't add to turn count. Which is good for the approx. 39 turns in 32x. If I counted something wrong, please tell me, though I believe it all checks out.

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Well, The Joker hit a wall in his personal life. He told me in a PM that "things are going badly" so that may be why he's not responding.

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Banned unit leftovers.

Oh, I've logged it in the main thread.

And indeed, I'm in a bit of trouble irl. "Familiarity breeds contempt" is the perfect term for what I'm dealing with here -_- blasted homestuck family life.

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Yeah, made sure when I logged it in main thread.

Also, ch11 gem costs turns


And Oswin slows down by ch17, but if he promotes by ch18/17x, he makes 17x a hell of a lot easier.

Erk makes desert easy, and allowed me to 6 turn it. 14 mag/17 spd and thunders.

Heath procced spd and doubles with spear. Barrier!Heath took the north.

So, I've gotten to ch23x now and will log when I have PC access.

(Maybe on saturday)

But Bartre is solid so far, Serras gottem meh magic but w/e

14/1 Rebecca is nice but mine is skl screwed. 12 skl at 14/1 is wtf. 15 str/spd is nice though.

So basically, I'm getting Geitz, and noones getting rng cursed. Oswin is so clutch for me here.

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Ive just started Ch.15 and so far so good

Barte,Dorcas,and Hector are doing good damage but having hit problems against sword users

Eliwood is decent

Sucks that Marcus is banned for me though, he was useful in getting ltc

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's about time I got started on this draft ...

First things first: I create a female tactician named Leeta, with thunder affinity as per the rules.

Unit analysis time!

Fiora: Draft her for desert, magical resistance, chapter 25, blah blah ...

Rath: Rath is Rath, I always draft him, you know the drill by now.

Canas: I need a healer. He also conveniently supports Bartre.

Guy: Earlygame, plus I like using him. He supports Rath and is awesome.

Dart: He turned out okay the last time I had him in a draft.

Karel: I think Karel is the guy I draft when I don't want anyone else who's left.

Chapter 11 - 6/6

I finished this chapter in six turns for the first time! But honestly, I don't think I'll do it again even if it saves a turn. I had to skip the Red Gem and Hector lived only due to a lucky miss on Wire's part. It's too unreliable. :/:

Chapter 12 - 5/11

Oh, look -- I get Eliwood, Marcus, and the star of our show in this chapter. And guess who's already starting to suck? Why ... the star of our show, of course. -_- Good grief, Bartre. Eliwood and Bartre cleaned up the bottom, while Marcus rushed up and helped Hector out. Hector got boss-kill, after Marcus weakened the guy.

Chapter 13 - 9/20

And speaking of Guy ... I get him this chapter! Did a few crazy things, like have Dorcas trade his axe to Hector while Oswin trades his javelin to Lowen and Lowen traded the javelin to Marcus, who went down by himself. The star of our show goes off to Merlinus' village himself, killing two pegasus knights on the way (and getting speed!), while Matthew recruits Guy and the other three kill stuff. Also, enemies are stupid and insist on suiciding themselves on Marcus and not Hector. Boss defeated on turn 8. Seized on turn 9.

Chapter 13x - 20

Standard 7 turn defend chapter. This is a bit easier with an additional earlygame unit (Bartre). Lowen rescued Merlinus, while Marcus made a run towards the 5000 gold village. Guy defended the lower part of the map himself and Bartre did what he could. Hector is getting a lot of speed, but his strength is not going up nearly as fast. Got a few weird level ups. Bartre unfortunately did next to nothing of use on this map.

Also, apparently gaiden chapters don't add to turncount. :dry:

Edited by Jihyun
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