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fe7 HNM, Barte theme draft.


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DarkShuyin: Only chapers 23x and 28x don't add to the turncount. The rest of the gaidens do.

Chapter 14 - 7/27

I had to restart a previous run because a stupid pegasus knight flew out of Bartre's reach to retreat. :dry: Who's bright idea was it to put overseas forts in this chapter anyway? I somehow complete the chapter in 7 turns, buy a few vulneraries, and get Bartre two speed level ups. I missed the iron blade village and the chance to buy weapons, though. angry.gif

Chapter 15 - 7/34

Defense chapter of doom. Hector and Eliwood almost died. Merlinus DID die. The throne almost got taken, but I moved Guy onto the throne and the enemy mercenary was stupid and kept on attacking Merlinus. Hector takes a ton of damage from Sealen and can't 2HKO him. This is a first. :dry: Bartre is stealing everyone's RNG luck.

Edited by Jihyun
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... It does? Well ... must've misread something then. :/:

... Well. :facepalm: It does say that. It should probably be bolded, since that's not how gaidens are typically treated.

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Chapter 16 - 9/43

Lost the Red Gem village. Attempted to train Lyn. Had characters be swarmed by enemies. Kent, Wil, and Sain helped a little. Hector got boss-kill on turn 8 and seized on turn 9.

Chapter 17 - 12/55

This chapter is always a pain for me. I couldn't do it any faster without losing turns. Couldn't get the Hero Crest because it cost turns and Matthew isn't mine. :dry: Hector got boss-kill again.

Chapter 17x - 55 (7)

Got all the villages. Lyn sucks. Guy doesn't. Recruited Canas, who got a lucky speed level-up on his first level-up, allowing him to double something. Decided not to spend times even though this chapter doesn't count. I don't have the patience for it.

Unit     Level     HP   ST   SK   SP   LC   DF   RS
Hector   19.96     36   18   10   14   07   16   09
Eliwood  13.52     27   08   10   11   12   09   02
Lyn      07.27     19   07   10   12   07   02   02
Bartre   09.68     34   12   08   09   06   06   02
Guy      11.34     29   08   14   17   08   06   05
Canas    09.68     22   10   09   09   07   05   08

As you can plainly see, Hector is my best unit. :dry: Guy's lagging in strength, otherwise he'd be golden. Lyn, you put your people to shame.

Also, just realized that Bartre and Canas are at the same level, with the exact same experience. :XD:

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Chapter 18 - 4/59

Guy stayed behind to clean up enemies on the right side of the boat. Canas, Eliwood, Lyn, and Bartre charged the other side and killed Zoldam. Bartre and Canas are stealing everyone's RNG lucks. :lol:

Chapter 19 - 10/69

Took longer than it should've because Lyn can't double Uhai and didn't crit. She was the only one who could kill him fast enough, because Hector had to rescue Florina after she recruited Fiora. Dart and Fiora made this chapter a lot easier though. I should draft Dart more often.

Chapter 19x - 69 (13)

Could have finished sooner, but because gaiden chapters don't count for the final turncount I delayed about three turns to get Canas and Fiora some experience. Canas is awesome, I'm telling you. He doubles, he lives, he dodges ... he hits like a boss! Skipped Renault's village.

Unit     Level     HP   ST   SK   SP   LC   DF   RS
Hector   20.00     37   18   10   15   07   16   10
Eliwood  15.56     27   09   12   12   13   10   02
Lyn      10.87     22   08   13   13   08   02   03
Bartre   12.63     37   14   09   11   07   07   02
Guy      15.42     33   11   15   20   09   06   06
Canas    14.33     26   13   11   12   07   07   12
Dart     11.54     36   13   08   10   03   07   01
Fiora    10.88     23   08   11   16   06   07   08

Canas is awesome. Bartre is slowly being awesome. Eliwood and Lyn are :facepalm: .

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What's even better is a skl/spd/def/res bartre with his str being on par with his averages!

Yeah, almost done with this.

I'll get motivated to do the last 5 chapters sometime soon..-_-

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Ch 17 TC: 12/60

Ch 18 TC: 4/64

Ch 19 TC: 7/71

Ch 20 TC: 7/78

Ch 21 TC: 5/83

Unit 	Level 	HP   ST   SK   SP   LC   DF   RS
Hector   17.34 	32   19   16   06   06   18   04
Eliwood  16.51 	31   08   10   15   13   08   06
Lyn      18.68 	28   12   19   19   14   6   6
Bartre   1.00 	47   21   16   12   06   13   10
Dorcas 	17.38 	43   14   10   08   08   10   00
Kent   17.29 	32   10   13   12   11   11   01
Legault 14.12   27   08   13   17   11   09   03

Edited by DarkShuyin
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Chapter 20 - 7/76

Rushed my army towards Darin, killing stuff that got in the way. Canas and Bartre were able to snag the Luna tome. Legault was recruited. I think Guy killed Darin with a lancereaver. I'm getting faster with these chapters now that I'm skipping treasure.

*Chapter 21 - 5/82

I'll have to confirm this turncount later. But anyway, deployed Legault for a Hero Crest. Everyone ran to kill Oleg. Guy is a dodge tank and he dodged stuff quite a bit. :lol: Canas is pretty good, too. Hector shopped, since he hit his level cap.

Chapter 22 - 9/91

Just realized that since Karla is free, I have all five Sacaeans again. Interesting. Anyway ... I recruit Heath for his axereaver, which he trades to Fiora immediately before leaving, and Lyn recruits Rath. Traded Isadora's Angelic Robe to Ninian. Had a little difficulty keeping everyone alive, but I somehow managed. Took a little longer than I wanted it to, though. :dry:

Chapter 23 - 12/103

Having Canas and Fiora is fun. I also deployed Legault to dig up stuff. First, sent Fiora over to rescue Pent. I'm going to need to stuff secret books down Dart's throat. Canas hit level 20 and promoted! He then got crit by Luna, but survived. Fiora can dodge stuff while rescuing Pent?! O_o Also, enemy AI is not exactly the brightest. -_- Guy hits level 20 and promotes! Lost a few turns getting treasure, but I hope it's worth it.

Chapter 23x - 103

Split my army into two halves, got only the skill book for Dart. Defeated two of Kishuna's guards, defeated the reinforcements that show up. Guy and Rath got their C support. Eliwood and Ninian got their C support. Canas and Bartre got their C support.

Unit     Level     HP   ST   SK   SP   LC   DF   RS
Hector   20.00     37   18   10   15   07   16   10
Eliwood  18.24     30   11   13   14   14   11   04
Lyn      15.30     26   11   16   16   11   02   04
Bartre   18.68   43   18   09   12   07   08   03
Guy      21.32     42   14   18   20   10   09   09
Canas    22.65     33   15   13   17   08   12   16
Dart     17.47     41   16   08   15   06   08   03
Fiora    19.21     29   12   17   20   09   08   13
Ninian   05.31     25   00   00   15   13   07   08
Rath     15.75     30   13   12   14   06   11   02

I can't believe everyone but Canas has less resistance than unpromoted Hector. :dry: Lyn hasn't gained a single point of defense. Rath looks defense-blessed again. Guy is resistance blessed.

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Even More Progress!

Ch20: 11 turns Bartre promotes at base at lvl 20 with stats of 47 18 11 7(with speedwings) 9 6 7 before promotion.

Ch21: 6 turns

Ch22: 10 turns

Ch23: 11 turns Lowen promotes at base at lvl 18 with stats of 37 12 7 10 14 14 7 before promotion.

Ch23x: Doesn't matter.

Edited by Konnor97
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Chapter 24 - 9/122

Chapter 25 - 5/117

Chapter 26 - 11/128

Chapter 27 - 12/140

Chapter 28 - 15/155

Too irritated to re-describe everything. Let's see ... everyone promoted in chapter 25 except Rath, who promoted in chapter 26. Eliwood promoted using the Heaven Seal in chapter 26. Dart on a peak let me shop for staves. Got Karel. Stopped Jaffar from dying to RNG.

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Chapter 28x - 155

Finished in 18 turns. Had a little issue with Rath falling asleep due to sleep staff. I drafted Canas so I could have a magic user who would use Restore, then I forget to bring Restore. How smart am I? Guy and Karel got their C support. Jaffar rescued Nino and stayed out of trouble. Got the speedwings. Canas hit A staves.

Chapter 29 - 9/164

Canas and Bartre got their B support! Now I have to wait for Karla. Uh, Eliwood and Ninian got their A support. Got Warp. Rath and Lyn got their A support. Lyn and Rath teamed up on Lloyd. Recruited Vaida. Hector becomes useful at the end of the chapter.

Chapter 30 - 7/171

Deployed Rath and Canas alongside Hector. Rath rescues Hector, Canas Warps them as far as he could. Rath then drops Hector and they run over to the boss as fast as they can. Canas catches up to them because I get besieged by enemies. Rath rescues Hector again, and Canas Warps them again to the boss. Hector gets tinked by mages. I am amused. I would be more amused if Kaim wasn't murdering him. I get Rath to kill him. 7 turn clear.

Unit     Level     HP   ST   SK   SP   LC   DF   RS
Hector   20/02     41   18   12   18   08   17   16
Eliwood  20/16     46   19   21   24   21   16   12
Lyn      20/10     35   16   29   24   18   06   13
Bartre   20/15     58   27   17   17   12   18   09
Canas    20/15     41   22   17   22   10   17   20
Rath     20/11     47   25   20   23   08   15   10
Guy      20/13     52   16   22   25   16   11   12
Dart     20/15     56   25   17   23   12   11   06
Fiora    20/14     41   17   24   26   15   11   22
Karel    --/13     35   17   27   20   16   13   12

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Chapter 31 - 11/182

Defend chapter. Self-improvement. Got the Body Ring. Everything wants to suicide onto Bartre or Karel instead of Hector. Killed Denning early.

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Almost done with this.

Couldn't find patience to do the pairing ending.

Anyways, remember the ridiculous Bartre from the no staves draft?

Add on capped skl, and res to that.

And you get what I have.

Unfortuneatly, gyazo stinks and photobucket stinks.

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Chapter 31x - 182

Hahaha. Got Karla.

Chapter 32 - 20/202

Things got a little crazy, but I killed Limstella on turn ... somewhere on turn 12-15. I purposely waited until turn 20 to get supports. Bartre and Karla got their C support. Karel and Guy got their B support. Seized on turn 20. This had better be worth it!

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Chapter 32x - 202

For the record, I could've done this faster, but I wanted to get supports and level up Karla. Took me somewhere between 27-30 turns before I killed Kishuna. Deployed Guy, Karel, Karla, and Bartre for supports.

Final - 12+1/215

Shoot, I can't deploy all of my units. I decide to not bring Dart, because his stinky hit might bite me in the butt. Gave Eliwood the Body Ring so he can double with Durandal. Gave everyone door keys.

I spent 12 turns on the first part of final, waiting for Bartre and Karla to produce Fir already. Karla then proceeds to kill Nergal. Dragon went down in one turn, to Filla's Might+Rath support Lyn, doubling-with-Durandal Eliwood, and doubling-with-Armads Hector.

Final stats to come in the next post.

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My turncount is 215. Bartre/Karla paired ending shaves off 30 turns. Bartre/Canas B shaves off 10 turns total. So my adjusted turncount is 175. If only I can get that naturally.

This team was pretty good, for the most part. Hector was epically blessed, and I think he was my best unit for a while. And when he promoted, he picked up again! It's not even funny.

Unit     Level     HP   ST   SK   SP   LC   DF   RS
Hector   20/20     56   29   20   23   12   24   17
Eliwood  20/20  50   21   22   24   23   16   15
Lyn      20/20   41   22   29   30   23   08   14
Bartre   20/20     60   28   19   20   12   19   10
Karla    --/20     40   21   27   30   22   13   19
Guy      20/20     57   18   26   30   21   12   13
Karel     --/20     40   21   29   25   20   14   14
Fiora    20/20     44   18   25   28   18   12   22
Canas    20/19     43   25   17   23   12   17   20
Rath     20/20     55   25   23   25   10   18   15
Dart     20/20     60   28   17   25   14   13   07
Nils     16.30     35   01   01   21   21   10   15

Hector: Super epically blessed Hector. He was tinked by mages in the chapter after his promotion. He was fast almost the entire game through. Had enough strength and defense to hit hard and not die. What can I say? This is pretty much almost the dream Hector.

Eliwood: Burden until he promoted. Then he picked up his own weight and did well. Gave him Body Ring so he could double the dragon! He also had A lances. Married to Ninian.

Lyn: Also was a burden until a few levels before she promoted. She got second promotion. Picked up and performed well after a couple of levels into her promotion. Married to Rath.

Bartre: Star of our show. He got early speed, which helped a lot, and his strength and HP were enough to get him through the game. Has a lot of defense. Married Karla, B with Canas.

Karla: Karla usually sucks, but she seemed to realize that she was the co-star of this draft. Look at that strength! She was blessed. Helped out quite a bit. Killed Nergal. Married to Bartre. C with her brother.

Guy: He helps with earlygame and I like drafting him. His strength is on par. He was also defense and resistance blessed, which helped a lot. And has a lot of HP. A Karel, B Rath.

Karel: Better than he usually turns out for me. Better strength than Guy. Killed stuff dead. A Guy, C Karla.

Fiora: Her strength is a bit icky, but I drafted her for flight, desert, chapter 25, and being tinked by mages. She did all those things. So I'm happy with her.

Canas: Epic Canas! Drafted him for staves, and he was able to use Warp. Saved me turns. Early speed level ups allowed him to double almost consistently. He was tanky as well. Had enough magic to hit hard. Canas is awesome. B Bartre.

Rath: Rath is always great for me, although I think he's a little slower than usual. Still, Rath is always awesome and I always draft him. Married to Lyn. B with Guy.

Dart: Dart turned out great. His skill was passable after I gave him secret books. Rarely died, although he got hit by poison stuff quite a bit. Didn't have room for him in final. He's still awesome.

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Some More Progress!

Ch24 Linus: 9 turns Wil promotes at base at lvl 18 with stats 31 13 12 12 15 9 2 before promotion. Florina promotes mid-chapter at lvl 20 with stats 28 10 17 18 15 6 11 before promotion.

Ch25: 7 turns Raven promotes at base at lvl 20 with stats 39 15 18 20 8 7 5 before promotion.

Ch26: 11 turns Eliwood promotes mid-chapter at lvl 20 with stats 34 16 14 13 17 11 7 before promotion.

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