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Question with WiFi and importing

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Okay, I have a question with WiFi and anyone who imported the game. I decided that I would import the game for shits and giggles, but I'm curious about one thing. Without the use of an Action Replay or game save, can I receive downloadable content? I know its an odd question, but its to see what to do in my next playthrough.

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I emulated mine on a US DSLite and was able to get all that download content and create the save files just fine. Never heard of anyone NOT being able to get the DLC on their imported game so I don't see why you wouldn't be able to either (unless for whatever reason the downloads are no longer available, but I can test that in a few minutes).

The only concern with importing this game is probably just the stupid Region Lock done for DSi systems.

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** Comes with a prepared speech of Wi-Fi PLAY**


** Gets out disappointed**

Anyway, I am still qualified to answer your already answer the question.

Yes I did it with an R4 and a DS Lite, it just take 5 minutes. And you'll still get all the three items.

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  • 1 month later...

This solves the problem. I have a DSLite. No region lock. So it's all good! =)

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