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Love and Marriage

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it's a normal thing to be straight and gay/lesbian is abnormal (don't take it as offense but facts are facts) ever saw a positive pole attracted to a positive pole ? it's not natural everything in life is determined by opposites, gay marriage is like two pieces that can't complete each other while the straight marriages have purposes other than sexual pleasure which having and raising the next generation I'm not again homosexuality because it's wrong relegion-wise but I'm against it because it's defying the nature of two sexes.... a man has penis and a women have a vigina for a reason, lesbain sex is like opening a keyhole with another keyhole which is illogical....and the game is not only for yo but it's also for children and I as one would never want my children knowing such thing....

If you wanna statistics or maybe genetics(which is just statistics), then yes with the assumption of majority is normality heterosexuality is normal and homosexual abnormal. Didn't read past the first line of your post cause it's garbage anyway.

Too bad that's just statistics and not straight reality. One of the fundamentals of our dear democratic systems is acceptance of difference.

Also interestingly dolphins can also be homosexual. They're also one of the most intelligent species on this planet, only humans are more intelligent IIRC. Homosexuality might have something to do with high intelligence and might be natural side effect to it. Probably like the genetic variation it causes.

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I'm wondering how broken the children will be? I'm hoping they inherit some skills, or they inherit what levels they get skills. (So they don't start with broken skills)

Homosexuality is fairly common (comparatively) in birds too, IIRC.

Also: If I have children, I have absolutely no issues with them being aware of the fact that people are different.

Edited by L95
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it's a normal thing to be straight and gay/lesbian is abnormal (don't take it as offense but facts are facts) ever saw a positive pole attracted to a positive pole ? it's not natural everything in life is determined by opposites, gay marriage is like two pieces that can't complete each other while the straight marriages have purposes other than sexual pleasure which having and raising the next generation I'm not again homosexuality because it's wrong relegion-wise but I'm against it because it's defying the nature of two sexes.... a man has penis and a women have a vigina for a reason, lesbain sex is like opening a keyhole with another keyhole which is illogical....and the game is not only for yo but it's also for children and I as one would never want my children knowing such thing....

While theoretically you are correct and almost everything in nature bar the unknown follows certain rules and must abide by the laws of opposite attraction like magnets or electronegativity and other awesome stuff in physics and chemistry and you will almost certainly never see 2 positive poles stick together naturally you have to understand humans are not magnets and it simply doesn't work like that you know why?Because we have a brain that is capable of intelligence and capable of questioning and most prominently(in this case) capable of defiance .Same sex intercourse is not abnormal in that respect it is merely inefficient and does not serve the original purpose of having different genitals between sexes,does that make it wrong? No because we're given the wonderful ability to make choices some good,some not and some rational and logical and others not.Who are you to judge everyone else?And if you think something gives you that power what prevents them from having it as well.

so stop being butthurt over homosexuality embrace the fact that it exists and get over it

(i can't believe this started over Ike and where he puts his dick) >.>

Edited by Velth
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Well I for one am really excited about this, will it lead to a second generation like FE4 and the implications upon the story itself. Also I always enjoy playing matchmaker in Fire Emblem. Though I reckon my pairings are usually boring and tame compared some here but hey whatever. If they are ballsy enough to include some homosexual and/or bisexual relationships doesn't mean a damn thing to me. I pair the characters the way I want to, and that's it. I've rarely have a opted for the best technical support pairings.. that's just so cold and uninteresting.

I'm curious how children will work out, if we do indeed get a second generation.(I'm really hoping that we do.) Will we have them based off the mothers and how are we're going to handle stats. Also war orphans that aren't blood to their 'parent' hopeful they won't be as shoddy as the 'replacements' characters in FE4's second generation.

Hopefully we get some worth while support conversations also. I really don't want to see another Radiant Dawn in terms of everyone can support everyone if it means craptastic generic dialogue. Though if 'destined' pairs get fleshed out dialogue while supposed 'crack' pairings get a little less fleshed out I'd be okay with that.

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Oh jeez I really hope My Unit can be gay though

I'm really interested in this whole 2nd Generation thing. :) I have only played a little bit of FE4 and never got to marry and have kids.

Here's hoping MU!Kid will be decent, but not too overpowered.

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Lesbians aside, given "time travel shenanigans" seems to be the reason for children, how is Richt or Donny going to work out? Are they going to meet their children when they are the same age as themself?

Not like FE4 didn't alreddy do the shota thing...

Lachesis: Dew, what are you doing here!?

Dew: What gives? I can handle bein' here now. I'm not the same Dew anymore.

Lachesis: I know. But this next battle isn't going to be like the others! It'll be way out of your league, Dew.

Dew: Everyone's been sayin' that crap. I'm not a kid anymore!

Lachesis: I can definitely vouch for that, Dew. Heheh... Especially after what we...

Dew: H, hey! You're gettin' red there, girl!

Lachesis: Oh, Dew!

Edited by deuxhero
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Don't put it like it's okay to be gay now the majority of the societies consider it wrong....

The logical fallacy of appealing to the majority. If homosexuality is wrong then you can demonstrate that in a way without saying "its what most people think bro". If it's wrong, you can give us real reasons why.

There is such a thing as right and wrong, but figuring out what that is does not entail appealing to the majority or engaging in the wholly fallacious cultural relativism.

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What do I care that I am hetero. I could easily not be. I have little say in that matter.

"Idea of homosexuality"? Why would anybody WANT to be homosexual. Particularly guys. I don't know how girls are in that regard.

Being gay sucks because it isn't "normal". And we are living in a world where a lot of people translate "not normal" with "hit it with a stick".

Edited by BrightBow
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@ BB I don't think he was talking about whether homosexuality is a choice, he's just butthurt about it being mentioned in a game(forum).

How so?

Humans are animals, either way.

So much logic fail.

I promise, I'll stop feeding him now

Edited by L95
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Now I feel like an idiot for engaging an obvious troll. Either way, his account is reported.

And for the sake of this thread I recommend you all refrain from making my mistake of feeding him.

Edited by Duff Ostrich
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Being gay sucks because it isn't "normal". And we are living in a world where a lot of people translate "not normal" with "hit it with a stick".

Which is rather unfortunate, but the younger populations (most of them) are coming around to the idea of it. I'm sure the next generation will be a lot easier on gays.

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How so?

Humans are animals, anyway.

So much logic fail.

@ BB I don't think he was talking about whether homosexuality is a choice, he's just butthurt about it being mentioned in a game.

I promise, I'll stop taking the bait now

See you're a girl I understand why you find it ok because, you are attracted to men and alot of men find lesbians ok because they are attracted to women and for them the more the marrier...

Edit : you think of yourself as a lowly animal ? why would be animal ? we can think and do whatever we want but still we can't defy the nature we are no gods we're here for the sole reason of raising generations and being gay is just a selfish way of thinking.....don't look at sex as a goal it's only a tool to reach the ultimate goal of having children....

Edited by Brave Lord
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Cowardly Lord will be taking a 5 day vacation courtesy of me. I think I'm going to have a chat with the rest of the staff about this guy...

As for the rest of you, forget this entire debacle and return to the subject at hand. I don't want to see any further off-topic posts in here.

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Cowardly Lord will be taking a 5 day vacation courtesy of me. I think I'm going to have a chat with the rest of the staff about this guy...

As for the rest of you, forget this entire debacle and return to the subject at hand. I don't want to see any further off-topic posts in here.

Merci beaucoup, Mumu <3

So, uh, back on topic, eh?

How many people think this one's gonna pull an FE4 with the kids? o 3 o

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You mean where the parents die?

I don't think they'll do the whole kill off everyone again. Since I saw Sumia and Cynthia together. I say time travel shenanigans.

Or do you mean how the pairings worked out? (mother determines what character is born etc.)

Edited by L95
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Or do you mean how the pairings worked out? (mother determines what character is born etc.)

yeah, I meant that. It'd be cool if they based the child off of both parents, but whoamygod there'd be so many different kids if that happened.

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This seems to have been looked over in the commotion, so I'm putting it here.

Lesbians aside, given "time travel shenanigans" seems to be the reason for children, how is Richt or Donny going to work out? Are they going to meet their children when they are the same age as themself?

Not like FE4 didn't alreddy do the shota thing...

Lachesis: Dew, what are you doing here!?

Dew: What gives? I can handle bein' here now. I'm not the same Dew anymore.

Lachesis: I know. But this next battle isn't going to be like the others! It'll be way out of your league, Dew.

Dew: Everyone's been sayin' that crap. I'm not a kid anymore!

Lachesis: I can definitely vouch for that, Dew. Heheh... Especially after what we...

Dew: H, hey! You're gettin' red there, girl!

Lachesis: Oh, Dew!

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I'd like it if you're MU and significant other could effect their appearance.

I wonder if certain relationships will yield better results though? It would be a little disappointing to have a kid with someone, only to have the game basically tell you that another romantic option offers better results for the child.

On a side note, is it going to be like Rune Factory, where you get to choose the gender of your child, or is that random? And if there is adoption (I know, big what-if) what would you guys think it would even be like?

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They said about 60 playable character models, right? I suspect that includes kids. That probably means MU can just be paired with anyone for an opposite-gender kid, with variable characteristics based on MU`s attributes and the other character. Anything more would just entail too many children characters to manage; they`re probably just sticking with this rather than making a full second gen. Which I think may be for the better; it makes this a nice bonus instead of dominating the game in a way we`ve already seen.

With this in mind, I`m guessing you can name the kids, too.

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