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Messing around with Terrai Bonuses?


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What I'm asking is, can you change the bonuses for a certain terrain to be all negative? like make negatives only decrease stats once stepped on. And following up on that, can you make it so that certain units get a different bonus on the same type of terrain?

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For the first question, the game may already handle the bonuses as signed bytes, so yes, you could. If not, it would probably only take like changing one opcode to make it happen (it's ASM hacking). As for second, you can always create a new class that is otherwise identical to the second and then give it to the unit that you want to have different stat bonuses. Creating new sets of terrain bonuses requires some use of hex editor and Class editor module, but is relatively simple.

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Terrain bonuses are attributed to classes, usually in sets (i.e. various classes share the same terrain bbonus set). I've certainly abused this to give a certain unit of a certain class certain terrain bonuses for some certain reason.

Just elaborating a little on Nintenlord's awesome answer

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i was aware that terrain movement penalties were by class, and that you can control whether or not one recieves bonuses pretty much the same way, but i can't seem to see any way to make it so that myrmidon gets +20 avo from a forest but the armor only gets +10 (for example)?

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