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FEditor Adv stuff


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Okay, so I basically got it work perfectly in the past, etc. I used a clean rom, I followed all of Luffy's magnificent instructions several times, and I've looked around a bit, but I still have a problem.

It loads perfectly - the JAR file executes, when I use the bat to run it, it works as well, but when I load a rom, it doesn't recognize it. I get no error messages, nothing, but everything in the Tools section is still gray'd out and I can't access it.

This is super annoying because I've gotten it to work before, but it's not working now. Does anyone know what's wrong with it?

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Err, okay.

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by more information, but I'll do my best:

1. This is the most recent version of FEditor Adv.

2. This is a clean, (u) FE7 rom.

3. Java is completely up to date on my computer.

4. FEditor Adv loads without any glitches.

5. When I hit File -> Open -> the ROM (which I have renamed TestRom), nothing happens.

6. I hit the tools tab, and all the options stay gray'd out.

Other info: I'm running Windows XP, though I don't think that matters too much?

Edited by Lungs
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how recently have you updated feditor, it should come up with an "open file" prompt before the gray window even appears

do you have your rom open in anything else

try waiting a while to see if it's just the i/o or metadata setup that's stalling for a while

otherwise, open it with run.bat and wait a while, see if anything else appears on the command line window. if there is, please post it. i'd recommend re-downloading a new version of FEditor (most recent version here) if nothing happens.

i have never actually heard of or experienced this glitch before so i either blame your computer or your version of feditor

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yeah, I've tried to open it through the open file prompt upon startup, but that doesn't work.

I have nothing but FEditor Adv open.

I'll give it another try, I guess.


Damn, I tried everything and it doesn't work.

I blame my computer. (I'm going to try it again, this time with my Mac running VMware or something. >_>)

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LOL yeah, I'm actually loading the file. As in, making sure I'm not double clicking anything and like, hitting the Open button and stuff. >_>

And it's a a .gba file, I'm sure of that.

Oh, it works now. I reinstalled Java. D:

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