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You top 5 favortie First person shooter games


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I am shocked and appalled at the lack of Half-Life 1/2 on here. They are easily among the best games of all time.1. Half-Life 22. Half-Life 13. Halo CE4. BioShock5. Rainbow Six ThreeR6 is more a tactical shooter, but it can be considered an FPS.

there are some times when omitting line breaks is excusable

others where it warrants DEATH

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Team Fortress 2 stole some 2 years of my life, it has risen beyond a FPS for me and become a cautionary tale in the form of a game

(metaphorical space here)


Left 4 Dead


Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Shooters which are almost FP which rank vaguely as highly:

Mass Effect

(lots of metaphorical space)

Alpha Protocol

FP games which are not quite shooters which blah blah:

Elder Scrolls: Oblivion

Vampire, the Masquerade: Bloodlines

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I sense a bit of hate towards fps. i have to admit most of them are pretty much the same bang bang your dead yay. but you get quite a few that add a twist to it which is nice but lota metroid prime and quite a bit of L4D which i was not expecting i think that one of the metroid primes was the winner but didn't feel like counting but yáll had a discussion on it so yeah. oh and play nice yáll

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I am partial to a bit of FPS, although it does rank behind driving/racing as my favourite video game genre. Anyway:

5. Killzone

4. Metal Arms: Glitch in the System

3. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

2. Metroid Prime 2: Echoes

1. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

I haven't played the original CoD:MW yet... I didn't play MW2 until 10 months after receiving it for Christmas. By the time I was playing it for the first time, people were already playing Black Ops.

I haven't played any other killzone other than the original.

And I haven't played Metroid Prime 1, and haven't yet completed Metroid Prime 3.

And Metal Arms: Glitch in the System was underrated as fuck. Got all good reviews, but didn't sell nearly as well as it should have. Simply amazing game. Funny too.

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