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Fire Emblem - the Pen-and-Paper Role-Playing Game


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Hmm, I see. May want to include elements from another FE. Maybe include Knives or Rings or something. *shrugs* Though, I do admit it's just my OCD bugging me that magic has six weapon types while physical stuff only has the four. :P So feel free to take it with a grain of salt.

I'll be happy to help with the double branched promotions, and that makes me pretty happy. Would like to even help with making a full on tree of things if I can, sounds like a neat idea.

If you're doing double branched promotions, maybe include something similar to FE13's Skill system. Not sure if you know how it works or not, but it has an interesting element.

I'm staying the hell away from anything involving FE13 due to spoiler reasons.

I'm actually giving Dancer's swords from FE4, and the Rings can be given to any unit for regular bonuses (Like rings from other games). The Knives are there as well, but I'm debating if all units should be able to use them or just some of them.

The help would be appreciated, just hang on until the beta PDF is finished if you don't mind.

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Ah. If it's gameplay spoilers too then that's fine, but if just story stuff I could tell you the Skill bit I mentioned. But no worries if not, was mostly just an idle thought. And Rings are essentially the passive equipment you can equip then? As for equipment everyone can use, could do something based off of the Strike system from FE10. Assuming that's what you were going for, unarmed makes sense really. Unless Mamkutes (assuming you have them or something similar) are going to make use of that.

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I kind of want all of Awakening to be a surprise, to be honest. Well, the bits of it I managed to not get in trailers.

Rings work like Bands and Knight Wards from the Tellius series, as does the Seraph Robe/Draco-shield. The other consumable items are still consumable, though.

Unarmed is just making an attack without a weapon - it's mentioned in the Combat chapter I'm working on after the Character Creation.

Mamkutes/Laguz/Those Rabbit-people/Dragons etc. are going to be one of the last things I do, and they'll be in the 'Setting Packs' I make once the actual game is finalized.

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*nods* Alrighty then. And wasn't sure if the point of knives was for something everyone can use. Though I like the idea of it being it's own weapon class, mostly since it really makes Thieves and such stand out all the more. Only issue is it doesn't feel quite different enough from your average sword thing to really warrant it. *shrugs* But I think it's got potential either way, you should explore it. And the Rings sound like a nice idea, a good way to try and flesh out units and such a bit more equipment-wise. FE has never had a lot of equipment outside of weapons.

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*nods* Alrighty then. And wasn't sure if the point of knives was for something everyone can use. Though I like the idea of it being it's own weapon class, mostly since it really makes Thieves and such stand out all the more. Only issue is it doesn't feel quite different enough from your average sword thing to really warrant it. *shrugs* But I think it's got potential either way, you should explore it. And the Rings sound like a nice idea, a good way to try and flesh out units and such a bit more equipment-wise. FE has never had a lot of equipment outside of weapons.

After some thinking, I've gone for the best of both worlds - there Iron Dagger can be used by anyone of any class (Giving Priests/Clerics a way to attack that doesn't need complicated Staff rules), but the rest of them need the Knife skill (Considering renaming it to 'Daggermaster' or 'Nimble Fingers', as 'Knife' is boring.)

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Daily Update April 24th

- Pegasus Knight class specc'd

- Character Sheet updated/reformatted due to a few missing criteria (Move, Gold, What level/type the weapon is, etc.)

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I always figured for an RP like this you could just whack someone with a Staff, issue being that it's not as much damage as an actual weapon, and it's just more efficient to heal/status effect someone on your turn. Out of curiosity, what sort of rules did you have in mind originally? Though sounds like a simple enough rule, what about Bronze Daggers though?

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Originally, Clerics were going to be able to use E Swords until promotion and Priests would have the Knife skill. In retrospect, making sure every class has a fallback weapon is a better plan.

There are no Bronze weapons. It's not like anyone ever uses them anyway.

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Heh, I did mostly to weaken up enemy units so others could come in for the kill. But I get what you mean. In an RPG not like Gold is quite the concern it is in FE. I like the way you have it set up better, everyone having a fallback weapon is significantly better than making it specific to Priests/Clerics. Odd Clerics would be the ones to get Swords compared to Priests though.

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So are daily updates things posted here, or just things you've worked on that day? Mostly since can't find the cavalier thing if so. Oh, and nothing wrong with that being it. Glad you're working on it daily. Been part of some projects that update next to never.

Edited by Mirron
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Yay, Mages and such next. :) I'm looking forward to that, really do love to play as them, and no doubt any character I make will be one of those classes. May be something else, but I doubt it. Anyways, Knights look interesting. Found it interesting most of them have bonus Magic, guessing it's to represent them being more intelligent as opposed to them being more in-tune with magic.

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(Minus skills, that's still under development, but mostly self explanatory)

PDF IS BELOW! (Will get rid of stupid watermark later. Converted file from wrong laptop.)

It's a pretty big milestone for the project, but there's more to come. By the end of next week, I aim to finish the Skills chapter by tommorow night and put up the REALLY complete Character Creation system, with the revamped Character Sheet to go up tommorow morning.

Then, if you don't mind, I'm taking a well-deserved weekend off to go play some Magic: The Gathering at a prerelease, and try to get past 1-3 of RD JA!Hard using only Laura, Nolan, Sothe and Micaiah. Stupid draft. Couldn't have given me Edward (Grumble grumble...)

After that, it's all systems go on the Combat chapter...Soyeah. Make a character, post it, tell me how it works, what improvements need made, etc. Any help in this form is appreciated!


FERPG character creation BETA.pdf

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I spotted an issue. Shaman lacks a third skill to pick from. All the other classes have three, Shaman just has Shade and Corrosion. I've got the rough draft of my guy, let me show you the stats I worked out. Was weird luck, was using a random number generator though, no d10's.


HP: 20/20

STR: 1

MAG: 14

SKL: 11

SPD: 11

LCK: 8

DEF: 7

RES: 9

FEL: 3

LD: 1

M: 5


HP: 69

STR: 32

MAG: 51

SKL: 36

SPD: 44

LCK: 34

DEF: 42

RES: 51

FEL: 36

LD: 48


So far have a decent understanding of how things are supposed to work I think. Though think an option for more static choices (given X amount of points or X amount of percent and you divide amongst stats) might be a good one, I got really unlucky in some areas (though do have the rule to fix that, which I like).

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For the heck of it. Made two characters for fun:



HP: 11/11 :sob:

STR: 3

MAG: 11

SKL: 12

SPD: 10

LCK: 5

DEF: 11

RES: 10

FEL: 5

LD: 3

M: 5


HP: 70

STR: 26

MAG: 48

SKL: 48

SPD: 51

LCK: 41

DEF: 42

RES: 18

FEL: 33

LD: 57




HP: 23/23

STR: 8

MAG: 4

SKL: 6

SPD: 7

LCK: 5

DEF: 5

RES: -1

FEL: 17

LD: 1

M: 6


HP: 53

STR: 47

MAG: 19

SKL: 56

SPD: 66

LCK: 46

DEF: 25

RES: 22

FEL: 24

LD: 20


Man...casters have such high Leader ship growth.

Edited by Rothene
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I spotted an issue. Shaman lacks a third skill to pick from. All the other classes have three, Shaman just has Shade and Corrosion. I've got the rough draft of my guy, let me show you the stats I worked out. Was weird luck, was using a random number generator though, no d10's.

So far have a decent understanding of how things are supposed to work I think. Though think an option for more static choices (given X amount of points or X amount of percent and you divide amongst stats) might be a good one, I got really unlucky in some areas (though do have the rule to fix that, which I like).

D'oh. Shamans are meant to have Discipline as their third skill, but I forgets.

The static choices are being considered, but I wanted to avoid potential minmaxing as much as possible. Maybe if I give you all 20% to split up and boost individual stat growths after generation?

Man...casters have such high Leader ship growth.

Oops. That was just meant to be the Troubador/Priest/Clerics. I'll fix that later.

It seems to me that it should be possible over a long period of gameplay to improve stat growth range at some point.

This is a planned feature, but it's covered in the Leveling Up section.

Thank you all for your support! Here's the character sheet.


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I'm fine with my Shaman having high Leadership, he could use it. And I'd like the 20% you can use anywhere. I got really low Fellowship/Leadership, so I could use the extra percentages there to help increase odds. And no mention of the Career in that section? Not like I mind, just wasn't sure if it'd come again or if it was just used for bases. Anyways, think my guy is mostly done. I'd need to see the Skills section and the Equipment stuff, just so I could write down what Flux does, but overall he's pretty close to finished. I picked Shade for the skill, not sure what Discipline does, and Corrosion doesn't fit the character.

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Shamans were hard to pick skills for. If you have any suggestions on better skills for units, I'll happily take them (Blossom/Paragon are off-limits until promotion because it's stupid otherwise).

Just now, all weapons/items have the same stats as in the games (Mostly using FE7 for their stats, with a bit of FE9 thrown in). If there's balance issues, I'll fix them, but the Weapon list is pretty low priority.

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When the entire skill list is put up I'll see what I can do. Corrosion and Shade feel like good picks, but if possible I'd like to avoid overlap, at least within the same set of classes. But I'll let you know if anything jumps out at me when I get a chance to see them. Are you including any new skills?

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New skills that aren't out-of-combat are a pretty low priority, but definitely a possibility.

About Overlap: Most Mages are pretty much the same, with minor differences (Anima higher SKL, Monk higher SPD, Shaman higher MAG) in the stats, mostly differentiated by their type of magic. I also wanted Troubador/Clerics to be pretty much the same, because...well, they are.

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