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- ALL of his shots count. If it hits their head, it counts. His shots don't just harmlessly go through, his melees don't make a sound but not hurt them if he hits them with his melee weapon. They just count.

- HUGE hitboxes. It looks like some of those shots are way too late, but the game counts them in his favour anyway.

- NO lag. It's like everyone has 0 ping.

- NOBODY'S shooting at him. Getting shot makes your aim get jarred, but in my case it always makes my shots just plain not do damage - even if the new direction of the shot goes through someone('s head). If he DID get shot while shooting I wouldn't be surprised if his bullet went perfectly straight anyway.

I'm not impressed.

Edited by Aleph
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Frag vid shots are definitely cherry-picked, but in the video maker's defense, things look different when they're played back than when they're recorded in tf2, thanks to the lag compensation. The shots that looked impossibly far from the head were probably, from their perspective, completely spot on. 6v6 players generally play on better servers than public ones, though it's true that this guy could just have had some lucky matches where the lag was pretty docile. He usually doesn't keep his aim up very long while being shot at with hitscan stuff, so there's less opportunity for him to get his aim juked. He moves out of the way of most projectiles and tends to back up when things start getting too chaotic to see through. And yes, part of playing smart with a sniper on your team is to cover your sniper in some regard so that a scout can't just run up and steamroll him with no consequences.

He's not the best sniper ever, but he's reasonably capable enough that he provided me an example of quick-scoping a scout to illustrate the act.

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You SAY the replays appear different, but mine always have the same laggy crap in them as what I saw in the actual game. ;/

I actually consider this a good thing though.

Also, you can't always just "move out of the way". Some people just aim good and you have to aim FASTER, not better. This is pointless if they've already seen you first (as is often the case with scouts; see my related replay). Incidentally the counter to this is, as you've said, to have a smart team mate cover you...which never happens for me because I play on public servers @_@

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Arr, technically that wasn't a "replay" like the thing we have now for tf2, that was before they were added. He recorded a demo to make the vid (typing "record" in console), which is exclusively his perspective. When a demo gets played back, though, it shows everything how it "really" is.

That is true, basically the longer you spend scoped in the more likely you are to be juked, which is why lots of dudes in tf2 change their aiming positions relatively quickly and "quickscope" more often than not, which you were doing in your replay some (nice nice). Staying scoped in while being harassed with hitscan is definitely a crapshoot, but you can at least dodge some projectiles like rockets if you see them coming from enough of a distance. Sometimes.

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I only stay zoomed when I don't trust that lag and need to be ready for the small window of time when the game is smooth enough to actually hit something. Taking a shot while things are constantly warping is futile and if I'm not already zoomed the moment when it pauses (if ever) will pass me by.

I do of course check my surroundings and listen for decloaks constantly, of course. I also bunny hop literally everywhere.

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