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I doubt it's possible for Krom, but I'd like it if there was some level of options for that, it'd certainly be a nice positive for me. I doubt it is though, closest you're liable to get is vague reference in an ending story, assuming they still have dual endings like they have in past FE games.

Edited by Mirron
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I don't think that's possible (after all, this whole marrying system was added for the sake of passing down stats and skills, not because of some 'and then they decided to sleep in the same bed for all the nights to come' romantic relationship of sorts), but feel free to fantasize over the idea if you want.

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I doubt it's possible for Krom, but I'd like it if there was some level of options for that, it'd certainly be a nice positive for me. I doubt it is though, closest you're liable to get is vague reference in an ending story, assuming they still have dual endings like they have in past FE games.

Chances are, dual endings will be exclusively based on S supports, so it's unlikely.

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Well, the only point of marriage in this game is to create the children.

So, homosexual marriage wouldn't make that much sense.

Also, we still don't know much about the support conversations.

There might be hints, innuendos and ship tease going around

Kyza in Radiant Dawn for example. If you look at his (very short) support conversations, you'll see that he pretty much only tells other males to stick very very close to him.

It's subtle, but it's there.

Edited by Lexington
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Implying that having children is exclusive to marriage? lulz

Well, you've got to understand that this game takes place in a medieval era so that means no surrogate mothers. Though there is adoption, I think doing that would be in bad taste-- y'know with the whole "war orphans" thing.

Then again, they could've had replacement characters...

But oh well, we'll just have to deal with it. :/

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It may just be bad translation but lines like these.

Liz . . . . . . In love but can't say it ♥♥♥> . . . . . . . . . . . . Mariabel

. . . . . <♥♥♥ I want to protect her even if it costs my life

. . . . . . .Now that's a rather extreme girl-girl friendship

Makes me think there might be love scenes between same sexes. At least in the japanese version.

Edited by Silith
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It's Impossible to implement it in a game targeted for teenagers and young kids mainly, because it would be the reason some parents will prevent their children from buying it (christians,muslims consider it a sin)...and as corporation manager I wouldn't want something so minor to ruin the sales for me, so putting this thing will lower the sales and not putting it won't affect the sales....if you talk about Mass Effect, the game is rated 18+ and tbh homosexuality is something 18+ not 10+....I'm neutral to homosexuals, but I guess you guys you'd know better it's Nintendo we're talking about not Bio ware....

Edited by Azuren the Hero
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It's Impossible to implement it in a game targeted for teenagers and young kids mainly,

Fire Emblem is for young kids?

It's about war, betrayal, the death of parents is quite often a topic, it's one of the few games where your allies and friends can die permanently...

Yeah, totally for young kids...

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Yeah, FE is pretty much a hard T-rated game. I remember playing FE7 and being shocked at the scene shortly around the Isle of Valor, since it was a lot more mature than most teen-rated stuff is. And I can't imagine any but the most hardcore of religious folk not buying the game because the MU can be gay (or something equally as minor), and if they aren't buying it over that, I can't imagine... well, the magic and all of that (especially the dark mages and such) being any more of a selling point. Still won't happen in this one I suppose, but I can't see it being a major issue for someone buying this game.

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It's Impossible to implement it in a game targeted for teenagers and young kids mainly, because it would be the reason some parents will prevent their children from buying it (christians,muslims consider it a sin)...and as corporation manager I wouldn't want something so minor to ruin the sales for me, so putting this thing will lower the sales and not putting it won't affect the sales....if you talk about Mass Effect, the game is rated 18+ and tbh homosexuality is something 18+ not 10+....I'm neutral to homosexuals, but I guess you guys you'd know better it's Nintendo we're talking about not Bio ware....

Pffft lol.

Mass effect isn't rated 18+, it's rated M, which is 17+. Might not be a big deal to you, but 18+ games are reserved for those with extreme amounts of either gore or fully shown sex. And Mass effect has neither of these. AND it's not M because of homosexuality, it's M because of Partial Nudity. Which means that even if there was no gay content, it'd still be rated M. Please at least TRY to do a google search before making yourself look homophobic ;/ because all you've done is made ridiculous statements that make no sense or bearing towards the subject. Reminds me of Coward Lord

As for the topic of Homosexuality itself, I'm rather disappointed that they didn't at least include it slightly. It would have been a pretty big step for Nintendo and IS to actually have homosexuality available between all characters in a game, but oh well. At least there's still Bromance, even if it doesn't go anywhere.

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Incest and homosexuality has appeared in FE before. (though homosexuality has always been hinted at at best and in US the endings were softened)

We don't need a situation where every character is going both ways depending on supports. I would like a few characters that can lean both ways though.

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Yeah, FE is pretty much a hard T-rated game. I remember playing FE7 and being shocked at the scene shortly around the Isle of Valor, since it was a lot more mature than most teen-rated stuff is. And I can't imagine any but the most hardcore of religious folk not buying the game because the MU can be gay (or something equally as minor), and if they aren't buying it over that, I can't imagine... well, the magic and all of that (especially the dark mages and such) being any more of a selling point. Still won't happen in this one I suppose, but I can't see it being a major issue for someone buying this game.

riiiiiight... even though FE7 has an ESRB rating of "E" for "everyone". And even the notoriously strict Australians gave it a PG rating.

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It was E? Hmm, I could have sworn it was T. Though maybe it being rated E is why it surprised me... *shrugs* it has been a while since I played it, and rating isn't something I consider too important. Regardless, the overall point (FE is a mature series as it is, and homosexuality isn't going to cause someone to drop the game) still stands. They could very well have had one or two... and, I guess ultimately they may very well have one or two who are, kind of hard to tell since the supports aren't fully known.

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