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Class caps? WIP


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These have already been discussed a bit in the huge topic, but I figured it might be useful to continue it in a new topic.

It seems class caps vary slightly between characters, so it's going to be a bit pointless listing caps until we figure out how the caps vary.

One idea I had was using enemies as a base, especially on harder difficulties.


Falcon Knight

It also seems the wikis are using an universal character of their choice for most classes, as Othin pointed out. I think h_yusaku is using a My Unit with +Strength and -Luck, but it's also been suggested that My Unit's other caps can vary as well, so we need to be careful.

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I think DLC Marth can go to all non-special male classes(actually including Grandmaster). Since there wouldn't be the issue of MU's varying caps and the enemies not capping all their stats, if you used him as a baseline it would be pretty reliable.

You could use Maribel's caps for the Troubador/Pegasus lines since those are the only 2 non-unique classes you'd be missing that way.

Edited by arvilino
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^Maybe it could be mentioned specifically that those are the basis's. Else you wouldn't ever be able to get a consistent Grandmaster stat cap.

Though thinking about it you could work out the difference between Marth and Maribels stat caps as Mage/Sage, and then add or subtract the difference to Maribels Troubador/Pegasus Knight classes then you could get Marth's hypothetical stat caps for those classes.

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