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Othin Plays FE13!


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Those guys are scary. Use Elwind and the Falchion along with team support to make sure you double them in order to kill them as fast as they approach. If your MU isn't +Spd and well trained, it's going to be really difficult.

Made it through S22 on my next attempt after figuring all that out. I forgot that recruiting Inverse doesn't just mean getting a powerful character: it also means getting quite a bit of gold, right when I was running out of good weapons and the gold to buy them. That and she has Dark Blessing. I haven't been allowing myself to buy Nosferatu tomes, but I now have two of them on hand - no harm in using them a bit, I think.

I don't think using a few Nosferatu tomes over the entire course of your playthrough would be considered abuse. I say use 'em if you've got 'em. Not to mention it sounds like you have a powerful new weapon to use them with anyway!

Edited by Xjezhekiir
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Oh, I didn't have any question about going for those Nosdferatu tomes.

And yeah, I'm pairing MU with Inverse on this playthrough as well. Another part of why I got her first.

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And my MU has worst Luck and Inverse also has a negative Luck modifier. I don't think Weapon Saver would work too well for Mark.

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On Lunatic, there isn't a whole lot of randomness. Avoid may as well not be a stat.

In FE13, unless your enemy has a crit rate, a difference of 10 Luck is the difference of 5 Hit and 5 Avoid. That's not a whole lot. This does not come close to a difference of 10 Luck.

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On Lunatic, there isn't a whole lot of randomness. Avoid may as well not be a stat.

In FE13, unless your enemy has a crit rate, a difference of 10 Luck is the difference of 5 Hit and 5 Avoid. That's not a whole lot. This does not come close to a difference of 10 Luck.

In other words it takes at least 10 levels to reduce your chances of getting hit, just by a little bit. This would require reclassing and grinding, two things you are trying to avoid this playthrough.

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I forgot the plus one modifier and added wrong anyway. It's 4 luck with that in mind. I guess that is not a big deal with that knowledge and me doing the proper math this time. ^^;

Well, that and I picked Spd as my best, so Mark's modifier is just -2. But modifiers aren't too consequential: if you have that much, you probably have enough, and tiny differences don't mean much at that scale.

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Once again, that wouldn't change the amount of luck. The amount of luck you can have is determined by character modifier only.

So you made your MU a walking Brave weapon? Nice. I couldn't stand the lack of attack power on anything I created though, but it was a combination I thought of doing.

Edited by Only My Unit
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Once again, that wouldn't change the amount of luck. The amount of luck you can have is determined by character modifier only.

So you made your MU a walking Brave weapon? Nice. I couldn't stand the lack of attack power on anything I created though, but it was a combination I thought of doing.

Sorry, my statement was incomplete. Again.

Reclassing for Luck would bring him down back to Level 1, thus allowing him to grind luck until he ran out of change scrolls or money. For obvious reasons, this is very impractical.

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So you made your MU a walking Brave weapon? Nice. I couldn't stand the lack of attack power on anything I created though, but it was a combination I thought of doing.

Something like that, although he uses magic exclusively. Even with capped Spd, though, some enemies are tough to double without support. But then, most aren't.

But yeah, he's a destruction machine. Magic cannon and ridiculous tank, with crazy Spd topping it off. He's been the backbone of my team for a good third of the game. Of course, in a world where what I call a "ridiculous tank" means generally being able to survive 2-3 rounds of combat, he still needs plenty of help. Not so much healing help, though, with Life Absorb giving him most of the player phase healing he needs.

S18, as I suspected, was not so difficult; I got away with several mistakes, which is unusual, generally with just the cost of more Rescue uses. Looks like I'm going to need to buy another set of Rescue staffs next - good thing Za'ha dropped even more funds!

Inverse is ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. I actually forgot completely that she was carrying a Nosferatu tome; she didn't even need it. She's pretty much another Cellica, except with way more Spd, wings, and Lightning Speed. I don't think the Final is going to be much trouble. Not like this.

Gangrel, on the other hand, is underwhelming so far. He doesn't hit hard enough to do much, and his Spd is nothing special. I get the idea that he's going to end up basically as another Leaf mainly spamming Rescue and occasionally hitting things. A better Leaf, and Leaf isn't half bad, but still, not exactly impressive.

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Which is true. You made it sound like you could break the luck cap for the character by training alone and no skills, which isn't true. I was only contesting that.

My mistake. I did not mean to contort my words like that.

Anyway, what is your opinion on the Overlord class? Is it just an extra beefy Great Knight?

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My mistake. I did not mean to contort my words like that.

Anyway, what is your opinion on the Overlord class? Is it just an extra beefy Great Knight?

It's an extra awesome Great Knight. It's actually not quite as Str- or Def-heavy, but it makes up for it by being ridiculously well-rounded. In terms of base stats, it has as much Spd and Move as a Paladin, and beats it in everything else except losing by a point in HP and Res.

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Eight reinforcements per turn, faster than I can kill them, and Gimle is made of diamond, stalling forever while waiting for the reinforcements to show up and heal him, then rip through the rest of my team. And while he stalls, he nukes stuff. This is absurd. Dion and Inverse can't blast stuff fast enough to deal with this.

It looks like it's time to enlist even more help. I decided to take a look at the remaining SpotPass sidequests, and it turns out that indeed, the enemies there are stronger than enemies of the same class in the Final. S20 and S21 have the weakest enemies, but I'm more interested in getting Valhart. S19 might just be easier despite its stronger enemies, but I'm not sure. S20 is probably the hardest of the three and Emelina is the weakest of the characters to get from it, so fuck that. S23 of course has the strongest enemies of all of them for obviously the best reward, but while Paris would be a great powerhouse to have around, I'm nowhere near the point of challenging him. I think the Lunatic version of his map is designed to be trouble for a maxed-out team of 30 characters. I'll stay away for now.

I still haven't completed RvB 2/3. While Eirika and Lyn would be worthless at this point, I should be able to get some Exp and I now have enough gold to afford the weapons the maps would use up, assuming I can stick to the weaker ones. Perhaps more importantly, the Bride's Bouquet would allow Elincia to upgrade her Cry while retaining staffs for improved support, and Iote's Shield would be a great boon for Inverse.

I think I'll go for the remaining RvB maps, then S19 and S21 if I can manage them.

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