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1. Balcerzak: Everyone agrees, he hasn't said enough to formulate an opinion on.

2. Prims: I posted my thoughts about Prims in the previous post.<br style="color: rgb(7, 55, 2); font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(239, 255, 240); ">3. Shinori: No idea.

4. Proto/Luster Purge: Just got subbed, nothing to say so far.

5. Helios: Caught a scummier vibe from you, but you seem to be working hard to change that. I like you post a few pages back, took that into account when I posted about Prims. Don't really agree with it, but gave me something to think about.

6. Bizz/Levantamos: I'm thinking Town Cop... hasn't really been saying much of value after she calmed down.

7. Aere: Me.

8. Marth: Honestly, you're trying to attack people left and right. You've tried to gather opinions on all other people, and acted generally scummy. Following your idea of the one in/experienced mafioso, you sure fit the bill for the new mafia member.

9. Strawman the Sprite Dude: Silent...

10. scorri: Said he had no opinions, I have none on him, either.

11. Kay/Centurion: Super Silent...<br style="color: rgb(7, 55, 2); font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(239, 255, 240); ">12. Manix: Nothing of value has been posted.

13. Excellen: You've also been pretty scummy, maybe your headbutts with Marth could be an act? I doubt it though, so I'll hesitantly go along with the consensus of scummy town.

14. Darros: You seemed a but complacent earlier in the thread, but that doesn't seem very scummy... just self-important. I wanna keep an eye on you, too.

15. Rapier: Started off slightly scummy, nothing past that.

16. TheTinyImp/Folgore Pink: You posted your opinions, but haven't discussed much.

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Bal tends to be more under-the-radar when he's scum and he's doing it this game and I think he would be a great lynch choice/pressure choice because of this

also, scum tend to do that "I think I know what role _____ is hinting at" to make it look like sound contribution

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cops tend to be generally helpful roles compared to the role I have. Also, scratch me having a plan--I think my plan would do more harm than help, so all in all I really don't know how to play my role, but I can still prove it tonight to everyone if you want me to.

I don't think Darros is scum and Helios is neutral to me, please don't lynch darros

and marth, you're silly

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OK, I'm back. 5 hours later than I thought I would be, but mom has a swollen shoulder, and I had math and chores. :o

This is what I said exactly, which should show that my summary is accurate. If we look at the bold text, we notice that I do in fact understand why Rapier looks scummy (since he's the only person who has done something even remotely scummy) but since only half of us have even talked, I don't think it's wise to focus on it, especially since Rapier tends to act like this even when he is actually town if we look back at other games.

Well, it's a lead. Or a sort-of lead. But it's something to start with, simply ignoring it would leave us with nothing at all. And nothing at all is bad for town, last time I checked.

Everyone thinks Rapier is scummy? Last I checked, only you, Bizz, and Prims (sort of at least) thought that Rapier looked somewhat scummy, while Marth and someone else (can't remember who off the top of my head) didn't agree with Bizz's reasoning and reminded everyone that Rapier acted like this in other Mafia games even when he's town. For some reason, however, only my post seemed to stick with you. Why is that?

Your post came across as defensive to me, trying to refute the only "piece of information" we really had. The Prims stuff was kind of decided to be ignored because he can't post during the day.

Could it be that I stuck in your head because I pressure-voted you into talking? And with that meh-tier logic you're voting for me, the one who voted against you. Isn't that sorta OMGUS?

No. I didn't OMGUS. I would've still voted you if you hadn't put my name down in that post.

Point is it's kinda weird that only my "defense" of Rapier stuck in your head while others agreed that based off the N0 post, it isn't wise to already assume Rapier as scum.

It's the only thing we had at the time. And you came across to me as defensive for someone who looks scummy to me.

Please refer to the actual quote, where I stated that "we don't have MUCH of a lead on anyone", not "we don't have any leads". A shitty lead is still a lead, but it's still shitty. I realize it's N0, and without anyone talking we're trying to find a diamond in a pile of coal. When the light hits a piece of coal and makes it shine, we start to get super excited and think maybe we can unearth a diamond. What I'm saying is rather than act so hastily, let's add a little pressure on other players as well, because when you add a ton of pressure on coal, it becomes a diamond.

Well, pressure is fine. Like I said, I didn't OMGUS. But not doing anything, because the chances we'll get any information that actually helps us is so small, doesn't help us get a diamond either. And the issue that we're talking about isn't not talking.

Someone obviously didn't read the next line yet (starting with "point is..."). I was showing you that based on a little evidence, we can come up with a lot of conclusions. I used the same amount of evidence (your argument with Rapier) and got a conclusion that you could be scum trying to fit in as town. How? You're saying EVERYONE (in reality 3 people) think Rapier is scummy and try to push that "fact" on everyone else (without much reasoning may I add). If more people can agree and say "hey Rapier does look kinda scummy doesn't he?", and they see that you don't agree with Rapier, then you'll look town. It's a common strategy. If one Mafia wins, all Mafia win, so it's common that a Mafia member will throw one of his brethren under the bus, get him lynched, and trick the town because he'll look like he was on the town's side the whole time, ensuring his survival a little longer.

It's a conclusion, sure. A little evidence can give you anything, but it's better than nothing. Because you know what we would have if I hadn't voted you and not thought about you and Rapier being scumbuddies? Nothing. I wanted to avoid getting no information on Day 1, because I thought it would happen.

Isn't that considered somewhat bandwagonning? Honestly you probably could have voted Rapier (who you admit has a better case as scum then myself), given some more reasoning, and watched as others agree and voted for him too. In the end, Rapier could have more votes than me and (in your eyes at least) the scummier one could possibly get lynched. Please understand everyone that I'm not all of a sudden changing my views from Rapier not looking scummy to looking scummy, I'm just refuting Darros' logic and giving what IMO would have been a better option for his case. After all, a good argument should have a counterargument in there as well!

I don't think. I thought bandwagoning is the same thing as sheeping, putting down names " because everyone else is doing it". I had my own reasons to put down your name, it just happened thatI wanted to avoid ties, which I already explained.

>People agree with me


But I doubt that would happen, and like I earlier said my reasoning was (or maybe I said it when I was writing this last night and had to delete it all), I think you're both scum, it doesn't matter what order you go in to me.

Hope you have fun! But when you get a chance, you should probably try and defend yourself. Again, I don't want a mislynch, and though you look the scummiest to me so far that doesn't mean you actually are scum, so my opinion on you still can change.

It was a lot of fun, thanks. :)

So, I'm going to hopefully get a few more replies and posts in, but it's pizza time soon. Life is busy lately.

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Bizz, is cop the role that visits people during the night to find out their role? If so, that's what I had garnered from your posts... if that's not what cop is, forgive me for being an idiot haha.

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It appears I don't have much else to say other than my reply. Hm.

Bizz, is cop the role that visits people during the night to find out their role? If so, that's what I had garnered from your posts... if that's not what cop is, forgive me for being an idiot haha.

Yeah, that's the cop. Usually the cop tells alignment as well.

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the third time:

i'm reading nothing cause i have no meta to rely on.

but srsly.

if you guys insist

1. Balcerzak: Inactive. his profile suggests he hasn't been on since yesterday. not convinced by this though because there's a good chance have the power to not be registered as online if they want to stealth ban or something.

2. Prims: definitely not paranoid gun owner and probably not miller.

3. Shinori Iris: inactive then got subbed. nothing

4. Proto/Luster Purge 13th Folgore White: inactive bastard got subbed. nothing

5. Helios: one of the heavy talkers. probably fussing over nothing

6. Bizz/Levatamos/CM4 END FLAVOR: throws out lots of scum reads and some people here just seem to take them up. nothing in particular yet

7. Aere; sheep

8. Marth; meta suggests scum, needs to start saying stuff that's interesting

9. Strawman the Sprite Dude; hasn't posted much but meh

10. scorri; homestuck girl. boring me.

11. Kay/Centurion; I miss her

12. Manix: has trouble understanding my actions

13. Excellen: aggressive bastard

14. Darros: did what was in my opinion a whole lot of BSing. nothing

15. Rapier; joined the BSing. nothing

16. TheTinyImp/Folgore Pink: inactive because of personal issues. hoping she'll restore her activity over the weekend.

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I swear I'm gonna start screaming. . .


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Votals (now with history!)

(1) Balcerzak: Marth, Bizz

(0) Prims

(0) Shinori Iris

(0) Proto/Luster Purge 13th Folgore White: Shinori

(0) Helios: Bizz, Darros, Darros, scorri

(0) Bizz/Levatamos/CM4 END FLAVOR

(0) Aere: Marth

(1) Marth: Excellen

(0) Strawman the Sprite Dude: Shinori

(0) scorri

(0) Kay

(0) Manix

(0) Excellen

(3) Darros: Helios, Rapier, Strawman, Marth, Manix

(1) Rapier: Darros

(1) TheTinyImp/Folgore Pink: Balcerzak, Excellen

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Hey everyone, just a general note from the peanut gallery; you can make good points in less than 10 posts. This is still D1 and we're on page 10 (40 ppp) and it's getting kind of ridiculous. I'm not saying that you shouldn't post, but put some thought into it, it makes things easier to read for everyone.

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kaoz, you realize that's just going to make people play less, and I have trouble focusing all of my thoughts into larger posts. Shorter posts are easier to read for people with short attention spans, too. I'm just going to pretend you didn't post that, because that's ridiculous.

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[5:29:51 PM] Kaoz: that wasn't my implication, I didn't mean to come off like that.. basically, what I mean is that the posts should have an actual purpose.. it's if you need two or three posts to express yourself, but at least you're actually saying something with them

[5:30:04 PM] Levity: ah, yes

[5:30:06 PM] Kaoz: it's fine*

[5:30:08 PM] Levity: I agree with that

[5:30:26 PM] Levity: You could have been more specific though, haha, like "at least make the posts relevant to the game"

[5:30:47 PM] Kaoz: yeah I should have specified that probably, sorry

[5:31:32 PM] Levity: it's okay

[5:31:38 PM] Levity: sorry i've been in a shitty mood

[5:31:49 PM] Kaoz: no problem

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I suppose I should comment, although I have nothing to add. I'd rather keep my mouth shut than speak aloud everything that crosses my mind, but that seems to be a scummy trait.

1. Balcerzak: Busy with little activity.

2. Prims: May have a reason to ask people not to visit him. I won't make any theories because the only way I'm going to find out what's going on is by watching.

3. Shinori: Iris will show up someday.

4. Proto/Luster Purge: Seems to be busy, he's a bit active but doesn't post oftenly.

5. Helios: I like the way he scumhunts: He sees things by a defensive and an offensive perspective, trying to rationalize through the situation, which I believe is what the Mafia players lack and need. I don't know what to think about his cautioness. I get neutral/town vibes from him.

6. Bizz/Levantamos: I don't understand her nor her logic, but that's the way she plays. Sometimes it really annoys me when she says something looks scummy or townish and she doesn't justify or explain it, acting more on instinct and vibes and impressions. Neutral vibes on her.

7. Aere: Rarely posts, doesn't seem to have a concrete thought about anything, or any ideas. I get scum vibes from him.

8. Marth: I don't see anything wrong with him. He's being cautious, but I think it's a newbie trait rather than a scum one. He is not as overcautious as he was on our last Mafia. Neutral reads on him.

9. Strawman the Sprite Dude: He doesn't post much, but he's seen posting and we know he's got a opinion about what's happening here. He has an active voice and tries to be helpful, I get town vibes from him.

10. scorri: Newbie, tries to help as much as she can, giving us her impressions and asking people what they think and talking about it. I get town vibes from her.

11. Kay/Centurion: Has been kidnapped by ninjas or something.

12. Manix: I don't know what to think about him. He's been giving his opinion based on the discussion, but he hasn't been contributing with anything yet. Neutral vibes from him.

13. Excellen: I'm having a hard time figuring out what I don't like about him, his playstyle or his actions. Maybe both. They cloud my judgement, so... Neutral vibes from him.

14. Darros: Says I am really really scummy when I did nothing really really scummy. Says everyone thinks I'm scummy when that's not really the case. Says Helios protected/defended me and that he's my scumbuddy just because he didn't agree with them. For me he's just being opportunistic of my situation (which isn't a big deal at all) and overdramatizing what really happened. He even confessed to being opportunistic and called it a good thing, not caring at all if it would be a mislynch or not because we have to lynch someone, although D1 had only began and we were still talking about things. Scum vibes from him.

15. Rapier: ...

16. TheTinyImp/Folgore Pink: Comments, answers when called... Neutral vibes from her.

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Just posting that to clear the misunderstanding up.

At any rate, I'm going to try and gather up my general opinion right now since I've read this day phase in chunks and might have missed some things, so this is only tentative. One, I don't know if Bal is merely busy then or not, but his style still strikes me as scummy this game (see earlier post as to why, since I don't want to spam up this thread by repeating myself).

Most of the shorter posts that I make are due to me being on my phone and all.

I think Helios would be a better lynch target than Darros, and I'll switch to him at the end of the day if I have to, but at the same time, now that I'm reading some of Helios's most recent posts, both of them are looking like bad lynch choices to me. I'm still saying we should go for Bal and at least start poking some other players (although it seems like people are quite busy lately?), since there are still a fair amount of people that haven't stuck out to me yet due to lack of posts.

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