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Why do I have this feeling that Marth keeps targeting people he has a feeling won't be affected by anything so that he doesn't prove his role? I've had my eye on him for a while, but I keep debating whether or not he he's scum or just new to the game and making mistakes.

Impy was on my scum list, and not just because of her inactivity but the way she responded to being pressure-voted and only replied to defend herself. Snike hasn't done anything yet to scream "yo I'm town!" either so I think he's a suspect too. I don't have much reasoning besides that though. Not much to work with here haha.

From the beginning of the game I had a feeling that Manix was a third-party. He hasn't done anything horribly scummy but hasn't really made much of a presence either. I think he's just trying to get by all lowkey until the end of the game.

Blitz/Darros is another one to keep an eye on, but tbh, though it's very possible to have a mafia safeguard, I don't see him as horribly scummy. I could be wrong here though. Is it normal to have town BG AND Safeguard in the same game?

Everyone else looks fairly townish...so far.

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I'm not entirely sure what to go buy. I still have my thoughts about marth and balc, but for the most part it doesn't seem that other people seem to think the same thing. Alot of people think marth is town last i read i think. Iono. My vote still stays where it is for now though.

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##Vote: Blitz

Unless scorri is blatantly lying about her failure in an attempt to get a townie lynched, since both of the people (Kay, scorri) that targetted Kay had their actions fail, it is most probably, IMO, that the safeguard fucked us over.

Based on everything I've summarized and all I am currently most wary about Balcerzak(13th implied powerful role then claimed tracker WTF, also hasn't been offering much insight on D1 and N1)

Tracker is a powerful role, in that it can catch scum in the act. It is by no means the most powerful of the investigative, but that's not an unlikely claim. I'm not going to lie, I didn't really start paying much attention until after D1 ended, for reasons of busy and not that interested in the game yet.

Is it normal to have town BG AND Safeguard in the same game?

I don't see why it wouldn't be.

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The one thing that is confusing me about Blitz safeguarding Kay is if anyone who didn't target Kay got a failed action as well. But the more I think about it, the more it makes perfect sense that Blitz safeguarded Kay to create a pseudo hitman for the Mafia. I need to think about this a little more, but seeing as we're running out of time I'm going to have to place a vote in soon.

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okay I'm here

And holy hell, I have some processing to do.

And being ninja'ed on votals. I was just about to do that as well...

##Vote: Blitzy

You know I don't like? People who vote someone for reasoning that the player doesn't have control over. Not to mention the fact that mafia safeguard is looking veeeeeeeeeeery possible right now. I have this feeling that there's something you're not telling us.

If there are questions of me, please, fire away. I'll be here all day.

It must be a procrastination thing that makes me so active. When I have no work, I'm not around. There's a correlation here, methinks. :/

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. . .I'm pretty sure I have more than six people playing this game.

A few minutes over seven hours before phase end.

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I bring you a long ass summary of day 2 with lots of explaining of my actions there and stuff. also opinions at the end.


Page 37: Balcerzak claims he was roleblocked last night. Marth claims he redirected the roleblock onto Balcerzak. Helios points out Aere seems to have been roleblocked as well. Marth claims Martyr. Balcerzak can't post the flavour and says he has to do with only receiving Failure for his night action.

Page 38: Helios mentions confirmed roleblocker in the game. Some bickering about the night actions ensues. Darros says he SG'd Marth.

Page 39: scorri makes a post about what happened at night. Suggests Marth's action has a lower priority than the block, or one of Darros, Marth or Bal is lying. Finds Marth most suspicious. Manix also doesn't like Marth, for the same reason as scorri. 13th comes in and tells us Marth isn't the bodyguard, and that he knows who the bodyguard is. This also makes 13th suspect Marth. Also claims both Bal and Marth could have been blocked.

This leads Manix to vote Marth a little later and scorri to wonder who the bodyguard is. Excellen comments Marth is a martyr who seriously fucked up on his role description, then asks 13th why he wants to vote Bal. Excellen then confuses what some martyr roles do and follows up with an activity vote on Iris. Helios comes in and points out that Marth went from "redirect to you" to "redirect to target".

Kay comes in and votes 13th, citing his awkward claim and his not wanting to out his night results. Excellen asks Kay if she remember's Prims's role and calls her scum. scorri asks if we really want 13th to come out with who the BG is.

My opinion: as we now know, I am the bodyguard. This made me trust 13th because to me he had confirmed his role. There was no second cop claim yet, which in my opinion implied he was town. Yet at the same time I didn't want to risk having to claim. So I kept silent about this matter. scorri's asking who the bodyguard is, is just weird to me. Several people had already said you shouldn't just claim bodyguard. In my opinion, 13th had more or less implied Bal was a town role by not outing Bal there and then on N1. This made me wonder why 13th would want to vote Bal all of a sudden.

page 40: starts off by TinyImp's first post in a while. Says Marth's flipflopping makes him awfully suspicious. Reminds 13th that she wants to know why he claimed, wants more theories on what happened to Aere and his role PM. scorri expands on the possibility of Aere not targetting 13th, but maybe instead going for Marth, and believes there's a vig instead of 2 mafia kills. Then votes Marth because she wants him to explain himself.

Helios arrives and concludes that if Aere targetted someone other than 13th, it would have to be Prims, Strawman or Bizz. Then goes off saying a mafia bus driver could explain Aere's failure, bussing Aere to Bizz who the mafia was going to shoot. scorri reminds us Aera might have targetted Marth who was safeguarded, which could cause his action to fail. Helios retorts by saying that Aere would probably not have, assuming that works, because he knew Marth would have been guarded by Darros, as was stated publically. Also assumes that Aere sticked to the plan because he wasn't around for N1 phase end shenanigans.

Marth then replies. Says he didn't know the difference between martyr and BG till Kay pointed it out, then was all "if mafia doesn't know I redirect other actions to myself, I'd be a less likely target" and stuck with BG. Then when he saw Bal was roleblocked, he was confused because what happened to Bal should have happened to him. scorri then unvotes Marth.

Helios then makes a post. Assumes Darros on Marth, Marth on Bal. Then falsely assumes a roleblocker on would mean Marth gets roleblocked and then Bal as well. If SG had been on Marth, Marth shouldn't have been affected by the roleblocker and and Bal shouldn't have been roleblocked. He ends up concluding Marth has been fakeclaiming and votes him. He then responds to a Marth posts and says nothing new. scorri repeats some stuff sai earlier.

My opinion: in my opinion tinyImp once again says a whole lot of nothing. While I guess Helios' claim of Aere possibly targetting is technically true, I see no reason why this is anywhere near probable. Also I doubt safeguard protects against the Oracle considering the Oracle uses a self-action. Roleblock will NOT cripple two people. Roleblock on Bal would have A)blocked Bal if it had higher priority than the martyr B) roleblock Marth instead of Bal if the roleblock had lower priority. This is all of course assuming the roleblock has higher priority than Bal's action.

Page 41: Marth starts off by attacking Helios over something he said before about it not being likely that Bizz would tell the truth about not using her role N1 like she claimed in the thread. He points out she found Bal scum, which is half-true at best. Also points out an earlier statemen about 2 roleblockers being alive was unlikely because there'd have been 3 in the game, then says Aere was a prime target for the mafia because if they killed and roleblocked him he would not be able to do anything. Then also claims it makes sense for the Vig and Aere to have targetted people who stand out less because mafia try to blend in. He ends by saying it's possible Aere targetted him because he found him scummy.

scorri comes in and tells Marth she still thinks it makes more sense for the vig to have shot Aere and mafia shot Bizz. Then asks bal to give his opinio about all this.

Bal posts in response to scorri. Reasons that 1)mafia roleblocked Aere 2) his target was shielded by a safeguard. First was a nobrainer move for the mafia, in order for the second to happen Darros had to be a mafia SG. Thinks Marth is town. Ends by voting Darros. Then responds to a post by scorri, but that is a repeat of things said earlier basically.

Manix enters the fray and gives his false theory of both Strawman and Vig targetting Aere for the kill. Ends up concluding either of Marth or Darros was fakeclaiming, with the more likely fakeclaimer being Marth. Manix concludes Marth might be the Vig and unvotes Marth. Helios then responds to scorri and Marth and reiterates what he said before. Also says he thinks there's a bus driver and wants Excellen and Kay to post.

Helios unvotes Marth citing he thinks it's town infighting. And that's finally the end to this goddamn page of WALLOFTEXT posts.

My opinion: Marth doesn't realize he's playing simple probability with nothing to really back it up because on N1 she had made it clear she didn't think Bal scum anymore. 3 roleblockers or redirectors doesn't sound too strange to me, really. Not everyone can be awesome information and protection roles.

The part of Aere being a very likely kill target for the mafia is complete nonsense from begin to end. Let's reason for a bit; Aere is Oracle. It's been requested in the thread that the vig shoot him and he target 13th. This means they could also have roleblocked him, at that point whether or not the Vig shot him would have been a moot point because the town would not be getting any info on 13th/whoever Aere targetted. This then meant their kill was free to spend on someone else. Someone else who might have found one of them scummy. Hello Balcerzak and TinyImp.

Also Marth. Mafia try to blend in but fail at doing so. Because they want their scumbuddy to not get lynched or shot by the vig. And because they have to fakeclaim. Bal's story makes sense except for the mafia SG bit. This because there could be a driver. scorri has claimed driver now and I'm curious who she targetted N1. Manix forgets that if Strawman had hit Aere, Prims would have been there to stop the attack, which means there's a solid chance he blocks the Vig as well. This would be stupid part on Prims's part and therefore not likely or impossible. Then votes Darros. scorri then also votes Darros.

The fact Manix just outs Marth as a possible vig is just scummy.

Page 42: Excellen starts off by giving some opinions. Notable ones are Bal(became active so not scummy anymore), Marth(village idiot but town), Manix(Possible vig claim you want ot keep to yourself), Darros(not unlikely mafia SG) and TinyImp(inactivity). We get a phase extension. TinyImp shows up, finds the idea of mafia SG unnerving and repeats some other people's words again.

Kay shows up and finds mafia SG unlikely, says that if scum SG was there it would double like a weaker hitman since they could block protective roles. Darros subs out. 13th shows up, claims there's something strange about Bal which causes him to be suspicious but not worth enough to vote, and finds Darros suspicious for subbing out when he has suspicions laid on him.

Marth votes TinyImp. Helios shows up, like Bal's interpretation of what happend N1, and goes on to state that none of this clears 13th from being mafia. Claims that 13th might not have wanted to claim Bal's role to town because they'd realize how powerful it was. Says that if Bizz had targeted Bal, Marth would have been kidnapped too and reiterates some earlier points. Wonders if there's a 3rd party bulletproof since there was a serial killer.

Marth agrees with Helios 13th isn't clear yet and that he understands why the mafia would target Bizz. Falsely reasons that if Bizz had targeted him, his action would have been nullified. Also thinks Bal is safeguard. scorri says she's pretty sure someone's action is nullified if they die. Asks eclipse for confirmation and gets an infamous TEE-HEE~! from everyone's favourite dictator.

Helios replies to Marth and the only worthwhile thing he points out is that Bizz was a kidnapper and not just a roleblocker. Marth responds to this by saying the mafia could have targeted Prims and Excellen for kill. He then says he changed his target mid-phase and refused to say his first target was. Helios points out to Marth what I point out in my opinion, so I will not repeat. Then he re-explains his Bus Driver theory, roleblock inception occurred between Marth and Bal and the bus driver switched 13th and Bizz around, in the end Aere's role working but targeting Bizz instead of 13th.

Kay walks into the thread, is disappointed with no 13th lynch and claims full cop. Says she doesn;t find Darros scummy but does 13th. And since there wouldn't be two cops in town 13th was almost certainly mafia. Says she got two results on Excellen and no alignment on him. Helios says he had a feeling this game had a town fullcop and mafia role cop, assumes it makes Excellen town and wonders if lynching 13th would benefit the town.

Blitz posts his first, points out that if Marth was on Bal he should have been kidnapped. Concludes Marth could be a lightning rod or is lying about his role or priorities screwing with the players, which shouldn't be the case. Votes Marth.


My opinion: 13th's claim of scumvibe on Darros for subbing out when there's suspicion on him, when he faced much more suspicions on D1 is just lols and inconsistent, bad logic. Helios once again provides bad logic, if anyone gets kidnapped, this is featured in the night flavour. The "bulletproof" in this case would be Prims. There is no post stating Bal is SG so I assume Amrth misread something somewhere. I was willing to believe Prims as kill target, but me? Really? The way things were going I was going to get lynched D2 or D3 so why waste a kill on someone who'se gonna cause his own death? And not kill the better target?

In truth I was surprised Kay even targeted me and even more surprised she got two reads on me. I am left wondering why Marth would have been roleblocked, as Blitz claims he should have been. Also amazed he ignores Kay's post.

Page 44: Helios says, marth is martyr, he protects his target against all actions targeted against it. he tragets bal, bal gets roleblocked that should have passed on to marth. since marth is roleblocked he isn't protecting Bal anymore, therefore bal gets blocked by the same action. Also claims priorities aren't in this game. scorri says there are priorities, they just can't be messed with. Also claims the roleblock inception shouldn't have been able to occur because Darros was on Marth.

Kay says she's worried about Excellen and that one of the two roles she got on him looked scummy and wonders if it's a twins role of the sort. States she didn;t want to waste an action on someone who was going to be revealed. Marth unvotes... someone... and votes 13th.

Manix wakes from slumber and questions why Kay got two results on Excellen, and he has ideas what that would mean which has it's implications on his earlier claim of vig marth. Also falsely accuses Excellen of him not liking putting out his reasoning.

Helios responds to Kay and wants to know how the twins role thing Kay suggested works. Votes 13th. Kay points to some weird roles in schoolboy mafia that could have actions happen to each other but she doesn't understand how it works and says she didn't investigate excellen twice but got 2 results from 1 investigate, and that she didn't get alignment like she was supposed to. Marth suggests Excellen might be 3rd party, and confirms that his actions redirect all actions aimed at his target towards him.

Manix gets confused. Helios doesn't find the idea of twins in this game surprising.


I don't know what happened on N1, but what I do know is that Helios... said... some fucking retarded shit right there. And I find it just odd nobody ever pointed it out.

Page 45: Blitz wants to know who Bal targeted, scorri repeats Excellen is a third party and 13th is looking suspicious and wants both of them to talk. also doesn;t trust Blitz. Blitz unvotes Marth and plans on idling on N2. Kay says Excellen's scummy role was a redirect/persuade. Excellen unvotes Blitz and tells people not to lynch 13th. scorri unvotes and votes 13th. Blitz votes Excellen. Marth supports the following acts: lynching 13th, and vig on Excellen N2 if 13th is scum. This because 13th claimed there was a bodyguard role and the second result of Kay sort of fits the bill claiming Excellen might be a bodyguard with a vote effect.

My opinion: Marth. If even you think you're sounding stupid. You want to check on your own reasoning in that case. I mean, this hurts man. Don't just go off thinking something if you abso-fucking-lutely don't have any snippet of evidence for it. That's just an excersize in futility. Now on to my not wanting to lynch 13th.

I was being stupid and had not followed the thread properly, in addition to stuff I said earlier. The end. Now that I've read the entire thread again I can agree 13th looked scummy, but at the time I thought well, it's basically a 50/50 chance right? and if we lynch the town one and shoot the maf one next phase we won't have anyone left. Yes, that was pathetic reasoning.

Page 46: Marth immediately eats his words. scorri asks excellen why he doesn't want to lynch 13th. Kay tells us the character names she got on Excellen were Asuka Tenjoin and Asuka Kazama. scorri unvotes and doesn't trust excellen or scorri. Helios thinks Excellen is more likely to be Asuka Tenjoin because it's a YugiOH character and it fits the whole schoolgirls theme. Assumes Excellen's role has something to do with Asuka Kazama. Thinks Excellen's ability has something to do with a yugiOh card and that there being a redirector would mean his Bus Driver theory was correct.

Excellen comes in and explains his own role PM only mentions Asuka Tenjoin and falsely assumes that eclipse doesn't seem like the kind of girl to know Tekken canon but that's just him guessing. And that he would like people who have a name from Tekken to speak up. Says he has no secondary ability mentioned, finds it strange Kay got 2 role PM's in one inspect anyway and points out he left some slight hints why he feels 13th isn't a good lynch target.

Kay corrects Excellen saying she didn't get full role pm's as she missed the alignments. Excellen asks if Kay is a JoaT. Balcerzak says he targeted Manix N1 and wouldn't mind 13th outing his role to confirm himself. Helios asks Kay if she got all the other information from another inspect, if not it would clear up some confusion on Excellen's results.

scorri votes Excellen for the results Kay got. Excellen retorts by saying Kay would have voted him if she found him scummy enough and that was because the Tenjoin he mentioned coincided with Kay's town role in the results. Helios mentions Asuka Tenjoin becomes kind of evil for a little while because she's brainwashed and goes off trying to make a bridge between canon and his supposed role. TinyImp comes in and is confused. She thinks Excellen is third party and doesn't see 13th and him as scumbuddies.

My opinion: Eating my own words like this may sound strange, but the name Asuka Kazama came from somewhere and it might have come from eclipse. Also I think Asuka Kazama was a schoolgirl at some point in Tekken canon. Also I really did drop some very slight hints, and I doubt you would have gotten them. As for the JoaT thing, hey I'm a dumb fuck who doesn't read. Someone getting strange results is not a scumtell. for god's sake scorri. there's a gazillion possibilities why that could have happened.

Helios, deel free to try and explain or answer some of the following things. Is DJ Lilith knowing occult stuff canon? Does she die at some point? What does her death cause? AKA Can her canon be tied to her role? Apply to Bizz and Rapier as well kthxbye. That's right, it's a common problem in psychology. Everything can be interpreted as everything.

Page 47: Excellen says Helios isn't making sense. Manix tells us he can't redirect or roleblock when targeted. Says his character's actions make perfect canonical sense and the theory shouldn't be discounted yet. Doesn't like Excellen's protection of 13th and votes him. Shinori/Iris claims one shot vigilante. This causes Manix to assume Strawman had hit Aere alongside the vig once again.

Marth questions Manix for voting Excellen on basis of 13th being a better target. Then posts thoughts on how he's fairly convinced Excellen is the persuader because Rapier got lynched over him on D1. Claims Excellen tried to find a new lynch target on D1. Marth and Manix have a little discussion and Manix ends up saying he thinks Excellen is more dangerous. Shinori makes a big post basically saying he thinks 13th is a better lynch idea because he can see what the roles of those who haven't claimed yet. Ends up voting 13th. Some other stuff happens but nothing is worth summarizing.

My opinion: Let's fact-check Marth's claim. Votals were 1 on excellen and 4 on Rapier. There was no case where a nullified was necessary, nor was there no one who claimed they were forced to vote a certain person which they would have undoubtedly done had they been persuaded. Then the me finding a new lynch target thing. Which was complete nonsense. What happened D1 was basically this: bizz is suspicious of Rapier, everyone defends him, Bizz eats her words, Darros comes in and accuses Helios and Rapier, this gains a little momentum , then flips to Darros majority. Excellen acts stupid and Bizz says people not to lynch Darros, so Excellen gets some votes. In the end everyone wants to avoid a tie and wagons Rapier without me doing so much as lifting a finger.

So... Marth had tried to incriminate me. Quite intriguing.

Page 48: Kay responds to one of my dumb posts. Gives opinions. Notable ones: Bal(most town player alive), 13th(scum), Helios(townish), Marth(not making sense, slight scum). Excellen(scummy, started acting more like town), Blitz(slightly town) and TinyImp(slighlty suspicious). Helios once again states the idea someone fakeclaimed. scorri states Excellen seemed to know which of the names mentioned belongs to which role.

Also doesn't think keeping 13th around isn't the worst idea because there was still a chance of him being town and because Excellen apparently messes when investigated, seems to know too much and is defending a scummy person. Marth retorts by saying lynching 13th gives more information on who is maf than Excellen. Helios agrees. Bal makes a big post which doesn't contain a lot of actual information. Kay tells us her N0 result was Sandrilene fa Toren, Town Tracker. Helios notes Excellen's side role might screw up information results a little.

My opinion: This is completely unfounded or outright lying. Kay herself said the Kazama role was the suspicious one. This immediately means the other implies town and hey guesswhich name was mentioned in my role PM?

I'm really not liking how scorri tried to pin the lynch on me here. I've already defended myself for the seems to know too much part and that's just a rationalization based on evidence commonly available. The part of gives funny results, like I've said before, can be due to more things than things I know about. All in all this is below scorri's ability and I'm thinking her scummy for it. Kay's N0 result nicely fits into Balcerzak's claim. she also found him the least scummy person before which means she targeted him N0.

Page 49: some discussion, then Bal drops votals, Excellen(Blitz, scorri, Manix) and 13th(Kay, Helios, Shinori, Bal) Manix switches votes to 13th. Balcerzak tells us he would have prefered lynching one of Blitz or Marth.

Page 50: 13th reaches majority and is lynched.

Actions we know of:

Night 1 actions

Balcerzak: Manix > claimed tracker > action was stopped or target not there

Marth: Bal > claimed marty

Darros: Marth > claimed safeguard

Excellen: Balcerzak > claimed bodyguard

Aere: Either did not target 13th or was blocked in some way > oracle.

Bizz: idle > jailer/kidnapper

Shinori/Iris: Aere > Vig

Mafia > shot Bizz

Driver > did something

Kay: Excellen > full cop

[spoiler=Phase end D2]


13th: Kay, Marth, Helios, Shinori, Bal, Manix

Excellen: Flint, scorri

13th flipped mafia role cop.

Opinions after this phase:

Balcerzak: pretty much confirmed town, and the only one at that

Shinori/Iris: nothing yet again due to their inactivity

Helios: Overall still town

Marth: Marth messed up his role and his defense but in the end pushes for a 13th lynch. townish to me

scorri: continued fom the mixed reads I got from her earlier... Remember Helios's Bus Driver theory? Remember she claimed Bus Driver? Remember how Kay got shot on N2? Remember scorri drove her and me? Realize that shot was meant for me but I probably got roleblocked which I assume was meant for Kay? Remember how she tried to talk you guys out of lynching 13th on D2, stating that 13th could always be lynched another day? Remember how she then tried to pin a lynch on me? Yes. I see no reason not to suspect scorri.

Manix: neutral.

Blitz: Also voted me on D2, which makes me think he and scorri are connected by faction

TinyImp/Snike: has not attempted to be less fishy.


Balcerzak: pretty much confirmed town, and the only one at that

Shinori/Iris: nothing yet again due to their inactivity

Helios: Overall still town

Marth: Marth messed up his role and his defense but in the end pushes for a 13th lynch. townish to me

scorri: continued fom the mixed reads I got from her earlier... Remember Helios's Bus Driver theory? Remember she claimed Bus Driver? Remember how Kay got shot on N2? Remember scorri drove her and me? Realize that shot was meant for me but I probably got roleblocked which I assume was meant for Kay? Remember how she tried to talk you guys out of lynching 13th on D2, stating that 13th could always be lynched another day? Remember how she then tried to pin a lynch on me? Yes. I see no reason not to suspect scorri.

Manix: neutral.

Blitz: Also voted me on D2, which makes me think he and scorri are connected by faction

TinyImp/Snike: has not attempted to be less fishy.

Again, I see no reason not to suspect scorri. That's where my vote is going to be. I won't be around for phase end so my vote on her is final.

##Tee-hee~!: scorri

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##Vote Blitz

I'm honestly see-sawing right now between Marth and Blitz, but I'm leaning on Blitz right now. Earlier in the game I figured either Darros/Blitz or Marth was lying about something. Marth's logic is -- strange -- to say the least, and it's very possible he keeps targeting others who don't have a chance at getting killed so he doesn't get found out that he's fakeclaiming. Whatever happened in N1 is still sort of a mystery as well. However, the fact that everyone who targeted Kay (including me) had their action fail, is strange. It's not like me, Scorri, AND Excellen were roleblocked. Blitz could have easily safeguarded Kay to create a pseudo-hitman. So I'm gonna lean on Blitz. If he flips town though...I don't even know.

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scorri: continued fom the mixed reads I got from her earlier... Remember Helios's Bus Driver theory? Remember she claimed Bus Driver? Remember how Kay got shot on N2? Remember scorri drove her and me? Realize that shot was meant for me but I probably got roleblocked which I assume was meant for Kay? Remember how she tried to talk you guys out of lynching 13th on D2, stating that 13th could always be lynched another day? Remember how she then tried to pin a lynch on me? Yes. I see no reason not to suspect scorri.

Hold a sec. Why would the maf go after the bodyguard? Unless you mean you had the intention of taking it, in which case, fine. But, considering all the people whose abilities were blocked from targeting Kay, I would imagine that the (very probable) safeguard would have prevented all of them, meaning that the whole bus driver thing is very possible, and basically the maf got a pseudo hitman.

Mafia wouldn't have roleblocked Kay. The kill would have been enough, because, just think; what good is a night result if you're dead? Considering the whole safeguard thing, it seems quite likely that anyone who targeted Kay would have failed. Bus driver failed, bodyguard failed, Helios failed (for whatever reason). There are too many failures for it to have been because of the bus driver. It has to be safeguard or for some other reason. But right now, it's most likely because of the safeguard.

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I still think I was redirected on to Kay

but feel free to lynch me and find my alignment(which is town)


I think safeguard is a throwaway role anyways, so I don't really care if the safeguard gets lynched

I wouldn't want to lynch the mayor though

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@ Excellen: When I meant new lynch targets,at that point I thought you wanted me lynched, so yeah.

Also I thought you had voted for Rapier in D1 and because you and Rapier were tied in D1, if you were persuader, it makes sense he'd be lynched.

SO I checked back on the thread and saw that you didn't vote for anyone at the end of the day. *facedesk*

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:facepalm: The amount of votes in this topic is depressing.

I'd more make a case for a lack of discussion, really. I know I'm one to talk.

The only person who hasn't voted is Marth. Ahem.

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I guess I feel like I'm not sure what else to say. I think that Excellen's reasons for voting for me aren't really great since I feel that the mafia were probably far more likely to try and kill the doctor, and that there were three people who had actions failed. Besides that, I still don't trust Marth, and am not sure about Blitz, but I believe that my vote is fine where it is, and don't see a point in changing it.

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I would vote right now, but come on, there's still time for phase end.

So is it safe to assume Excellen is the Bodyguard with a secondary persuader action?

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